Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 144 The Hospitable Gotham People

The little spider was hanging upside down under the roof of the Wayne Group headquarters building, with its head facing the ground, carefully examining the two crayon drawings it had snatched.

It can be seen that the painter is not professional, and the pictures she drew in the form of comics are somewhat distorted, and the men in black found the location of the little spider based on these pictures.

No wonder it took them hours to find the old tall building where the little spider was staying.

If it was the Wayne Building, it should be much easier.

"Did they come to me based on these two paintings? Someone saw the scene when they came here, and then drew it?" Peter touched his chin and said, "It seems that I came to this world through a wormhole Is it because of the Eye of Agomodo?" He took out the bronze-colored Eye of Agomodo from his tights, and found that the eyeballs were closed.

The Time Stone is locked by the spell on the Eye of Agomodo, and Peter doesn't know magic, that is to say...he doesn't know how to use the power of this artifact.

Spider-Man still wears a crimson mecha mechanical glove on his right hand. He raises the glove to the sky, and a projection like a miniature sand table is projected in front of him. On it is a map of the entire Gotham. The flashing red dot is moving at high speed. The little spider clicked on the red dot, and the image of the man in black appeared in front of him.

The leader of the men in black sat in the passenger seat and galloped on the highway.

At this time, a group of screaming gangsters came out of the alley next to them. They lifted out an RPG, and the warhead pulled out a stream of white smoke and flew towards the men in black convoy. The leader of the men in black, Leaping out of the car window lightly, he pressed slightly harder on the roof, and the whole person turned over and stuck to the roof.

The leader of the man in black held two guns, and fired three bursts at the flying rockets, and the rockets were detonated in mid-air.

And the other men in black who poked their heads out of the car began to shoot at both sides of the road. In a blink of an eye, all the gangsters fell into a pool of blood.

The convoy continued to drive forward, leaving the scene mixed with gunpowder smoke, blood and filth behind. A lot of blood was splashed on both sides of the street, and some blurred flesh and blood were stuck on the walls full of graffiti. The nearby residents did not turn on the lights, touched Hei went out quietly, and searched for all the ammunition materials and valuables left on the ground.

Soon, a cleaning company will come here to collect the body, and they will clean up the blood on the ground before dawn.

Of course, the cleaning company is also the property of the Wayne family...

And all of this was captured by a small spider-shaped nano-mechanical device on the shoulder of the leader of the man in black, near the collar, and transmitted to the cloud database on the Spider-Man side through an encrypted signal. The gun models, body data, and movement trajectories of the people in clothes, while tracking their whereabouts.

"They should know something!" Peter manipulated the brain to invade the world's network through the manipulator.

"Maybe they are also the mages of this world or something... Responsible for guarding this world, or hiding some secret secret associations, just like the ancient one. Some of them 'saw' me coming to this world through the wormhole, and then When they came to look for me, Baiteman took a step ahead and hid me."

"Then he waited for me to wake up and wanted to know the purpose of those people looking for me, but I didn't know anything at that time."

"I should get in touch with them, maybe I can find a way to leave this world and return to the original world." Little Spider had some doubts, and he put on the mask again.

"These people are really hard to talk to!"

"But why did I come to this world?... Is it because of the Time Stone, or because of the fight between Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers? I brought Miss Potts' crimson mech gloves, and the Holy Shield should be able to communicate remotely. Is it because they have traveled through other worlds, or is it because of other reasons that they cannot contact me?"

The man in black came to the port, and there was a new big ship docked here. The semi-military big ship was simply a frigate with powerful firepower.

The leader of the man in black got out of the car for inspection, and went through several strict checkpoints, including metal detectors and X-ray scans, and boarded the ship after confirming that there was no problem.

The nano-robot used by the little spider is a high-end model of the Holy Shield. It is not only equipped with nano-miniature high-energy batteries, but also resists electromagnetic interference and uses invisible coating materials, so it is easy to pass the test.

After arriving at his territory, the cautious leader of the man in black spoke.

"The target of this mission is very tricky. It is superhuman. Its nerve reflexes are extremely fast. Its strength and agility are far beyond ordinary people. It can also eject a kind of high-strength and high-viscosity silk thread. It has rich experience in confrontation, which led to the complete failure of the recovery team mission. , should apply to the superior for more support.”

"The prophet has seen it!" A black-haired woman with an expressionless face stood in front of the leader of the man in black.

"The target is very dangerous, and we can't put too many people in that bat's place... Damn Gotham City, damn Gotham people who are xenophobic! If we put too many people in Gotham, we will die." It will be considered by them as an invasion of their territory, Batman has already intervened. I am afraid he is watching in secret now! And those criminals in Gotham, the rats in the gutter, even warned us when we came back Yes. This operation is very important..."

"The target's threat to us has reached the level of an orange warning!"

"We have to contain him whole, so the committee will allow us to bring the Prophet, and the Prophet will tell us what to do."

"Where is the prophet!" the leader of the men in black asked reverently.

The black-haired woman whispered: "The Prophet is on we can't allocate too many people. Now...the Prophet asked you to find this person..."

"He can help us, as long as he has money!" The brunette woman handed over a crayon drawing of a man in a yellow and black uniform fighting Spider-Man in a red and blue uniform.

Spider-Man magnified the painting through the mechanical spider, touched his chin and asked, "Who is he?"

"Death knell?" The leader of the men in black obviously recognized the person in the crayon drawing.

He nodded and said: "He is indeed suitable, and it will not cause a stronger reaction from Gotham people."

"Death Knell is considered half of Gotham... I think people in this city would rather see this familiar face than strangers like us intervene, right!" The black-haired woman smiled.

At this time, another woman in uniform hurried towards them. She gave the leader of the man in black a strange look, and handed a new crayon drawing to the black-haired woman. The black-haired woman glanced at the new The crayon drawing of her face immediately changed drastically. It showed a picture of her talking with the leader of the man in black, but the focus was on the shoulder of the man in black.

There, a mechanical spider was lying next to the ear of the leader of the man in black, filming all this.

The black-haired woman raised her head and ordered: "Third-level invasion, Ryder! The intruder is on top of you!"

Spider-Man hurriedly controlled the mechanical spider to bounce to the ground, and quickly crawled towards the hidden corner. The mechanical spider moved very fast, but a layer of electric grid enveloped the entire room, and strong electromagnetic radiation hit the mechanical spider. With its excellent quality and technology The content, the mechanical spider that forcibly survived all the attacks, finally fell in the jet of high-temperature flames.

"Oh! Died again!"

Taking this process as a game, the little spider puts down the mechanical glove that is being manipulated.

With a movement of his body, he slipped the spider web into the shadow of Gotham, and flew towards the port area. The next moment, the picture of Spider-Man swaying the spider web towards the port turned into a crayon drawing, appearing In front of the leader of the men in black, Ryder.

Ryder raised his head and said, "First of all, we must protect the Prophet!"

"Then, capture the incoming enemy alive!"

"Send Deathstroke and tell him we'll pay triple the price and have him on the boat in five minutes!"

The bat was still watching all this in the dark... He found that this night, Gotham was a little lively, and many people moved, scratching their paws and legs in the dark.

"I'm not a villain who came from a parallel world to conquer you... I'm just a superhero who wants to go home!" Little Spider complained helplessly as he wandered around the streets of Gotham.

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