Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 63 The Brotherhood of the Holy Shield

"I'm in charge of the're in charge of the shield!" Chen Ang finally said to Rogers.

"What is he talking about?" Watching Chen Ang leave, Hawkeye asked Rogers suspiciously. Rogers was also a little puzzled, but he inexplicably recalled some relics handed over to him by his old lover Carter's niece. Some of the words he said while chatting with him before he died, a vague shadow appeared in his mind.

"Wait..." Rogers said to himself, "He's asking us for the Aegis!"

Hawkeye asked in surprise, "Aegis? What Aegis?"

Rogers called Stark, and after half a ring, a drunk man picked up the phone and muttered, "Old's so rare that you still remember to call me."

"I should be glad that you can still see the name of the caller!" Steve sighed, and then said: "I need to know something about your father, and I also need to take a look at the relics he gave you... Send it here now, I Knowing that you made the digital archives for those archives and relics, give me access Friday!"

"I have never understood..." Rogers said: "Why Howard would suggest the establishment of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency, and then give him a long and stinky name. They didn't come up with an abbreviated name until a few years ago. If the name is not an accident... but a kind of inheritance, a kind of historical inheritance... then everything can be explained!"

A few minutes later, Rogers received the digital file Tony created for his father Howard's relics. As he opened the file, he said: "This is Tony's style, he always likes to reconstruct the remnants of the past in terms of information, as if this It's like being able to keep those memories..."

Rogers read a large number of files left by Agent Carter and Howard, which recorded the establishment, demolition, and reconstruction of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as the celebration scenes of several founders when they moved into the new headquarters. His memory was vivid little by little. Apparently, compared to the present era, these shadows of the past that stayed on the paper just made him familiar, which made him feel as if he was right next to some old friends...

Rogers was rarely distracted. He stared at the young Carter and Howard in the photo, and the SHIELD badge on the Condor and the shield behind them, "I really hope to stay with you in that era... this era is too strange, And it doesn't belong to me, here I am like a lonely veteran who has walked out of history. My body may be young, but my heart is overwhelmed and old!"

Rogers gently stroked Carter's photo with his thumb, and said in his heart.

He noticed that the style of the S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem in the photo is somewhat different from the current one. The current Eagle of S.H.I.E.L.D. has the abstraction of industrial design and is composed of a few simple lines, but the eagle at that time had softer curves. Like a hand-painted eagle, he noticed a few details in the photo, and he immediately broke free from nostalgia for the past.

"I remember S.H.I.E.L.D. having a base near the Red Sea!"

Hawkeye looked at Steve who appeared at the door in surprise, and heard him say, "Let them send someone to pick us up!"


The Quinjet fighter hovered on the tarmac of the S.H.I.E.L.D. hub headquarters. As the sky above his head was closed by the electric motor, Steve stepped out of the cabin, only to see the chocolate-colored bald head of Nick, the one-eyed dragon.

Nick smiled and said, "I will explain to you about Wakanda!"

Steve said, "I don't need your explanation..."

"Claw is not our enemy, aliens are, we can't force him to Thanos' side, sometimes we need to make some compromises!"

"The reason why Crowe is not your enemy is because Zhenjin is your friend!" Steve's face was not good, and he said to Nick Fury: "This is the reason for your compromise, and I advise you— —Be careful with your friends, maybe it doesn't want to be friends with you!"

"I know that Zhenjin may have something to do with 'war'!" Cyclops said: "Because of this,

We have to hold it in our hands! "

Steve told him, "Take me to the main conference room... the one Howard used to use!"

"Howard has never been to the hub!" Nick said indifferently.

"But S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely build him a conference room of that style..." Steve said calmly: "The founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. are Colonel Howard and Colonel Phillips, but I found out in other materials that , Far more than that, the father of Dr. Reed in the Fantastic Four, Nathaniel Richards, was also the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"They have a courtroom-like conference room with five seats up there looking down."

"Behind is a wall with the emblem of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the nine planets that surround S.H.I.E.L.D. like the sun. Of course, there may be eight of them now...and their orbits. Around the emblem of S.H.I.E.L.D. Radiant patterns like the sun... now can you take me there?"

Nick Fury stared at him for a long time before letting go: "You have described it so clearly, of course I know it!"

"plz follow me!"

Cyclops explained on the road: "When Howard created S.H.I.E.L.D., it was an authoritarian institution, even...independent of the government, just like the FBI at the time, this institution had its own will, and they set up court-like High above the Tribunal Chamber."

"But you know, this organization will eventually return to its original position, submit to the government, and become an intelligence service organization. At this time, the ancient trial seat will no longer be applicable!"

"We need to show obedience to the government, not directly under the World Security Council, because the interests of the world are complicated, but the interests of the United States are single. SHIELD is rooted in the United States, and it cannot always wear a uniform The skin of an international institution. Show independence!"

Nick Fury said and pushed open the door of a secret meeting room in the hub, which was just as Steve described.

"Agent Carter insisted on moving the conference hall of the original headquarters here... This may be an old man's nostalgia for the past, so we also keep it here..."

Steve looked at the spotless hall and the high-tech equipment used on the seats, and frowned, "It doesn't look like it's rarely used!"

Steve came to the seat, facing the wall inlaid with the emblem of SHIELD, he pressed his right hand on the emblem of SHIELD, fortunately he was tall enough, he pressed a few times tentatively, his hand His sensitive sense of touch allowed him to discover the secret. He twisted the emblem, and the chassis of the emblem made the sound of mechanical gears rotating.

Like the turntable of a safe, the Condor Shield began to rotate. Steve turned three times and found that the eagle on the Aegis began to emerge. He recalled the Aegis Eagle in the old photo, the old The shield's eagle head was twisted to the left, and now... the eagle's head is turned to the right.

Steve moved the eagle's head so that it turned to the left.

At this time, Nick Fury's face couldn't help but change. The Condor Shield made a rattling sound of mechanical gears, and the entire round shield suddenly sank, and it was neatly separated from the middle, revealing a circular hole. , an eagle relief with ancient Egyptian patterns emerged.

In the place where the SHIELD emblem turned out to be, a golden round shield appeared.

Steve took off the round shield and stared at the golden shield. This golden shield full of historical texture is composed of red and gold, and an ancient Egyptian-style eagle is embossed on it, representing the sacred shield of the pharaoh. The eagle and the round shield have a golden texture, but Steve can feel its strange texture with his tentacles.

It was another peculiar vibrating gold alloy, which made the defense of this round shield even better than the original vibrating gold round shield in Steve's hand.

Steve murmured: "I know what template Howard used to build that round shield!"

Rather than saying that what Steve holds is the original vibrating gold alloy round shield made by Howard, it is better to say that the shield that symbolizes the American spirit is actually made by Howard after imitating this shield. This is the real Aegis, and it is also Aegis. The origin of the bureau!

Back to Egypt with this Aegis. At the airport of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Egypt, as soon as Steve got off the plane, he saw a small gray-black spaceship parked nearby. Chen Ang was waiting under the spaceship, and walked out of the spaceship. A group of soldiers wearing Chinese military uniforms handed over a golden spear they carried to Chen Ang.

The spearhead of the spear looks like an open wing, and the same red and gold patterns make up the spearhead's wings.


The Step Pyramid, the Step Pyramid of Santa Carla, designed and built by Imhotep, is the oldest of all the pyramids in Egypt.

In a secret temple inside the pyramid, Chen Ang and Steve stand on both sides of the gate that symbolizes the underworld. There are two ancient reliefs on the door. The Aegis that Steve will bring back from the S.H.I.E.L.D. It was placed in the groove of the ancient stone carving, and it was perfectly inlaid. Chen Ang inserted the divine spear entrusted to him by the Republic into the keyhole of the stone carving gate.

With the twisting of the spear key, the entire pyramid trembled slightly.

Viewed from the outside, the entire pyramid slowly cracked along the sidelines, revealing a metal pyramid made of golden vibrating gold alloy.

The spire of the metal pyramid shoots out a white-gold light that goes straight into the sky, sinking into the night sky!

The shadow of a pharah, cast across the sky, is visible to half the world.

Chen Ang looked at the golden pyramid that appeared in front of him, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. The interior of the metal pyramid was decorated with the characteristics of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient China and other civilizations, full of mystery and elegance, and the stepped pyramid was completely cracked. It became a take-off channel, allowing the entire metal pyramid to slowly float up into the air. What is exposed on the surface is only an insignificant part of it. Under the ground, there is a larger body.

What appeared in front of them was the secret base of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, the floating pyramid!

Everyone was immersed in the shock of the floating pyramid, and no one could hear Chen Ang talking to himself: "Imhotep, should I call you Elder Imhotep? Or should I call you Imhotep?" High priest Dun? Zulong and Imhotep... the history of this world is getting more and more interesting!"

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