Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 77 Desperate Counterattack...Secret Invasion

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The Andromeda Galaxy...Skross Star!

The green-skinned Skrulls, which evolved from reptiles, came out of their dwellings in groups and stared at the sky. In the sky, a huge steel creation passed across the sky, and its shadow covered the earth. Skrull In the outer space of the Ruhr home planet, the Kirov-class interstellar cruiser with a sickle and hammer head forming a pentagram emblem hung on the prow, forming a huge fleet and slowly passing by.

Farther away, the remains of countless Skrull starships hang in the dark and cold universe.

The entire Andromeda M-31 galaxy space has been reduced to a huge battlefield ruins. The wreckage of the metal battleship bears the traces of tearing, twisting and melting. In the vast vacuum of the universe, this battlefield is small and grand, compared to These wreckages in the space of the M-31 galaxy are as inconspicuous as the gravel in the vast sea.

But if you look at it from a human perspective, those wreckages are not smaller than the surrounding planets. The wreckage is as big as a planet orbiting a star. It is conceivable that after tens of millions of years, these wreckages will simulate the microorganisms and ecosystems left in the ecosystem. Bacteria will multiply on the corpses of the Skrulls, and the intelligent life they evolved will re-develop civilization on the home planet of the wrecked battleship.

The emperor of the Skrulls looked at the fleet in outer space with a complicated expression. After struggling for a moment, he ordered to open the remaining defense measures of the palace. The fleet of the Human Revolutionary Alliance had already torn apart most of the defenses of the Skrulls' home planet. After that, his key defense system of the palace as the Skrull emperor has no meaning.

The skin of the green-skinned Skrull emperor squirmed for a while, and turned into a bear with a high nose and deep eyes. The Skrulls evolved from reptiles. During the evolution process, they were similar to the earth's chameleons. Skrulls Humans have also evolved more advanced shape-shifting abilities.

It can be said that each of them is a natural spy. In the history of the rise of Skrull civilization, they often imitate the appearance of aliens from other planets, infiltrate into their civilization, steal technology or infiltrate and destroy. Gradually grow into one of the three major alien empires in the galaxy.

The Skrulls have a unique imitation civilization, and their technological system is based on a series of aggressive behaviors such as imitation, invasion, and digestion.

The Skrull emperor sent a clear-code communication signal, and General Zhukov on the flagship of the Soviet fleet received the clear-code signal. The video screen of the Skrull emperor was projected to the flagship command center. The supreme king of the Skrull people knelt down On the ground, he presented his crown to the Soviet soldiers surrounding Skross.

"Conquerors from afar, I surrender to you on behalf of the Skrulls, and beg you not to destroy our home planet and preserve our civilization. We are willing to pay all prices for this as punishment for our war. Skrulls I am willing to serve you as masters...submit to the rule of the RPTU.


Zhukov is waiting for the decision of the Civilization Judgment Committee. As a soldier, he can make suggestions but not make decisions in the resolution of whether to retain a hostile civilization.

The Civilization Judgment Committee was jointly established by the three major member countries of the Human Revolutionary Federation. Based on the information unification technology, the derived information manipulation technology and parallel world observation technology are composed of the Soviet Iron Will, the Republic's Ultimate Humanity and the Chinese Will, the European Community Collective consciousness such as the sailing committee acts as the adjudicator to judge and deal with hostile civilizations.

They will record all the information of the civilization, review the collective subconsciousness of the hostile civilization race, and after reaching two orders of magnitude, observe all the possibilities of the civilization... and finally make a comprehensive decision.

Generally speaking, it is rare to choose to completely destroy a civilization in peacetime.

But it just so happens that we are now in a special period when the CRPF is facing the greatest danger and the most brutal war.

Zhukov waited for the reply from the Civilization Judgment Committee——Zhukov raised his hand and issued an order for the main ship's Star Destroyer salvo to the fleet under his command. As a soldier, he can't object to the decision of the Civilization Judgment Committee, and he can only express his... memorial to the ruin of a powerful civilization in this way.

"No..." the Skrull emperor wailed in despair when he saw the adjusted battle line of the Soviet fleet.

"Please...don't destroy us!"

The Skrull emperor looked desperate and helpless. At the last moment, he recalled the civilizations destroyed and killed by the Skrulls. There is no doubt that the past glory of these Skrulls prompted civilization to rule One of the main reasons for the Commission's judgment.

The Skrulls on Skross already knew this result through a well-developed information exchange network.

They hugged each other and looked at the sky desperately. Starting from the Skrull emperor, everyone transformed into the appearance of earthlings, which made Skross look like a human planet in an instant. They were praying desperately. The sympathy of the destroyer is also resisting the destruction.

look! You destroyed us today, and you will be destroyed in the same way tomorrow!

The muzzles of the Soviet fleet began to emit white rays of energy gathering.

The prime minister of the Skrulls, an old Skrull staggered to the emperor, regretting: "We should not have listened to Thanos' bewitching to provoke a behemoth we can't afford. To prevent Galactus from staring at our home star... But he did not tell us that the reason why Galactus will forgive us is because we are actively involved in the vortex of these two behemoths."

"Now, the Skrulls are about to be destroyed...I hate it!"

The Skrull emperor wailed: "Why? Thirty years ago, when Galactus was about to destroy Skross, we chose Earth as the object of immigration. At that time, the people on Earth were still so weak that they could only rely on one The power of women has temporarily frustrated us, and it was only for a short period of time that the earth reappeared in front of us, and there is such a powerful civilization?"

"I hate Thanos for deceiving us, I hate Galactus for trying to devour our planet and leave us nowhere to go, but what I hate the most is the people on Earth...they destroy everything about us! They begged for mercy... I have also ruthlessly destroyed those planets that begged us for mercy, and used their home planets to delay the planet devourer."

"But even if we were guilty... it shouldn't end like this!"

"Convey my last order! Prime Minister..." the Skrull emperor calmed down, and stood in front of the cannon fired by the Soviet fleet and ordered: "To those compatriots who are still lurking on the earth... the Skrulls Destroyed, for the Skrulls. Take revenge on Earth!"

"They are our civilization, the last avengers!"

"We will drag hell together!"

The star-destroying cannons of the Soviet fleet fired a volley. In the white torrent of destruction, it was like a magnificent scene of a white hole erupting. Lights of countless colors mixed with the torrent of energy that annihilated everything, rushed towards Skross. Everything annihilated into nothingness, leaving only a distorted space, and in the countless years to come, the damage will be gradually eliminated.


In Hawkeye's home, his wife thought of hearing the knock on the door, and went to open the door in surprise, only to see a red-haired girl looking at her with a smile outside the door. She knew this woman, and Hawkeye had brought his comrades here before Their own home, let them rest temporarily, when the combination of Sargeras and Ultron almost destroyed the world.

Everyone was repeatedly frustrated by Adam's hands, and their spirits were depressed.

For this reason, Hawkeye took them back to his little home and told them why they were fighting.

Natasha smiled and took out a small gift and said, "I just came back to this country, and I came here to visit you."

Hawkeye's wife warmly welcomed her and said, "Come in!"


Nick Fury pushed open the half-hidden door, and what appeared in front of him were the eyes of his eagle-eyed wife, the remnant brilliance in the vitreous body, and the unbelievable expression on his face, which made Nick Fury's heart tighten.

"Who did it!" Nick said angrily, "Who did it?"

Coulson came to him with a heavy face, and said in a low voice: "The security equipment in the house has been cleaned up in a very professional way, but our big data system estimates that before entering Hawkeye's safe house, that person once appeared In the satellite of the Human Revolutionary Union."

"Hawkeye's home is a secret, and the two agents who protected them were killed before sending out the signal. Not many people know here, there are only three people in S.H.I.E.L.D.... However, the Avengers have been here, and Na Tasha later rebelled! No one knows if she reported the situation here to the Human Revolutionary League."

"Hawkeye and the people from the Human Revolutionary League are now in the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. They will not act without reason to split the Holy Shield... We have already told him the misfortune that happened here. The Human Revolutionary League replied to us."

Nick Fury suddenly raised his hand to touch his blind eye, and said in a low voice: "I trusted others for the last time and lost this eye. What happened here is so weird, it reminded me of what happened before ...we need Captain Marvel to look into this."

"Perhaps we will face a test of trust."

"The danger is no longer before the truth is found out, but after the truth is found out."

In the remaining eye of Nick Fury, there was a light of doubt. At this moment, he no longer trusted anyone, including Coulson behind him.

T'Challa and Hawkeye return to Wakanda, and their target is a man in scales - the Aquaman from Atlantis - Namor.

Wakanda is adjacent to the sea, and Namor doesn't like living on land, so he didn't live in Boninzana, where Claude, who has repeatedly defeated the heroes, is safer, but led the army of Atlantis Stationed in the bay closest to Boninzana, it guards the river tribes.

( = remember in a second )

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