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The little spider walks through London, and the lonely boy walks on the streets of London. This is like saying to the gangsters who are everywhere with knives and robbers in the streets and alleys-I am easy to bully!

But little spiders are not easy to bully, and the best hobby of New York City's good neighbors is to tie up punks with spider silk.

Before Peter acquired superpowers, he was a second-rate young man in Queens. The most indispensable thing in his life was this kind of third-rate gangsters. In the first days of acquiring superpowers, little spiders always echoed in the streets and alleys, stopping Some violent incidents such as robbery with a knife and robbery of a convenience store with a gun.

Compared with heroes like Stark, Little Spider lacks the ability to face high-class criminals such as evil big entrepreneurs, new or established capitalists, evil organizations like Hydera, and agents from various countries.

Most of the time, before he joined the Holy Shield and the Avengers, he dealt with some... down-and-out scientists and gangsters and criminal and violent organizations.

In general-it is very closely integrated with the reality of the people at the bottom and lacks the force of a big scene.

"London is okay..." When the little spider finished tying up the sixth gangster who tried to rob him with a knife, he was not surprised to find that the prophet was leaning against the entrance of the alley, with his head tilted against the wall, wine red Her hair covered half of her face. She said: "Although Great Britain has colonized the world for five hundred years. But in its heyday, they never let the low-quality population of the colonies enter London."

"So you don't see Indian turbaned servants here, Arabs and blacks, and gypsies living in caravans and talking like they have a kiba in their mouths. Just Indian doctors and university professors , rich Arabs... If in France, let's say Paris, the above mentioned people would be wandering the streets from the Champs Elysees to the Bastille, while creating the 'smell' of Paris!"

"The smell of human urine...French perfumes were used to cover these things back then, and it's the same today."

"I have to say that although London now has a mayor of Shinrikyo, the veteran colonists of the British Empire have not lost their style after all. They at least know how to reject immigrants!"

"You should remind me what a scumbag the person I'm going to meet today is!" complained the little spider.

"I reminded you...you must choose him. I said that I know many masters of magic who are far superior to him." The prophet came to the local London gangster who was trapped by spider webs on the wall with a frightened face, and said seriously. She glanced at him carefully: "He is so lucky... In three years, he will be sent to the prison for serious criminals because of a serious injury during the robbery... Now it seems that it will not happen!"

The little spider said happily: "Really? Then this is the meaning of what I do!"

He raised his left hand,

With crimson gloves on it, the mechanical gauntlets look pretty cool - at least that's what the punks thought, and they've been fighting to get their hands on them - and now they're hanging on walls and roofs!

"On the other hand..." the Prophet brought the topic back: "I think it is necessary to separate you from that thing for a while. When it is on you, it makes your fate look blurry. Only when you leave me can you see it more clearly." clear."

"Now it seems...the result of your destruction of the world has nothing to do with that thing." The prophet said with a serious look at the little spider.

"Besides, that thing is a trouble now." The Prophet tilted his head: "The things you did with it in the metropolis are too big, and it has attracted a lot of people's attention, and now it is a temptation for people to watch! Seriously Yes, those guys who study magic, all of them have made a mess of their lives, but they are all more superstitious about cheating methods of magic."

"Do they think the prophet is very powerful? In fact, they have caused too much trouble. You only need to borrow a little 'price' caused by their abuse of magic, a clever lever, and you can turn their lives upside down, and then Smash one into pieces. We can easily control their desires... because no one who studies magic is wise enough to be ascetic, and this kind of person will not learn magic at all. Magic is desire and ambition!"

"These people are so pitiful. They ruined their lives, hurt the people they love, and at the same time they are superstitious about cheating. Do you know what this means?" the prophet asked.

"Maybe they have a lot of regrets?" The little spider seemed to understand.

"More than just a few! They have countless mistakes that they want to redeem, and there are past events that make their hearts, liver, spleen and lungs ache when they think about it, and they can't wait to tear it off... Now they know that there is a cheating tool called regret medicine... Guess they Will it be crazy?" The Prophet smiled maliciously: "Some people think that they have cheated a treasure, but in fact...it is a bomb!"


Mrs. Shangdu is the strongest divination witch in the world. The blood of the ancient people endowed her with the ability to predict the future. In the magical world, it is rumored that Mrs. Shangdu was once a candidate for a prophet. Some people say that she has no identity as a prophet. His prophecy ability is not inferior to that of a prophet, but only Mrs. Shangdu knows that - prophets are all monsters!

The first prophet is all-knowing and omnipotent, the second prophet makes decisions for the world, and the third prophet reads the file and restarts.

These three monsters are the real pinnacle of the mysterious world. They guard an ultimate secret, the secret about the world's destruction. An organization built around them, the World Security Council is their minion.

Why does Mrs. Shangdu know so clearly - of course because she is also one of them.

She is the director of the World Security Council, although she doesn't remember anything after leaving the headquarters!

"...Think carefully, Munn! This is not something you can move!" Mrs. Shangdu warned the blond woman in front of her, "That thing is very dangerous... more dangerous than you can imagine."

"Let her come out and talk to you!" Munn's attitude was very firm.

"Witch!" Munn suddenly protruded a slender and strange palm with black nails under his right hand placed on the table. Their fingers interlaced, and then Munn flipped the palm lightly, and the whole person changed his style of painting ... She turned into a black-haired, green-eyed witch—the same as Mrs. Shangdu in front of her.

"Help me...you owe me!" the witch tilted her head, half begging, half threatening.

Mrs. Shangdu sighed. She wasn't going to tell the witch at first, but when she just did the divination, she seemed to find that something had changed. The thing fell into the hands of a person who was completely unexpected by Mrs. Shangdu. ...Specially used to take the blame?

So Mrs. Shangdu changed her mind, since the prophet has appointed this person to be the one to take the blame. Then why don't you hurry up and throw the pot away, what are you still struggling with?

"What you want is now in Constantine's hands..." Mrs. Shangdu slowly took out a red-breasted robin mummy sitting on a dry rose branch from her side, and she lowered her head and kissed the red-breasted robin. On top of the withered head of the robin, the red-breasted robin became alive in the breath, and danced up and down around the back of Mrs. Shangdu's hand.

Mrs. Shangdu handed the red-breasted robin to the witch, and let it fly on her shoulder.

"This red-breasted robin will lead you to John... Be careful of the Lengyan Church, they are also looking for him, you are just one step ahead of them!"

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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