Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 198 The Law of Truth Is the Truth of Universal Universal Law

Facing the overwhelming army, Namor was alone and insignificant like a foam on the beach, pushed by the tide and burst when the waves hit him. But he still stretched out his hand. In Namor's eyes, the coalition army of tens of thousands of people was so great that it covered his field of vision, but when he stretched out his hand to block his line of sight, one hand could still occupy half of his field of vision.

It's like that hand holds half the army.

But in the eyes of the soldiers of the coalition army, their enemies were ridiculously small, and the moment they wavered, they became firm in an instant.

How could such a small and ridiculous enemy be the king of Atlantis?

But what can't be seen in the sea is... countless sea waters converge into countless sea currents, just like a web of countless tentacles extending from Namor's body, these sea currents extending from Namor's body spread into overwhelming waves Countless shadows, they are inconspicuous in the sea water, but if the sea water is plated with shadows.

Centered on the tiny body of Namor, the sea current extending out like tentacles is a huge shadow dozens of times larger than the entire coalition forces, enveloping the entire battlefield.

The Atlanteans in the original Marvel Universe didn’t know what to do. Anyway, the Marvel Universe changed by Chen Angmo, because of a new origin, after the Messiah opened the portal to the earth, all the remaining mutants in the Universe Civilization, which entered Marvel, became the new origin, in which Atlantis inherited the legacy of the original America.

They are called ancient civilizations, old humans.

Their technological level and civilization level have been improved like cheating, and that Atlantis is completely different from the original Atlantis. The Atlantis of this universe, although Chen Ang used the previous universe They were created with materials, but their level of civilization and technology, compared with Namor's era, still needs to be checked a few grades.

This can be seen from the fact that Atlantis has not escaped the genetic restriction of the previous universe so far.

Atlantis, where Namor lives, is an ancient civilization that dived into the sea to hide its development. After entering the sea, the American Atlantis, formerly known as the mutant universe, also divided into the Republic to develop controllable particles, because they also Being crushed by the war skynet that has evolved to the level of intelligent quarks, it is natural to know the potential of this technology to control basic matter.

When they arrived in the Marvel universe, they have been exploring in this direction.

But there is no such experience as the Republic being forced to develop crazily, and because it is afraid of the same capabilities of War Skynet, there is no progress. But after Atlantis had to hide and sink into the ocean because of the Babel incident, material control technology developed by leaps and bounds.

Because they don't have to figure out how to integrate intelligent systems,

Installed into the astronomically numerous and small terrifying atoms. It is only necessary to control a kind of large particle in the sea—water molecule, which occupies the absolute majority.

The environment of Atlantis allowed them to develop their unique technology - water control technology.

They can use electromagnetic waves to control the movement of water molecules, and they can also use energy to constrain the characteristics of water molecules, including but not limited to, shaping hardened water with a hardness comparable to alloys, and a pure water molecular film with extremely high tension. Molecular confinement creates hard and sharp ocean currents like alloys, which contain enormous energy, laser water streams that can emit energy flows, magnetized water that can superconduct currents, and plasma ocean currents that can contain a large number of free electrons. Pure water defense cover for protective cover.

The trident in Namor's hand is a water control technology weapon.

Namor stretched out his hand to the coalition forces of the two kingdoms, and the tiny tails of countless sea currents were wrapped around his hands like silk threads, but because of the transparent sea water, no one could see these shaped water threads. They only saw Namor stretching out his hand like a fool, facing the huge army.

Only Mera, because of the same ability to control water, felt a huge indescribable shadow swelled from Namor's body, and she felt a huge monster made of millions of tons of seawater, stretching its teeth and claws across the entire battlefield. The huge size made her feel ridiculously small in front of it.

And the core of that behemoth is Namor.

Now that terrifying monster stretched out its tentacles, and instantly penetrated into the formation of the soldiers. The soldiers of the sea country didn't notice it, but their enemy's tentacles were right beside them, sticking to their armor, embracing them mounts. The monster's tentacles were tied to the triggers of the energy guns in their hands.

The tentacles stretched out by that monster, with the volume of tens of thousands of seawater, instantly differentiated into astronomical branches with the smallest ends as thick as hair.

Although Mela is aware of this, the army is not the sea water she can control, and she can control it freely. It is difficult to control the army, and those who can control it to the squad level are already masters of war.

The queen could only anxiously order the army to withdraw...but it was too late.

Namor's hand clenched slightly, and countless transparent water tentacles rolled up everything they could grasp. The water flow could become as hard as a diamond, or as sharp as an alloy blade, and could conduct a powerful current. , the precipitation of free electrons in seawater can easily create an electric current that electrocutes all living things here.

Namor only used to shape the water flow to be as resilient as glue. He strangled the throats of tens of thousands of troops by himself. The soldiers of the Sea Clan could only struggle in vain when their necks felt tight. Namor controlled the sea water to float When he got up, there appeared around the bodies of all the people present, a sharpened stream of water against their vital points, and it only took Namor's thought to penetrate their bodies.

Namor was like a terrifying monster that stretched out countless tentacles and lifted everyone up. He came to Mela. He stroked Mela's beautiful red hair, leaned into Mela's ear and said, "I order to surrender!" Go! My queen..."

At this moment, Mela used her ability to control water to disperse the water that was strangling her throat, and the dagger hidden in her sleeve stabbed fiercely, but Namor just watched with a smile, the dimple that stayed a millimeter above the surface of her lower abdomen Dagger, his body surface has an indestructible layer of diamondized sea water.

Namor frivolously removed the dagger from Mela's hand, and combed her red hair behind her ears.

Whispered in her ear: "Oh! Girls with red hair are hot..."

In front of tens of thousands of people, Mera, who was close to Namor, showed a look of shame and resentment on her face, but her father, King Nereus, who was also captured when he sent troops to support his daughter's power, was very angry. After getting used to it, he put down the trident in his hand, and bowed his head like Namor, expressing his surrender.

Who knows what he was thinking?

Perhaps out of habit, he also surrendered to the strong.

Maybe it's... a daughter bound three kings, no matter how the power of Haiguo changes, I won't lose power... I'm so happy!

I, Nereus, will never sell my daughter... Really sweet!

Aquaman can be Orm or Arthur, why not Namor? Anyway, the king is only me...

Mela saw the current ruler of the Zebel Kingdom, and her sister Princess Siren looked at her, clearly saying—"I hooked up with another one! Can't you change a man who is not the king of the sea? By changing men Bichi who rules Atlantis!"

Mela thought desperately: "I am loyal to Arthur!"


Namor embraced Mela, who had put the crown on her with his own hands, and sat on the Sea King's throne. Facing the Atlanteans who refused to surrender, he waved his right hand, and the sea tide centered on the throne. , receding in all directions, a huge vortex appeared on the sea surface, and it was getting bigger and bigger. The air was swallowed by the hollow vortex, forming huge bubbles, and gradually engulfed the entire Atlantis.

The residents of the royal city, which was filled with air, struggled in the air like a dead fish.

The civilians of Atlantis strangled their throats, and the civilians ran to places where there was water, and the Atlantean warriors near the water wall on the edge of the royal city desperately tried to stick their heads into the water wall... But no matter what, None of them could get any oxygen.

Because Namor deprived them of the ability to get oxygen from seawater.

In front of the Atlanteans who were about to suffocate to death, Namor said coldly: "Look at you! Noble Atlanteans, you are like a lowly animal without the sea water, you can't breathe at all. , even whales are higher than you. You once came from land, but you have lost the ability to set foot on land forever."

"Become a lowly animal that can only live in the ocean!"

"There are even Atlanteans who have turned into irrational monsters!"

"Are you still like a noble Atlantean? Are you still worthy of being an Atlantean? You keep saying, the glory of your ancestors...but your ancestors were the kings who ruled the sea and the land. Arrived Now, you have divided the land and sea from the monkeys we once ruled, and you have reached peace with the land."

"You ceded the land of Atlantis since ancient times, ceded the territory above the sea, and turned it into a complete sea nation, turning yourself into a seaman. Only nobles can breathe on land."

"You no longer want to return to land and raise Atlantis to the surface of the sea!"

"Rule the planet forever!"

"You have degenerated into lowly creatures, degraded into a species of the same level as land people... This is a mistake and a regression. Now your king is back!" Namo waved his hand heavily: "I will let Atlanta Tees is back to greatness and glory, forget about that false king! I will lead you to conquer this universe again!"

Namor walked up to a guard who was struggling in the air, and pointed at him with a purchased trident. The guard who was born as a commoner immediately felt a cool breath in his lungs, and he took a few breaths , Standing up again unexpectedly, he looked at his body, groped a bit, and found that he could already breathe in the air.

The guard burst into tears of joy, knelt down in front of Namor, and said frantically, "You are the only king of lord!"

Where Namor's Trident was located, all Atlanteans gained the ability to breathe in the air. More and more Atlanteans surrounded him and knelt down in front of him. In the fanatical support of the people, Namor was crowned the 'King of the Sea' of Atlantis!

He took Mela's hand and sat on the throne together.

Looking at the familiar queen, the last part of the die-hard Atlantean civilians also gave up their resistance.

Mela sat beside Namor as if sitting on pins and needles, but when all the people in Qihai bowed their heads, she seemed to have regained her former power, and Mela gradually relaxed. Although she was still hiding the idea of ​​helping Arthur defeat Namor, She has learned to endure humiliation: "Arthur, I will hide beside that arrogant king and wait for your return!"

Mela thought so - it smells so good!

In the midst of everyone's attention, Namor came to Trench Country. Countless monsters were used like a tide. Facing the dense crowd of monsters, Namor stretched out his trident finger, and the monster rushing to the front trembled violently. , his scales and minions began to shed their skin, and soon a sea man with some monster features, but with some clear eyes appeared in front of the soldiers.

The Hairen looked at Namor in confusion, behind him, countless Trench Races were transforming.

The Trench Clan who was the first to transform was stunned for a while, and finally looked back at the clansman who was transforming, and knelt down in front of Namor.

Namor put the trident on his shoulders: "Return! My people...I will give you glory and great bloodlines again, so that you will no longer be monsters, but become a real Atlantean, And you will repay me with loyalty. I will give you the name 'Arthur', the king of the Trench Clan!"

Countless Atlanteans cheered and surrendered to Namor together with the new Trench Race.

The next day when the news spread to the Murloc Kingdom and the Salty Water Kingdom, the two tribes surrendered... So far, the Six Seas have surrendered to Namor at the same time. Except for the extinct Mysterious Sea Kingdom, the Seven Seas have been pacified by Namor.

Namor became the second king of Atlantis in this universe to unify the seven seas.

Mela accompanied Namor to inspect the two sea nations that had just surrendered. The saltwater nation and the crustaceans and murlocs in the murloc kingdom gradually changed back to Atlantis under Namor's technology of manipulating the Atlantis gene. The original appearance of the Lantis people is very close to that of the land humans.

Facing Atlantis, which unified the seven seas, Mela and Namor used skillful diplomatic means to appease the people who had just joined Atlantis. She was happy, while using the unity of Atlantis as an excuse, and accepted Namor's marriage proposal without hesitation.

Arthur's hat on the way was shiny green.

"I will leave a unified Atlantis for Arthur!" Mela thought so, generally enjoying more extensive power.

It smells so good...Meila, who endured the humiliation, thought so.

It smells so good... King Nereus, the head of the country, is inspecting his more powerful army, while happily looking forward to conquering the land.

It smells so good... Princess Siren looked at her sister, the new queen of Atlantis, jealously, and thought inwardly.

She said with emotion: "I betrayed Neptune, I planned a conspiracy, I longed for power, but I know I am a good girl. A real bitch likes to pretend to be innocent, innocent, like to pretend to be forced, endure humiliation, and pretend to love a man very much, Pretending to give in to another man. I betrayed obviously, and she betrayed as if she had no choice. But men are superficial, they only look at the surface, and they eat this way. So, they can only miss good girls, and then be cheated by the bitch to become the queen Position. Only a woman can tell who the fuck is a real bitch. My sister is one such bitch without a doubt..."

The Siren then sets out to find Arthur...she has to tell him what happened in the sea.

Then snatch the man back from her bitch sister...

( = )

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