Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 89 Crazy Exploration on the Edge of World Destruction

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"Because of Steve's accident, we had to start the decisive battle ahead of time!" Chen Ang said calmly to everyone: "The original virus of the Ebola tribe represents the power of the plague knight. This knight is a bit special because of some historical legacy Problem, the force it leaves on Earth is very strong."

"Including all angels and demons, the monotheistic religious figures you are familiar with."

"The source of our enemies is very complicated. Thanos and his allies are very powerful in the universe. First, let's determine the enemies that may participate in this war and our current strength."

Thor didn't have a hammer to carry, and he always felt empty and insecure, but he still promised: "If Thanos's allies come from aliens to join the war, then Asgard will take them down in time. of."

"I want to hear how you assess the strength of our enemy?" Pepper Potts asked while leaning on the conference table with his hands on his chin.

"Our enemies mainly consist of three parts. One is the Atlanteans who were attracted by Ebony Maw, and the other is the demons under Mephitos and the humans he controls. In this world, there are too many people who sell their souls to the devil. There are too many. So we may be facing a legion, and we must be prepared to face the last part of the ghost knights!"

"The third is the local villains that Crowe recruited, such as the super criminals who oppose us, the Mandarin and the Ten Rings, Hydra, Leviathan and the like. There are also dangerous people who may come from outside the sky."

"I can't calculate the enemy's strength too carefully. I need to leave room for all margins and fuzzy calculations."

"So..." Chen Ang said, "The Liberator!"

Kong Kenan, Natasha, Arthur, and Merlin stood up and said, "Yes!"

"You will be in charge of fighting against alien enemies. According to intelligence, General Obsidian, the leader of the Sons of Thanos Legion under Thanos, and the remaining four will all attack. The envoys under Galactus, the Fallen, Stardust , Silver Shadow, Flame Emperor, Tyrant, Redshift, Destroyer, Skywalker, Nova, and Xuanyin may all be ordered to attack the star to protect the balance of the universe in their minds."

"Compared to the envoys of Galactus, Black Day is not worth mentioning!" Chen Ang smiled.

"But I still need you to intercept them outside the earth, and destroy them if possible." Chen Ang said solemnly: "Although the Human Revolutionary League will take action after the defeat of the Holy Shield, I don't want to see this moment come, understand Already? Intercept all extraterrestrial visitors and wipe out all incoming enemies!"


"You will be granted temporary dimensional warrior authorization,

Generally speaking, the Dimension Warriors will follow the Legion to fight in the parallel world and participate in the war of destruction against Apocalypse. The universe will be destroyed in the near future, and there is no manpower available, so you are granted temporary permission to load the Advent body to fight. "

The three major armed forces of the Human Revolutionary Federation, the dimension fighters are responsible for maintaining the security of the parallel universe and the timeline. Generally speaking, they perform interdimensional combat missions. The interstellar combat is the Soviet Star Warrior Corps and the European Union's Human Revolutionary Defense Force, using interstellar warships and various technological weapons to fight.

That's why this universe is full of Soviet space warrior legions burning glass everywhere, the defense forces of the European Community are generally in charge of the local defense of the Revolutionary Union, and the Dimension Warrior Legion of the Republic has long been devoted to fighting in other parallel worlds.

Not every parallel world has the Human Revolutionary League coming. In the world without the Human Revolutionary League, in order to prevent the apocalypse from confining the timeline, the Human Revolutionary League had to send dimensional fighters to fight in these parallel worlds.

Chen Ang continued to formulate the battle plan: "T'Challa, we will support you with a batch of Zhenjin technology weapons. After the war begins, you will be responsible for sneaking into Wakanda and summoning Wakanda's fighters who are willing to resist. Strange will fight with you. You go together, the Human Revolutionary Alliance is sending the original mind stone, T'Challa will help you control it, and release Ebony Maw's mind control over the Wakanda people!"

T'Challa cheered up: "I've been waiting for this day!" A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Chen Ang had to remind him: "Crow is likely to be controlled by the war knights in Zhenjin! His power is very powerful, and we need to deal with it together. You can't destroy Wakanda just because of impulse! "

"The cosmic tuning fork is too dangerous. If Crowe is allowed to control it, he can easily destroy the earth, let alone Wakanda!"

"So I will deal with Crowe personally... use a descendant body that restrains him for this!"

"Strange..." Chen Ang turned his head again and said, "The Ebony Maw belongs to you!"

Strange nodded: "I've found a way to defeat him! He won't be a problem!"

"The people of Atlantis will be dealt with by the former Lance Bureau and SHIELD Bureau, and now they are all Holy Shield. I just contacted Nick Fury, and he said that it is no problem, they will clean up those Murloc." Chen Ang continued: "I contacted the people of the Holy See, although they dare not do anything to the four Doomsday Knights, and they dare not interfere with their lord's crap, but they still dare to attack those demon worshipers of those."

"So the mages of Karma Taj will work with the Holy See to deal with those demon dependents."

"As for the villains that Crowe recruited, the Mandarin dared not show up. Others...some of them were eliminated by us first, and the rest will not be a problem. Nick said that the Fantastic Four and other heroes will serve as Reinforcements join the battlefield. So we just need to support them until they come to help!"

"Beware of the remnants of the Skrulls making trouble!" Potts added: "They may imitate us and join the battlefield, which will instantly destroy the trust between us and make the whole plan fall short."

"Yes... I have to consider these too!" Chen Ang said: "But fortunately, I only need to decide the general direction. These things include the enemy's intelligence and tactical settings, as well as the record plan for accidents. They are all handled by the Operations Department. Now they are Let's analyze the intelligence and make a plan!

"Because the time for the decisive battle has been greatly advanced, I don't know how many of them are cursing their mothers!" Chen Ang shamelessly shirked responsibility.

The little spider asked in a dazed manner, "Are we going to snatch the original virus? It can cure the captain, right?"

"Say..." Chen Ang coughed: "We are going to protect the original virus from falling into the hands of bad guys, and to protect the safety of the last seal of the four knights. You have also seen that the disaster that happened here after the famine became active, if not If we deal with it in time, will our universe become like some parallel universes?"

"In some worlds destroyed by the apocalypse, there are many universes where everyone is turned into monsters by famine and plague... Learn about the zombie universe and the alien universe!"

"So, we are going to protect the security of the world from threats and ensure that the situation will not continue to deteriorate!"

Poz interrupted him, turned to the little spider and said, "Don't listen to his official speech... Yes, we are going to shoot the original virus, to cure the captain, and to keep the world safe!"

After finishing speaking, Pozi realized that although she really wanted to refute the serious consequences that Chen Ang said, but after thinking about it carefully... this is really true, she pressed her head in a bit of a breakdown and said: "Fucking world is safe... old lady When I first graduated, the biggest threat to the world was those damn kind-hearted terrorists who now look like some damn cute terrorists."

"But now... ever since that megalomaniac yelled at the press conference - I am Iron Man!... Fuck, this world has big news every now and then, and at the very beginning it was a dozen aliens , up to now, the poor earth will be destroyed five or six times casually in one event."

"One of our careless negligence, the earth will be blown into ashes with a bang!"

"In the past, we only had to deal with one bad guy, but now every bad guy in a group can make a fucking big one. The world security crisis has already appeared in groups. Today we just stopped the zombie virus from destroying the world, and in the next second we will To snatch a world-destroying thing for that fucking doomsday virus with a bunch of criminals who want to kill half the people. And there are five of these things... and three of them have been activated."

The cute new Batman next to him listened to Pozi's collapsed complaints, and suddenly felt a little cold all over-"Why do you want to snatch the earth? What's so good about the earth? The moon is safe, so the dangerous earth should be left to humans! Why should the Inhumans Want to die? Maximus is really trying to die... Isn't it good to live?"

He actually wanted to kill that ignorant younger brother a little bit.

He should be allowed to listen to an internal meeting of the largest NGO defending the planet! They themselves are complaining that the work is too tiring, too thrilling!

( = remember in a second )

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