Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 70 A Chen God's Secret Diary of Creation

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Texas——Johnny Blazer, whom Chen Ang and the others are looking for, is performing stunt motorcycles here. Today, Johnny Blazer is performing in the countryside of Texas. Make the traditional circus more popular. It's conservative, rustic, backward, and the Texans are ignorant and grumpy.

This is the Lone Star Republic of rednecks, racists, and the Ku Klux Klan.

"This should be the best place to preserve American traditions!" Chen Ang leaned against the stands holding a bottle of beer, ignoring the hot circus performance in front of him, and asked Rogers next to him: "Do you feel a familiar smell?" ?”

"I'm a northerner!" Steve said, "Although the Union has been bridging the conflicts between the North and the South after the Civil War, a Yankee can never truly identify with the spirit of the South... I yearn for an open America more than A puritanical conservative country ... so, yeah, I'm not a fan of that."

Chen Ang held up the beer, the two clinked a glass, and drank it down.

"One last question... what's the real reason you've been letting Ebonmaw go?" Steve asked.

Chen Ang silently touched the railing in front of him bit by bit. After thinking for a long time, he told Steve: "You saw it! Yes, whether it's me or Cyclops, the forces behind us... people Both the Revolutionary League and S.H.I.E.L.D. have been letting Ebony Maw go. Otherwise, we would have dealt with him first, not the people he bewitched."

"But at the same time, we also need him!"

"What do you need him to do?" Steve suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked, "I don't understand why you always use this and that?"

"This is politics..." Chen Ang said with a helpless smile: "We need to use him to stir up the muddy water, and after it settles down, we can see it more clearly... To put it bluntly, we just want to use him to review Some forces that are outside the mainstream. The earth is too complicated! Before we have a showdown with Apocalypse, we need to know the attitude of those forces."

"So, Ebony Maw is a trigger, a sign of judgment, a test for us to other forces, other people, those superheroes or villains."

"We need him to make wind and rain on the earth, stir up those people hiding in the quagmire, and let us know their attitude and position!"

"Position...position is very important. They have always avoided establishing their own position, but as a diplomat of the Human Revolutionary Union, I need to determine their position just like Nick Fury, and then decide who to be friends with and who to eradicate? "

"You take him as a touchstone!" Steve couldn't see his anger,

He just said flatly: "Do you want him to help you find out the enemies that need to be eliminated one by one?"

"When the final duel is approaching, we cannot allow them to appear indistinctly!" Chen Ang nodded.

"For example, Johnny Blazer... He is actually the representative of the Ghost Rider. We need to use him to know what the Ghost Rider's position is? Is it completely subordinate to the demon Mephitos? The side of the will. Their attitude, their position, their...subordination!" Chen Ang pointed to Johnny Blazer who appeared on the stage and attracted a lot of cheers.

"This is the tacit agreement between me and Nick!"

"So we're here this time to test his position?" Steve said.

"It's better to say... Assess his threat!" Chen Ang said softly, then put down the bottle, and applauded loudly in the direction of Johnny Blazer who was about to cross the fire circle and the high platform. Steve wanted He asked more clearly, but was interrupted by the roaring crowd. Amidst the shouts, Johnny Blazer jumped up, crossed the huge obstacles between the high platforms, and successfully landed. The atmosphere at the scene became even more enthusiastic.

The audience shouted excitedly at Johnny Blazer, watching Johnny Blazer exit surrounded by the staff, Chen Ang and Steve also had to get up and go backstage quietly...

"I'm's not allowed here..." Before the staff finished speaking, they were forced to return by two special certificates with eagle emblems.

"We have some things that we need to ask Johnny Blaster!" Steve said.

"Please... please come in!" The staff member hesitated, hesitantly, he stepped aside and emphasized: "Johnny Blast is our popular stunt driver here... He didn't cause any trouble, did he?"

"It's just that there are some things that need to be asked him alone!" Steve had to comfort him: "It's not a big deal!"

After getting off the racing track, Johnny Blaster sat alone in the background and flipped through a religious book. Chen Ang walked up to him, glanced at the title of the book, sat opposite him and said, "Read this kind of book." , but cannot discover the true attributes of God!"

Johnny raised his head and looked at him in surprise, Chen Ang continued: "You have to talk to him in person!"

"Do you need me?" Johnny put down the book, glanced at him, then turned his head to look at Steve, who was wearing a cowboy hat and leaning against him with his head down—because Steve was too well-known. He has been a national, or in the United States, there are very few people who don't know him, so it is Chen Ang, a strange face, who is talking to him.

"Let's talk!" Chen Ang put a bottle of wine beside the table: "Let's talk about Mephitos!"

Johnny Blazer was instantly alert, and became very wary of Chen Ang. He whispered, "Why did you mention this devil?"

"Isn't it a matter of course for someone who's just had a thrilling performance and when he stops he's holding on to Faust?"

"What's more... Only when you come into contact with the devil can you get closer to God!" Chen Ang made a pun.

"Are you really so free that you don't watch the circus outside, and talk about religion with people at night?" Johnny Blazer asked: "Besides, God is far away from me... I have long since lost sight of him."

"Believe've never been so close to him!" Chen Ang said calmly.

"So what is Mephitos?" Johnny asked.

"The questions God uses to test people... are also weapons used to test human beings. It is said that ancient Babylon once built the Tower of Babel in an attempt to ascend to heaven by itself. God made people unable to speak and unite. Probably since then The devil. So Babylon fell under the devil..."

"From this we can see that angels, like devils, are God's creations."

Chen Ang looked at Johnny Blazer's slightly more serious expression, and chose to continue:

"I also know a little bit more. In some absurd legends, the creator will give the world various tests to determine whether they are his most perfect creations. Therefore, when each racial civilization develops to the most prosperous, it will There will be challenges, when humans on earth built the Tower of Babel, the adopted son of the Creator, the Messiah, came to the world."

"He collected the darkest part of the human soul and set it ablaze with flames—the burning souls became spirits of vengeance. They swept across the earth and tortured the souls of men. So the tower of Babel fell, and the fire fell from the sky, Na Bistin's wrath strikes! Babylon perishes..."

"The spirit of vengeance burned the sins of mankind. From the original sin of mankind, seven powerful spirits of vengeance were born. They sank into the abyss and burned into hell. Far beyond their kind, they were bestowed by the Messiah Identity, judge the soul of the sinner for him, and torture the original sin of mankind. They are called demons and devils!"

"Mephitos is one of them!"

"But what is interesting is that the devils used to be the test of human beings, but they are also the creations of the creator...then the interesting point is that, according to the rules, when the devils are strong enough to attract the attention of the creator, they... also have to face their own Tests. So... the devil, created to test humans, must also be tested, which is really an interesting irony."

"But the devils don't think it's ironic... On the contrary, they are very frightened."

"The same is true of Mephitos, so there is an internal war among them. Each devil and demon wants to take power from its own kind, and at the same time reduce the overall strength of devils and demons, delaying the time when the test comes. After the war, some Some demons and devils failed, others grew stronger."

"But they are still afraid... so they want to find out the secrets of Messiah's creation of them, and the original secrets of the devil, so as to prevent the Messiah from taking away their power with a wave of his hand, so they choose to find again—the Spirit of Vengeance .Some unfortunate human beings are chosen as the carrier of the spirit of revenge because of the characteristics of their souls. They are a duality. These human beings are called—ghost riders!"

Johnny Blazer had already put down the book, he stared at Chen Ang, his hand on the table trembled slightly, showing his inner unrest, he stared at Chen Ang and asked, "Who are you?"

( = remember in a second )

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