Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 141 The Showdown on the Timeline

Matter does not change its fundamental phase!

All time, space, and changes in the state of matter are like dream bubbles, and they don’t move at all. Tony Stark punched Steve in the lower abdomen, spanning the long river of time, running through all parallel universes, and hitting the constituent history. Steve Rogers' material bottom layer, if you raise your sight to the current level of the two.

It can be seen that this punch has gone through countless times, and it has come to the moment when Steve's mother gave birth.

The tiny baby slid out of the birth canal, and Stark punched the baby in the belly, smashing him into a bloody mess.

The young Steve was very thin, he held a glass of milk and sipped it, and Dr. Stark's punch went upstream from the long river of time, hitting his heart, a little boy, instantly was broken into two parts.

When Steve was still an embryo!

Shattered into a meat paste in the womb...

When Steve was in adolescence, he was ignorantly facing a pictorial of hot beauties, and slowly took off his pants. At this time, this punch appeared on his body, blood and flesh splattered.

When Steve joined the army, Dr. Erkin just wanted to talk to him when he was suddenly slapped with blood!

During the transformation, Steve was lying in the instrument, his body became very strong, and he was sweating profusely. The Hydra suddenly shot Dr. Erkin, and the scene was in chaos. Steve suddenly exploded in two!

Parallel world... In the past and the future, a fist mark piercing through his lower abdomen appeared on all Steve's bodies.

The mighty law of cause and effect rushed towards Steve's current body one after another, trying to completely obliterate his existence. The timeline was pushed backwards from when Steve was still a fertilized egg. All Steve The husbands disappeared one by one along the veins of time, from the past to the present, and they no longer existed.

There is no Captain America in the world. In World War II, Hydra met Dr. Howard Stark, who took up the responsibility of Captain America. Dr. Howard Stark, wearing a star-striped suit, is not only an inventor, a scientist, but also a Joined the army during World War II, put on a self-made exoskeleton star-striped suit, and became an American doctor!

He led the Roaring Commando, fought against the Hydra, lost his best friend Iron Overlord Obadia Pakistan in the battle, defeated the Red Skull, created SHIELD, carried forward the Stark Industries Group, and became an American idol. !

All traces of Captain America have been replaced by others.

Other than that, nothing has changed...

In New York, there is a mechanical structure on display in the museum commemorating him, a thick exoskeleton mech painted with stars and stripes, and the narrator vowed: "This is the battle suit left by Captain America Howard Stark , During World War II, Captain Howard invented the exoskeleton mecha, which changed the form of warfare. The captain wore the constantly updated Captain America armor, defeated the Communist Party, and maintained democracy and freedom!"

"The second-generation captain, Anthony Edward Stark, inherited his legacy..."

In the other half of the museum, there is a Mark model armor, but the classic red and gold paint has become a star-spangled banner, and the label below reads - the second generation of Captain America - Iron Man!

In the archives of S.H.I.E.L.D., a top-secret file reveals the cause of the death of Captain America Howard-the Soviets found Obadia who accidentally fell into the canyon, mechanized his whole body, and transformed him into the Winter Soldier Iron Overlord. During the Soviet confrontation, in order to prevent Howard from developing the next generation of exoskeleton mechs, the Soviets sent the Winter Soldier Iron King to assassinate Howard.

On Howard's way home, the two had a decisive battle, and finally accidentally discovered that the true identity of the Winter Soldier was his best friend Howard. Shocked, he didn't kill him, but was unfortunately killed by Obadia.

During the Vietnam War, Tony Stark was kidnapped by the North Vietnamese in order to obtain the results of the exoskeleton mecha.

The Soviets once again sent Iron Overlord to help North Vietnam, but Tony Stark, who knew the truth, used North Vietnam's resources to

Manufactured the second-generation mecha Mark One, destroyed the Iron Overlord, and became a superhero—the second-generation American team Iron Man!

The timeline has been completely changed, and the correcting power flowing down along the demonically altered timeline will completely obliterate Steve Rogers.

But Rogers, who had no past, did not waver at all. He let the correction power kill him, but it was like a virus that had penetrated into the bottom of the system. The correction power of the anti-virus software could not kill him at all. The way, in order to ensure that there are no bugs in the universe, we have to modify the past timeline.

In the past, there was an extra planet—Krypton—inexplicably in the Milky Way.

In the disaster of the apocalypse, fearing that it will come, the power of the four horsemen of the apocalypse who bloodbathed Krypton, the ruler of Krypton decided to destroy his own civilization in order to seal the doomsday virus that was destined to destroy Kryptonian civilization. All civilians have been infected with the virus, in order to ensure their own survival, they decided to blow up Krypton.

Before the Kryptonian explosion, Kryptonian civilian scientist Jo El put his son Kakarot Karl Clark in a spaceship and sent him to Earth, where he landed in Kansas.

Little Clark was adopted by farmer Rogers and named Steve Rogers.

When I grew up, I entered Planet Daily and chose to be a reporter...

All of this happened on the entire timeline and from the perspective of the fourth dimension. This behavior of changing the past of the entire universe shocked all the existences in the universe who could see the fourth dimension, and attracted their attention to this moment. over Kanda.

From a human perspective, it's just Tony Stark punching Steve.

However, after this punch, the clothes of the two of them changed completely. Steve did not have the classic Stars and Stripes suit, but put on a red cape with an S framed by a triangle on his chest, while Tony Stark's black and green armor is covered with star-striped patterns.

Potts and Black Bolt, who were on the sidelines, did not realize all these changes.

Only the little spider, with the Eye of Agomodo, was protected by the power of the time gem and was not affected by the correction power. He opened his mouth wide and looked at the two who changed their clothes in an instant.

He said in horror: "Why did the captain change his suit? Why did Mr. Stark paint the pattern of the Stars and Stripes on the outside of the armor?"

Seeing the high-energy rays shot out of Steve's eyes, penetrating Stark's armor, Stark didn't care about the huge charred wound on his chest, because the wound was refreshed and disappeared in less than a second. Relying on the material means of this universe to hurt Stark is like counting on innuendo to kill someone.

Stark's body in the three-dimensional universe is just a projection of the real body made of low-level matter.

Stark only needs to refresh once to make all the changes in the material of this dimension disappear.

If the little spider knew the truth, he would definitely yell, "Referee, someone unlocked the lock!"

Potts roared: "You still call him Captain America! He has betrayed the teachings of his father, Captain Howard, and chose to betray the honor of the Stars and Stripes. He not only killed Hawkeye's family, but also killed Superman!"

"Superman?" Little Spider was perplexed.

"Superman fought with Stark to protect the world. They were the two best leaders of the Avengers, but they started a civil war." Black Bolt sighed: "It's a pity that I let Stark take away Kryptonite, and gave him the prep strategy I had for Superman."

Stark's mecha slowly slid open on his chest, revealing a stone emitting green light, and two red kryptonites were inlaid in his palms.

When Steve Rogers was irradiated by these three stones, he felt that his strength had dropped a lot, and his whole body became weak and weak.

"Although you can ignore determinism and the law of causality, you can still survive after I obliterate your past, but you ignore my real means against you!" Stark said slowly.

"In the process of recreating my origin in the universe, you modified reality and added a piece of information about kryptonite." Rogers smiled and said: "I have no weaknesses, so you create my weaknesses yourself. In modifying reality, you Added three weaknesses for me. First, my source of power has become a yellow sun. Second, I am afraid of kryptonite. I will lose my power when I am in the radiation of kryptonite. Third, I am infected with the doomsday virus. After excessive use of strength, the infection will deepen, and once the infection reaches 100%, I will become another Doomsday."

"But only the third weakness, is real!"

Rogers said calmly: "So kryptonite makes me weak, and if I lose the sun, I will lose my strength. These are just illusions added to me when you use the universe correction. Although it is true to the universe, as long as I don't believe it , they are invalid!"

After all, Steve became stronger again, and the weakness caused by kryptonite disappeared instantly.

Steve looked at Tony Stark and said: "But these two points are just to deceive me, let me find out on purpose, so as to ignore your real plan. You modified the timeline and let me become Superman, so that the infection of the Doomsday virus in my body will be greatly deepened. Now you have tried to deceive my perception, so that I can't feel the erosion of the Doomsday virus, but in fact I am already on the verge of full infection. "

"In about three months, I will lose control, and once I use my ability, it will speed up a lot."

"And this is my own weakness, I can't deny it, this is your real killing move!"

"I'm going all out, there's still about an hour...but... that's enough!"

Dr. Stark said: "Both of us can know everything about each other, and we can know the secrets of every particle of the other at a glance. We are simply invincible...I can't hurt you, and you can't hurt Me, although we can all be strong enough to easily destroy a planet, we cannot destroy each other."

"But I am different from you. I am perfect, but you are naturally flawed. My quantum body cannot destroy your superhuman body, but your superhuman body will self-destruct, and I just need to create this condition That's all."

"But my quantum body doesn't have your shortcomings. You can't kill me in an hour."

"So, you've lost! Clark Rogers!"

"In the duel between the two of us, only the one with no weakness will win!"

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