Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 177 Two Universes? The Mystery of Chen Ang's Experiment

Old iron^One second^Remember 3^3^Small^Speak^Net ω`ω`ω.З`З`x`s.c`o`мText update^The speed is the fastest

Looking down at the blue planet in space, Chen Ang stood by a window of the committee headquarters where he could see the earth. After looking at the earth for a while, he turned his head and asked the moon to turn the position of the committee headquarters back to the ground.

"The lock and key have been temporarily separated!" Chen Ang said to a tall figure kneeling in the shadows.

"Calling the evil alliance... I have something for them to do!"

"Yes..." a man and a woman in the dark said respectfully.

Metropolis, Constantine walked out of Papa Midnight's site and looked up at the night sky that has passed dusk. The moon is bright and bright, and there are mysterious lines appearing on the moon. Today's moon is particularly large, and it is this month. The second full moon of 2020, the cold moonlight in the night sky is a bit blue, which means the spectacle of the moon phase every three years... The blue moon comes on this night without warning.

Constantine stared at the blue moon, remembering what a blue moon meant in magical astrology.

The red moon signifies the activeness of evil. On that day, dark species with primitive moon worship, such as werewolves and vampires, will usher in an abundance of magic power, and it is also a day stipulated by some important customs of them.

And the blue moon means the activity of magic. On this day, the world's magic sources will be extremely active. Many spells can be released by borrowing the power of the blue moon. Mage can also use this rare celestial phenomenon to improve their own power with the help of some magic rituals. Magic power, use magic to absorb magic power from the blue moon.

But under normal circumstances, the arrival of the blue moon is a sign. A mage who knows a little bit of magic can divination in advance... This is a very important part of astrology.

Even the astronomical institutions on earth can calculate the time when the blue moon occurs after the sixteenth century.

But today, like the few exceptions in history, a blue moon appeared without warning.

Constantine decided to go back and look up the pile of magic tomes in his collection to see what this meant.

In London, Mrs. Shangdu was also staring at this round of bright moon, but she, who was born in an ancient race, knew what it meant. A trace of worry flashed in her green eyes, and she whispered: "Call the ancient evil again? The Second Prophet ...what exactly do you want to do?"

The ghost rushed into the air, and he was wrapped in a green cloak. The extreme pain made his face contort, and he couldn't help but screamed up to the sky. Green lightning and sparks shot out from his five sense organs, burning his soul. The nature of the vengeful spirit made him suffer,

His power was working back to torment him.

Ghosts are the vengeful spirits of the supreme god "God", possessing near-omnipotent powers.

It used to be the devil Aztar, one of the seven great devils who ordered the destruction of the Tongtian Tower by the Messiah, and one of the most powerful spirits of revenge. He is the archangel of the Messiah Angel Legion. After being deprived of his power by Mephitos, he walks in the world and is ordered to judge all evils, the most powerful Ghost Rider.

He and Johnny Blazer's vengeful spirit, Zatanos, are the seven great devils of hell.

It's just that the ghost doesn't understand why he, who is the wrath of God, and the angel of the spirit of vengeance, has to be ordered by a human being, so he often resists, but is tortured by the essence of his own power. Finally, the ghost can't stand this This kind of extreme pain turned into a green lightning and rushed into the sky, heading towards the moon.

The lightning he turned into galloped in space, skimmed the outer space of the earth at the speed of light, and fell into a hidden temple on the back of the moon.

Landing in the main hall of the temple, the ghost turned into a human form, still wrapped in a green cloak, with a mask-like expression, the ghost stood up slowly, without even looking at the figures beside him , just staring at the figure on the altar of the temple—Chen Ang.

There are a total of six people standing side by side with him, and the seven of them are the 'ancient evil force' controlled by Chen Ang - the evil alliance.

Among them are many acquaintances of the little spider——

Chen Ang calmly looked at these random minions, and slowly said: "My plan has reached a critical point, so each of you has a task. The first task for you now is... to set off a war between good and evil Go ahead! Destroy... the Justice League. Don't leave them free to stop my plans."

"Plan?" Ghost's eyes flickered: "What plan?"

Chen Ang stretched out his hand and pointed, green fire burned on the ghost again, the flames of the spirit of vengeance burned his soul, the ghost's screams resounded throughout the hall, he trembled all over, green flames spewed out from his seven orifices, his eyes Lightning burst out of his body, and the vengeful spirit surrounded him in flame and lightning, tormenting him.

The other six people in the shadows, far away from the lightning shot from him, stood aside and watched coldly.

Chen Ang said slowly: "This is not something you can ask, ghost, I know you always want to defy me, and you are very puzzled why I can order you, you think I have stolen the authority of God. You think you are a subordinate of God , You think you have repented to God, you are different from the other six great devils, you think you are loyal to Christ."

"But confession or something, God doesn't care, and the Messiah is not the Christ you imagine."

"You think that God ordered you to destroy the world because of the sin of human beings trying to blaspheme God's authority, and you think that the Messiah ordered you seven vengeful spirits to destroy the Tower of Babel and build hell to judge mankind, so you think it is yours to judge evil mission."

"You think I'm a prophet."

"You think I am Aaron (the prophet recorded in Exodus), Abel (Luke), Abraham (Genesis), Agabus (Acts), Anna (Luke), It was Azariah (2 Chronicles), it was Barnabas (Acts), it was Deborah (Judges), it was Elijah (1 Kings), it was Enoch (Jude), it was Ezekiel (Ezekiel), Isaiah (Isaiah), Moses (Deuteronomy), Paul (Acts), Mamat (Mecca)."

"But I am above all, Aztar!"

Chen Ang didn't continue talking, he turned around, turned his back to the seven people under him, and ordered: "Go! You each choose an opponent...don't let me down." Chen Ang's tone was light, but dark Among them, more than one person trembled slightly. After saluting to Chen Ang, they each left, looking for their opponents.

After a long time, a voice suddenly appeared: "Master Prophet, is the plan really at a critical stage?"

Someone sneaked back and asked Chen Ang.

Chen Ang smiled slightly: "My plan has already succeeded. It was completed long before the establishment of the committee. It was only possible to stop it from going on when the world was destroyed last time, but they failed. Therefore, there is no chance Already!"

"You should have guessed it a long time ago...Fu Manchu!"

At the foot of the steps, Fu Manchu, who once appeared in Gotham City and claimed to be a Khan—Master Manchu, bowed his head respectfully to Chen Ang and said: "Yes, Lord Prophet, I have guessed some secrets. The general trend has come, Peter Parker And the Eye of Agomodo was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Just leave them alone...will they be used by those people?"

"You're still playing with your cleverness." Chen Ang couldn't see any joy or anger on his face: "Fu Manchu, when the world was destroyed last time, you managed to escape by relying on me."

"You are wondering why the Holy Shield is on my side, and why Stark wants to kill Rogers."

"Why Heroes Civil War, why Nick the Cyclops recreated the Security Council of the World for me."

"Why did the heroes draw their swords against each other during the disaster of the apocalypse? Why did most of the heroes still choose to stand by me after my identity was revealed? Little effect."

"Fu Manchu...knows too much, it's easy to die." Chen Ang said lightly: "Those members of the committee disappeared one after another, didn't you understand? You can live in this universe...Peter can live, Strange can stay safely outside of time, isn't it all because of limited knowledge?"

"Don't reveal the secret ahead of time, or I'll just let you disappear from the world with the secret." Chen Ang said coldly.

Fu Manchu lowered his head deeply...

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