Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 3 Forming the Alliance of Salvation

"Thanos!" Ares was not surprised, but calmly looked at the man and said, "You are not on your throne to appreciate the failure of your sons of Thanos, and you dare to come to the holy mountain of Olympus!" ?”

Thanos smiled and said: "In this magnificent palace, Olympus has everything that mortals ask for. Ares, as a god, why are you so dissatisfied? It forced Zeus to ground you here In the splendid palace, what is it that makes everything here unattractive to you, and makes you rather hang out with ordinary people?"

Ares sneered: "Thanos, you didn't come here to tell me these things!"

Thanos said: "I'm just pointing out a fact, war, Ares, you are longing for war, longing for killing, you are a god of war, but Zeus grounded you in this boring place. You should belong to the battlefield... like A Like Thor of Sgard..."

"Thor!" Ares' face was gloomy, and he said jealously: "Odin is so partial to him. And my father will only trap me here!"

Thanos sighed: "I brought you war!"

"Zeus can't allow me..." Ares stood up angrily and said.

Thanos interrupted him: "I have already explained Zeus's attitude by coming here. You know, without his acquiescence, I would not be here. This time, the target is the Nine Kingdoms, Midgard. Ares, you are free!"

Ares smiled. He looked at Thanos with sharp teeth and smiled: "Is our god king crazy? He has always forbidden me to provoke those false gods of Asgard, that lustful old man Ghost, I'm afraid that that crazy woman Hella will die."

Ares recalled the past and sighed: "The Nine Kingdoms, that was our hometown."

"You Titans were the most powerful back then. Olympus, Warner, Nine Pillars, and Asir ruled the solar system together with humans, elves, dwarves, and giants. At that time, the nine planets were called the nine kingdoms, and the Titans used to be The well-deserved rulers of the Nine Kingdoms, however, when the Titans were at their strongest, the apocalypse destroyed everything."

"Leave only you—the last Titan, hiding in the middle of the universe, and never dare to take a step into the Nine Great Kingdoms."

"Later, the group of Asa protoss, under the leadership of the crazy woman Odin and Hela, expelled the dark elves, subdued the elves and dwarves, and fought against the giants. Asgardians, from then on Odin became the ruler of the nine kingdoms, replacing your titan's theocratic power."

"What a pity, I wasn't born in that era!" Ares said excitedly, licking his lips.

Thanos smiled and said: "But when Asgard's theocracy declined, Olympus has grown quietly. When it first fought Odin, Olympus was still the three giants of God King, Sea King, and Hades. Of the twelve main gods, only Apollo is still young. But now there are you, Athena, and even Hercules, and Olympus is full of talents. And Odin is already old, and Thor can't support himself, and at that time Hela, the Goddess of Death, was feared by Odin and imprisoned in Asgard."

"Asgard's theocracy is no longer stable!"

Ares raised his battle ax and showed a bloody smile: "Then, as you wish. I will join this war. But Thanos, the condition is that you help me challenge Asgard divine right."

Thanos said calmly: "I will... and I will give you good news. Hela, who was imprisoned by Odin, may not be willing to be lonely. Perhaps the prophesied Ragnarok in Asgard is coming soon..."

"Asgard has long been destined to be my enemy." Thanos smiled cruelly: "It may not be enough with your help, I still need to convince a few helpers."

Ares said disdainfully: "Odin is old! Only Thor is left, do you look down on my strength?"

"Thor is not to be underestimated, and the people of Midgard also have some good people... not to mention,

There is also such a thing as the disaster of the apocalypse in the Nine Kingdoms. It is not so simple to get the six infinite gems that fall in the nine kingdoms and start a war that sweeps the universe. "Destroy the tyrant.

"Here, who are you going to find?" Ares walked out of the Palace of War God, and after finding that Zeus did not stop him, he laughed wantonly.

Thanos calmly highlighted a name - "Mephisto!"

"That old devil full of sulfur?" Ares said contemptuously: "He is a conspirator who can only do some tricks behind his back."

Mephisto, as a contract between the devil and the magician, lures the demons who have fallen humans. There are many of his famous works, all of which are seduced by the fallen human souls. The most famous of them is the one called Ghost Rider. contractor. He used to be the god of magicians. In the wizarding world, the European magic world represented by the London sanctuary had relied on his power for a long time.

Until the supreme mage Gu Yi established a new magic system with a trinity called "Visandi" composed of Agamotto, Hogos and Oxite.

European magicians who no longer had to sell their souls quickly abandoned Mephisto.

This is also the rare failure of this big devil in the world, so it longs for Gu Yi's soul.

When Mephisto appeared in front of Thanos, he was not a terrifying demon, but a thin, slightly hunchbacked, eagle-nosed middle-aged man with a mocking smile on his face.

"I know the great balance you are trying to maintain." Mephisto praised: "You are a victim, Thanos."

"But I won't help you in vain!" Mephisto pondered for a moment and said, "I want Gu Yi's soul!"

Thanos betrayed this powerful mage he had heard about without hesitation. He said straightforwardly: "No problem, as long as the Eye of Agamotto falls into my hands smoothly, your wish will be fulfilled."

"I will help you at the right time." Mephisto was cynical, tempting and depraved, but he was calm, deep, harmonious and witty, at least when Thanos exchanged terms with him, it was very easy. Devils are always like this. Before signing a contract, they always make you calm and relaxed, but when the contract is executed, it's another look.

As Mephisto said in his own words: "I am the spirit of eternal negation! Everything that comes into existence must of course be destroyed, so it would be better if nothing happened. You call this destruction, crime, and simply put it Evil, this is the attribute of my essence."

There are not many people that Thanos will contact next. After obtaining the promise of the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order, he opened a passage to the dark plane, where he met his third ally—— Mam.

Dormammu, who is greedy for the earth, agreed to Thanos' request for an alliance without hesitation. With the acquiescence of Zeus, the king of Olympus, Ares was the thug, uniting with Mephisto and Dormammu, At the same time, with the help of the three envoys under Tunxing, a destruction alliance against the nine major countries was officially formed.

They have their own interests. Olympus is to regain the theocracy of the Nine Kingdoms, Star Devourer and Thanos are to maintain the balance, Dormammu is to obtain the Earth, and Mephisto is to maintain the balance in the dark , and by the way, get the soul of the supreme mage Gu Yi that it has been plotting for a long time.

For these ulterior plots, they united together and launched the Alliance of Universe Saviors.

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