"Let us welcome the first challenger in the arena—Master Xuanzang!" Wukong once again took over the burden of the host, and said loudly: "Master Xuanzang is an exorcist from the Guanlong region of the Tang Dynasty, and a master of Mahayana Buddhism. Disciple of Wei Gradient, he upholds the principle of "do not kill" to eliminate demons, and uses the means of awakening the truth, goodness and beauty of demons, and is the leader of the new generation of exorcists."

"Because Master Xuanzang doesn't have the ability to fight, according to the rules of our world's number one demon extermination conference, his apprentice will fight on his behalf in this arena battle."

"Now on the stage is Master Xuanzang's great apprentice Wu Neng, Zhu Wu Neng, formerly known as Zhu Gangli, who was once the top three demons on the list of demons and demons, the pig demon of Gaojiazhuang-Zhu Gang Mane. He became a demon because of love, and vowed to kill all women in the world who love vanity and indulge in appearance. He has killed countless people and has a lot of resentment!"

"Later, Master Xuanzang sacrificed his life to inspire him to awaken the humanity deep in Zhu Gangli's heart, make him correct his evil ways, and bring him back to his sect. Now he is the number one senior brother——Zhu Wuneng!"

Wu Neng shook the rake in his hand, the nine tines of the rake shone coldly, reflecting white light like snow, with a killing intent.

"Now invite the challenger to come on stage!" Wukong said loudly, but the exorcists below were silent, and no one stepped forward, just joking, everyone still vividly remembers the scene of Zhu Ganglu beating the nine-fingered beggar just now! Who doesn't know that the pig demon above is a stubborn stubble, for a while, those who know what to do, either judge the situation and decide to challenge the remaining two places.

Either prepare to observe for a while, to see the quality of Zhu Wuneng, and to observe the weakness of the pig demon.

And the people who didn't know what to do, although they were ready to move, but because no one came forward for a while, it caused a cold scene, and everyone couldn't figure out the situation. That's why Wukong invited several times, but no one came up.

Wukong had no choice but to light three sticks of incense, put them in the incense burner in front of the old temple, and said: "If there is no one to challenge within one stick of incense, then Master Xuanzang, the leader of the first ring, will defend the ring successfully. And update the rules, Because Master Xuanzang is an exorcist of the pet class, although the pets he took in challenged instead of him, there are still unfair problems, so after discussion among several of our judges, we decided to make compensation measures."

"This World's No. 1 Exorcism Conference, as a martial arts competition, has no rules against attacking trainers. In other words, as long as Master Xuanzang loses the will to fight, Zhu Gangli will be eliminated."

"Wait a minute?" The blind man suddenly raised his hand and said, "Where did the referee come from?"

Wukong explained: "The referees of the martial arts tournament are Shaolin master Jianglong master and Quanzhen master Jingming master, and mere subordinates. The referee is not responsible for judging the winner or loser, but only responsible for maintaining the results of the martial arts competition. Right now, save the lives of the losers. Avoid bloody incidents in the ring."

"There is only one result of winning or losing the arena—the one who stands is the winner!"

"Grandmaster Jianglong and Jingming have high morals, and I can understand that as a referee, but you are a nobody, and the hair on your body is so bloated that you can't see the color! Why should you be a referee?" The blind man questioned again.

"It seems that this gentleman has a deep prejudice against us people with hair!" Wukong said helplessly.

The blind man smugly said, "That's right, especially with your dirty hair, you look like a wild monkey!"

Xuanzang hammered his right palm and agreed, "Oh! This gentleman is very insightful..."

Wu Neng hastily tugged on his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Speak less!"

Wukong looked around, but no one was willing to say a fair word for him, so he had no choice but to say: "But as the host of the conference, I have no choice but to accept the first demon martial arts conference in the world and the third exorcism conference of the Tang Dynasty. The successful convening has made a great contribution. I proposed and organized this conference..."

"But before today, no one knew you, and you were still a nobody. Let me ask, how can an nobody be the referee of the world's number one exorcism convention?" The blind man spread his hands and asked the people around him.

"Damn!" Wukong scolded: "Don't be shameless, what kind of onion are you, dare to point and point at me here?"

The blind man sneered and said, "Look, with this kind of quality, how can you be a referee? I think that Bai Xiaosheng, the exorcist, is a well-known senior in our exorcism world. referee!"

Wukong looked back at Bai Xiaosheng, who was smiling and nodding triumphantly, and motioned, "But he's crippled!"

The blind man stroked the hair that fell to his forehead, and said, "Are you looking down on us disabled people?"

Those who lost their hands, feet, deaf, blind, demented, mentally retarded, imbecile, idiots, and paralyzed. The exorcist world is extremely dangerous when facing demons and ghosts. There are quite a few disabled people, and a large number of them stood up with a clatter.

Wukong was in a hurry: "Wait, you are a deaf person who can't hear anything. What are you doing standing up? Do you just come out when someone pulls you? And you, the saliva is left out, and your eyes are dull. You are clearly mentally retarded. Can you be an exorcist? And... Grandpa, you can't even keep your hands steady. You see, they are still shaking. Alzheimer, please don't join in the fun, okay?"

Master Jianglong advised gently: "Xingzhe! You have offended most of our exorcism world with one word! I think you are not able to sit still as the judge of the world's number one exorcism conference. You should let it go. Bar!"

Wukong was speechless: "Master, you are so straightforward!"

"Okay!" Wukong pointed to the cripples below and said, "I can go...but..."

Wukong looked up to the sky and screamed: "I won't be a referee anymore!"

Then he turned over and plunged into the clouds. It took a long time... before he could see the red glow among the clouds in the sky like fire, and the cloud heads kept rolling, like a sea of ​​fire starting a prairie fire. The sun jumped up, the morning star was shining, and a figure descended from the sky, stepping on the second cylindrical ring.

Its hair of invisible color is flying in the wind. It is six feet tall and its feet are on the ring, but it gives everyone a feeling of being shocked.

Wukong faced the wind and said: "But I can still compete, I am the master of the second competition."

Xuanzang was far away, waving to Wukong friendly and saying hello: "Hi! Mr. Sun, meet again?"

Wukong had no choice but to turn around and say hello: "Master Xuanzang, hello, long time no see. Why haven't you seen Miss Duan?"

Xuanzang clasped his hands together, smiled wantonly, as if he didn't care about anything, and said, "She's dead! Don't Mr. Sun know?"

"I haven't heard of this!" Wukong said sincerely: "Master, I'm sorry for the change!"

The two kept stabbing at each other, and finally an exorcist came out to challenge. Tianzhu's Vajra Wisdom chose between the two arenas. It was astonishing, like a tide, in front of everyone, it was overwhelming, and half the sky was dyed and changed color.

But there is Xuanzang's weakness of being powerless.

As for Wukong, who is unknown, although he has just shown a beautiful body, it is nothing compared to Zhu Gangli's astonishing monster aura.

King Kong Zhi thought about it in his heart, and he raised his foot to go to Wukong, but his senior brother Shan Wuwei stopped him, pointed in Xuanzang's direction concisely, and said, "Over there?"

King Kong Zhi thought for a long time before he guessed: "Brother, do you want me to be a blockbuster in front of these Tang exorcists and promote my Tantric Buddhism?"

Shan Wuwei shook his head lightly, and said, "Here, you will die! Over there, you will have a way of life!"

King Kong Zhi's pupils tightened, but he didn't ask any more questions, but went straight to Xuanzang's arena. Although the Daoshan arena was dangerous, King Kong Zhi was extremely tough. He stepped on the razor-like reef with his bare feet. Comparable to the master of subduing the dragon, the Golden Bell Cover has ten levels of skill, and he climbed up easily.

Then Bai Xiaosheng explained loudly: "Okay, our first challenger is the eminent monk King Kongzhi who came to Tianzhu. Master King Kongzhi once practiced naked in Tanggula Mountain for three years and subdued one of the most famous demons in Tubo. The owner of the corpse resting forest. He is one of the disciples of the Tubo national teacher Padmasambhava, and he came to our eastern land of the Tang Dynasty, especially to promote Tantric Buddhism."

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