Chen Ang explained: "That is to keep trying, blind cats to kill mice, what if you kill the right person? Even if there is only a one-tenth success rate, if you kill ten people, you can sacrifice once! This is trial and error! This possibility is very high. When I just checked the information, besides Erica, some people were also suspected of being sacrificed. But either the eight gates were wrongly arranged. Or the relative coordinates of the nine stars were wrong. It is an unsuccessful sacrifice."

Danny was puzzled and said: "That is to say, the hand and society may kill a large number of people to try and make mistakes! Couldn't ordinary people preside over the sacrifice?"

Chen Ang put down his pen, sneered and said, "Could you do the math?"

Danny looked down and saw the complicated calculation formula, and shook his head in horror. Chen Ang added: "Astronomy is an extremely profound subject, and the calculation of the trajectory of stars is still an area where mathematical problems continue to emerge. Let me ask you A three-body question cannot be answered by ordinary people.”

"In ancient times, the development of mathematics actually relied on the promotion of astronomy practice. It can be said that astronomy is the mother of mathematics."

"This kind of problem involving the relative orbital coordinate system and timing calculation of the nine planets in the solar system is an extremely test of mathematics. There are many people in this world who understand occultism, and there are also many people who understand mathematics, but those who understand mathematics Occult researcher... then hehe!"

Chen Ang sneered and said, "You expect those wizards and warlocks to study mathematics and calculate the trajectories of stars?" Said: "See if that ninja is there, how much better can the people in the hands and club be than him?"

"So, the hand and will have to cooperate with Harold." Danny suddenly realized.

"Although the Harold Group is mediocre, it is still possible to carry out a project to calculate the trajectory of stars. With Harold's help, and with his own occult talents, it is possible for the sacrifice to be successful." Chen Ang nodded.

"Among the cases of cult sacrifices I have investigated, most of them have failed extremely."

"Most of their so-called sacrifices use bloody and terrifying rituals to impact their own spirits, causing their spiritual defenses to collapse, allowing some filth to contaminate their spirits. In terms of effect, these sacrificial rituals are similar to those used by those jumping gods. psychedelic herbal medicine."

"But no matter what Shouhehui wants to do, they don't need those fake rituals that replace psychotropic drugs." Danny said seriously: "Then, Ang Chen, we need your professional knowledge to analyze what those correct rituals will lead to as a result of?"

"The mystical knowledge that can really be connected to those taboos is quite difficult and complicated, and requires extremely high mystical qualities. Those real sacrificial ceremonies can summon some terrible taboos. Some of those things are demons. , some are angels, some are great spirits, and the most dangerous ones are called old gods." Chen Ang explained: "It's like the famous magic book, the Key of Solomon. A mage will gain power by summoning demons."

"This is orthodox magic!"

"But because it is extremely dangerous to contact demons, most mages failed to control the demons, and instead were taken away by the demons, such as the ancient magicians Faust and Dante, who suffered from this, so the later mages will gain power. object, turning to planes and beings without ego."

The old man kept a low profile and said nothing, but Danny suddenly asked Chen Ang: "Master, you once mentioned that the fate of the sacrificed person is mediocre. From the looks of it, the objects that are generally used for sacrifice are selected and have specific characteristics.”

"Such as Siyin, Siyang, or people whose destiny belongs to a strange situation, such as Siyin, Siyang, or Tianjue Xingxing, etc.? Why didn't the hand and society go looking for these people, but chose to use those whose fate is not surprising?"

Chen Ang shook his head and said: "She was selected, the most suitable sacrifice!"

Chen Ang returned to the telescope, rearranged the Qimen Dunjia, and explained: "Generally speaking,

The sacrificial person wants to use the power of the special fate of the sacrifice, so it is necessary to kill the sacrifice at a specific time and a specific place. The key point of this is the sacrifice... The time and place are chosen by the sacrifice's fate. "

"But this time, the sacrificial offering was chosen according to the time of the sacrificial offering."

"That is to say, for a specific time, a specific place, and a specific sacrifice, what really matters is the time of death of the victim. Knowing this, you can grasp the main thread."

Danny watched Chen Ang pick out five suspected successful sacrifices, but to his surprise, only three of them had the time of death, and the other two were missing persons. Chen Ang clicked on the map, Said: "The white man should have died last Wednesday at 9:45 p.m. in the northeastern urban area. This black woman will be sacrificed at this location at 1:05 a.m. the day after tomorrow!"

Danny stepped forward to take a look: "This is the dock area, the situation is very complicated, it is difficult for us to find a person hiding here."

"And, how do you know they are sacrifices? These two people have no time to die."

Chen Ang smiled slightly and said, "I told you that the first step in astrology is the nine celestial bodies, which is to use the nine planets in the solar system to build an astrolabe, so what about the second step?"

Danny suddenly realized.

Chen Ang said: "From the time I saw the picture of the "Necronomicon" you brought, I have understood the key to the entire sacrificial ceremony, and the specific time is the key. The "Necronomicon" is the existence of the wizard's summoning Among them, the most dangerous kind of existence - the old gods and the old rulers."

"Have you ever heard of a theory. The universe is a dark forest, and every hunter will take the lead in destroying those opponents who expose their position. There is similar taboo knowledge in the mage theory. There are some terrible existences in the universe. They are either Pursue destruction, or infect everything, in short, to complete some given tasks."

"It's either in their nature or in their choice."

"Among these existences, there are such things as the Burning Legion, Zerg, Chaos, Thanos, etc...these also include the old gods."

"Then the mages put forward a theory. When you need to achieve some similar purposes as those that exist, for example, to destroy a world, you don't need to make a big fuss, you just need you to send a signal. For example, call the Burning Legion, summon Spikes, contact Chaos, send coordinates to Thanos, Zerg, and Devouring Stars."

"Then you don't have to do anything, they will help you accomplish your purpose."

"It can be said that this is the most terrifying spell with the least price... It is also the most taboo knowledge for mages. The "Necronomicon" is the magic book that records this taboo."

Danny understood a little bit, his face became pale, and cold sweat dripped down, he whispered: "The purpose of the hand and the sacrifice..."

"That's not a sacrifice...that's a contact, it's a text message." Chen Ang said calmly: "The universe is too big! Communication and distance are very problematic. What really protects the earth is the infinite and vast universe. Discover the earth in the universe Such a planet is the most difficult problem."

"But for those people on the earth, it is not a problem to find the earth, it is a problem to tell others where the earth is. There is no such energy body on the earth that emits an instant signal to hundreds of light years away. "

"But next to the earth!"

"The sun is such a celestial body with sufficient mass and energy. For electromagnetic waves, the sun has an energy mirror gain reflection effect, which can realize interstellar communication with the help of the sun. But for the hand and society, it is estimated that the company can use the solar energy mirror The equipment that emits electromagnetic waves with the gain reflection effect cannot be manufactured!"

"The Red Shore base also needs the power of a country!"

"But the same principle can also be used in mysticism. The human soul, or quantum information, can be used as an information carrier for interstellar communication, and the taboo knowledge recorded in the Necronomicon, in terms of astrology, is actually based on The sun, the communicator, transmits a specific message recorded in the human soul in a specific direction."

"That is to summon the old gods!"

"It's not easy to use the sun. The sun emits countless gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation all the time. Who can call such a big phone?"

Danny heard that the seven orifices had been opened and the six orifices were connected, and he was about to die! Although Chen Ang used the simplest language, the eyes of the astronomy Ph.D. students from Columbia University next to him glistened, but Danny and Gunsou felt as if they were in the clouds and mist, only feeling a burst of fear.

Chen Ang continued to explain: "Fortunately, this call is being made all the time - the sun is being affected all the time, and of course only the planets around it are capable of affecting it. The nine planets are Like an invisible hand, the signal of solar radiation is constantly changing."

"Then the signal has been connected, and there is only one piece of information left!"

"Through the position of the nine planets, it can be calculated that at a certain point in time, the signal of the sun is only meaningful to a specific object. In short, it is the position of the nine planets, just like different phone numbers. To different star domains. To send the signal to the correct star domain, you must choose the correct time.”

"And after choosing the correct time, if you want to send a soul, or a piece of quantum information, to a distant place, you also need an initial trigger point. And that trigger point is the fate corresponding to that time. In this way, the whole ceremony is completed A logical chain—choose a specific time, kill the person corresponding to the fate through a spell ritual, send its soul through the operation of the nine planets, send it to the sun signal amplifier, and then send it to a specific star field."

"This is the internal logic of the entire sacrificial ceremony." Chen Ang explained:

Danny thought for a long time before he understood his explanation. At this time, among the doctors in Columbia next to him, someone raised his hand tremblingly: "So sir? That... the Hand and Society has sent the message to the hands of the old gods." Yet?"

Chen Ang picked up the pen and said, "I still have to do the math!"

He converted the time series of the stars corresponding to the five sacrifices, and then converted the data into the corresponding star field coordinates according to the extremely complicated calculation method in the "Necronomicon", and then began to observe on the astronomical telescope.

Danny asked softly, "Did they succeed?"

Chen Ang crossed out Erica's name and explained, "Erica doesn't have one!"

Looking at the tense Columbia doctors and the cautious Danny, who closed his mouth but was still very nervous, Chen Ang had no choice but to explain: "The star field corresponding to Erica was calculated wrong! They made a mistake In order to calculate the time correctly, I failed to match the coordinates on "Necromantic Art."

Chen Ang showed them the parchment photo of "Necronomicon".

Danny asked nervously, "What about the rest?"

Chen Ang checked again: "There are two coordinates, and the "Necronomicon" they got is wrong! Tell me, pirated books are bad! There are still too many mistakes in this version. There is one more... The coordinates are correct. That star field should be the constellation of Bootes, the α star of Bootes is also known as Arcturus, and there are three planets revolving around it. It seems that the old gods or their relatives are living here. According to the records, it should be Luo Eagle Star..."

"Yes, the third planet in the orbit of Alpha Bootes is the body of Roiger in the Old One. It is a huge piece of meat with countless tentacles and a pair of disproportionate wings... "

Everyone present was ashamed...

Chen Ang suddenly added with a smile: "But it disappeared!"

Danny asked nervously, "What do you mean?"

Chen Ang explained: "According to the gravitational wave observation, this planet suddenly disappeared three months ago. It caused the gravitational wave fluctuation of Alpha Boötes... Experts suspect that it may be a cosmic disaster."

three months ago...

The Soviet warship slowly passed by Alpha Bootes. In the void, a huge piece of flesh half the size of the earth was wriggling, and countless tentacles were densely rolled into a ball, but it was just a piece of wreckage. Most of its main body , was just vaporized by the Star Destroyer Cannon. And now, a Soviet fleet surrounded it.

The political commissar looked straight at the meatball that was making maddening noises without fear, and sneered disdainfully.

Then, eighty antimatter cannons fired collectively, annihilating all matter in this space...

"...That's it, no matter what the reason, before the signal of the sacrifice arrived, the planet disappeared together with the unknown existence inside."

"There is still the sacrificial ceremony the day after tomorrow..." Chen Ang said to himself.

"Let me do the math!"

"The coordinates are correct!"

"The star map is also correct!"

Chen Ang stood up and said: "We are in trouble! The sacrificial ceremony prepared the day after tomorrow is correct. If the ceremony is successful, the signal will be sent to the star of Yuggoth. It is still intact. According to the records in the Necronomicon, There seem to be some unfriendly alien races on it..."

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