Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 87 Information Manipulator—Fuxi

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"It's solved like this?" Strange couldn't believe it.

Fuxi came to Chen Ang's body, stretched out his hand, and stored that body into a data stream in Fuxi's brain. Fuxi, who was obviously twice as tall as everyone else, turned around and said, "Is it hard to believe? You are here What did the parallel world see?"

"In the parallel world, we have tried our best," Strange said, "We have used all methods of magic and technology. Even though someone can seriously injure the monster, the monster will recover at an unimaginable speed after the serious injury. Then that method won't work anymore!" Strange said: "I used the power of the time gem to try to destroy it during the stop of time, but no matter how much damage I caused it during the stop of time, Damage, it will recover in the next moment when it is untied. Then in the third time stop, it has learned the spiritual ability, and it will kill me when it enters the stop."

"Later I chose to make a pact with Satan to drag this monster into hell at the cost of my soul."

"But three days later, hell was destroyed, and out of hell was the zombie Satan, which would destroy the earth in three minutes. I tried to form an alliance with Mephitos and use the power of Thanos to activate the Wakanda Weapons of the Cosmic Tuning Fork"

"You know its name, it seems that you and Crowe have cooperated well!" Chen Ang laughed.

"Crow couldn't kill it either. The dangerous weapon in Wakanda once completely destroyed its body, but soon it evolved into a pure spirit form, and then was reborn with vibrating gold as its body." Strange hesitated After a while, he still asked: "You eliminate its mass and launch it at the speed of light. I thought it would evolve into a photon creature. Then it will continue to come back to destroy the world"

"Will it be like this in the future?" Chen Ang asked.

Strange pressed his index finger on his temple, stared at the void for a while, then shook his head and said, "There is no such future."

"It's a famine infected person, not a famine, and it's not as powerful as you think." Chen Ang said: "In fact, this kind of infected species is a part of the famine, and the pollen of the sun is infected by carbon-based organisms. It is specifically aimed at the destruction of carbon-based organisms. Weapons can be said to be carbon-based life killers."

"It has all the evolutionary potential and possibilities of carbon-based organisms, and at the same time it has endless vitality. Even the human revolution union, after its spores spread, can only abandon the earth and combine this life form with the earth. Destroy together, otherwise it will evolve endlessly or, in other words, adapt!"

"The infected body should be called a zombie! Infected zombies can adapt to all environments at an extremely fast speed. In order to use the unique evolution and adaptability of this carbon-based creature to achieve the effect of being able to cope with extremely high variables of intelligent creatures, that is Used in battles with infinite variables.

It must improve the efficiency and speed of response, so it will also learn, that is, imitate, learn, and evolve from the enemy. This may be the instinct drawn from the genes of the Skrulls when the famine alienated them. "

"The zombie virus cultivated from the corpses of the Skrulls has the characteristics of imitating and learning the creatures it knows, and because it has amazing evolution and adaptability, it learns from you, evolves, and then adapts. This is you The reason why the ability does not have a second effect on it."

"It may not be ready for the first time, and your tactics will have no meaning for it the second time!"

"But because all of its abilities come from the unique life form of carbon-based life, it can only adapt to and imitate carbon-based creatures. If you can master those abilities, it means that this ability is suitable for carbon-based creatures. Then it is absolutely impossible Defeat the zombie virus, because you will, it can learn, and it can surpass."

"So this is the natural enemy of carbon-based organisms created by famine."

"It can learn all your skills in the first round, and then evolve to throw you away in the second round, and finally eliminate you with ease. This kind of self-learning evolutionary adaptive ability, carbon-based creatures have only one possibility to die with him, and that is Superman Sudden change, creating a non-carbon-based organism, a brand new life body that reaches the superhuman sudden change point, can destroy that monster."

Strange didn't believe it, he questioned: "Let's not talk about how you know this. Since this virus alienated monster is so terrible, why is it that it hurts the Human Revolution Union the most in all parallel worlds? Just forcing you to give up the earth, and then be destroyed together with the earth?"

"It is the natural enemy of carbon-based organisms, or it is invincible to carbon-based organisms, even intelligent individuals of carbon-based organisms, but it is only a weapon against individuals. It cannot deal with another level of carbon-based biological intelligence. Civilization. Civilization is the multiplication of all individual variables, even exponential growth, no learning evolution ability can cope with such a large variable!"

"It is not an invincible enemy to a civilization."

"It is not a weapon of war created by Famine to target civilization, it is just a piece of cake! Famine and the other three knights are weapons of war created by Apocalypse to target civilization, the universe and everything!"

"It can be said that the seemingly terrifying carbon-based life-form killer zombie virus is just an insignificant weapon produced by the war system of the plague. Its original intention of producing this weapon is not to destroy civilization in the future, but to eliminate some individuals! "

Chen Ang said: "You don't know anything about the horror of our real enemy. It may be the end of the world for you. The zombie virus multiplies, and countless people become the ultimate zombies of carbon-based life killers. It may be a disaster for your civilization, but For the Human Revolutionary Federation, it is just a trivial challenge in this war."

"The enemy we really face is beyond anyone's imagination. Open your eyes and look at this multiverse. In the shadow of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, all the universes they want to destroy have never been spared. And those universes The resistance, including all the means you can imagine, but it is useless!"

"That kind of shadow is not a crisis that destroys the world, or a dark force that wants to destroy the universe, but an ending! It is your irresistible destiny"

"This is the corner of our war that is going on. For the Republic, this crisis is only a small part of this war. It happens and repeats by the thousands every day. Our situation is so dangerous. All lives Hanging thread! You think the peace you see is all about us. The truth is that the Republic and the Human Revolutionary Union exist in every parallel world."

"We are being destroyed every day as the universe is destroyed by the apocalypse, and we are dying as a warrior of the universe every day!"

"The peace here is just a bubble-like illusion of the multiverse!"

Chen Ang said solemnly: "As for why I know so much about zombie viruses, you don't think that you are the only one who can observe parallel worlds! Quantum observation, chaos magic, and parallel world observation are not advanced technologies. This Fuxi-level descendant body It belongs to the quantum calculation information coverage type, and it is the model used by the Republic to carry out information warfare."

"Quantum observation, reading Akasha records, and directly reading and modifying the underlying information of the universe are basic operations."

"This type of model is called the God series. The God series is based on the power of God as a prototype, and it is an attempt to create gods with technology. The Republic includes all human beings and non-human beings, intelligent creatures and super-intelligent creatures. The concept of God, the collection He surpassed all civilizations' understanding of God and created the Primarch!

"Because the Primarch is too powerful."

"So we have to divide the power of God, and use different models to carry different abilities of God. This series is based on ancient Chinese mythology, naming different types of descendants. Fuxi is the carrier of information power that represents God's omniscient ability. His younger sister, Nuwa, represents the carrier of God's creative ability."

"So the past and the future, the known and the unknown, your thoughts, the changes and invariance of the universe, are no secrets to Fuxi. Because he is indeed omniscient"

"The Zombie Primarch, which was launched into the vast space in the form of optical radiation, can't come back!" Chen Ang said: "Even if it comes back, the famine is returning. At that time, what we should worry about is not such a trivial matter!"

"Take me to see Steve! The alienation of famine will change due to different carriers. The pollen of the sun ladder mutated into a zombie virus on the corpse of a Skrull, transforming that corpse into a zombie primarch, but in It's hard to say what kind of mutation will happen to the captain."

Speaking of this, the people present began to worry.

They turned to look at T'Challa, embarrassing the Black Panther. He tried to change the subject and said, "The Sun Ladder is so dangerous! We must find the remaining tribe members of Dubai, and find out how to continue to seal and control it."

"Seal" Chen Ang let out a laugh.

"Wakanda is responsible for guarding the war. Do you have any traditions and methods?" he asked rhetorically.

"Vibranium is not as dangerous as the sun ladder and most people don't even recognize it as a dangerous existence," T'Challa explained.

"The Dubaiya tribe also thinks so." Chen Ang said: "Are Zhenjin and the sun ladder dangerous? Of course they are not dangerous when they are not active. The Dubaiya tribe even uses the pollen of the sun ladder to create powerful fighters? But why? Now it's starting to destroy the world?"

"Is it because we don't know how to control the sun ladder?" Chen Ang sneered, "It's because the famine has become active!"

"When the war gets active, Zhen'jin will be no safer to get there than the Sun Staircase."

T'Challa was horrified: "You mean, Wakanda is in a very dangerous situation now, and my people may live next to monsters like the Sun Staircase."

Strange said solemnly: "The Sun Ladder created the zombie virus. If we hadn't handled it properly this time, it would have been a disaster no worse than the one that Imhotep faced back then. Then what would Zhenjin create?"

Chen Ang reminded: "Think about it, what did Clau create with vibration gold?"

"Cosmic Tuning Fork" Strange said in horror, "But that's what Crow created himself."

"Then who created Claude? He is a life made of vibranium." Chen Ang said: "Whether his thought is Claude or vibranium, you can say that! More likely, vibrato made him become Crowe, he was Crowe, make him another Crowe, and he'll be another Crowe."

"Was Crowe thinking of himself? Who knows?"

"The five guardian tribes have never been able to seal and guard the four knights and the messiah. It is the four knights and the messiah who are guarding them. They think they are the guardians? In fact, they are just a group of prisoners controlled by the four knights and used to wake them up regularly. Their prisoners. They're a bunch of alarm clocks."

"Then what's the point of what we're doing now?" Potts asked: "Maintaining this ancient order, only to find that these orders are meaningless. They will always wake up!"

"Before the bomb explodes, press the alarm clock!" Chen Ang said nonchalantly, "Let us run a little further, is there any point?"

Chen Ang returned to the floating pyramid, and Strange prepared surgical clothes for him in advance.

Chen Ang refused: "No need! I haven't returned Fuxi at this time, just to deal with the possible crisis in the future. Surgery is just a simple measure when the conditions are poor. When using Fuxi, you only need to modify and overwrite the real information. That's it!"

( = remember in a second )

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