Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 171 There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. What is your nickname? Zha Kang

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The law of the world should be like this - there is a cause and effect, equal exchange, no pain, no gain...

Ordinary people exist within the rules, and their lives are limited within a framework. It is order, rules, common sense, and limits. This is a kind of restraint and a kind of protection.

And what about us?

We cheat!

We despise the rules, play around with the laws of the universe, let it give us fruit for nothing, let us get something for nothing, we look for loopholes, we trample on the contract... We are mages!

A mage is a person who tramples on the rules, a cheater!

Constantine lowered his head and lit a cigarette. He walked through the dark alley outside the bar. The faint light of the lighter cast his shadow behind him, stretching it very long.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled the smoke ring.

Constantine stepped on the dirty stagnant water with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and walked forward crookedly...

A dim shadow appeared in front of him. He was leaning against the wall, right in front of Dotty's pet store where Constantine lived. Constantine didn't hesitate. Who knew who would come looking for him? He has too many troubles to deal with.

As I said before, there are always things in the sky...Cheaters always have to pay a price. Although no one knows the reason or the specific method, the price is indeed inevitable. This point was made clear in his own experience, so he began to gradually stay away from magic, and lived by cheating and abducting.

After all, he is a cheater targeted by regulators.

Mages distort time and space, control other people's thoughts, and create life. For them, there are no rules at all. This is magic, which makes mages a very dangerous existence—whether for others or for themselves.

The little spider greeted the decadent uncle who was walking towards him: "Hi! You are John Constantine? I was introduced by someone, and she said that you are very resourceful..."

"So did she ever say that I'm a scum?" Constantine responded casually: "Where did you meet her, Moonlight Bunny Villa? Or Ms. Xuedi's Ranch? Tell her that I will go back and pay the bill if I have money." ...or can she take a cut of your commission? Or has she already taken it?"

"She did mention that to me.

"Little Spider emphasized: "But it is not clear to the extent that you still owe service fees to female workers. "

"Haha..." Constantine said with a smile: "The service fee for female workers...just call the money for whoring!"

"She suggested that I go to the Shadow Contract, or Shazam, or Mrs. Shangdu, Sage Aoqi, Faust, Witch, Doctor Fate... She knows all these people, and they are all more reliable than you... But, I'll make up my mind after hearing your name." The little spider shrugged and said, "Because he used your name before, I think this proves that you are unusual."

"Every magic user is unusual..." Constantine sighed: "But you didn't find it by looking at the advertisement... In fact, you are the kind of customer I hate the most. Or customers introduced by acquaintances, poor people who are just entangled in unclean things. But people like you, who are introduced by someone who wears a uniform, or someone in the usually a big problem."

"And I don't want to be in such a big trouble."

The little spider was silent for a while, and decided to use the routine that the prophet told him before he left - the prophet didn't want to meet this scum, and he didn't even want to share a city with him, so the little spider could only come to Constance alone Man. Who told him to be unable to walk when he heard this name?

Chen Ang used such a name in the original world.

Little Spider knows this very well!

"Those people are also poor..." The little spider was a little embarrassed, but still read the above passage according to the prophet's teaching: "And I... er... very rich!"

Constantine's eyes were bloodshot, and his lifeless eyes lit up instantly.

He straightened up, looked at the little spider solemnly and said, "How rich..."

The little spider let go of himself, imitating Batman and whispered: "Money is my super power!"

Constantine looked at Little Spider dressed in an ordinary student's attire, and felt that this sentence was not convincing, but what was strange was that he could recognize it... This is a truth, no matter whether he is rich or the person behind him It doesn't matter that people are rich... No, it is important, Constantine is not a man who values ​​money.

It's just that money is more important than his life.

"Come in!" Constantine pushed open the door, and the animals in the pet shop were awakened. Some dogs sniffed and barked loudly, and an old woman's voice came from the attic: "Is that you? Constantine Ding, I heard voices downstairs..."

Constantine shouted, "It's me, Mrs. Dotty."

"Why is it so late? But I feel more at ease when you come back..."

Constantine took the little spider through the cage where the pet was sacrificed, and pushed open the door leading to the basement, but the little spider glanced at the attic. This familiar family atmosphere made him miss it very much, but the little spider still reminded Constantine Ding Dao: "You seem to get into trouble easily...then you shouldn't live with ordinary people."

"People who trouble me are usually very reasonable." Constantine said, "And I don't have the money to rent a one-room house. If you give me enough money for this ticket, who wouldn't want to move out? "

The helplessness of such poverty, the little spider can understand very well.

"All animals can disrupt divination magic. Don't look at their low energy, but they are very useful. As long as you understand this, any ordinary thing can bring big trouble to your opponent." Constantine explained.

"Does the prophet's ability... also count?" Little Spider asked suddenly.

Konstantin suddenly turned his head and stared at the little spider with very sharp eyes: "Prophet?" With one hand, he pulled away the animal products hanging from the ceiling with silk threads - the mummified bodies of birds and lizards, the processed heads, There are other messy things, the whole basement is messy like a witchcraft supply store, full of weird things from various civilizations.

An octopus-like specimen placed in a tank, exaggerated masks of indigenous people in Africa or South Pacific islands, and two small orangutan specimens with heads.

"You mean...the prophet?" Constantine hinted at him.

"There are three prophets..." The little spider admired Constantine's collection with great interest, and praised: "You look very reliable, although I am also a mage—the supreme mage, but I don't know any magic, so the prophet said, let me try it with you..."

"I don't teach people magic." Constantine shook his head.

"Tuition fee is ten million dollars..."

"But it doesn't matter if you study together... This... eh? Mage?" Constantine clasped his hands together and said, "Will you transfer directly to my account, or give me a check, it would be great if it was cash! I also accept Valuables pledged."

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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