Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 81 Black Bat King... Cosmic Tuning Fork

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After occupying Wakanda, Ulysses Crow maintained his rule with cruel and ruthless means. He knew that he had no ruling foundation and no tradition to maintain. He knew that his rule of this country relied on violence and Coercion, so Crowe does not plan to be open and tolerant.

His rule is all about strength, and he keeps the Wakandans intimidated to maintain his authority.

Relying on the interests of Wakanda sold—Zhenjin, in exchange for the outside world's acquiescence to his rule, so Wakanda people are prohibited from owning and touching Zhenjin, their technological products are restricted, and now high technology has nothing to do with them . Black dudes here can only buy North American tech like most of the continent.

Congratulations to the United States, there is another market that is expanding.

A large amount of vibrating gold is also mined every day and sent to Ulysses' laboratory. A huge vibrating gold tower is built here. The vibrating gold tower uses the transformation method that Ulysses gave him from Adam. , the ultimate technology comprehended, trying to go beyond the human body mechanics structure designed by Adam, and weaponize the technology in the vibration physics, acoustics, and structural mechanics—the superconducting metal properties and the metallization of the human body structure in the twelve energy release states.

Ulysses Crow has never been a puppet at the mercy of others. He has been trying to understand and absorb the "Twelve Passes of Zhenjin" created by Adam, because Adam has integrated too many martial arts in this new technological martial arts The ultimate truth and human science make every level a natural barrier, and the power of each level is also very different.

The greatest power of Ulysses, who only has four levels now, can only collapse the earth's core and destroy the planet.

But this kind of power can be achieved by a low-level frigate of the Human Revolutionary League.

He longs for more powerful power, until the cosmic resonance of the twelfth level, transcending the realm of time and space, destroying the multiverse with every gesture, and destroying the terrifying power of other parallel worlds with vibrations.

But the "Twelve Passes of Zhenjin Heaven and Earth" left by Adam is too difficult, and the truth contained in it is too difficult for Claude to comprehend in his whole life, but he believes that the most important difficulty is the principle of martial arts and human body. Trying to separate the acoustic technology of the level behind the design diagram, so that I can overcome the level obstacles designed by Adam and directly obtain the power to destroy the world.

Three years ago, when Ulysses began to study the subsequent design and experimental data, he found that among the twelve energy release states of vibration physics, acoustics and structural mechanics—the properties of superconducting metals and the metallization of human body structures, even if the The content of the human body and martial arts, and the rest of the technology include not only the acoustic content he is familiar with, but also cosmology, structural mechanics, vibration physics and other mind-numbing knowledge.

Transform the mature technology and extract the basic science and technology,

It is a gigantic project unimaginable by Ulysses.

But even so, it is much easier than him practicing "Zhenjin Twelve Passes".

Ulysses discovered that to complete this project, an unimaginably huge amount of vibration gold was needed, so he completed the fourth level in three years and at the same time began the preliminary technical preparations, and designed a huge one that integrated all his resources. Vibration laboratory for understanding and knowledge - a vibrating tower with a complex structure that can be in tune with the cosmic background vibration, imitating the last level of cosmic tuning.

This tower was named by him - the tuning fork of the universe.

After occupying Wakanda, Ulysses relied on day and night to dig the vibrating gold mine with all his strength, and finally he was able to start building the laboratory he designed himself. During this period, less than one percent of the vibration gold flowed into the market in exchange for funds, which is already tens of thousands of times that released by Wakanda.

All the remaining vibration gold was put into this project by Crow. For this reason, he relied on violence to collect the vibration gold high-tech products produced by Wakanda before, and even deprived them of the vibration gold from the Wakanda people. He melted the weapons of the Kanda king's guard.

Today, Crowe finally completed the construction of this laboratory—the cosmic tuning fork.

Standing on the top of the giant laboratory tower, Crowe felt fear in his heart. He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to say to a black shadow next to him: "You know? My design has a big problem, and it is impossible to succeed." .At least it’s impossible to be as delicate and wonderful as it is now, and it can even be said to be perfect.”

"This laboratory perfectly repeats my vision-creating the power of the twelfth level."

"But that's why I feel genuine fear... I'm not creating this giant tower, but it's growing. Now I'm convinced that the little black kitten was right, Zhenjin is alive Yes. When I used it to create the damn twelve levels, it was like it started communicating with my brain, countless ideas, countless inspirations were stuffed into my brain."

"Then I designed it as if possessed. But I can't even fully understand it. Although it is something I created with my own hands, it is more like it created itself through my hands. Vibrating gold this huge perfection Life, compared with it, I am not suitable for that blueprint, this feeling - as if it got "Twelve Passes of Vibration Gold" from me, and then easily used this as a tailor-made function for it. Fa, practiced to the twelfth level."

"And I'm just a training tool to realize it!"

Ulysses looked at his hands, as if he had returned to the shadow, back to Adam, the shadow he was deeply afraid of: "I even started to fear it. It was fear that made me impatiently create it, But when it came to me, that unknown, imminent fear became it."

"The tuning fork of the universe can monitor the background sound of the entire universe. It can detect everything in the universe, feel every energy and vibration in the universe, and it can also amplify your strength and energy. It is a perfect With it, you can destroy a galaxy with the volume of a soft word, just like popping a bubble. But it is not just a weapon..."

Ulysses turned back and said: "I don't know what prompted you to help me create it, and now you can use its power. This is my promise, but... whoever plays with fire must burn himself."

"Beware of its power...don't act dangerously."

"I allow the master behind you to temporarily use him to carry out some conspiracy, but this cannot hinder my interests."

Ebony Throat in the shadows smiled and said, "You have kept your promise, and of course we will not break it."

"Only I can perfectly exert its power..." Crowe murmured: "So, this will not be a wrong choice." He was terrified in his heart, and kept repeating in his heart: "He has gone, left This universe, this world, I am the only one who understands it best."

"You're not coming back—Adam!"

He whispered this in his heart, his voice was very low, as if a little louder would be perceived by a presence he deeply feared.

Ebony Throat said softly: "After you destroy the war weapons created by the Cree on the moon, we hope you can support Maximus, and he will stand by us on behalf of the Inhumans."

"I need the Black Bat King as an experimental subject. I heard a voice from the moon by accident a few years ago. His power is not stronger than mine. Although he can destroy a planet with his voice, and destroy an interstellar fleet with a single whisper, he can't control it at all. This power. I knew it when I heard his voice..."

"My chance to break through the fifth hurdle lies with him."

"But at that time, I was still alone, until you came to me and promised to help me fulfill these wishes. I promised to repay you. Now I have a universe tuning fork, which can easily destroy those so-called aliens. Before you All support will be rewarded.”

"Give me the information on Maximus. You will get your wish."

After the two collude, Ebony Maw goes to inform Maximus of their decision, and Ulysses arrives at the cosmic tuning fork.

Standing on the top floor of the tower, he spoke softly to the moon above his head.

In the city of Attilan on the moon, a sound wave swept across the entire city, and the people were terrified in the violent shock. Many people were killed by that whisper, but their king fell into a nightmare and fell into a deep sleep. Frightened in the dream but unable to wake up, just three minutes ago, the destructive sound wave swept everything away.

After the shock at this distance subsided, Maximus led people into the palace, facing Queen Medusa who stood in front of him, Maximus said: "What are you doing? You want to let this monster be destroyed Our country?"

Medusa screamed, "This monster is your brother!"

"He couldn't control his ability, killed my parents, and brought disaster to the Inhumans. If we don't stop him, can we wait for him to destroy us?" Maximus said sternly, and he was behind him. supporters, as well as other powerful families and elders of the Inhuman Race.

"He has controlled his abilities. Since that incident, he has never spoken again. You can't treat him like this."

"What happened just now, could it be that my brother was talking in his sleep?"

Maximus looked gloomyly at Medusa and other supporters of Black Bolt, raised his hand and said, "Exile them!"

"Exile them to the earth... let that monster harm mankind!"

The people who supported him shouted loudly: "Exile this monster that hurt us!" "We have no patricide king!" "Drive them to the earth, otherwise they will destroy the city of Attilan and our homeland!" .”

Medusa was trembling and at a loss in the face of the chanting of the mountains and the tsunami, and the scene of excited crowds. The Black Bolt King is not an authoritative king. He accidentally killed his parents, and he has not said a word all year round. Such a king could not be supported, and his younger brother was ambitious and eloquent. Under his instigation, the aliens finally rose up and demanded to expel their king.

It is believed that his younger brother Maximus will be crowned king with the support of everyone in the near future.

And all the royal family and followers who choose to follow Black Bolt King will be expelled to the earth... What they don't know is that Maximus didn't have the kindness to let them go. In essence, they were exchanged to Yuli as a transaction. Sith Crowe.

( = remember in a second )

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