Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 50 No villain's life, but suffering from the villain's disease

"Suri?" T'Challa called out nervously, "Suri, what happened to you?"

The other side of Qimoyuzhu was quiet, only the rustling sound of someone moving, and it took a long time before someone came to Qimoyuzhu on the opposite side, and said to him with a somewhat strange accent: "Your sister is now Things don't seem to be going well... Kitty."

The voice said calmly and rigidly: "Rejoice! Your humble body can be enshrined in front of the king of the galaxy, the god of Titans, and the great Thanos. Be grateful! Your meaningless life... Dedicated to his great will die at the hands of the sons of Thanos. This will be the glory of your life, and the only meaning of your humble life!"

"Your life and your everything...including this country and its ants-like citizens. They will all contribute to the great cause of the Titan God!"

"Now, take your weapon, come before me, kneel down and beg for my mercy..."

"Who are you?" T'Challa gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words containing killing intent, and asked, "I don't know who you are! I don't know what you are going to do! But if you let me My sister and lover are hurt, if you dare to violate the people of Wakanda. I will swear in the name of the Black Panther, and I will be determined to take revenge until you and the master behind you are crushed to ashes! Kill them all!"

In the end, the panther almost roared and said his oath!

The voice over there just said reservedly: "I'm looking forward to... kitten. You are a fluffy and harmless little animal, when you raise your paws, you are really a little fierce!"

Strange suddenly said, "Ebony Throat!"

The voice on the other side of the communication chuckled, and hung up... T'Challa turned around and flew towards Strange almost the moment Chimoyuzu was hung up, grabbed the collar of his cloak, and pulled the He pulled it up and said, "Do you know who he is? Do you know him? Or did you bring him here?"

The US team hurried up to stop the Panther from further excessive behavior, and he tried to separate the two.

But the black panther kicked him out, and asked: "You pretended to be UN commissioners and sneaked into my country. I didn't regard you as an enemy. This is the greatest forgiveness. Now my sister and lover are being held hostage. My country may be violated...don't challenge my patience!"

Strange turned his right hand and opened the Eye of Agomodo.

Then at the moment when time stopped, he pulled the black panther off his collar without hesitation, then grabbed his head, and punched that face that hadn't fully evolved, and then another punch punch, followed by the third punch. Although the mages of Strange's faction were spell casters in name, you can tell from their training in spell training and the way they fight!

Can you believe that these mages practice spells and practice fists?

Therefore, Strange has trained well in boxing, intensively mastered ancient Chinese martial arts, Indian yoga and Oriental karate, with hard fists and tough kung fu.

Hit the black panther's face, one punch and nine shadows!

A set of Wing Chun Xiao Nim Tou, the rhythm of the strike was quick and fierce, in just seven seconds, he threw more than forty heavy punches.

Black Panther will definitely regret why he took off his mask for the convenience of answering the phone. Strange estimated the time when he entered the stop of time. In order to prevent himself from being dragged into the void by those existences outside of time, he stopped for ten seconds After that, the time stop is lifted.

Steve only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Strange broke free from the panther's grasp and stood beside him, and then there was a sound from the panther's face, a loud collection of many sounds of hitting the flesh, and then the whole person It flew out and hit it not far away.

Black Panther's feeling at that time was even simpler. There was a sharp pain on his face, and then his eyes went dark, and he was immediately stunned!

Steve looked back, and the black panther's face was swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was plump, not to mention cute. This is the round face with fluffy cats, not chimpanzees. That protruding jaw shape.

Black Panther has been kept in a blinded state, with pain on his face, making it almost impossible for him to think.

After he came to his senses, he wanted to kill Strange angrily, but Steve had to stand between the two of them and said, "Calm down." The Panther roared angrily, "Captain, you'd better get out of the way, Otherwise, I will fight with you!"

Strange beckoned and said, "Come on! Hit you like I did just now, I can repeat it all afternoon without my hands hurting!"

Black Panther put on the mask: "You better have such courage now!" Strange opened the Eye of Agomodo, ready to rewind the time of Black Panther, and then perform a time loop, beating him for an afternoon without panting. !

"Are you sure you want to fight inside at this time?"

A few people heard the sound and looked over, only to see that the black man under Chen Ang's control stopped fighting with the Zhenjin Puppet at some point, stood aside and looked at them, Chen Ang turned his head and said to the Zhenjin Puppet: "The younger brother under his command decides on his own... ...I made you laugh!"

The Zhenjin Puppet laughed and said, "I really like watching these. It's so funny to see that black panther being punched in the face so many times. I also want to thank you for stopping in time. It gave me time to smack that black panther." The picture was taken... I will remember this joke until next year! You don't know how boring the closed-door experiment is... I'm just pointing at this!"

The three people who were photographed in a farce don't know what kind of expressions they put on...

Looking at the irrational black panther who was suppressing his anger, Chen Ang had to sigh and explained: "We didn't bring Ebony Maw, but Ebony Maw brought us! There was a call in New York last month. Alien creatures, vicious incidents of the old gods, attracted the supreme mage—the one who beat you just now! Investigate with me, and at the same time, Thor, the god of thunder, also fell from the sky, and he brought us a not-so-good information--"

"A few months ago, Ebony Maw, one of Thanos' son's five Obsidian generals, known as Ebony Maw, escaped all monitoring, and under the support of Thanos' allies on Earth, secretly Infiltrate Earth. Thor please us to investigate this matter, especially Ebon Maw's purpose for infiltrating Earth!"

"So a few weeks ago, we found the wizard who summoned Ebony Maw in Cairo. After learning from him that Ebony Maw was summoned, we have been very interested in a place. Following the trail it left, we asked S.H.I.E.L.D. has processed documents for us and came to Wakanda to investigate!"

"This is why we came here..." Chen Ang said: "We are not enemies. On the contrary...we have the same enemy. Even if it is difficult to work together, we should not be enemies!"

"Even if what you said is true!" Black Panther struggled: "It cannot be assumed that you pretending to be a UN commissioner is not malicious!"

"We didn't pretend to be UN commissioners..." Chen Ang explained: "Three UN commissioners, Strange... the one who hit you... is the supreme mage, representing Kama Taj who protects the earth. Behind Steve The United States, you should know, he is almost a symbol of the United States. And the UN commissioner from China represents China, and even the official of the People's Revolutionary Federation."

"So...we are the United Nations!\

,"The king of Wakanda, a small and poor African country, was speechless in the face of the domineering logic of several big hooligans!

Chen Ang coughed twice, skipped this sensitive topic, and brought it back to the topic: "The problem now is...without technical support, the supercomputer calculates the coordinated resonance model of the vibrating gold can we defeat it?"

Strange turned his head and sighed, "So you plan to have a brainstorming session in front of it?" He pointed at the vibrating gold puppet and gestured.

"I can wait!" Crowe manipulated the puppet and said, "I've done everything I need to do now! I'm really not in a hurry!"

Chen Ang asked: "Your attack this time is to distract Wakanda's attention, so that Ebony Maw can take the opportunity to control the royal family and important officials of Wakanda. Ebony Maw has the ability to persuade or even control other people with words. The source of the title Ebony Maw. He manipulates and plays with the hearts and minds of other people, which is exactly what you lack in order to control Wakanda. are united with Ebon Maw?"

"No!" Zhenjin Puppet shook his head, with Claude's nervous expression vividly appearing on his face, he said: "He came here by himself, I know he must have some conspiracy, but I still agree to help him! "

"Why?" Black Panther raised his head and asked with a suppressed roar.

"Because I have the confidence..." Crowe laughed loudly: "I have the confidence to kill him easily after finding out that he is up to something. So he dare not betray me! The moment I saw it, I knew, This is a cowardly villain. The easiest way to surrender to power! As long as he doesn't have the confidence to kill me with one blow, then on Earth, I am its master!"

The puppet suddenly took two steps back, looked at them carefully and said, "No, no, no... It would be too wasteful to kill you now!"

"I want to see a good show!" He laughed and said to the panther: "If you want to save your family and people who are under control, come to Boninzana to find me-I want to play with you A game. It's so boring to take Wakanda so easily! I will wait for you in your palace in Boninzana..."

After all, the puppet punched through the barrier of the mirror space, soared into the sky, and flew in the direction of Boninzana, the capital of Wakanda.

The black panther could only be on the ground, screaming at his back in despair, distraught and indignant.

At this moment, Ulysses Klaus, who is far away in Kenya, is about to go high! He laughed loudly, soaring into the sky amidst the awe-inspiring eyes of countless mercenaries, and said to the scum he controlled by coercion and lure: "Get ready to go! Wakanda is mine now!"

One of the mercenary captains asked cautiously: "My lord, Wakanda is one of the poorest countries in Africa. Why don't we control Egypt?"

When Ulysses moved his hand, he was grabbed by an invisible wave, which made him unable to breathe.

Ulysses laughed: "I invite you to ask me—why? I only want one answer from you—yes, my lords!"

He let go and threw the mercenary who was about to suffocate, and laughed nervously: "I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

"God knows how much I hate to engage in democracy with idiots... When I used to sell arms, there were always idiots who repeatedly made small calculations, or were greedy and stupid, or arrogant ambitions, trying to get me down. I always I have to listen to their babbling nonsense and stupid opinions... Now it's good... It's clean!"

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