Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 120 Crime Buster Inspector Chen

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"Hey!" Before Khan could answer, there was a knock on their door!

Chen Ang got up to open the door. He saw a very British man in a leather coat and a scarf, with black-rimmed glasses and a pair of eyes like tuna just out of the water. Behind him were three men, traditional Dressed like a Mexican gangster, he followed behind with his hands on his waist.

The man's manner of speaking is very characteristic, he likes to show the roots of his teeth.

"Didn't bother you!"

He pressed down on the brim of his hat and said, and then walked in naturally. His subordinates pressed down and gave Chen Ang a look. The guns were raised.

Bobby turned around and reprimanded: "Relax, relax! Be natural..."

Bobby walked to the table where Khan was sitting and sat down, looked at the desert eagle on the table and said with a smile: "Israel's gun is a good thing! It is powerful and accurate, but the recoil is a bit too big. And Too noisy... so we don't use it."

Khan sat in front of him, looking very relaxed.

Bobby could tell that this man was really relaxed. Whenever a person was tense, his muscles would tense. In a relaxed state, Xiu Tian's expression and mental tension could be recognized with the naked eye. And Khan is really relaxed... Bobby observed that when the man who opened the door for him was sitting here before, Khan was like a leopard who was concentrating on it. The muscles all over his body could not be said to be tense, but he was still in a state of concentration. But when he sat down instead, he relaxed.

Just like when two tigers and leopards are confronting each other, an intruding rabbit suddenly interrupts, and it becomes an intermission time for the two predators to relax.

He felt that the man on the opposite side even had a playful mentality—this was an insult that Bobby had never had before. Generally, wherever he went, even if he met that corrupt high-ranking official, when they knew his identity, The spirit is like being stung by a bee, there is always an invisible stimulation that cheers them up.

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang, the master of the underground forces in Eurasia, and the emperor of the underground—Mandarin, he relaxed and happily faced the Mexican drug lord who was walking towards him.

He can sometimes kill three people of this level in one day.

When eating a meal, he often has to deal with the disrespectful rebel leaders and gangsters in Southeast Asia and Central Asia. Generally, Fu Manchu would not regard these people as opponents, enemies, he just regards them as desserts after dinner.

Tackle the task of challenging his authority from time to time, like a wild beast enclosure, using their blood as a scent and warning to hang over his domain.

Usually these goods are consumables, and if they consume one bit, they can maintain a deterrent effect for nearly a year.

Bobby tapped on the table with one hand while carefully observing the performance of the person sitting opposite him. To his disappointment, Khan's relaxed expression made him think that maybe he was just a sheep raised by others.

Bobby was very puzzled, he was surprised—has this person never heard of him?

"Do you know who I am?" Bobby raised one leg and put his hands on his lower abdomen. The other side was very relaxed, so he must be more relaxed than him.

For Poppy to believe that, he had to overwhelm them all.

Khan enjoys the sudden relaxation in the midst of facing the strong pressure of Chen Ang. Bobby is the tonic to ease the tension between the two, which makes him willing to take a little time to communicate. Under normal circumstances, this kind of appearance in Mandarin The bodies of the people in front of them all sank into the Pacific Ocean.

Chen Ang sat down beside him, smiled warmly and said, "Khan, you should introduce this friend to me!"

Khan said: "Bobby the red hair...he has a lot of property nearby."

"Many people also call me Piggy Bobby..." Red-haired Bobby said, "Because I also run a pig farm nearby, but my real business, the business that makes my brothers live, is usually America sells a little stuff."

Lianhua watched a group of people who did not look like good people break into the room where her savior, Khan, was staying. She felt something was wrong, and when she saw the terrified aunt, she made a booing gesture, ready to quietly near.

Unexpectedly, the aunt took her hand and said in a low voice, "Run from behind! Child!"

Lianhua shook her head slightly: "Who are they?"

The aunt lowered her voice and said, "They are drug lords... child, you are going to hell if you fall into their hands, leave us alone, hurry up! We will be fine!"

"Lianhua saw someone approaching here. Those people were carrying guns, and they had a murderous look on their faces. They knew something was wrong. When they approached, Lianhua took the initiative to meet them. Hit him, breaking the man's larynx, then grabbed his head with both hands, and twisted it lightly.

Without any movement, the body of a gang killer just went limp.

Lianhua made a gesture to the aunt, indicating that she was very relaxed and could kill all these people.

"You saw something you shouldn't see!" Bobby said, "You know some of our little secrets, Khan, this is not a small matter, it may be a small matter for us, but it is not for you And you let outsiders... please allow me to say this, we are like beasts, people who don't understand appear on our territory, and it will make us nervous."

"Things you shouldn't have seen!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "Khan, you really know too much!"

Bobby continued: "Most importantly, where is your friend from? Does he know what's going on in our community?"

Khan said: "He is a difficult person, he works for the government!"

Chen Ang laughed and said, "Where is it! I'm eating for a living...I work for the Chinese government, which has nothing to do with the United States. Of course, it's not the Mexican government. This time I'm here, and it has nothing to do with official business, just to deal with some private matters."

Bobby's face changed slightly, and he became serious, and asked Chen Ang: "Ah! Public affairs! I am also very enthusiastic about this... Which aspect are you in charge of? Public security? Firefighting? Or diplomacy."

"None!" Chen Ang said, "I'm usually in charge of dealing with complicated affairs, such as supernatural beings, aliens, mutant monsters, and wizards."

"Hahaha!" Bobby and the subordinates behind him all laughed. He relaxed a little. A level like him still doesn't understand what S.H.I.E.L.D. , knowing this, he should be an intelligence officer, not a drug dealer.

"Then what are you doing here?" Bobby asked curiously:

"Come here for the Khan... He is a well-known big shot. He once intended to subvert our government and caused many troublesome incidents. He has been wanted by us all the time. I found out his whereabouts by accident, so I came to visit him !"

The men behind Poppy laughed louder.

Bobby also asked more relaxedly: "Then what big mistake did our Khan friend make?"

"He supported the separatist forces in our country, caused bloody cases many times, ran a criminal organization across the Eurasian continent, and used black magic to endanger the safety of the earth. He was suspected of kidnapping Anthony Edward Stark, also known as the famous Iron Man. He is wanted by many countries and regions." Chen Ang said: "He is a famous criminal boss who runs a criminal organization against humanity and society. "

Bobby reached for a nearby bottle of wine, poured himself a glass, and put his legs on the table.

"So, how did you catch our master criminal, Mr. Khan?"

Chen Ang smiled and said: "He knew something he shouldn't know. With his unique keen intuition, he had an insight into a plan I was advancing. Obviously, he knew too much! This is not some kind of drug trafficking Such a trivial thing as being I have to come here and warn him—either join or...die!"

"Hahaha!" Bobby laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up: "My friend, you are so humorous!"

Then he made a gesture to the subordinates behind him, and when he heard the 'drug tunnel' Bobby knew that there was no need to talk any more.

The younger brothers took out their guns, and Chen Ang picked up an umbrella beside him.

Khan picked up the Desert Eagle 5.0 that was placed on the table, and three gunshots almost lined up. Chen Ang put down the umbrella that blocked the splashing blood, he wiped the blood splashed on his leather shoes absent-mindedly, and said calmly: "I never tell jokes!"

Bobby was stuck on the chair, a broken wooden stick was inserted from his chest, pierced through the back of the chair, and nailed him to it. Dark red blood spewed out of his mouth, and his whole body was still in a state of shock. In an unbelievable state, Lianhua rushed in from the door, but just as she was about to jump in through the window, the door suddenly opened.

Chen Ang smiled at her, nodded his head, and walked out the door.

Lianhua saw Khan sitting in front of Bobby's body, his flaxen shawl curly hair stained with blood, he lowered his head and buried his face in the shadow.

Just when Lianhua couldn't figure out what was going on, Khan tilted his body and fell to the floor.

Just at that moment, Khan knocked down three people with three shots. Chen Ang opened the umbrella, broke the umbrella rib casually, and inserted it into Bobby's chest. He came over the two of them in an instant, but was distorted by the sudden space bubble, which was enough to evaporate half of Mexico's energy into a hidden space wave in Chen Ang's hands.

Chen Ang sent this closed space bubble directly into Khan's body, blowing up the connection between Fu Manchu and the alien plane.

Fu Manchu was seriously injured, and the four miscellaneous fish finished their mission as an episode and took a curtain call. Chen Ang left. He wanted to give Fu Manzhou a few hours to 'calm down', lest he directly come up with an answer that Chen Ang didn't like.

"When I'm doing things, I'm not used to letting others choose...I like helping people choose!"

"What I mean by giving you a choice is... choose the option I want!"

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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