Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 39 Crazy ridicule, all hatred

The next morning, Chen Ang, who had a good night's rest, arrived at the nearby airstrip. After the small half of the port area was blocked, there were stretches of concreted roads to serve as runways, but the requirements for takeoff runways for large passenger planes The height is so high that it can be called harsh, so what stops here is a Kun-type fighter.

As soon as Chen Ang walked under the fighter plane, he saw Jimmy Wu put down the rear hatch and came out, "Hey! This is a big guy specially transferred from the headquarters for you. The most advanced fighter plane in the United States, it only takes three hours to fly to Africa."

"It's expensive to take off and land once..." Jimmy Wu introduced enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

"How high is it?" Chen Ang handed him the luggage, and walked in with a calm expression: "Is it as tall as 280 million?"

Two hundred and eighty million—the current market price of a dose of Holy Silver Potion, which Chen Ang just checked at night.

Jimmy Wu's face froze, he was as embarrassed as if he had been punched in the face and still smiled to greet others, he smiled very reluctantly, Agent Mei from S.H.I.E.L.D. sighed secretly: "After all, Wu has been here for a long time. Field work, this level of work needs to be improved! If the former Cyclops Director was here, he would definitely be able to keep his face intact just because of his thick skin."

But not everyone has the level of the one-eyed director Nick. He is a black-bellied figure who can fight two tricks with elite politicians, and his skin color is too cheating! Not to mention whether Nick has lost the function of blushing, even if he blushes, others will not be able to detect it.

Chen Ang boarded the Kun-style fighter plane, and after sweeping around, his disappointment was palpable.

The interior space of the Kun-type fighter is small. There are two driving positions at the front of the opposite plane, and there are people sitting on them. The remaining space cannot even fit a small main battle tank. Chen Ang said with emotion: "I heard that the Kun-type fighter It was finalized during World War II. Unexpectedly, it is still the best fighter in the United States. In the past few years, the seventh-generation space fighter of the Human Revolutionary Alliance has been eliminated and updated very quickly. Space planes in near-Earth planetary orbits, small space battleships and small and medium-sized spacecraft It has been updated for two rounds!"

The two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who followed Chen Ang's face turned black immediately—we entertained you so properly and warmly, and even took out the most advanced S.H.I.E.L.D. Slap in the face?

Chen Ang found a place to sit down, and Agent Mei sat next to him.

The rear hatch closed slowly, Chen Ang turned to look at Agent Mei and said, "Didn't you think about going back to the motherland to take a look these years?"

Detective Mei did not expect Chen Ang to ask her this question at all, she was stunned, then shook her head and smiled: "Thank you for your kindness, but now the United States is my homeland, I was born here, grew up here, and I am willing to do it for it And death! And, which one is your homeland? The one from which this planet originated five thousand years ago? Or the one that descended from another universe three years ago?"

Chen Ang said: "It's all... the motherland is a cultural word, it exists in the bloodline and cultural inheritance, even if it is a universe away, as long as we recognize the will of the Chinese civilization to continue, he is our compatriot. On the contrary, Even if they come from the same lineage, but betray the will of China. Then China will no longer be his motherland..."

Chen Ang turned his head and said calmly, "Just like you!"

Mei's face was ugly, she wanted to say something, but Chen Ang was no longer interested in listening to her.

At this time, the person in the co-pilot position in front of the bridge suddenly turned around and said: "The country is a political entity composed of people, and the motherland is a cultural concept. They should be separated, not mixed together."

Seeing him, Chen Ang didn't express any surprise, but said indifferently: "The basic unit of the Human Revolutionary Union is civilization, not a country."

"You don't seem surprised to see me!" Strange said relaxedly, he seemed to have regained his usual calm demeanor, while Chen Ang looked at his dark circles and said with emotion: "I'm surprised you didn't take advantage of this moment Take a break, and instead come to show off in front of me."

"Show off?" Strange asked knowingly, "I didn't show off, I completed our two and three-day missions in one night,

And it's me alone, with two assistants... They are all here to mix their qualifications, that is, the level of Lalagou. I alone... completed thirteen surgeries! "

"The so-called three-day mission for thirteen surgeries is just what you said!" Chen Ang said indifferently: "And if you don't sleep, you will pass out during the investigation! I won't delay, I will Go directly to Cairo to investigate... If you start to rest now, there will be..." Chen Ang raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "There are still three hours!"

"I'm not sleepy..." Strange said excitedly: "I once had surgery for three days and three nights in a row, and only had two hours of rest to fly to London for a meeting. This fatigue is just a piece of cake for me dish!"

"But at that time, you must have not learned spells, nor did you summon yourself in parallel time and space!" Chen Ang glanced at him, and Strange's face showed a hint of astonishment, and continued: "And you actually It’s the arrogance that makes me look down on myself in the parallel world.”

"Did you let your future self pull the hook last night?" Chen Ang exuded the contempt of 'I just look down on you' and said to Strange: "Like what I asked you to do before? Tell me, Why do you look down on yourself?"

Strange was provoked by Chen Ang to explode. As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Ang interrupted him: "Wait... Let me think about it first, is it based on the application of my magic in surgery? You learned the magic system from Kama Taj, so You used the spirit body state to avoid the loss of surgical vision, and then? Use the time stone to restore the wound? The time state of the degenerated fungus? Then cut off the fungus that was degenerated to the point where it was just infected?"

"I thought you could do better without gems!" Chen Ang said lightly.

"Did you find out which parallel time and space you were able to complete all the operations in one night without using the Eye of Agamotto?" Seeing that Strange did not answer, Chen Ang continued to mock: "Fortunately... at least You didn't plagiarize your own ideas, otherwise a person who has no ideas of his own is really pathetic!"

"You know, what was my thinking when you said 'these operations will last at least three days'?" Chen Ang leaned on the cabin, looked down at Strange, and asked back.

Strange gritted his teeth, and a word popped out between his teeth: "What?"

"I'm thinking..." Chen Ang hummed a contemptuous syllable—"Heh!"

Strange felt that he had suffered the greatest humiliation in his life, his face was flushed, his eyes were bloodshot due to exhaustion and anger, and his bloodshot eyes were fixed on Chen Ang.

But Chen Ang was still calm, with an attitude of taking a three-point exam, he took out a book and opened it to read, and asked him: "Then, these thirteen operations have passed, what do you think about the standard operation procedure I created?" Anything to add?"

Strange seemed to have been hit by an arrow. He recalled what Chen Ang had formulated. It was difficult for him to say a single word. Because of the perfect and unchangeable surgical procedure, his face turned pale again. The anger that had just been high was immediately extinguished. Turning depressed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have anything to add!"

Chen Ang snorted lightly—"Heh!"

At least not so contemptuous!

Then he turned to the next page and praised: "It's okay... at least I didn't change my standards arrogantly. It is indispensable to understand and understand the seemingly insignificant details in my standards. It proves that you at least understand my standards." standards, rather than half-understood and nonsensical 'opinions'. If so, it will really disappoint me!"

Chen Ang raised his watch again, glanced at it and said, "Using spells takes a lot of energy, you'd better take a break on the plane, otherwise, when we arrive in Cairo, you might die at the hands of some wizard. If the new The supreme sorcerer who died in the corner of the Black Continent, that would really make people laugh!"

After Strange proved himself, his morale was so high that Chen Ang hit him hard.

He doesn't want to say anything anymore! Then flicking the "Eye of Agamotto" on his chest, the green ring of time appeared on his right hand, and he doubled his own time, preparing to lie down and sleep for a while.

Before going to sleep, Chen Ang seemed to say something unintentionally - "You'd better not use that thing!"

"Wandering outside the time of this universe will gradually make you lose the protection of the universe, attracting the attention of some existences outside the time of the universe. They are watching for the opportunity and ready to pull you out of time at any time. In this universe, only Only within the timeline is safe. Endless parallel worlds hide countless dangers, and when those universes sink, you'd better ensure that you won't be dragged down together!"

Just as Strange was about to ask something, he felt dizzy and fell into a deep sleep. His last realization was—it turned out that he had really reached his limit!

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