Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 136 The saviors are out!

Then he stretched out his hand and ejected a wisp of carbon fiber fire-strengthened spider silk. This armor module is also equipped with a spider silk launcher, which can synthesize hundreds of different types of spider silk. The spider silk thread hidden in the lava ball was endured by Chen Angyuan Going back, the demon warlock who turned into a Balrog indifferently let the lava ball hit his body, and the spider silk thread also stuck to his body.

The legs of Spider-Man controlled by Chen Ang were rooted on the ground, and the gloves of the two armor modules together with a command: "Pull back hard!" Spider-Man immediately used all his strength, hundreds of tons of huge force to force the Balrog After pulling it over, Chen Ang stimulated the spider's sensor with his glove, controlled Spider-Man's legs to exert force, and ejected towards the flying demon.

Spider-Man quickly climbed onto Balrog's body, and the strengthened spider silk in his hand was circling and binding. The figure of Spider-Man under Chen Ang's control was so fast that he couldn't see it at all. Pass through the heart.

The armored glove was inserted into the Balrog's body, and the strong current emitted directly interfered with the Balrog's nervous system, destroying its ability to respond, making its body twitch and unable to respond. Spiderman threw it on the ground, and the armored glove modules on both hands exploded With a powerful force, the Balrog was torn apart along the wound, and countless lava blood spurted out like a waterfall.

The demon warlock could only escape from the Balrog possessed by him, and appeared in the distance with a pale face.

Five short laser beams appeared on the fingertips of the crimson glove. Chen Ang took off the Eye of Agomodo on Spider-Man's chest. Countless information flows were transmitted from the Holy Shield headquarters to the glove, and five high-energy lasers were inserted into it. In the key structure of the Eye of Agamodo, it began to connect with its energy, and the data returned by the connection was analyzed by the intelligent brain 'Yi' of the floating pyramid.

As a military fortress of ancient civilization, the brain of the floating pyramid has a natural advantage in cracking the ancient artifact, the Eye of Agamado.

Soon the Eye of Agomodo opened its eyes, revealing the core time gem, and the power of the gem was shaped into a complex magic circle through the artifact created by the Archmage Agomodo. The spider projected the center of the circle, and the green magic circle with a diameter of nearly one kilometer kept rotating.

Chen Ang gently moved a rune, and the rune wheel had a chain reaction, causing a part of the huge magic circle to turn a small angle.

Casillas secretly opened a portal leading to the little spider's head. The door was only the size of a fist-sized hole. His hands passed through the portal, and the transparent air blade slashed at the little spider's hands. Casili Yas grabs the Eye of Agomodo.

"I've caught you!" Chen Ang said calmly.

Casillas suddenly found that his hand returned to the original position a second ago. He was very frightened, and immediately closed the portal and retreated, but soon, within a second, he found himself back to the original position.

He's stuck in a time loop of one second!

The time trap is in effect!

Ebony Throat also immediately ushered in Bi Bingxue with Zheng Shangqi's 12-point skill, and the powerful cold zhenqi instantly froze the space hundreds of meters around him, and Ebony Throat found that his body was already stiff. He couldn't react in time, and there was nothing he could do with his spiritual power, so he had to be frozen in the ice lump.

General Deathblade suddenly faced the crimson mecha with the engine fully turned on. A mechanical lock structure appeared in Pozzi's hand, and the moment the blade wrapped around Deathblade, it was locked on Deathblade.

The mechanical lock is stuck on the war blade, and the Edman alloy cutting device starts to pop out from the locked position, as well as the high-energy laser welding head. Around the death blade, the cutter head and laser cutter head made of Edman alloy are sprayed with metal brittle After using the agent, it began to spin rapidly.

General Deathblade's ghosts were all gone, and he began to desperately try to take back the warblade.

Poz grasped the death blade with one hand, and opened fire on the other side, only spraying towards the back of the death blade. What high-energy laser beam clusters, shock light cannons, positron weapons, and black bat king's onomatopoeic waves, all went to the death blade. Because the weapon was caught, he didn't dare to let go, and his mobility was crippled, and the dead blade sprayed on him.

It's pitiful to say the least, in general,

Death Blade also let go and withdrew.

After retreating a certain distance, summon the Warblade back from a long distance. The Deathblade, like Thor's Hammer, has the function of automatically flying to the bound person, but it doesn't work now.

His soul box is still being violently destroyed! In just this short period of time, the pole of Death Blade has already lost a lot of weight, and the metal powder that was cut off fell straight to the ground, making his heart tremble!

For a while, the Alliance of Rescuers was held back by the tactical plan formulated by Black Bolt King, and only Namor was left to guard the Destroyer Bing Tuozi.

Namor and the Atlantis guards around him have been guarding the Destroyer to prevent the enemy from stealing the Destroyer and turning the tables in an instant, but they did not expect that the enemy did not try to save the Destroyer, but took the opportunity to send other members of the Alliance of Rescuers Packed up. Now the situation changed in an instant. Potts focused the fire first, and countless laser beams gathered in that small space, dismembering the Atlantean soldiers and cutting the ice that trapped the Destroyer.

Zheng Shangqi possessed ten commandments of Meixiadang's 12th level skill, and his true energy poured into the ring of Meixiadang. Countless fire clouds rose from it and fell in the direction of Namor. The air instantly became hot, and large areas of ice melted The soldiers of Atlantis were also scorched with dense blisters in the respiratory system by the high temperature air, and they lost the ability to resist in pain.

The little spider also trapped the ghost knight with the time gem, and he tried his best to support him, relying on the spider's sensing ability to maintain the power of the time gem.

The others all went to besiege Namor.

The reason why Black Bolt didn't target the Destroyer was because the intelligence analysis of the Holy Shield revealed that Namor, who was guarding the Destroyer, was a very cunning and sensitive person. It was difficult for him to achieve strategic deception, and he would not ignore it at all. The biggest variable on the field is the Trapped Destroyer. Therefore, the only way to force Namor to give up the Destroyer is to crush the past with strong strength.

Sure enough, after weighing the price he would have to pay to protect the Destroyer's seal, and finding that he would not be able to survive for two seconds being confined next to the seal, Namor resolutely gave up on the Destroyer and chose a strategic retreat!

As the lasers sliced ​​through the thick layers of ice, scorching heat rose on the Destroyer.

The dim flames behind the Destroyer's visor instantly became vigorous, and even became violent. The Destroyer slowly lowered his head, the flames behind his face pressed down as if accumulating power, and then a fiery ray that could not be seen directly erupted. When it came out, it enveloped its body, causing the ice to melt in an instant, and the huge ice in Boninzana melted in an instant.

The Destroyer slowly raised his head, it obviously had no expression, but everyone could only think of the ancient and violent Vulcan, and they could all see the angry flames, burning red from the gaps in his armor, as bright as a small sun .

The army of Atlantis was a little suffocated.

The Destroyer looked back at the Atlanteans who had sunk themselves into the water. It turned back indifferently. Under Namor's frightened and angry eyes, the prominence fire shot out again, covering the side of Wakanda facing the sea. Inside.

The remaining seawater from the tsunami evaporated together with the Atlanteans inside. The Destroyer rushed out and hit the Ghost Rider with a fist. The hellfire vaporized together, and it grabbed Ghost Rider and held him in the face, burning him to ashes in the fiery prominence.

While it's still possible for Johnny to rise from the ashes, that won't happen until Mephitos brings his soul back from hell.

At this moment, the situation of the Destroyer who really became the Destroyer returning to the savior of this world was completely reversed, and it was time for them to consider how to survive.

Trapped in the time loop, Casillas, unable to escape, showed a desperate expression...

The ebony throat frozen in the ice had a face of ashes...

The demon warlock, who was in better condition, turned around and fled without saying a word...

Even Namor showed a painful expression...

Only Zheng Shangqi was smiling, but fortunately he was cleared up in time, so there is nothing wrong with me!

General Deathblade, who was trying to keep his Deathblade, looked hopeless! He just instinctively fights for his soul that is still locked on the blade of death, but he has no hope in his heart...

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