Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 23 The King in Yellow

Luke Cage's eyes wandered between Hui and Harold in his hands, hesitantly approached Chen Ang's ear, and whispered: "Your Excellency Investigator, which side of them do you think is the greater threat to us? "

Chen Ang sighed: "Now the situation is clear, Harold has summoned the evil god, and the hands and hands hold Wudao, the magic blade that can control the evil god. They both want to destroy each other, but no matter which side wins, they must use Wudao. Dao is used to control the evil gods. The key is Wudao. Only by mastering Wudao can one take the initiative, otherwise any one of them will lead to catastrophe!"

Luke and Danny turned their attention to Alexandra.

This old woman who has lived for hundreds of years is not a good person, she said in a deep voice: "We can help you seal the evil god..."

Chen Ang coughed and reminded: "As long as you help her eliminate the alien creatures controlled by Harold, she will have the opportunity to break into the core area of ​​the altar, use her inhuman power to usurp the control of the priest, and control the evil god's family. Take the power of the evil god."

Danny immediately brought up the remains of the Sirius knife and looked at Alexandra warily.

Seeing this, Harold sneered a few times and said, "It seems that there is no trust between you at all."

Chen Ang turned his head and said to him: "Many people thought they could fool the evil gods, and now their souls are mourning and regretting. You thought you could take advantage of those existences, but you would always play with fire and set yourself on fire. Their indulgence is not kindness, but It's to sit back and watch your stupid behavior...and then bring you despair at the critical moment!"

Harold said to Luke: "Help me win Wudao, and everything will end. I have always been a law-abiding businessman, and I have obtained everything I want..."

"But you don't want to pay the price!" Luke said sharply.

"Yes!" Harold said calmly, "Help me win Wudao, I will use it to end everything... Otherwise, I will be controlled by the evil god, and we will not be able to please anyone at that time. I don't want to put This world is dedicated to the evil god... No one wants to. I just made a deal, and now I want to force majeure and refuse to perform the contract."

Chen Ang smiled and said: "The Old Gods are not financial institutions. They don't say that they win or lose. They only win and don't lose, because they make the rules, and no one can pay the price."

Luke glanced at Chen Ang, but he took a few steps back, and withdrew from the hand and meeting and Harold. Chen Ang calmly said: "Harold has gained too many benefits. He has to bear the price." I'm sorry...and it's not a wise choice to play against the evil god. He has no other way to go except to win the Wudao. The hand and society are also forced to a dead end. They can't lose the Wudao. I think We don't have to mix in this muddy water now..."

Luke wondered: "But whichever side wins, we can't accept it!"

Chen Ang said slowly: "So...we only need to deal with the winner among them. Instead of letting them work together to drive us out first. As long as we don't get involved, they can't reach mutual trust at all, and form a tacit understanding that they will deal with us first. "

Just when Chen Ang was convincing Luke that the spectator and Hehui would fight Harold to the death, Mrs. Gao who was hiding in the darkness suddenly spoke, her voice was slightly hoarse: "Revenge is a flower that cannot be plucked by others." Hua... If you can't use your enemy's blood to wash away his sins, then the more than ten years of suffering for your loved ones will be meaningless!"

Danny's hands trembled slightly, but Mrs. Gao raised her head slightly, looked at him and said, "Whether we will be killed by Harold is meaningless to you. But you can bear Harold to die by our hands Is revenge a flower that grows among thorns, and those thorns hurt you every night, every dream. But you want it to be plucked?"

Danny clenched his fists with both hands and shouted: "Stop talking!" He slowly raised his head, and Luke put his hand on his shoulder, admonishing him: "Using violence to control violence will not make your heart calm. come down."

Danny slowly took his hand away and said, "But I can anesthetize me and stop the pain!"

Harold whispered: "You made a wrong choice,

child! Danny suddenly sneered and said, "But you are afraid, you are afraid of that prophecy, you are afraid of me!" Your power comes from the evil god, so you are even more afraid of the evil god's judgment on your will die in my hands. "

Behind Harold, countless mi-go fighters swarmed out. They sprayed out a thick blue-green mucus. The mucus quickly deteriorated in the air. Anywhere it touched, it would quickly begin to rot. They were like creepers. In that way, if it sticks to the ground, the wall, or anything, it will quickly cover the surroundings like lichen. If you look closely, you will find that the green creep is composed of countless tiny, tendril-like tentacles.

Those tentacles want to grab everything around them, and they show it, just like the creep is grabbing the surrounding objects, slowly spreading and swallowing.

But any countless tiny tentacles that get close to Danny will quickly lose water, decompose and wither like a fire.

Even the vigorous vitality of those creeps couldn't resist the erosion of the drought man's true qi... Alexandra saw the creeping creep towards her, so she tried to use her true qi to resist it.

But she found that physical attacks have no effect on these things, and her true energy has little damage to them. These things will quickly decompose and spread if they are contaminated with anything, whether steel, concrete, or flesh. Alexandra saw with her own eyes that the large cranes placed in the warehouse were quickly covered with a layer of green wool-like creep.

Alexandra had to use the power of the black sky again. The minions of the invisible beast had no effect on these things. The corrupting power of the beast seemed to be able to make the creeper decay, but the growth speed of these things was too fast up. The beast had to rise up to avoid the constant encroachment of these things.

The green wool-like creep quickly grew to cover the entire warehouse, and was still rapidly expanding and eroding away to the entire port. At this time, even Danny felt that it was struggling. He had to constantly use the Drought Qi to erode the creep near him, but the growth rate of this thing was too fast.

The mi-go fighters kept rushing towards him, and now his true qi could only slightly damage the surface biological armor of these alien aliens. Even if the highly condensed true qi blade cut them into two pieces, these alien fighters would not be killed. The dry qi on the wound was eroded and withered by the wind, and then the life force was devoured and provided to Danny to restore his qi.

Even if it is cut into two pieces, the alien monsters that fall into the creep will continue to absorb the substances provided by the creep, and those green wool creeps will climb up their wounds and glue them together, and then these strange monsters will continue to absorb the substances provided by the creep. Can get up quickly and pounce on Danny again.

It is getting harder and harder for Danny to achieve results, and Alexandra and Mrs. Gao are getting anxious.

Luke Cage and Chen Ang retreated to the side to observe. Luke looked at those terrible green wool blankets, his scalp felt a little numb, even Nick the one-eyed dragon who was watching from a distance through the command system was extremely serious. Luke said: "These alien creatures are a great threat to the earth... I have contacted the Avengers and they are coming."

"That investigator seems to know something, go ask him for some information about these alien bastards!"

"No need!" Chen Ang stood up and said, "I'll tell you directly!"

Luke covered the bone conduction earphone and said in surprise, "Can you hear us?"

Chen Ang pointed to the noise-cancelling earphones he was wearing and said, "I hacked into nearby channels..." "This is not a technology that ordinary people can master!" Chen Ang said nonchalantly, "I have an official background... I am from China. Insurance investigators from the Front! Remember?"

"I hope you will explain to us the business scope of this insurance investigator after the matter is over." Cyclops said dissatisfied.

Chen Ang pretended not to hear what he said, and explained to himself: "I have explained the background of these aliens to you clearly. The fungus race from Yuggoth—Mi Go, the star of Yuggoth is in the constellation Ursa Major In a certain corner, in order to avoid your death, I will not provide detailed coordinates!"

"The Mi-Gols are highly accomplished in biochemical technology and space technology. They have built a wide-ranging teleportation network, a magic gate system. Yes... magic. Although compared to the magic learned from the old gods, they Obviously more interested in the study of science and technology. But this kind of creature that worships the old gods such as Shabu Nicholas, Yog Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, etc., also has a lot of forbidden magic knowledge."

"Wait..." Nick said puzzledly, "I seem to have heard of these names before!"

"No matter what you heard there..." Chen Ang said with a mysterious smile, "Remember, what you know is not everything about them."

Luke saw Chen Ang walk to the warehouse where the altar was originally arranged by the Hand and Society, and he looked up at the starry sky.

Luke asked rhetorically: "I'm afraid you quit the battle between them not just because you let them fight each other, and then be a winner who waits for work..."

"If any one of them wins, they won't give us another chance." Chen Ang said, "So I just want to trick them and get out of their sight... to do one thing."

Luke frowned, "What's the matter?"

Chen Ang stared at the magic circle on the ground where the altar was arranged, lit the five candles again, and said, "Help me bring one of those strange wreckages over..." Luke obediently dragged over one whose head was torn off by him. According to Chen Ang's instructions, the body of Mi Ge was placed in the middle of the pentagram. Chen Ang dipped the green slime with a stick, and painted a symbol like three cantilevers of the Milky Way on the ground. Tentacles protruding from the center...

"This is the yellow seal!" Chen Ang explained.

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