Xuanzang tied the luggage to his body, and when he finally picked up Miss Duan's body, a book suddenly slipped from her arms. Xuanzang was stunned for a moment, then picked up the familiar yellow leather songbook from the ground, and only Seeing that the reassembled songbook was in tatters, different fragments were jumbled together.

Caressing the tattered skin of the songbook, it seems that Ms. Duan, who can't read, puts it together bit by bit under the moonlight during the day and night.

A few drops of water stains fell silently, wetting the song book.

He didn't see the unpredictable gaze of the reincarnation behind him looking at Geben, but carefully put Geben in his arms, hugged Miss Duan, turned and left here, he tied Miss Duan behind his back, and carried Wuzhishan on his back .

Going over mountains and ridges again, this time it was even more difficult. Xuanzang buried Miss Duan in front of the nameless old temple, facing the vast and boundless Buddha, and returned to that city by himself.

In front of the dilapidated wall, there were indeed some still-wet paintings on it. It was a monkey carrying a stick, with a ferocious face, bared teeth, standing above the sky, despising the shadowy gods on the boundless smoke clouds in the distance, There are other paintings, but they are painted on a beautiful isolated island in the middle of the sea, a beautiful fairy stone.

An ignorant monkey among the monkeys, a god monkey with phoenix wings and crown feathers in the sky, and a violent and lawless monster monkey.

Xuanzang wondered, "Master, is this Monkey King?"

In front of him, the fat monk who was scribbling on the wall put down his brush, turned around and said, "Yes, this is the king of monsters, Monkey King. Xuanzang, do you gain anything from meeting him this time?"

"The harvest is great!" Xuanzang said: "With his help, I influenced the fish demon and the pig demon, and took them as disciples. There were two less demons in the world, and two more people who sincerely redeemed their sins. At the same time, I also understood my intentions, I met someone I really liked, I loved, I was hurt, I was obsessed with it, I realized it, and I lost her in the end.”

"You finally didn't fail this time... How about it, do you understand the real power behind "Three Hundred Children's Songs"?" The fat monk smiled.

Xuanzang said sadly: "Yes, I did not fail this time. But the price of success is too cruel!"

He suddenly burst into tears: "If possible, I would rather do it all over again. Why? Master, why? Why can't I do anything, why, I can't help being tempted? Why do I want the person I love to bear such a price? Is it only Xin Ru? In order not to hurt others."

"Master!" He raised his head, looked at the big monk with messy hair, and said in pain, "Can I ask you a question?"

"I know!" the great monk sighed, "I loved it!"

"It's not this question, master!" Xuanzang wanted to explain, but the fat monk interrupted him.

"I know, Bao Da!"

"Master, don't make trouble!"

"Save my mother!"

"Master has passed away long ago!"

"No date!"

Xuanzang finally said powerlessly: "Master, I'm telling you something serious!"

"I'm also answering you seriously!" The fat monk clasped his hands together and sighed, "I don't regret it!"

Xuanzang looked at him with strange eyes, and said numbly, "Do you know what I'm asking, Master?"

The fat monk smiled and said: "The answer is not important, but the process. Ask yourself, do you really need my answer? Or do you already have the answer in your heart when you ask?"

Xuanzang couldn't help but bumped his head against the wall, and said in pain: "I understand what I'm missing, but Master, I can't do it. I really can't do it. I can't make a choice, I dare not face it. Yes! I can't bear the heavy responsibility of learning scriptures, master, my disciple is unworthy! You chose the wrong person!"

The fat monk helped him up, and comforted him: "No, Master didn't choose the wrong person, you're just... just a little short."

The fat monk pointed to the painted wall and said, "This Monkey King, formerly known as Zhizunbao, is a bandit king. Because he offended a female devil named Chun Shisanniang,

It was the thirteenth lady Chun who lost her head when the peach blossoms fell to the ground, so the village was slaughtered, but he fell in love with a woman named Bai Jingjing, who was the thirteenth lady spring. "

"The female devil Bai Jingjing took him back to their lair, the Pansi Cave where Chun Shisanniang and Bai Jingjing's master, Pansi Great Immortal lived. By mistake, Pansi Great Immortal thought that Supreme Treasure had a destiny with her In other words, they have a marriage contract. But Supreme Treasure thinks that he likes Bai Jingjing. A Shura field between master and apprentice begins."

"In the end, in order to go back to find Bai Jingjing, Supreme Treasure deceived Great Immortal Pansi and let her fall into the hands of another big bandit, that is, Great Sage Pingtian—the Bull Demon King!"

"At the last moment, Bai Jingjing finally let Zhizunbao know the person she really likes, but it was too late. Chun Shisanniang approached them and killed Zhizunbao and Bai Jingjing together. Immortal Pansi swore in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva that in the next life, at the cost of protecting the Buddhist scriptures, she was finally resurrected and became a monster with magical powers—Sun Wukong.”

"But in the end, Sun Wukong still failed to save Great Immortal Pansi, and she finally died in his arms. Because of the shackles of the oath, he had a splitting headache, and let his lover's body slip into the sea of ​​fire by mistake, and be annihilated in ashes! Amidst such extreme anger and resentment, it killed the Bull Demon King and reincarnated him as a demon. In the end, it decided to break its vow and seek revenge from Guanyin Bodhisattva. It became a demon with boundless mana."

"That is, the king of demons—Monkey King!"

"No wonder he hates me so much!" Xuanzang said in a daze, "Could it be me, the Buddhist learner he wants to protect?"

The fat monk nodded and said, "Yes! It's you!"

"Nie Yuan!" Xuanzang sighed: "So, is this the source of Sun Wukong's demon nature? He became a demon because of my son and committed countless crimes, which also made me feel the pain of losing my love. Do you understand his grief and helplessness that day?"

The fat monk sighed: "Yes! He became a demon because of you, so you also lost your love because of him. In the end, you are still needed to save the demon nature in his heart."

"But he has a deep demonic nature, and he understands everything." Xuanzang shook his head and said, "It's not easy to fool...I mean, influence."

"That's right! Demons are afraid of encountering someone who understands in their hearts." The fat monk smiled and said, "It's a good thing he was sealed in Wuzhishan, so you have a chance. But beware of his cunning."

The fat monk turned around, but saw Xuanzang looking at him suspiciously, and he scolded, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Xuanzang asked: "Master, I was thinking, is Sun Wukong really suppressed by the seal?"

"Of course, you went to meet him! How can it be so honest if it is not suppressed and sealed?" The fat monk replied.

"The seal won't break?" Xuanzang was still a little puzzled.

The fat monk waved his hand and said, "That's the seal that the Buddha himself suppressed. How can it be broken? No way! It's there, it can't hurt even an ant. It's very harmless! If it's dangerous, how can I let it Are you looking for him?"

Xuanzang asked: "But I saw with my own eyes that he beat to death an exorcist who was going to exorcise the demon. It was so cruel."

"Is there such a thing?" The fat monk didn't dare to look directly into Xuanzang's eyes, and turned his head as if nothing had happened. Xuanzang said with bright eyes, "I saw it with my own eyes, and it is very reliable."

"Then the seal must be loose!" The fat monk sighed, "It's been five hundred years. It's the Chinese New Year in Heaven! Is it normal for the seal to be loose?"

Xuanzang still had doubts on his face, and he asked, "I mean, Sun Wukong was really sealed by the Buddha because of his many evil deeds? Could it be just demolition and civil mediation, and then he was compensated with a Wuzhishan Lingshan cave or something?"

"Who said that!" The fat monk jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on, and his face changed drastically: "There is no such thing! The monster monkey was born in the Huaguo Mountain of Aolai Country, it is all rumors, the ashram of Guanyin Bodhisattva Mount Putuo in the South China Sea is by no means a mountain of flowers and fruits."

"Xuanzang, you have to talk about evidence!"

He said negatively.

"Master, this is none of my business!" Xuanzang said, "I just ask, is it really sealed? Where is the key to the seal?"

"Of course he was sealed. Back then, I personally... I mean, the Buddha personally used the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra to strike it down from the sky, and with five fingers forming a mountain, suppressed it there. It is true, it is true, There is no lie!" The fat monk replied without looking back, with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"The key to the seal? It's the lotus flower at the entrance of the cave. Remember, you must never pull out that lotus flower." Pushing him away, the fat monk said, "What about influencing Monkey King and saving the world?" I'll leave it to you! Don't let Master down, go! Go! Don't make Wukong wait!"

He pushed Xuanzang out and waved: "Go!"

"Master, why didn't you say it earlier!" Xuanzang chattered, "Why didn't you say it last time, such an important matter, why didn't you say it last time? Alas?...Master." Xuanzang got a shoe on his head and looked When the fat monk had already taken off his second shoe, Xuanzang had no choice but to run away with his head in his arms.


The magician looked at Chen Xuanzang on the opposite side, and said seriously: "Is it like this?"

Xuanzang nodded and said: "That's it, that's why Sun Wukong became enchanted. Now with my master's guidance, we finally found a way to influence him. So I want to borrow the demon mirror from you, so that Monkey King can go back to the past and untie it." The source of everything."

Zhuang Bifan was already numb, he murmured: "Zhizunbao, Bai Jingjing, Fairy Zixia... No, it's Pansi Great Immortal. Why is this plot so familiar?"

"Make a wish to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to transform into a demon, and go to save Fairy Zixia..." Abe said with a stiff face, "This fucking is okay? Come on!"

"It turns out that Journey to the West, Conquer the Demons, is actually the sequel of Journey to the West!" Master Hans half-knowledgeed.

"It's very reasonable!" Viking Dahan Mark said: "The same director and the same subject matter, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Wukong sat on the cloud and looked at them, complaining: "Why don't I know, I still have such a past?"

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