Danny's heart was full of emotions. He strongly wanted to refute Chen Ang's words, proving that the so-called pursuit of Temujin's old path to awaken the magic weapon is nonsense, but the way of the magic weapon can be proved by seeing it. When he fell into these complicated thoughts, Lang Dao couldn't wait to shake slightly, which completely proved what Chen Ang said.

However, Danny was still stunned and said, "But...I don't have anyone I like yet, how could such a thing happen."

Chen Ang said meaningfully: "In the history of the Heavenly Wolf Sword, there was also a military master who thought like you. He didn't want to suffer the humiliation of the Heavenly Wolf Sword's magic weapon, and decided never to be tempted by anyone."

"Originally, it is absolutely difficult for him to become the master of the army. The Sirius Sword is just a scrap iron in his hands!"

"It's really admirable that this person can still stick to his mind under the power of the gods. Unfortunately, he fits the essence of the Sirius Sword too well. In addition, at that time, the luck of the Han Dynasty in Shenzhou was backlashed, and he entered the Qing Dynasty in the Central Plains The emperor was young and his ministers were in power, seeing that the legal system of the Qing Dynasty was in danger of collapse, he immediately ordered the dragon veins to counterattack, calling on the Heavenly Wolf Sword Master to suppress the Qing Dynasty's luck."

"In addition, there were two magic blades born at that time, one magic blade fell into the hands of King Zheng of Taiwan, where the residual energy of the Ming Dynasty was, and the other magic blade fell into the In the hands of Obai, the powerful minister at the time, in anticipation of civil strife in the Qing court, it gave the Han people a chance to raise troops and restore orthodoxy."

"At such a critical time, the barbarian emperor is still too young to master the Heavenly Wolf Saber."

"Do you know why this person can boast and is not tempted by anyone?" Chen Ang said with a smile: "It's just because of his strange fate, he is the reincarnated soul boy of Daxue Mountain. Yanzhi, he was the master of the magic weapon personally selected by the fourth living Buddha at that time. Of course, lamas are not allowed to marry, as long as he is not tempted by anyone, he will not be in danger of this. The Potala Palace even made good friends with the supreme mage at that time. The two great inheritances of Kama Taj and Potala Palace want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain insight into the divine weapons, and peep into the wonders of the magic blade of the divine weapons of the Middle Earth."

"As a result, when this person was sixteen years old, he initially touched the magic machine of the Heavenly Wolf Sword and the power of the magic weapon, and even caused his devout and Buddhist mother to cheat on him. Such a terrible disaster shocked the Potala Palace, and many great lamas even It is because of the belief that the reincarnated soul boy made a wrong choice that such a scandal occurred. And secretly executed his mother."

"This incident made this person's position as a living Buddha unstable, and it also caused him a big blow, and his Zen mind was broken."

"From then on, I forgot my vows, gave up Zen skills, refined the Heavenly Wolf Saber technique, and wantonly indulged in wanting to avoid the backlash of the way of the gods, leaving behind the name of a generation of loving monks. This person is Tsangyang Gyatso. (here will be The history of Tsangyang Gyatso was advanced thirty years)”

"Later, the barbarian master got another magic blade from the collection of the Qing court. Taking advantage of the power official Oboi's surprise, he beheaded him, and even turned his finger on the Lamaism, using the power of the magic blade to compete with the magic weapon. Gyatso lost to this man, and died because of his dereliction of merit. The Heavenly Wolf Knife was also taken into the hands of the barbarian lord, becoming a rare person in history who possessed both a magic weapon and a magic blade at the same time. He called himself the Holy King of the Ages."

"Because the last person who possessed the magic weapon and magic blade at the same time was the founder of Tang Dynasty, Tang Taizong Li Shimin who called himself the emperor of the ages."

Chen Ang said in a serious tone: "The magic blade of the magic weapon is the most powerful existence in the mysticism. Its power can actually be violated by a small personal destiny? Twenty magic blades of the magic weapon, each All of them are not inferior to the power of the Holy See's three sacred objects - the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail, and the Holy Cross, and they are not inferior to the Eye of Agamotto, which is secreted by Kama Taj in the kingdom of mages."

"With such a powerful force as the magic blade of the magic weapon, if the mere soldier master wants to control it, of course there will be a backlash. The way of the magic weapon is not to be moved by others. The so-called backlash means that the way of the magic weapon affects the fate of the soldier master in turn. Three Emperors The sword has the calamity of the emperor's mind, the five emperors' sword has the tribulation of the three emperors' sword masters, and the calamity of becoming a king. Every generation of the five emperors' sword masters is a person with the most affection and nature, and has the appearance of dominating the world."

"That's why I usually lose my loved ones and get killed by the Sword Master of the Three Emperors!"

"Qimen Dunjia (Jingtianweidi) will be hurt if there is wisdom,

He was envied by heaven and others. "

"The Heavenly Wolf Sword has the image of an eagle watching a wolf and taking care of a wolf, breaking dreams and hurting feelings."

"All the people in the world have betrayed their relatives, and they will suffer from rebellion behind their backs."

"The magic weapon and the magic blade are unknown things. Since ancient times, only heroes have been favored, but no matter how many hardships, heroes have been born. Since ancient times, there are no good heroes. With such powerful power, of course there are corresponding misfortunes." Chen Ang sighed with emotion. Said: "All of this may have been doomed as early as when the magic blade was created."

"After all, the one who created the magic weapon and the magic blade is Yuanshi Tianmo!"

Danny stared blankly at the Heavenly Wolf Saber that was untied from his back and said, "Such a magic weapon... I!" He wanted to say, I don't want it, but the magic weapon in his hand seemed to hear his words, and suddenly let out a cry. Shout out all my life, as if unwilling to be given up! This actually allowed him to get a glimpse of the magic power of the Sirius Sword.

Danny felt the powerful force that would destroy the world, and he couldn't say the following words.

Stick and Luke standing next to him seemed to feel something. Luke was just a black American and didn't understand the meaning of the breath that made him tremble just now, but Stick was different. He stared at the Sirius knife in Danny's hand obsessively, with a flash of greed in his eyes.

"This is the cursed power..." Feeling the power, Chen Ang couldn't help but sigh, "I'm afraid that's why these magical weapons and magic blades were abandoned by the new government of China. After all, China no longer needs heroes. Heroes are here to protect! The epic epic of emperors and generals will eventually become history."

"Middle-earth will usher in an era without heroes... Maybe these magical weapons and magic blades will not be reconciled! I heard that the Three Emperors Sword has been as silent as dead iron since the founding of the country, and the Five Emperors Sword. The song is full of deep loneliness and sadness, which makes everyone who hears it moved."

"Some time ago, when the Three Emperors Sword was about to be sent out of the country, it actually shattered and hurt itself, so the central government had to send it back to the museum. Perhaps this magical weapon will remain silent there forever, quietly displayed and displayed The history of that period of emperors and generals!"

"The world is united, all people are united. Heroes put their hands on their hands, and the magic soldiers are empty..." Chen Ang said quietly.

Danny couldn't help feeling something when he heard it, but he still refused: "But... I still can't touch the way of the magic weapon! After all, I just came down the mountain, and I don't even have a girlfriend."

Chen Ang sneered and said: "I don't know the power of the Heavenly Wolf Sword? Its sword is as greedy as a wolf. Every generation of sword masters must be infected. They have infinite possessive desires for any beautiful things in the world, so their temperament is evil and charming." If you see one and love the other, you must want to build a big harem, and if you say you have no goals, no ghost will believe it."

"It's not the Five Emperors Sword, following the way of the overlord, you will only fall in love with one person in your life, and you will never change your love and sex until death. Every generation will repeat the life and death tragedy of Farewell My Concubine."

"Therefore, the way of cultivating the magic weapon of the Sirius Sword is to plunder the beauty of the world, build a big harem, and then all the harem will betray, and put on one green hat after another for the master of the army. If you want to bear its power, you must wear a green hat. At the beginning, you need to enter the Tao with grief and indignation, but as your practice deepens, you will see it and learn to forgive. Don’t care anymore!"

Danny blushed when he heard this, he was ashamed and angry, and said fiercely: "This is impossible! This is your nonsense to lie to me!"

Chen Ang's face was calm, and he didn't care about it in his heart. These magical weapons and magic blades were all cast in accordance with his malice. Could the things created by Yuanshi Tianma be so harmless? Just kidding... but he said: "Every generation of Sirius Sword Masters thought so at first. But then they all looked away... Doesn't Temujin regard Jochi as his own son?"

"I didn't expel him from the Golden Family either..."

With a hint of a smile, Chen Ang said to Danny: "One day, when you look back at everything today, you will smile with relief. At that time, you have learned to forgive. The extremely possessive desire can face the cuckold Be relieved but don't care, this is the heroic realm of the Heavenly Wolf Sword..."

Luke finally couldn't help interjecting: "Although I didn't quite understand what you said... I always feel that it's a bad thing. However, Danny just came out of Kunlun, and he doesn't seem to have the ability to sense... the magic weapon." conditions!"

Chen Ang said with a smile: "It's okay to change you! Speaking of which, your conditions are better than his, after all, there are Ziren here! Maybe you will get a response when you pick up this magical weapon. It's a pity...it's a pity that those things happened At the time, you didn't know your current girlfriend..."

Luke's face darkened immediately, and he turned his head away and didn't speak.

But the stick man was ready to move, Chen Ang glanced at him, and said with a sneer: "Don't even think about it, at your age, giving you the Sirius Sword might inspire you to have some special hobbies! With such a special hobbies , Facing the way of the divine soldier, not only is he not sad and indignant, but excited and perverted, it is impossible to be recognized by the divine soldier. Otherwise, wouldn't all the curses become benefits?"

Danny faintly felt humiliated, and said angrily, "I can't accept this kind of thing."

Chen Ang's face was indifferent, and his tone was stiff: "For the citizens of New York, for the common people of the world, for the overall situation..."

He looked at the sky and said, "We don't have much time!"

Danny's face was gloomy, and he murmured: "Ke Ling..." Luke was just about to tell Cyclops about the impasse here, but he was startled when he heard this, and asked instead, "What?" Danny blushed in embarrassment and said: " I have a crush on Professor Li Wen's daughter, Ke Ling..." Luke hurriedly told Cyclops about these things.

S.H.I.E.L.D. knows that Li Wenwen and his daughter, Cyclops, are also a ruthless character. He said on the phone: "It's simple. Ke Ling has a boyfriend, although they have broken up. But I will create a coincidence for them to meet... ..." For the rest, perhaps to take care of Danny's face, Cyclops tacitly kept silent.

The rest of the time, only to wait.

As the time passed bit by bit, the sky gradually turned late, and both Stick and Luke became a little anxious. Danny squatted in the distance alone, with a very complicated expression on his face. He stared at the ground in a daze. When the moon rose , When the old man couldn't help it, Nick the one-eyed dragon finally called.

Luke gave Danny a sympathetic look, and handed him the phone. Danny couldn't help but knelt on the ground looking at the phone.

Chen Ang listened to the subtle voice coming from his ear, and thought calmly in his heart: "It seems that Americans, even if she is Chinese, are very open-minded! Ke Ling has had several boyfriends. Not necessarily , maybe it's the handsome agent sent by Cyclops... I guess it's to take care of Danny's feelings, so I call it my ex-boyfriend!"

Danny's hands trembled slightly, and there was already endless grief and anger in his eyes.

His zhenqi surged uncontrollably, and radiated out through the remains of the Sirius knife on his back, forming a looming Sirius behind him, howling at the moon.

The moonlight gathered towards Chen Ang and the others. From a distance, it seemed that a sky pillar appeared in the port. The moonlight gathered above the warehouse, covering Danny. An unspeakable powerful force suddenly enveloped the entire port.

The bright moon in the sky lost a gap silently, and the edge of the full moon disappeared bit by bit.

The agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at the sky and said in surprise: "There is no lunar eclipse today!" Nick the one-eyed dragon who was far away on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean in the United States quietly watched the lunar eclipse in the sky, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious. Black, can't tell.

Chen Ang also looked at the celestial phenomenon in which the moon was swallowed up bit by bit, and the stars became brighter. Among them, the brightness of Sirius suddenly increased by several levels, and said in a low voice: "When the moon is dark, Sirius appears. , the appearance of war and calamity!"

The remains of the Sirius Knife behind Danny still vibrated, and the transformed Sirius Qi penetrated into his body, making his complexion more ferocious, and his eyes gradually became bloodshot. When he raised his head, his blood-red eyes made stick The old man and the others couldn't help being forced to take a few steps back, and the old man panicked and said: "His qi seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and now it has far exceeded his original qi."

"And it's getting evil!"

At this time, there was a sound of swords and soldiers echoing in the distance. Everyone turned their heads one after another, only to see a streak of black air in the distance, bursting out with astonishing aura, which could even rival the Sirius Sword.

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