Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 105 Investigator Extra: Day 2 (End)

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Facing the aggressive Caroline, Nick suddenly refused to back down.

He whispered: "Didn't you already check it? When we first moved in, I found an excuse to go to the toilet, and there I found that the house didn't even have a mirror in the bathroom. And that At this time, you should be looking through our luggage! All this cannot escape my eyes!"

"I'm an FBI agent—Nick Fury!" Nick took out his ID and showed it to the two of them.

"Are you sure you want to search the belongings of a public official?" Nick said, "I don't think you have the right to do so!"

Chen Ang took the conversation and said: "We are here to investigate the case 20 years ago. I remember that you called the police yourself, Ms. Caroline. You called the wiring police officer and claimed that you were subjected to witchcraft in this house. However, when our police officers arrived, you said that nothing happened because you were too nervous at night and had hallucinations."

"The next moment Mrs. Violet had a stroke!"

"I also left this house to you!"

Chen Ang continued: "Since then, the local police have been paying attention to you. If Violet and the couple died at that time, the police would immediately launch an investigation. But they lived for another ten years. It's really not easy for an old man who has had a stroke, so the police ignored you."

"Until the FBI noticed this report...Caroline's aunt called the police before she died. She was already a little delirious at that time. The doctor and her family suspected that she had a mental problem, so they didn't care. She It is said that Caroline's soul told her in a dream that someone killed her and took her body. We later found out that in a letter sent twenty years ago, which was kept by Aunt Caroline, Carol Lynn wrote down some of her doubts at the time."

"She suspected that her employer had poisoned the patients she was taking care of, and even sent a bottle of medicine and asked her aunt to help test it. But her aunt ignored the matter, but kept the bottle of medicine!"

"We later checked the bottle of potion and found that it was not anticoagulant medicine for treating stroke, but a herbal preparation of local witchcraft, which contained hallucinogenic plants and some neurotoxins. Because the ingredients are very complicated, so We don't know what they do."

"But I found a familiar ingredient in it - tetrodotoxin."

"In the primitive religions of Haiti, this toxin was used to create a dreadful product of witchcraft, in which wizards secretly administered tetrodotoxin powder to living people,

Turn them into revenants to enslave them. Tetrodotoxin in moderation can indeed cause stroke-like effects. "

"The original religion spread in Haiti was later spread to the United States. In Louisiana, it was rearranged by the legendary witch Lavue and established Voodoo."

Nick nodded and said, "So we reasonably suspect that this old case from 20 years ago is related to cults and witchcraft."

"So you think we killed Violet and Ben, used voodoo medicine to cause them to have a stroke, and then joined hands to occupy their property?" Lawyer Luke said: "The inheritance is also The excuse for your investigation is a lie, right?"

"No, the inheritance is real!" Chen Ang said: "But its owner obviously wants us to investigate first, whether the woman who uses her niece's name is really herself!"

Attorney Nick asked, "What does that mean?"

Chen Ang replied: "It means that we suspect that Mrs. Caroline may only be using the identity of Caroline. We reasonably speculate that someone may occupy her body and use her identity to enjoy her youth. , survived. It’s as if we suspect that Lawyer Luke is not Lawyer Luke.”

"We interviewed and investigated many people who are familiar with you, and found that since that incident, you have lived in isolation and severed relations with many people who are familiar with you, and you—lawyer Luke, your subsequent cases were handled very poorly— It's not like a young, promising lawyer would do something."

"Ms. Caroline, your friend who is familiar with local witchcraft has suspected this for a long time!"

"Enough!" yelled Caroline, her hair disheveled and looking a little crazy, and she yelled, "I've had enough of your crazy talk!"

Lawyer Lu Ke put his arms around his wife and asked in a cold voice: "I can't believe that the FBI actually believes in witchcraft."

"No..." Chen Ang smiled and said, "We don't believe in witchcraft... we just suspect that your body has been exchanged. This kind of thing can be scientific."

Nick showed his big teeth and said, "After all, aliens have appeared in New York, and the Nordic gods have come to the earth. Such absurd things have happened in the past. It seems that it is not so impossible to seize a person's body." Yeah, right? A lot of technology can do that, and maybe you guys are some aliens lurking on Earth?"

The two fake FIBs expressed their doubts so unabashedly.

And the two wizards were really caught with pain in their feet. Their hearts were very complicated-in the past, voodoo wizards could always escape from the law by relying on their anti-science and anti-common sense skills, but now Common sense itself has been turned upside down. Law enforcers do not believe in witchcraft, but they are sure that aliens and extraterrestrial technology exist in this world.

Well, these two wizards are sitting on wax!

"I...I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore!" Caroline said tremblingly, "Now, get the hell out of here!"

"This is your legal right, ma'am!" Nick laughed: "But according to the latest Alien Threat Security Protection Act, we have the right to adopt Level 2 surveillance methods after reasonably suspecting that there is a threat from extraterrestrial, and Apply to the judge for further investigation. You can drive us out, and next time, we will visit you two with a search warrant issued by the judge."

Lawyer Luke said with a sullen face: "Don't stop them, Caroline! We didn't do anything, God is watching us, let them investigate! No search warrant is needed, God will prove our innocence."

"This will save trouble too!" He gave the two of them a hard look, then turned around and returned to his room with his wife. As soon as the two of them returned to the room, Lawyer Luke made a hiss Gestures, and then whispered in Haitian dialect: "There is a problem this time, they discovered part of the truth, but they don't believe in witchcraft, and they entangled us!"

'Caroline' said fiercely: "After that incident, our witchcraft has changed. Now even if they don't believe in witchcraft, we can still curse them."

"No, Selsey!" 'Lawyer Luke' said, "If they don't believe in witchcraft, it's okay to complete some insignificant witchcraft and curses, but if you want to complete 'La Vue's Blessing', we still have to do it." Can't do it."

"Queen Lavue bless us!" Caroline said: "We must speed up! They don't believe in witchcraft, we have to prove it to them!"

"You mean..." Lawyer Luke said: "Our abilities are not strong enough. If we want them to be afraid, we must use their power, but we cannot control them. They are always looking for us and want to To take revenge on us, we can only protect ourselves with the help of the power left behind by Empress Lavue."

"If they are released, the situation will be out of control!"

"We can only race against time!" Caroline said: "Release them, make those two stunned youths feel terrified, and take the initiative to complete 'Raview's Blessing'. Before they find us, fly away! If you don't Lavue's Blessing' is complete, no matter where we go, we cannot escape their pursuit."

Luke was terrified.

He tremblingly said: "Let them out... we are in danger! And who can guarantee that those two stunned youths will not be killed by them?"

"That's better!" Caroline said: "Without them getting in the way, we can trick a few ordinary people in at any time."

Luke was silent for a long time before he raised his head and said, "What are you going to do?"

Caroline took out a cigarette and lit it, sat on the chair, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke ring: "Take out the mirror in the attic. Tonight, the second floor will be reserved for them. Put mirrors in their room, and in the rooms around them."

"With them here, those things shouldn't have time to come to us!"

Chen Ang stood at the door of their room with a mysterious smile on his face. There was a button-sized tool on the door. This small thing like a suction cup sensed the sound inside, then amplified it, converted it into an electromagnetic wave signal and sent it to Chen Ang. and the earphones in Nick's ears.

Nick was driving the automatic translation software, and Chen Ang could understand those Haitian dialects directly.

The two looked at each other, pulled off the suction cup, and withdrew from the door of the room!

"Some interesting things may happen tonight!" Nick said, "That's what you want me to see!"

"Install some mirrors downstairs!" Chen Ang turned to look at Nick: "I think you should have a way to prevent them from finding out. All the secrets can be solved tonight.!"

From this moment on, what happened in this house took a more interesting direction.

The people inside are more capable of killing each other than the other.

Let the weird events that were originally controllable turn into a development direction where no one knows the consequences.

Chen Ang used silver mirrors in the house to make mirrors in small batches, and Nick was in charge of hiding them where no one could find them, while the Caroline couple over there also came to the attic and opened the door. Door. Both sides act at the same time, and sometimes Nick and the Carolines are only separated by a corridor, holding a mirror and passing by.

Behind the door of the attic are dozens of large and small mirrors.

There are also various witchcraft materials, but those materials have been mutated.

On the mask made of orangutan skulls, flesh and blood grew, and the dolls with eyes and mouths sewn on showed a strange smile. Plants grew in pots placed on the windowsill, and human figures appeared on the leaves and flowers. The faces, the faces were even screaming, and the walls and the floor were charred, as if they had been set on fire.

Under the scorched black wall, there are blood vessels and muscle tissue, wriggling like life.

Caroline and Luke began to carry the mirror out. She carried a half-person-high glass mirror and went to several bathrooms on the second floor. She stared at the mirror deeply and fearfully, and then resolutely hung it on the the wall.

(м.③③χs.cóм = old iron, please remember for a second ③③尛裞网)

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