Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 681: Who are you implying?

First of all, from now on, all players will be able to consult the five-member roster of each server team after the Martial God Altar is opened, so that they can clearly understand what kind of opponents they may encounter, and the strength of these opponents.

Secondly, it is also very important to announce the adjustment of the next opponent before the start of each game. With this setting, combined with the comprehensive analysis of the above list, it will make all future martial arts altars become clear cards, which will test the team’s performance even more. hard power.

But for Fang Yun, what he cares most about is the adjustment of 'increasing the number of substitutes'.

Other adjustments don't matter to him, whether it's announcing the big roster or announcing the next opponent, as long as the opponent doesn't hang up, it's still difficult to take advantage of him.

And this adjustment to increase the number of substitutes is very important in his opinion. After this adjustment, he will be able to bring more substitutes to the martial arts altar in the future, and the tactics will be more changeable. A huge enhancement.

After reading the maintenance content, he turned off the web page at will, and after waiting for a while, the client was finally updated, and he immediately logged into the game with a bunch of numbers in his hand after the update was completed.

As soon as he entered the game, before he could think about what to do next, he saw the friend icon of the Datang number suddenly light up.

"City Lord, gather at the clock tower, let's go to the May Day activities together!"

Seeing the news from the beast lord, Fang Yun couldn't help but be amused and did not refuse. He flew to the clock tower to join the opponent's team in the Datang number.

At this time, there were already four people in the Beast Master's team, namely his own lion camel number, Huasheng Temple of Sujiu, Huang He's daughter village, and Liu Siyu's Wuzhuang Temple.

Beast Master Sujiu and Huang He are already at full level, and now the experience is more for acquiring skills, refining magic weapons and exchanging potential fruits.

As for Liu Siyu, under his vigorous training, his Wuzhuang No. 1 has now risen to level 130. Although it is still more than 20 levels worse than the other four in the team, he can barely follow.

After Fang Yun's Datang was added to the team, this configuration was simply the standard for a proper fight, covering everything from seals to output to recovery.

But the problem is that they are doing activities now, and the most important thing about doing activities is efficiency.

With the configuration of their team, even if the beastmaster and Qiancheng can fight again, compared to those teams with four or even five outputs, they may not be able to catch up even if they step on the accelerator.

However, it is clear that neither Fang Yun nor the Beast Master cares much about efficiency. The so-called "No Brothers, No Game" is vividly reflected in these people. of.

After a while, as the time came to 12 noon, under the leadership of the beast, a few people immediately followed the large troops in the district and plunged into the just-opened May Day event!


Before you know it, it's night time.

Perhaps he often does activities with Fang Yun. After a long time, the current Beast Master has also become a ruthless leader machine.

No matter how much other teammates chatted in the team, the beast master as the captain diligently led the team and went between NPCs one after another.

At the same time, Fang Yun, who was lying down and brushing up his experience the whole time, was not idle.

For the Datang, which has no shortage of experience, he does not need to care about efficiency. For the Tiangong, which is in the stage of grading, this May 1 event is very important, because it directly determines whether he can be active in the event. At the end of the upgrade to level 155.

So at noon, after letting Datang follow the Beast Master and the others to play, he immediately switched back to Tiangong, set up Qian Swing Blade and Qian Chou, and finally pulled a trumpet and went straight to the event NPC.

You Qianqiu and Qianzun are the two law families in charge, coupled with Qianren's transformation at the beginning, when the output is full, the team he organized by himself has simply turned the beast masters into scum in terms of efficiency. .

After brushing the activities in the afternoon, the experience gained by Qianzun is almost twice that of Qiancheng. With a large and rapid accumulation of experience, when most of the activities are temporarily suspended at night, Qianzun has accumulated enough experience and directly rises to 150. class!

Since the launch of the Five Elements Xiuye ​​in the dream half a month ago, Fang Yun has completely treated the Five Elements Xiuye ​​as a serious business like running the ring. As long as the CD is over, he will immediately brush it.

Half a month of training in the Five Elements, plus running rings and mad liver on the phone, his Tiangong number is upgraded very fast, and coupled with the large amount of experience income from today's event, it is normal to increase to 150.

After the Tiangong was upgraded to level 150, Fang Yun temporarily disbanded the team, and then switched back to the Datang.

"This May Day activity feels like that. It's a little higher than the usual task experience, but it's not too high..."

"If you think your buddy is inefficient, just say it straight, and who are you hinting at? #ruthless"

"Why do I feel that old Huang Mingming is expressing it..."

As soon as he switched back to the Datang number, Fang Yun saw that the Beast Master and the others were fighting with each other in the team, and he was accustomed to this.

Ignoring these three pompous people, Fang Yun directly said to Sujiu, who had never spoken: "Sujiu, you can go to Xiaoleiyin Temple with me later, I have a number to kill life and death. ."

"Wait a minute--"

Hearing this, Sujiu didn't have time to answer when he saw the beastmaster who had been quarreling with Huang He and the two suddenly speak, "What's the situation, you killed the life and death and called the deputy gang, but you didn't call me? You look down on people, don't you?"

At the same time, Huang He, who had been bickering with the beastmaster, also immediately united the front, "That's right! I said Lao Fang, you are floating, and you only call crisp wine after such a difficult task, why, I'm afraid our brothers two hold you back?"


Seeing these two brothers, just because they lived and died without calling them, they immediately blew Fang Yun only felt dumbfounded, "I said, do you really understand or fake understanding? That life and death is casual. It takes several hours to kill, so I can only call him because the wine is indispensable. Wouldn't it be nice for you two to sleep a little longer? Why do you have to spend these hours along?"

"Then I don't care, you have to take me anyway!"

Facing Fang Yun's explanation, the beast master didn't buy it at all, and made up his mind to kill life and death with him.

And Huang He understood Fang Yun's intention, but he still said: "I understand what you mean, but I guess you are planning to help you kill life and death in the magic palace? During this time, I watched you spend the whole night in the bubble. On that number, I don't know how powerful it is after training. Otherwise, you can bring us with you. On the one hand, you can relax yourself, and on the other hand, let us both experience the power of the Magic Heaven Palace. "

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Seeing that the two of them were talking about this, Fang Yun knew that it was impossible not to take them. After thinking for a while, he decided to wrap up Yuan'er directly, along with Liu Siyu, who had never been able to talk. The team ran directly to Xiaoleiyin Temple.

The other four were the main force of this killing, and Liu Siyu's Wuzhuangguan was responsible for throwing medicines outside. After everything was ready, when Fang Yun drove his Tiangong number, everyone immediately threw himself into the life and death disaster. During the big break.

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