Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 97 Confederate States of America

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Three hours ago, in a huge palace made of the highest quality white marble on earth, Maximus sat on the throne that originally belonged to his brother Black Bolt, and summoned all the members of the Inhuman race.

In the brightly lit hall, all kinds of aliens came to the palace to meet their king.

The Inhumans have advanced technology compared to the earth. Through the Terrigen crystal mist, they awakened and obtained various superpowers from their once modified genes. But at the same time, this kind of artificially modified superhuman race has also caused various genetic damage and deformities just like their reference objects - mutants.

They developed ethnography - the study that is absolutely forbidden in the context of Earth society.

Ethnology is human genetic optimization and selection by human intervention. In short, it is the same as human breeding of crops and pet breeds on the earth, screening traits and cultivating human races through artificial interference.

When Chen Ang observed many world lines, he once put forward a hypothesis - if a slavery civilization continues to develop, then with the progress of science and the development of society, what kind of special social performance will appear? He observed a world in which slavery continued to advance after the American Civil War was won by the South.

In that world, with the development of science and technology, Americans did not eliminate slavery, but developed it more scientifically.

That is ethnology, also known as the selection and cultivation of humanoid species.

The application of modern breeding and breeding technology in pets has bred a variety of special species, such as dogs - border collies, corgis, german shepherds, teddy, golden retriever, husky and other pet dogs and working dogs dog.

The methods used generally include pedigree records, inbreeding and trait screening, etc., which are anti-ethical and anti-moral measures.

But dog owners who are obsessed with the special traits of pet dogs never care about these. They have never thought about how a pet dog with mutated excellent traits can inherit this trait, even to a stable level, and imagine I don't know why most modern purebred pets have genetic diseases.

Because almost 100% of the breeding of pet traits will adopt anti-ethical means, screening out the puppies with obvious traits in the same litter, and mating with each other, the lineage of a new breed of pet dog with a huge population can almost be traced back to such one or two pets Dogs, breeders will breed them at frequencies that seriously harm their bodies.

Only in this way can the population be expanded in a short period of time - a large number of unqualified puppies are destroyed, and a large number of qualified dogs reproduce at a high frequency after adulthood, which will seriously damage health.

This is the development history of modern pets, and almost all new breeds of dogs come from western countries.

But those Europeans and Americans who regard dogs as family members have never protested the origin of their lovely dogs, and protested against those "bloods" that are called pure blood but originated from anti-ethics.

And these methods, from pets to slaves, only need to break through a little bit of the bottom line.

The southern farmers in the Confederate States of America quickly learned to manually screen their black slaves. They first cultivated a race of low IQ, but docile and honest people who loved their masters—this seems unbelievable. It claims that people's free will is unshakable, freedom is great and sacred, all people are born equal and free, and there is no difference in IQ between everyone.

But in the field of pet dogs, the IQs of Golden Retrievers and Teddy are very different, and there are also breed differences between relatives and irritable and aggressive. No one would think that the Golden Retriever is the same as the Duggan and the Tibetan Mastiff.

People dare not mention the IQ difference between races, but every professional dog trainer will happily talk about how high the IQ of the Border Collie is, and how brainless the Tibetan Mastiff is.

This is science - science is universal, reproducible, and sometimes even anti-human.

Dogs can be bred to have considerable trait variation - why can't humans? Pygmies are known as the "pocket nation" of Africa. The adults are 1.30-1.40 meters tall. A little cetacean.

Pygmies reach physical maturity at the age of eight!

This is the special race of natural selection—and the Confederate States of America only need to introduce artificial breeding and optimization chemistry, and soon the population of black working slaves will be completed! They are honest and obedient, have low IQ, and have a single and stable personality—Americans basically don’t have to worry about slaves rebelling, and they don’t have to worry about some of them standing up and reciting a song loudly—I have a dream!

Then there is the population differentiation of the working race - some farm work requires a slightly higher IQ, so slaves with a relatively higher IQ are bred. The slaves don't need to live for too long, and when they can't work, they have to be disposed of - But processing is costly. The farmers don't slaughter the slaves themselves, they pay the Union government a sum of money, and then the old slaves are taken away, and they don't know where to go.

But it costs money to deal with it in this way, so there is a demand for working people without aging.

Race selection will select those races that will die naturally when they reach the age when they cannot work and reproduce, and they will die naturally in their forties. Farmers hope that slaves can work earlier, so the time to adulthood will also be shortened. In the end, a human race was bred to become an adult at about fifteen years old, and to die naturally at about forty-five years old in middle age.

Slaves have different work needs. Those who enter factories to do repetitive labor, those who do farm work, and those who weave will breed different races. Just like dogs, in an increasingly developed society, the needs of dogs for work assistance are gradually replaced by the needs of pets.

And ranchers also had entertainment and companionship needs—there were a lot of mixed-race blacks in Washington.

At this time, the human breeding work has a new direction of development - pet human race!

So they created human breeding factories, selected beautiful and docile races, and produced various slaves for different purposes. At one time, the slavery system developed, even threatening the reproduction and family of Americans, so that the Union government had to legislate Force teenagers to have at least two children by the age of twenty-five.

In the new era, after the rapid development of genetic science, the world line became more and more playable, until Chen Ang couldn't stand it anymore, and sent a meteorite to the Confederate States of America, completely destroying that world line.

In the Human Revolutionary League, human breeding is one of the few scientific disciplines that has not developed at all. The Human Revolutionary League has developed to a civilization that is qualified to say that all human beings are equal. In a further republic, innate aptitude can no longer hinder human development. In this civilization, the equality of superior opportunities has covered the inequality of innate aptitude.

If people are equal in morality and personality, then they are absolutely equal.

Human beings are not born equal and free, nor are they given natural rights by God—at least Chen Ang never thought about this.

Equality and freedom are achieved through the continuous struggle of human beings and the continuous slavery under the moral standards established by the common emotions of human beings. Morality is one of the greatest parts of civilization. These are the two major ideological systems established by the Republic Among them, it represents the value of the ultimate humanity of human morality.

( = Old iron, please remember for a second [email protected])

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