Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 122 The Cool God Group

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While Strange had to resist the huge concrete blocks that flew from time to time, the high-rise buildings next to him gradually collapsed under the action of the ebony throat. Wakanda rich and wealthy used vibrating gold alloy as the steel structure of the building. Made Strange suffer.

The steel bars falling from tall buildings can tie people into gourd strings, and the collapsed concrete weighing tons can smash people into pulp.

Ebony Maw doesn't even need to put in too much effort, accelerating a heavy object to super high speed and accelerating a falling object to the same speed are completely two concepts.

The former requires him to concentrate, while the latter only needs to add a force to the original acceleration of gravity.

So he had a lot of leisure to do things in Strange's mind. It was as if a red-hot iron rod had been pierced into Strange's mind. The pain was extremely painful, and the intense pain made his will start Blurred, the magic runes on the rune shield supported by his hand also began to blur.

When his consciousness was about to collapse, Strange raised his head and said, "Thank you to those people from God's Domain! Fortunately, the Holy Shield borrowed a lot of useful things from Thor... Otherwise, this time I would really be in big trouble!"

"Thor!" Strange roared towards the sky.

Thor, who was guarding against the attack of the star devouring messenger from outside the sky, raised his head and shouted to the vast universe: "Heim! Throw him the Agamotto orb in the is the one in the father's treasury... That's's placed on the metal container that looks like an eye, and the crystal-like eyeball in the middle is that."

"No need to throw the whole thing at him, just the crystal ball! In case he refuses to give it back to us... so we can use the spell on the part of the metal base to summon it back!"

A bright rainbow bridge passed through the solar system from God's Domain and landed on the earth above Wakanda. The rainbow bridge landed next to Strange. After the light dissipated, a crystal clear crystal ball appeared on the scorched rune imprinted on it. Sitting on top is the Eye of Agamado, the lost artifact of Kama Taj, treasured by God King Odin, who loves collecting as much as Ancient One.

In Odin's treasure room, the one that was once mistaken for the Eye of Agamotto by a glimpse.

"Gumodo... Samaya... Agamotto Savage!" Strange began to chant the spell, and the Eye of Agamotto he was wearing shot out a shining white light, shining on the crystal ball on the ground On the ground, after being shrouded in white light, the originally unresponsive crystal ball suddenly seemed to activate something, and a faint radiance began to flow from its whole body, suspended from the ground, and radiated great light.

The light emitted by the crystal ball is pure white, reflecting the surrounding space brightly.

In the light of pure white,

In the empty space between Ebony Maw and Strange, the traces of magic suddenly appeared, and a invisible and colorless hidden mental fluctuation suddenly appeared. It distorted the pure white light, causing a shadow with distorted light to appear in the empty space. .

This spike-like shadow shot straight at Strange, but gradually melted in the light from the crystal ball.

The spiritual thorn that Ebony Maw attacks Strange from the spiritual level does not exist in the real world, but it can be clearly seen under the illumination of the Agmodo Orb, which is also from the legendary archmage Agmodo An artifact with the power to break spells and resist magical attacks.

The legendary archmage Agamotto is a powerful mage who forged the time stone into the eye of Agamotto.

This mage is considered a powerful existence in the magic side of the multiverse. Thanos who has not collected all the infinite gems cannot be compared with him... It is a pity that although this archmage once appeared on the earth for a short time, he has made a lot of influence The great events of the later generations, but because of the mage's curiosity, let him try to find out some strange things that appeared on the earth.

For example, the magic book that records the secrets of the evil gods; the book of darkness that contains all the strange dimensional coordinates and the secrets of the Well of Eternity, etc.

During this process, Agamotto unfortunately learned some extraordinary secrets on this ordinary little planet Earth.

Knowing these secrets all of a sudden, Agamotto encountered something unknown. He was so frightened that he almost died and fled to a different dimension to become a high-latitude lord. He even lost his most cherished artifact, the Eye of Agamotto!

Let’s not mention what happened to the poor Agamotto here, but the artifacts he created are indeed very powerful. If Gu Yi had the Agamotto Orb, he would not have died in the hands of a mere Domamu .

Of course, the main reason for Gu Yi's death was that in order to resist Domamu, he borrowed the power of darkness to maintain his own life.

Being polluted, he is no longer recognized by the Eye of Agomodo, and cannot use the full power of the Eye of Agomodo.

In addition, Gu Yi, who believed in the apocalypse and used the Well of Eternity as a source of part of his magic power, might have known something he shouldn't have known, which made him decide to die on the spot so that his soul could escape from the earth.

Ancient One's power is a hundred times stronger than Strange's now. Some of the powerful magic props he hid in a shadow chamber in the Holy Sanctuary of Kama Taj, Strange has not been able to use until now.

"Damn Asgardians!" Ebony Maw said angrily, "Can't Galactus let you settle down?"


In outer space, Chen Ang appeared behind Thor. He stood side by side with Thor and asked, "Did you give him the orb?"

"The Agamotto orb has been sent to Qi Qi!" Thor's face was a little ugly, he didn't have a hammer in his hand, he could only put it on his side, which made him feel a little unnatural, "We are in the other part of the orb. The magic formula has been imprinted on the box, positioning the dimension locked by the orb at the coordinates you provided."

"Very good!" Chen Ang said: "The next step is to borrow the power of the Eye of Agamotto and send them there!"

"The Destroyer is ready!" Chen Ang confirmed again.

Thor was very dissatisfied: "Don't let me do all the dirty work in the future?"

"Although you have persuaded Odin...but I don't know if he is old and confused!" Thor was a little annoyed.

There was a clap of thunder above his head, and Thor roared into the sky, "There, old man, I know you're still awake, and I'll do it!"

"In return... we will fix your hammer!" Chen Ang laughed.

"It's as if I betrayed them and exchanged them for benefits!" Thor was still a little bit aggrieved.

"It's not a betrayal... It's just that it's really inappropriate for them to know too much. We hide the truth for their own good, and you don't want your friends to become lunatics and crazy people overnight! In this matter, concealment is precisely for them The best protection. Is a kind of goodwill. Goodwill should not be misunderstood."

"Before this time, I didn't know that the Destroyer could actually insert a soul and let him drive that power!" Thor said with a dark face: "How do you know?"

"The Republic is originally the oldest civilization in the world, and everything we pass down is normal."

Chen Ang said: "At the beginning of the birth of the earth, there were many secrets. Before Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen massacred the universe, there were many curious beings who observed the earth, and there were many very powerful races among them. The strange alien race once landed on the earth and put a lot of pressure on you native races."

"At that time, the Titan Protoss on Saturn was still there, the Ospirin Protoss had not yet perished, the Babel Tower of the Babylonian Protoss had not fallen, Imerton led the Nine Pillars God, and the Brahma Protoss watched the natives of the subcontinent fight each other. The Huaxia gods have not returned to mortals."

"The human beings brought by Apocalypse from another universe became the origin of major civilizations. At that time, the ancient human civilizations were gods, and they controlled the new humans created by Apocalypse and came out of Africa."

"In the most glorious period, they successfully fought against the alien species in Egypt, and sealed the evil gods and famine in the magma deep in the moon, ocean and earth. Unfortunately, the Tower of Tongtian finally collapsed. The ancient civilization either integrated into the new human beings, or fled When they arrive on the alien planet, they will either be completely destroyed, or linger in the depths of the sea."

"I don't understand this!" Thor said frankly: "Although I am regarded as a god by you Midgardians, when I was born, Asgard was already like this!"

"Asgard and the Titans are alien races, and you are not in harmony with the golden civilization of ancient humans on Earth, and you can even be said to be excluded. If it weren't for the test of the apocalypse, and the nine kingdoms were united, you might all be It will not be recognized." Chen Ang said.

"After the collapse of the Tongtian Tower, the ancient human civilization was severely damaged. On the contrary, you Asgard, Warner, and the Titans retained most of their vitality because they were not based on the earth. At that time, the Celestial Group came to the earth again to observe closely. It puts you under pressure."

"So with the help of the remaining ancient civilizations on the earth, you created an ultimate weapon to fight against the Celestial Group."

"This is the Destroyer?" Thor recalled: "I have fought against it, and it doesn't seem to be very strong!"

"Is that what you call confrontation?" Chen Ang sneered, "That's because Odin used it as a training partner for you! What you destroyed is at best just a shell of this thing. Above all, only your Asgard's Odin's power can match!"

"This thing Odin used it to guard the treasury and guard against the Frost Giants." Thor said, "Where is the god group? Why did they disappear later?"

"The Celestial Group is too deadly! They brought back some things from the earth, some things that were originally sealed in the moon, are the evil gods easy to provoke... Later, the Celestial group who brought the evil god back never came to the earth again... ...As far as I know, they probably died in the disaster of apocalypse!" Chen Ang said disapprovingly: "This race is famous for being good at death."

"In the past, they were powerful, but the disaster of the apocalypse was not active."

"About three galactic epochs ago, the disasters of the apocalypse became active, but they still didn't want to repent, and died frequently. The power left by facing the apocalypse several times was severely damaged, and they all survived with their strong strength, and finally provoked the earth. , it’s completely cold. Now the grass on the grave must be three feet high. It’s not a problem!”

Chen Ang said with emotion: "Later, the Titan Protoss followed their example and led the Death Knight and the Goddess of Death to a decisive battle on their home planet. Your sister participated in that decisive battle, and she went crazy when she came back. She was sealed by your father." stand up."

"Many protoss were either destroyed in the battle of the Tongtian Tower, or died in exploring the power of the Four Horsemen, or got involved in the battlefield, or faced the evil gods. So far. But it’s a pity that Odin is old, the twilight of the gods is coming, and the apocalypse finally has its eyes on you.”

"I'm won't survive this level!"

Chen Ang sighed again and again, looking a little unbearable.

Thor did not go into a rage abnormally, but calmed down, thinking about everything Asgard was about to face. As time went by, he already felt the huge unspeakable shadow that enveloped Asgard. In addition to the fate of Germany, the prophecy of Ragnarok is extremely tragic, but it seems that the reality is infinitely more tragic! "

While they were talking, the soul of T'Challa the Panther was encased in the Destroyer in Asgard.

In the uniform armor made of Thor's Hammer, a mass of flames like a star was wrapped... as if a star hundreds of times larger than the sun was burning inside.

Originally, most of such powers were used to maintain their own existence, but with the placement of a soul, they could be released a little bit. The Destroyer that Bitor faced, the power fluctuations in this new Destroyer, More than dozens of times stronger.

The Rainbow Bridge came across the sky and sent the newborn Panther back to the moon.

Strange, who has two great artifacts in Wakanda, finally has the power to face the powerful spiritual power of Ebony Maw, and let Ebony Maw manipulate countless buildings to collapse and bury him. The power of the orb can still protect him from harm .

Strange did not use the power of the time stone, only in this way can he completely let go.

The power of the Time Stone was reserved for reversing time in Wakanda and resurrecting those Wakandans who died in the fallout.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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