Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 100 Investigator Extra Story

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a week ago……

A black bald head slowly walks into the night. Here is Louisiana, with Arkansas to the north, Texas to the west, Mississippi to the east, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. But the bald one-eyed man is not walking on the streets of New Orleans. , but in a typical southern town in the Delta region.

He held a map and looked down, but the hand-painted map was drawn entirely out of subjective cognition, and the person who drew the map had no training in drawing maps at all, so even elite agents like black marinated eggs couldn't see it. Where is marked above.

But the damn bastard who asked him out only gave him this map.

The black stewed egg had to stop a man on the road, who was also a typical southern red-necked old man, and he asked, "Hey! you know where the old Bendfriokes house is? Someone asked me to come Wait for him there!"

The old man glanced at him coldly, his eyes full of disgust, and shouted to him: "Go away... nigger!"

"Hey, I didn't offend you. It's the United States now. It's not in the Confederacy. You'd better show me some respect." Nick Fury said dissatisfied. And the old red-necked face was gloomy, revealing an indescribable gloom, and he babbled like a convulsion: "Now the United States protects you... If in that era, even sixty years earlier, there would never be you here." The hiding place of these devils. Under the leadership of the priest, we will wear pointed hats and burn you to ashes together with your lair!"

The old man was leaning on crutches, and his sanity became a little unconscious. He trembled with excitement, and shouted: "Burn you to ashes, get out, devil!" He mumbled passages in the Bible, and took The silver cross on the chest faces Nick Fury.

He also made a gesture to drive him away, waved his crutches, and chased and beat him unsteadily.

Facing this kind of delirious old man, even the king of secret agents has nothing to do. Nick ran into an alley with no street lights despite the old man's scolding, and complained as he ran: "Damn!" Nick was very angry, cursing in slang with a black accent: "Damn old bastard... I'm so much older than you! I can be your father!"

"Damn...shit. He almost ruined my favorite old suit. It was made by a tailor in 1942!"

Nick flicked some muddy trouser legs. He looked up and saw a gloomy and old house appearing in front of him. He took out the map and saw a graffiti-like silhouette on the target location. This silhouette was in line with the house. One side is very similar when it is dark, and this ancient house is located in the most remote part of the town. If Nick hadn't panicked and ran for a long time without lights,

There is absolutely no way to find it on a dirt path among the weeds in the woods.

It was there, grabbing Nick's full attention like magic.

The old house was surrounded by dark gray fences and high walls. Nick turned to its entrance and saw that the yard gate was rusty and unlocked. He pushed open the gate, and the unoiled rusty shaft creaked Loud noise.

Nick had to praise: "Okay! This is really more useful than any goddamn modern anti-theft measures."

Although Nick had a way to sneak in without anyone noticing, but the identity of the person who invited him made him throw away this meaningless thought and open the door openly.

It was quiet in the old house, and suddenly there was a figure of someone moving with difficulty, and soon there was a figure on his back, looking a bit older, the lifeless woman opened the old wooden door, and asked outside: "Who is it?"

Nick greeted politely and said, "Someone asked me to come here...a damn young Asian. He might claim to be an insurance investigator!"

The woman stared at him for a long time, until Nick felt something strange on his face, she said hoarsely: "There is such a person, come in!"

Any normal person would feel that the woman's eyes were a little too sinister.

And the environment of the ancient house is hard to think of any good things. This old building has nothing to do with classicism and elegance. There is a lingering stale smell everywhere.

The age of the woman was a bit vague, she was full of old age, and her back was a little hunched. When she brought Nick Fury in, Nick saw that wrinkles and age spots had begun to grow on her hands. But her hair roots are still black, and although her face is said to be poorly maintained, there are no signs of aging.

According to Nick's profile of her, she is old and young, even somewhat like himself.

It was only then that Nick really became interested. The woman carried the lantern and led him up the stairs. The light was on in the study room, and Chen Ang's voice came from inside: "Mrs. Ellis's aunt left her The insurance amount of her is about 280,000 U.S. dollars, which is not a small amount, but we found that there are some problems with her file."

"Since marrying you... she seems to be a little... isolated!"

"Her friend, the lead singer of the rock band and her ex-boyfriend claimed that you were controlling and manipulating her and mentally imprisoning her. This claim has a lot of market in Mrs. Ellis's young social circle. Lady Violet hired to look after her husband, and you are Lady Violet's trusted lawyer."

"In the end, thanks to your care, Violet entrusted the mansion and the safety of the couple to you before she had a stroke, and you got married immediately after this incident. It's hard not to cause people to feel inappropriate Guess, for example, you joined forces to control the Violet couple and occupy their inheritance?"

"Investigator Constantine!" Another hearty and deep voice laughed, "You're really good at guessing!"

"In fact, people did have these doubts in the early days. You know I'm a professional in the law. They couldn't find a reason to overthrow all this from the donation, so they told the judge that Caroline and I had a relationship with the two old people. With special interests, we can work together to control them reasonably."

"I told the judge that there was no dirty exchange of interests in our union, it was all due to the magic of love! That's how we met, but the judge seemed to have doubts, and she ruled that we should accept regulated property inheritance, And assume the duty of care for our two generous employers."

"At that time, people in the town said that they would be killed by us before they lived long!"

"But they lived for ten years!" Chen Ang complimented politely.

"Hahaha! Yes... We took care of them like our parents for ten years. In the first three years, there was still a market for this kind of malicious slander, but as time went by, all these ups and downs Dispersed! People still believe in us and the goodness of human nature!"

Nick listened at the door, and when he pushed the door open, he saw Chen Ang and a middle-aged white man sitting next to the fireplace, sitting in two big chairs, talking by the fire. They heard the sound of Nick coming in and turned to look at the door. Chen Ang smiled and stood up to greet him. He shook hands with Nick Fury and said with a smile, "Nick! You are finally here!"

He introduced to the two homeowner couples: "Nick Fury, a federal legal officer, is also responsible for enforcing the court's estate judgment. We will cooperate to handle the transfer of estate... and tax related matters!"

Nick opened his mouth and complained: "Oh! Investigator Constantine, you mentioned the tax department, do you want me to be kicked out of here with a broom?"

He turned to the middle-aged white man, who might be a retired lawyer, and said, "I'm just a bailiff, I don't collect taxes! I'm here to give you money, please don't drive me out!"

Everyone laughed together, and the atmosphere was very happy. Even in the United States, the best way to narrow the distance is still to complain about the tax department together. Everyone expresses some dissatisfaction with the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), and the distance between each other is greatly shortened. up.

The hostess, or Mrs. Matthew, Caroline Ellis Matthew, still stood gloomily by.

In the shadows, she was even more hunched. His husband, Luke Matthew, seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, and said with a hint of scolding tone: "Go and make a pot of coffee for the guests!"

The woman staggered away, and before she left, her face swayed in the shadows, a bit creepy and ferocious, but both Chen Ang and Nick saw it, but they were just indifferent, and even wanted to laugh, Nick thought so , Leaning against the fireplace, he really couldn't help laughing.

At first he just covered his mouth and smiled sullenly, but then he couldn't help it anymore, so he burst out laughing.

He pointed at Chen Ang, almost laughed, and asked, "What do you mean by sending me this thing?" He took out the map and asked, "Do you expect me to find this place with this thing?" Luke saw The reaction of the two of them seemed a little uneasy. He twisted his body to express his inner irritability.

Chen Ang looked at the map and said: "I found the door with this thing... We found this map in Mrs. Caroline's aunt's belongings. This is the address of the only relative left by the old man. Mrs Lynn sent it to her in a letter."

Nick stopped laughing, looked at the graffiti carefully and said, "It's so cute!"

"Especially the graffiti silhouette of this house."

Mr. Luke accepted Nick's words somewhat unnaturally, and said, "Thank you, this is what my wife left behind when she was young! At that time, she was still a naughty girl."

Nick suddenly said: "Can you ask Madam to draw me that silhouette again... I want to keep it, so that when I tell people about this 'adventure' in the future, I can show them this map and let them They also came to find the route above..."

Chen Ang snatched the map and said: "Don't even think about it! I want to keep this map for myself... You know I like to collect all kinds of souvenirs from each case. I once collected a hockey mask a few years ago , it was given to me by one of my beneficiaries, he wears this mask that his mother gave him every day to sleep. But he gave it to me, that is the best gift I have ever received Already!"

"That hockey mask!" Nick burst out laughing suddenly: "So there's this story... What about the Iron Man mask in your office? It was also given to you by Tony Steck? And that old-fashioned videotape? The voodoo dolls on the bookshelf? The glasses that Crazy Sam's grandpa bought at a high price on the Internet?"

"My God! Sam's grandpa is really just a shoemaker, and he's never been to the South Pole...nor the North Pole!"

Chen Ang said with a calm face: "Mine is true!"

"What?" Nick smiled and made a black question mark with an exaggerated expression unique to black people.jpg

"My glasses are the real Captain Witwich..." Chen Ang said flatly.

The expression on Nick's face froze. He changed to a serious face and stared at Chen Ang. When the atmosphere between the two became more and more tense, the hunchbacked woman walked away silently with a pot of coffee. When she came in, she seemed a little uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere in the room, and the coffee pot just shook.

At this time, a ghostly smile gradually appeared on Nick's face, and then he grinned and showed his big white teeth, and he pounded the table frantically and laughed.

" always have such a good sense of humor. Dry humor like a goddamn Englishman!"

The coffee on the table almost spilled out, but Nick ignored it. Instead, he turned to the hostess and asked, "Ma'am, this is the map you drew when you were young. To be honest, it really bothers me a lot!" Nick When the map sent by Chen Ang arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D., the scene of the agents as if they were facing a formidable enemy, as well as various inspection items flashed through his mind.

"Can you draw another picture for me...I want to keep a souvenir!" Nick said frankly.

The hostess was a little at a loss, she subconsciously clenched the lace of the apron, and tightened the apron with both hands restlessly.

Mr. Luke reminded her indifferently: "Honey... Is there anything wrong with drawing?"

Nick pretended to be surprised and said, "Did I offend you?"

The hostess said with great difficulty: "!" She picked up a pen and drew graffiti on the white paper next to her, but she couldn't draw well, and finally made a mess. Chen Ang came out to stop her and said, "Okay ! Stop drawing... I'll give you the map!"

Nick widened his eyes and asked, "Then what do you take as a souvenir? Investigator Constantine?"

"Since you want it so much, why should I win someone's love?" Chen Ang said: "You can do anything as a souvenir, I just accept some worthless gifts from beneficiaries, no matter whether those things have other meanings, they are important to me. Saying that makes a lot of sense. My career has given them a lot of meaning!"

The host, Luke, relaxed now, and said with a smile, "As long as you think, we can give you anything here as a gift!"

Chen Ang glanced left and right, but didn't seem to see anything of interest.

Until he found a strange key left by the hostess in the coffee pot, he picked up the key on the table, shook it in front of them and said, "How about this master key?"

( = Old iron, please remember for a second [email protected])

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