Xuanzang knelt down powerlessly on the ground, with both hands propped on the ground, the scraped wound, the burning pain, in the half-dream and half-awake state where the memories of the previous life and the present life were intertwined, he said weakly: "Is this how it will be?"

Xuanzang raised his hands, looked at his trembling, bruised palms, and looked up at the golden monkey standing in the ruins under the rising sun, carrying a stick on his back, a feeling of exhaustion from the bottom of his heart , hit like a tide.

"Buddha... defeated!"

Xuanzang was speechless.

Wukong walked towards him and said: "Your palm is weak and weak, far inferior to Shakyamuni's original version, which is strong and powerful. At the beginning, my old grandson also broke one of Sakyamuni's hands before being killed. The immortals and gods of the Three Realms, reverently called the One Fighting Victory Buddha! Although there is a reason why Sakyamuni intends to give in, it is also because of the gift of the peerless divine weapon, the fixed star, and the precious iron from my benefactor."

"But it's my Sun Wukong who earned his great reputation with one stick after another!"

At this time, Zhuang Bifan completely gave up thinking deeply about the subtext that Wukong revealed these things, and just regarded it as a dream, with all kinds of absurd and weird thoughts, he said dully: "God, God, God of War...but change it From the point of view, this setting is really interesting!"

"Would the Buddha... be defeated too?" Xuanzang raised his head blankly.

"Of course..." Wukong said: "In this world, no one is invincible. You regard Buddha as a god, of course you cannot accept his failure, but Sakyamuni was only a person at first. At the beginning, he Before he became a Buddha, some disciples betrayed him, were refuted by the six masters of heretics, and were even expelled by Brahmins. Isn't it helpless?"

"Sakyamuni became a god and Buddha, he will not lose, and he cannot lose."

"It was you Mahayana disciples who drove him to the altar. Since then, there has been no Sakyamuni, and there is only one Tathagata Buddha left. But the Tathagata...is not Sakyamuni!"

"So Sakyamuni was able to defeat me because of his tolerance and magnanimity, which fulfilled our obsession to defeat Buddha. Tathagata cannot be defeated... A Sakyamuni who can be defeated, and a clay puppet on the altar, The Tathagata who is not even allowed to fail, who is closer to enlightenment?"

Wukong sighed: "So your Tathagata Palm is nothing more than this!"

"Even if you have the peerless mana, what are you still irreparable?" Wukong looked at Xuanzang lightly and said, "This is the second lesson I want to teach you, face the reality. Sakyamuni faced the reality, so he is completely enlightened. The enlightened being. He chose to avoid some things, but he also chose to face some things. But the Tathagata is omnipotent, you have raised him too high,

It can't get down, so in the face of this reality, omnipotent, and can't become insensitive. "

"Is it that difficult to admit that I can't do it?" Wukong asked.

"It's like you, who possesses peerless mana and the palm of the Tathagata, but you are still defeated!"

Xuanzang was speechless, and Wukong continued: "Because I don't admit that I am powerless, and when I see all kinds of injustice, injustice, resentment, and hatred in the world, I have all kinds of excuses, all kinds of lies, and deceive me: good causes and evil results, reincarnation karma. Mingming It is because the Buddha is powerless, but he insists that all living beings are reaping the fruit of themselves."

"Because you sit and watch the injustice, injustice, resentment, hatred and other sufferings in this world. You are powerless and can only escape, but you say that you are omnipotent, so that powerlessness becomes numbness. Because you refuse to admit this Insensitivity, and there are all kinds of lies, saying that all living beings are reaping the fruit of their own, while gods and Buddhas are still omnipotent, sad. Ridiculous!"

"The reason why I stand in front of you is to destroy your belief in life." Wukong asked coldly: "Let me ask you..."

"Chen Xuanzang, I only ask you today, Buddha, can you save sentient beings?"

Xuanzang clasped his hands together and said with difficulty: "Buddha... the Dharma can save sentient beings!"

Wukong continued to drink and asked: "Then tell me, how can I save it?"

"As long as everyone has a heart of compassion, as long as everyone converts to Buddhism, there will be no suffering in the world!" Xuanzang raised his head under Wukong's power and said with difficulty.

"Stubborn, obsessed with obsession!" Wukong hated iron but said, "Well, I will let you see the truth today!" After finishing speaking, Wukong jumped to the front of the old temple and the lonely grave, and the surrounding people The next door to Wuqianli was almost destroyed, but this old temple was still intact.

Wukong looked at Xuanzang's grave for Miss Duan, sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, and lifted up Miss Duan's grave amidst Xuanzang's mournful cry: "No!"

A dead bone, wearing Miss Duan's clothes, lying there quietly.

The magician frowned and said, "How is it possible, that he became bone so quickly?" Zhuang Bifan also frowned and said, "What is Monkey King trying to do?"

Xuanzang wailed, and rushed forward, pawing at the dirt with his hands and feet, holding the dead bone in his arms, and said to Wukong: "What else do you want to do? You clearly said that you will not implicate innocent people. She is already dead. What else do you do? Do you want to crush her to ashes to make you happy, and to prove your wild words that Buddha can't save sentient beings?"

Wukong didn't refute, but said coldly: "Look again!"

He pointed to Xuanzang's bosom, where there were still bones, Xuanzang felt his bosom sinking, he looked down, a statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva carved from white jade, at some point, had replaced the bones, lying in his bosom middle. Wukong continued: "Chen Xuanzang, why don't you think about it, why some people are so infatuated with you the first time they see you."

"Why would someone be obsessed with your sarcasm?"

"Why does Miss Duan just like you, and why does the Wuding Flying Ring definitely fall into your hands? Do you really believe that it is because of your courage? Do you really believe that an ordinary exorcist can make a fortune by chance?" The Sutra of the Great Sun Tathagata? Do you really believe that there will be unconditional love in the world that will last until death?"

Wukong and Zhuang Bifan said in unison: "Unless, this is fate!"

"It's fated that this girl will fall in love with you, it's fated that she will die in your arms, it's fated that you will be the one who learns the scriptures!" Wukong said calmly: "So, what is fate?"

Xuanzang stared blankly at the white jade statue of Avalokitesvara in his arms, and heard Wukong whispering in his ear: "Miss Duan is just a karmic connection between you and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Your love is destined. Her every frown and smile, One sorrow and one tear, although it comes from the heart, but what is her sincerity?"

"Compared to this, what is your sincerity?"

"Do you love Avalokitesvara?" Seeing Xuanzang's frightened face, Wukong asked, "What is that Miss Duan?"

"Now, tell me, as one of the mortal beings, how did the Buddha save you? Is Miss Duan considered a sentient being?" Wukong asked:

Under Sun Wukong's questioning one after another, Xuanzang's expression went from shock at the beginning, then to sadness, and finally even a little numbness. He pondered for a long time, and felt that his Zen heart was crumbling. He couldn't help but want to hate the fool. My own Miss Duan couldn't help but think of the cute and clumsy graffiti behind the scriptures.

He asked himself: "Comparing your heart with your heart, is Miss Duan deceiving me? Is her love fake?" Xuanzang gave a negative answer. In the illusion of that day, he saw clearly like never before. She understood herself and saw Miss Duan's heart clearly. Only then did Xuanzang let go of the white jade Avalokitesvara statue in his hand, folded his hands together and bowed eleven times. He got up and left the cemetery without nostalgia or hesitation, he asked Wukong: "Mr. Sun, can I ask you a question?"

Wukong said: "You ask! I will try my best to answer you."

Xuanzang raised his head calmly and asked, "Miss Duan, where have you been?"

Wukong said: "Dependence arises and condition ceases, and cause and condition combine, and one day the cause and condition will dissipate. For you, Miss Duan is already dead."

"Then what is Miss Duan to the Bodhisattva?" Xuanzang continued to ask.

Wukong laughed and said, "Just a little trouble!"

"I understand!" Xuanzang closed his eyes and clasped his palms together, thanking Wukong, "Thank you, Mr. Sun!"

Suddenly, the magician felt that something was wrong with the demon mirror in his hand. He lowered his head to look inside, and saw that the shadow of Monkey King in the mirror was still brilliant and radiant, but the figure of Xuanzang was split into two. Xuanzang, who looked up to the sky and suffered forever, the two shadows became more and more clear.

The magician was shocked and said: "Monkey King didn't have a second heart, but Xuanzang did!"

Doubts after Tathagata's defeat of God Palm Buddha, sorrow of knowing Miss Duan's destiny, doubts of Sun Wukong's voice torture, anxiety of asking Tathagata whether he can save all beings, fate of origin and demise, sadness of being alone in one's life, love of one's life, but troubles The guilt of Jin Chanzi, the memory of Jin Chanzi's past life and the pain of the battle between heaven and man in this life memory, and all these, forced Zen's mind to shake and give birth to madness!

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, in the old temple, in the world reflected in the mirror, the water and the moon, among the five strange beads, which are either non-existent or non-existent, they seem to have sensed Xuanzang's heart. These five strange beads meet.

Sensing such a change, the magician suddenly changed his face and said, "Not good!"

Zhuang Bifan and others turned their heads one after another, seeing the magician panic-stricken and asking, "How did this happen? Why were all five magic beads attracted by Xuanzang?"

"What five magic beads?" Zhuang Bifan asked with a frown.

The magician's face was panicked. The five magic beads came from the Mysterious World of Divine Weapons. He took away three magic soldiers and five magic beads that had not yet formed magic soldiers.

Magicians came to the world of Journey to the West to subdue demons, because they wanted to use magic beads and strange demons, and their team worked hard to collect the power of mind and thoughts from many worlds such as Fengyun, Huofeng and Liaoyuan. The five magic beads of the gods arouse the magic thoughts of Xuanzang, Zhu Gangli, Sha Wujing, Sun Wukong and others, and cooperate with the demon mirror to cut out the magic beads of their two-hearted sustenance, so that the four immortals can be eliminated With two hearts, you can get a lot of rewards, and you can harvest five earth-shattering magic weapons.

The reason why he dared to say that he wanted to kill the Monkey King was because he wanted to use magic soldiers to create a Monkey King who had only crazy demonic thoughts and no reason at all. Only in this way can we bypass Tathagata and kill the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

But the only thing they miscalculated is Wukong's true strength.

But at this moment, Xuanzang awakened Jin Chanzi's Ninth Zen Mind, but was shaken by Wukong. When the magic thoughts were growing, the amazing magic thoughts bred by the Ninth Zen Mind actually surpassed the magician's imagination and broke through magic. The master's restraint triggered the instinct of the magic beads by itself, triggering the response of the five magic beads in one fell swoop.

On the back of Jin Chanzi's ninth Zen mind, the evil thoughts accumulated in the ninth life have been transformed into two minds, which are about to be cut out of Xuanzang's body and turn into a shocking demon.

The magician was sweating profusely, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible? Emperor Xuantian, who is so close to the martial arts, can only conceive one magic bead. According to our calculation, Sun Wukong can only contain his demon nature with two magic beads." Why is it that Chen Xuanzang's demon nature, which has attracted five magic beads, cannot be accommodated, and even wants to be controlled by Chen Xuanzang's single-mindedness?"

"The ones that were originally born should be five different magic beads without any sense of reason, not this kind of magic beads that are controlled by two hearts and still retain the wisdom of the body, and the five magic beads came out together!"

But at this time, it's too late to say anything!

Five magic beads shot out of the mirror and fell into the back of Xuanzang's head. A handsome, gentle, and elegant young monk wearing a moon-white cassock and a pair of eyes that were extremely agile, as if he could see through people's hearts, stood behind Xuanzang and turned his back to him. .

Behind those seemingly agile and penetrating eyes, there is endless madness.

A magic bead was thrown into his hand and turned into a nine-ring tin staff, one into a purple gold bowl, one into a brocade cassock, and one enshrined in his magic body, turning the phantom into substance, and one into For the ink color relic, hanging behind his head. The monk came out of the void and walked slowly, every move was graceful and calm.

He opened his mouth and said: "The little monk's dharma name, Three Burials, came from Chen Xuanzang's Zen mind, enlightened by Wukong's benefactor, and realized the hypocrisy of Buddhism and Dharma and returned to the truth. The meaning of the poor monk's dharma name is a devil's heart. Burial ground, burial common people!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Sanzan laughed wildly and said, "Let the poor monk deliver the funeral for all of you!"

The body transformed from the magic bead was extremely tall, but the giant palm condensed with mana almost covered the remnant peak of Wuzhi Mountain. An Pei Qingming roared, and eight hundred shikigami appeared around him. Under the palm, the speed of Baishen's defeat, the fast Abe was caught off guard, screamed in horror, and was patted into meat sauce without avoiding it.

Shikigami burst out with essence and blood, and was swallowed by Tang Sanzan.

At this time, Wukong sighed in front of Xuanzang: "I am not the king of demons, because I am no longer a demon king. But you really gave birth to a king of demons!"

"Tang... San... buried!"

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