Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 46 The Sudden Attack

Chen Ang and Strange temporarily stayed in Wakanda in the name of the UN Commissioner, but the only place they could go was the nomadic border tribes on the Wakanda border, because the capital of Wakanda, in name It doesn't exist, it's just a deserted mountain on the surface.

On the land of Wakanda, there are mountains and ridges, canyons and rivers, and the natural scenery is refreshing. In addition to pretending to investigate the border tribes and Wakanda's disguised towns these days, the two did not do anything too outrageous.

Three days later, their 'colleague' Steve also came to join them.

Captain America is wearing a tight suit, with gold-rimmed eyes, dressed in a gentle manner, but his muscles hold the suit tight, he adjusts his tie with some discomfort, Chen Ang sees that he is not used to it Feeling uncomfortable, he pretended to welcome him, hugged him with a smile and said, "Steve! You're finally here!"

Steve had no choice but to pretend to be familiar. On the surface, the two hugged each other passionately.

In fact, Chen Ang leaned into Steve's ear and said, "Relax a're disguising very poorly now! Haven't you worn formal clothes for a long time?"

"No!" Steve smiled wryly, "The suit they prepared for me is too small!"

Chen Ang glanced at the strong muscles on Steve's body, shook his head and said, "They should wear a large size for you... Let's go in and check the information first. Have you memorized your background documents?"

"T'Challa will come to entertain you after a while..." Chen Ang glanced at the uneasy Steve in surprise: "Does he know you?"

"We met a few times, but I was wearing a mask at that time!"

"If you are exposed! Please draw a clear line with us... Just say that SHIELD sent you to sneak in in disguise!" Chen Ang said helplessly: "They should send a more reliable person."

Chen Ang brought Steve to the residence Wakanda arranged for them. It was a small two-story building, just like most town buildings in Africa, without decoration, it could only be called clean—after all Wakanda is nominally one of the poorest countries in Africa, and Strange is giving free medical consultations to Wakanda.

Visibly uncomfortable on both sides - Wakanda has a well-developed medical and relief system, and they have to find someone to pretend to be the most common malnutrition and malaria sufferer in Africa.

Malnutrition is easy to say-they recruited poor tribal people from neighboring Kenya. Anyway, these tribal people who can only speak the local dialect cannot communicate on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have no concept of a country at all. They don't even know which country they are from. Who can object to the people of Wakanda?

But Wakanda had to provide a few patients and poor people who could communicate, and it was really hard work to pretend to be infected with those tropical infectious diseases.

The embarrassing thing is that Strange knows this well - he is not an ordinary doctor after all.

Therefore, when he met some patients who pretended not to be careful, his bad temper was a little uncontrollable. Strange looked strangely examining a patient who also had worrisome acting skills. After one set of examinations, he said while writing the medical certificate : "You are not malaria... Although you have symptoms of shaking, it is just an allergic reaction."

"This allergic reaction is very similar to the symptoms of malaria!"

Strange said with a strange face: "The detoxified malaria parasites used for specific immunotherapy, although there will be early symptoms of malaria, they will not continue to develop, but can provide acquired immunity to the host. Immunity to malaria is very strong. Complicated, non-specific and specific immunity are mutually conditional and complementary. Generally speaking, malaria immunity basically has no protective effect on the attack of heterogeneous Plasmodium. In addition, there are strain and stage specificities. Resistance that develops during one developmental period is not necessarily resistant to other developmental periods."

"This is a worldwide problem...but you guys seem to have solved it!"

"This detoxified Plasmodium is equivalent to a perfect compound vaccine. This cannot be a creation of nature, a medical miracle,

It is the result of a fairly advanced technology and medical system! "

It can be seen that the patient on the opposite side is also very flustered - what should I do? It seems that your disguise has been dismantled?

He stumbled and said: "I used to participate in a medical assistance program in the United States, and it was like this after I came back!"

"Can you tell me which medical assistance organization it is..." Strange took out a pen and prepared to write down: "I am going to nominate them for the next Nobel Prize!"

"My English is not good... I don't understand what you are saying?"

The patient said in a panic. He hurriedly took off the examination equipment on his body, and said: "My sheep haven't been fed...I have to go!" Then he fled in embarrassment.

When other 'patients' saw this situation, they all dispersed, leaving behind a few real patients from primitive tribes. Seeing Steve and Chen Ang at the door, Strange got up and took off his stethoscope and said, "These people's disguises are simply laughing at me. A few people who are not sick are just infected with undeveloped pathogens. I checked, and there are those who pretend to be seriously ill with allergic reactions. None of the developmental and malnourished patients can speak English, and they look like primitive people who have been found in some corner and have never cleaned up in their lives.”

"Generally speaking, no matter how good the medical skills of the assistant doctors are, no matter how rich their experience is, without medical equipment, they can only rely on physical examinations and temporary routine examinations. That is to say, they look, hear, ask and cut... It is impossible to see that they are wearing their disguise. illness." Chen Ang said: "I'm waiting for you to introduce it to did you find out about this."

Strange turned around and poured himself a glass of water: "That's what they need to worry about..."

As he said that, Strange froze suddenly, and Steve leaned over to see what was wrong with him! Seeing Strange holding a glass of water, staring at the circles of ripples echoing on the water surface, Steve's keen perception immediately made him feel that something was wrong with the surrounding environment, and a warning signal rose in his heart.

"There are high-frequency vibrations!" Strange stared at the water and said, "A vibration source that continuously emits high-frequency vibrations is approaching, and he is... detecting!"

Several people suddenly felt that their pores were shrinking, and their hearts were strongly alerted. Strange yelled: "Get down!"

The next moment, a powerful energy shock struck from the sky and swept across the earth. The frontier tribe where Chen Ang and others were located was hit head-on by the ultra-high-frequency air shock. Countless tents were overturned by the impact, and the concrete began to shatter due to the shock. Captain America The first one got up from the ground and jumped out of the window, followed by the others.

Chen Ang was the last one who had just thrown the last patient from the primitive tribe out of the window, and jumped out of the window by himself, and the whole small building collapsed.

Rolled on the ground and stood firmly, there were ruins in front of him, full of desolation.

The stable and peaceful tribal resident just now turned into ruins in the blink of an eye. The Wakanda people around were crying, and all kinds of tribal dialects and crying were noisy.

Several Wakanda fighters wore traditional Kanga, opened the Kanga, and stood in front of them. The blue energy flowed in the Kanga. In appearance, the Kanga is a large rectangular floral cloth, surrounded by It has wide sides and colorful patterns in the middle, all of which are Wakanda's mysterious characters, which light up with the flow of energy, and block the warriors like an open energy shield.

In the sky, with the sound of the siren, the protective shield visible to the naked eye was slowly activated, and a huge light blue sky fell from the sky, protecting the entire border tribe inside.

Outside the sky in the sky, a tall man covered in silver was suspended in the air. His body continuously emitted energy fluctuations, supporting him to float in the sky. It fluctuated violently, echoing with dense ripples.

The warriors of the border tribes on the ground roared angrily, sending out strange battle cries one after another.

The man in the sky tilted his head and looked at them with contempt.

Strange, Chen Ang and others calmly observed the sudden change, while Steve immediately went up to help rescue people, and dug out the injured Wakanda people from the ruins. Nomadic culture does not like concrete houses, and generally lives in tents.

Moreover, the tent looks crude, but it is a high-tech product. The tents surrounded by traditional African fabrics can raise energy barriers.

Therefore, after being hit, the casualties were not serious.

But there were still a lot of people in their hands. Steve rushed over holding a little girl who had broken her foot, and said to Strange, "Help take care of her..." Then he turned to save others.

Strange had no choice but to fix the injured man's wound, and he knew it by touching it: "Her leg bone is broken...need to be fixed!"

"Find me a stick!" Strange said to Chen Ang.

But Chen Ang just dug out a small box from the nearby ruins, found a gauze-like fabric from it, walked up to the patient, and said to Strange: "Get out of the way!"

Strange obediently gave up his position, Chen Ang wrapped the fabric around his twisted calf a few times, and then touched the pattern on it, the blue energy flowed in the fabric, and the fabric swelled up, protecting it like an airbag. At the injury site, anesthesia freezing gas was released at the same time, micro-correction began along the bone, and nano-robots began to repair the wound and take out the bone fragments.

At this time, Strange saw Wakanda people around them taking out these things and sticking them on their bodies.

Hemostasis of bleeding, healing of internal injuries.

At this time, Steve rushed back with another injured woman in his arms!

The man in the sky suddenly opened his mouth, and an invisible sound wave shot out from his throat. The powerful sound wave distorted the air, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and hitting the energy barrier sky. The ripples became more intense, and finally started from a point , gradually collapsed!

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