Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 72 God wants to judge the last day, do you support it?

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"If the devil is an angel..." Johnny Blazer objected: "They can't even enter the church!"

"Because they committed a crime." Chen Ang said, "So they were punished by the Messiah."

"Because they tempt people to fall and sin?" Johnny Blazer said: "God gave them the responsibility of judging sinners, but they tempt people to fall?"

"No no no, you misunderstood me. First of all... God didn't give them responsibility. It's the Messiah. God didn't do anything. He just created. He is the creator. And the Messiah is the one who arranges everything You can also call it destiny. It is not the sin of devils and demons to tempt people's souls to fall, in fact...that is their duty, to create devils, to divide and punish human beings, to fish for law enforcement... It's law enforcement."

"Their real crime is that they killed and plundered each other out of fear of future judgment. Messiah appointed seven ancient demons, but they entrapped each other... This is provoking Messiah's arrangement, so...they are guilty. betrayed the Messiah's plan for them."

"No leader will care about your slight crossing of the line of authority, or gray overreach. Only when the leader wants to deal with you, that is a criminal evidence, but every leader will care about your challenge to other people's authority. Therefore, They are unlucky."

"And... you want evidence, and the evidence is in what you just said!" Chen Ang stared at him and said.

Johnny Blazer recalled what he said just now, but still didn't understand.

Chen Ang had no choice but to remind him: "You just said that devils and demons cannot enter churches. In fact, based on my experience in dealing with the rampant cult problems in North America, the devil's relatives cannot enter churches. Only their Worshipers, demon believers who have not been assimilated by their power, can only walk in, but you can come and go freely in the church."

"That's a pretty obvious proof that you're part of an angel, even an avenging angel."

"So...God didn't give up on me!" Johnny Blazer said excitedly, "He didn't give up on my father either. Will his soul go to heaven?"

"Wait a minute... God doesn't give up on anyone... No one gives up their possessions. I guarantee you are His from head to toe, soul to body. But He just doesn't care, you're just pocket money, and he's not a saver , did not receive your souls to be stored in heaven."

"God is a financial manager who likes to invest and keeps running the property in his hands."

"So...your souls,

Generally, they continue to invest in...operations. There is no such thing as continuous investment... saving, which is not in line with the principles of financial management. "

"You just said that the Spirit of Vengeance is an angel!"

"So!" Chen Ang flipped through the small book and said, "You belong to the operation and management of Messiah. It is the capital that is temporarily operated by him."

"The church..." Johnny Blazer wanted to say something more. Whether the soul belongs to God is very important for believers. Although Johnny Blazer is not a believer, as a traditional American, he is still a Southerner. I still care about this, which is why he is obsessed with getting back his father's soul.

It can be seen from this that the capital operated and managed by Messiah Gang Chen Ang is indeed developing well, and the management level is very high.

Like Apocalypse Chen himself, his management level is very low. In the hands of the Messiah, human beings happily become his property, but in the hands of Apocalypse, the resistance of the property is very fierce.

Of course, there are also reasons why Apocalypse's investment purposes are different. Apocalypse's capital is used for experiments. Little things like capital appreciation have traditionally been handled by managers like Messiah. The Four Horsemen belong to the heads of the functional departments of Tianqi Company, and they are responsible for all specific affairs.

In fact, Chen Ang felt that Messiah did a good job. The low-quality asset monkey with little experimental value, after his operation transformation, turned into a high-quality asset human with great experimental value!

The value-added speed can be said to be very fast!

Messiah can be said to be very capable!

Chen Ang taught him firmly: "The church is not managed by God... Let me ask you, who is enshrined in the middle of the church? Who is hung on the cross? Who established the church? Who is the one who redeemed mankind?"

"My Lord Jesus!" Johnny Blazer replied.

"That's right! What temple to enter, what god to worship? A church dedicated to Jesus, you let God do things... This is unreliable! So... You have to recognize your position. You are being killed by Mephitos Controlled, symbiotic with angels, but ultimately Messiah-managed humans. Ownership belongs to God...but control belongs to Messiah."

Johnny Blazer was a little confused by what Chen Ang said. He vaguely felt that the logic seemed correct, but in terms of the principles and beliefs he had learned from the Bible, these statements were almost outrageous.

"But God and Jesus are not attributes!" Johnny Blazer emphasized.

"What is said in the propaganda, you are an administrator in the system, you are not suitable for questioning or objecting!" Chen Ang nodded the table and said: "You are half an angel, and an angel is a serving spirit. You can be regarded as a bunch of civil servants of God, As a civil servant, it is not appropriate for you to mention matters of faith. Faith is a matter for believers. To put it bluntly, it is a matter for human beings. Human understanding of the Messiah! Is it something you, an angel, should mention?"

"Whether God is benevolent, whether the Messiah is bright or not, believers can question, but you, an angel, question what. When God sends you to test human beings, do you have to point out that this is not in line with the spirit of the Bible? Your ass is sitting Which side? People are going to die sooner or later, so you won’t end up as a human. So how do you recognize your position when the identities of angels and humans conflict?”

Johnny Blazer's mind is in a mess, and he feels like his world view is being shattered. I am a ghost knight, a human being who signed a contract with the devil, born as a human, grows to be a did I become an angel?

Life and death in Gouli Heaven...

shut up! Stop the random thoughts in my head...Johnny Blazer said dumbly: "How do you think I should recognize my position..."

"Of course, whichever side your butt falls on, that's where you stand. Human beings are just stools for your buttocks to sit on temporarily, and angels are your seat for a lifetime... After you die... the Messiah is based on God's position liquidate you."

"How do I recognize my inner decision." Johnny Blazer asked: "What is the difference between the positions of angels and humans?"

"..." Chen Ang picked up the beer and said, "I'll just ask you...God wants to judge the last day, do you support it?"

"I..." Johnny Blazer was speechless:

"Destroy the world... kill all human beings, and recreate another world. According to the Old Testament, there are not many people in the Book of the Lamb... Of course, this is not the case. But the last judgment is a topic that you can never avoid ...Whether to be an angel to judge mankind instead of God, or to be judged as a human being... You see, the conflict of identities is very serious!" Chen Ang said.

"Another example, like the avenging angels who were ordered to destroy Babylon and the Tower of Babel... This is the work of angels. People can have a position, but as an angel, your position must be consistent with God. Devils have their own position. stand, only to fall from an angel..."

"I don't know..." Johnny Blazer held his head and said, "I don't know what to do..."

"Are you here as an angel to ask me these things?" He raised his head and questioned, "You shouldn't be the ones asking me these things."

I am God, I can't ask... Chen Ang looked up to the sky and was speechless.

"I'm not an angel... I'm just asking you about your attitude as an organization that protects human beings." Chen Ang said: "Do you know?... Mephitos has joined an alliance that is trying to destroy half of life in this universe. The first step in the plan is to prepare for the destruction of mankind."

"And you are the most powerful Ghost Rider controlled by Mephitos."

"So I need to know what your position is as a member of the human race and as a soul controlled by Mephitos. Furthermore, as beings who are half angels and generally human beings, you will be in the final judgment later , What is your position? God is preparing for the final judgment, and people come to resist, do you support it?"

Johnny Blazer said dejectedly, "It's hard for me to answer these things in a short time."

"We don't care about your answer... because the answer will always change. I just want you to know... your actual behavior is your final answer. When we step out of this circus, there will be a man with a silver cane The old man walks in, and he invites you to save the universe, and the first step is to destroy us."

"And when you appear on the battlefield...we will determine our attitude towards you, and even all ghost knights."

"Think about it!" Chen Ang stood up and said: "You will eventually walk across from us, but if your will wants to resist Mephitos, we will help you get rid of its control, if not... Then we are enemies!"

After leaving these words, Chen Ang turned around to meet Steve, and walked out of the circus.

"What did you tell him?" Steve asked. "I've heard so many secrets about think Apocalypse is the real God...he's not!"

"For an angel... he is!"

"The Human Revolutionary League is not afraid of a galaxy warlord. Thanos is nothing in front of us. Even if he unites many allies, what we care about is the this attitude is the most important. As for others... strong Niblaze and the rest of the Ghost Riders wouldn't have chosen Mephitos. They would have stood up to that demon for a contract with Saint Van Gonzale. How much more for humanity as a whole?"

"But in the disaster of the apocalypse, will those angels, including Mephitos and Satan, including Ghost Rider, rebel against their creator? Although demons and devils have their own positions, it is still hard to say. After all, they Never challenged the Messiah head-on, not even the most rebellious demon."

"Those devils and demons only dare to secretly poke and do some small actions that the Messiah acquiesces. When the disaster of the apocalypse breaks out, it will be the best result for them to be bystanders. In case those existences turn around and continue to surrender to the Messiah Saiyan, become the Legion of Destiny, the Legion of Messiah, and the backhand can put us in a big hole!"

( = remember in a second )

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