Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 21 Blood Festival Magic Edge

She turned her head to look in the direction where Botu and Danny were fighting. As the words fell, Botu suddenly froze, and his sanity, which had been controlled by Heikong, recovered somewhat inexplicably. Looking at Alexandra, a huge decaying cavity suddenly appeared in the middle of her body.

Danny stopped his hands instantly, watching the battlers turn into ashes bit by bit.

Alexandra stretched her hand, and Wudao threw herself into her hands: "We must work together!"

Madam Gao tremblingly said: "You have left a dark hand in our body!"

Alexandra said coldly: "Isn't this a matter of course? How can I let it hold a weapon that cannot be controlled?" Alexandra waved her hand, Wudao quietly suspended in the In front of her, Alexandra's control over the black sky was much stronger than the pacemaker.

The mi-gos flying in the sky, one after another, their skulls were broken, green mucus splashed, invisible beasts easily bit through their biological armor, they couldn't detect it, and couldn't touch the black sky. In the direction Lissandra was facing, the swarms of insects flying in the sky began to fall one by one.

Only then did Luke see a corner of the power of the black sky. The extremely powerful mi-go warrior was helpless before the black sky monster. It was Danny who also flew into the sky with the power of the Sirius knife.

As a knife mark slid across the sky, the mi-gos in the sky were rapidly dehydrating. Their mucus was evaporated by the invisible arrogance, and the huge bugmen began to wither and shrink. They withered and shrunk to the size of a baby. Then it fell from the sky and broke into pieces.

"Soldiers and robberies—thousands of miles of red land!"

The dry and hot qi turned into hot wind, and wherever it went, flying sand and dust swept up and turned into a sandstorm, covering half of the sky. The flying insects were engulfed by the sandstorm. In front of him, it looked unusually small, and a hole had been torn through the swarm of insects in the sky.

Luke and Alexandra rushed over immediately, but it was Danny who charged into the core of the swarm first.

He saw a familiar figure in the warehouse full of insect remains surrounded by the insect swarm, but this human being was not injured by the insect swarm anymore, instead, the surrounding insect swarm seemed to be protecting him, moving towards the flying Danny hissed threateningly.

Danny trembled: "Ward! I didn't expect it to be you!"

This is Danny's childhood friend and the son of Harold, who killed his father and enemy-Ward Meacham. Ward smiled proudly: "Danny, do you know that I was deeply disturbed by your arrival. Ever since I knew you were not dead, I have been afraid that you will come back and take away my company."

"Until my father died, I got some information from him. Originally, I wanted to destroy his will, but he actually distributed the property to you. I was very angry at the time, but I found out from his relics something."

Ward laughed: "That old guy, he didn't think of me as his son at all. His death was not an accident, but a conspiracy. A conspiracy to avoid your revenge while also curing your own cancer and disability. He and Hand and Hui made a deal, which delayed his own illness, and helped Hand and Hui dig some ancient relics and classics. During this process, he became more and more familiar with the evil. In order to obtain the power to cure his own cancer, he Also made deals with some powerful evil beings."

"Later, his opponents and society got tired of controlling him, and he also predicted his own death—death in your hands. So he decided to feign death once, and he prepared a spare body for himself, took out I took my own brain and handed it over to those monsters. Then, using the remaining hands, I arranged a sacrificial ceremony here to transfer my brain to another young body."

It can be seen that Ward was almost driven crazy by these conspiracies, and he chattered endlessly: "But I found out about his conspiracies. He actually wanted to leave me nothing. The documents he left, donated all his property to took on a new identity,

My sister and I have nothing. Because of another body, he didn't regard me as his son! "

"So, after I know all this, I will make him die from suspended animation to real death. I also made a deal with those monsters, just to find his brain and kill him." Ward laughed crazily , the voice seemed to be crying: "I succeeded. I killed a person who was already dead, and no one can punish me!"

Danny looked at his crazy friend and was silent, he whispered: "No one will punish you either!"

Chen Ang came slowly, shook his head and said: "Mi Ge is actually very trustworthy... They will not use the summoner from the first transaction to make a second transaction!"

Behind the laughing Ward, another person said slowly: "You always think you are smart, my son!"

Ward's smile stagnated, and he turned his head slowly, but saw another himself, a young, high-spirited Ward. It was only after seeing this Ward that Danny said, "So it was you!" But he guessed wrong.

Ward looked down at his body, and was horrified to see that his hands were covered with wrinkles and age spots. He couldn't even feel his lower limbs, and he couldn't stand up at all. In the eyes of everyone, he was the one sitting in a wheelchair Harold.

Ward at the back laughed softly: "I took my body back and gave it to you. I want you to see with your own eyes the consequences of betraying me. After all, you are my son, so take my broken body with you." Let’s live with your body! Haha!” At this time, Ward recalled everything he had tried to forget.

He was already crazy, but at this time he suddenly woke up, he remembered that he summoned Mi Go, remembered that Mi Go attacked him as soon as he appeared, and remembered that his brain was taken out by a Mi Go , while the Mi-Go took out a brain from a barrel container that was one foot high and slightly less than a foot in diameter, with three strange grooves distributed in an isosceles triangle on the convex surface.

My own father's brain!

Then his own brain was put into that brain storage barrel, and his father took away his body.

Then after these strong stimulations, he began to hallucinate. He heard what Harold proudly said to himself: "How can someone else's body be suitable for you? My stupid son!"

"That's right! You also have a younger sister...I will have offspring with her, as my third generation body...Under the biological technology of the old ruler's subordinates, I will live forever!"

Ward's brain was put back into his father's body, but at that time, he was already crazy!

Ward's old body began to tremble violently. He looked up at Danny, and suddenly turned his head and crazily grabbed at his body, which was also his father—Harold. But he was immediately pierced through the chest by the pincers of the Mi-G warrior next to him. Danny slapped that Mi-G into ashes, and he flew up to catch his friend.

Ward coughed up black blood. He struggled, grabbed Danny's hand, and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry...please kill...kill him! Protect...protect Joey!" Joey is Ward His younger sister is also Danny's childhood friend. When Danny took over the company during this period, although Joey didn't give him a good face, he helped him a lot.

In a brief sobriety, Ward uttered his last words.

The uncontrollable anger made Danny's fists tremble, and his nails almost pierced into the flesh... He put down his friend's body. At this moment, his warrior instinct, the power of the master of the gods, made him sense Ward's memory—— This man once wanted to kill him, but he always loved his sister.

In order to protect her, he chose to kill his crazy father, also in order to protect her, he begged his good friend...

"Ahhhhh!" Danny crazily shot at Harold...but countless mi-gos swarmed up and blocked him in front of Harold, unable to approach him.

The moment Ward died, the blood on Wudao's body in Alexandra's hand began to move. On the black iron-like sword, countless blood streaks made the magic blade glow with blood. On Ward's remnant body, traces of blood Floating to no way, being absorbed by it.

Alexandra looked at the mutated magic soldier in her hand with surprise on her face.

Behind her, Chen Ang said calmly: "A son who goes against his father, a minister who kills the king, and a wife who kills his father, etc. who violate the rules, are innocent. A son kills his father, his wife kills his husband, the minister kills the king, the brother kills the brother, and the apprentice kills the master." , people desecrate the world, violate the three cardinal principles, go against the five constant principles, violate ethics, and commit unforgivable crimes. It is a blood sacrifice for innocence."

"This blood sacrifice is amazing!"

"It is obvious that the father killed the son, but in terms of the identity of the body, it is also the son who killed the father. The father took the son's body and killed the son wearing the father's body as a son. This is the biggest violation of the principles of ethics. , no wonder it can make Wudao excited."

"The recasting of the magic blade requires a blood sacrifice, there is no better sacrifice!" Chen Ang glanced at Alexandra, and whispered: "Is this really just a coincidence? Unfortunately... it's worse Little by little, the ethics of this blood sacrifice are complicated enough in terms of quality. But it is not enough in terms of strength. Either it needs to carry out this kind of blood sacrifice hundreds of times, or it needs to be performed by a special identity, People with stronger fate preside over the blood sacrifice. Only then can Wudao be recast!"

"This person, it is best to be a Wudao military leader, so Wudao was born. There are often military leaders who kill their fathers and mothers, and incest often has five virtues. This is Wudao's magic blade curse. King Zhou of Shang was murdered by his courtiers. The resentment caused by the curse of the magic blade. The magic weapon has the way of the magic weapon, and the magic blade has the curse of the magic blade... Therefore, since ancient times, the magic blade of the magic weapon, the hero of the warrior has no kindness!"

Harold leaned against Ward's body, looked at his dead body and said with a smile: "Idiot, do you know how complicated it is to gift property? How can it be convenient to inherit all my inheritance in the form of your own heir? I have already chosen You! Ward! And Joey is so good, how can he be cheaper than others."

Danny said in grief and indignation: "You beast!"

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