Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 204 The Appearance of the Black Hand Behind the Scenes

In the dark, the main computer of the Justice League suddenly restarted, and it opened a file directory called "Supreme Protection Plan"... An unfamiliar account entered the file to browse. At this time, the chair in front of the main computer slowly turned around, and Batman Sitting on the chair, the strange consciousness that was cracking the password of the file suddenly froze.

A line of text appeared on the screen: caught me!

Batman said calmly: "The monitoring here is connected to a sandbox system, and all you see are videos."

"I knew you would come!" Batman said: "You found all the people who the members of the League care about, they are all missing, Louis, Martha, Iris, these people have all entered a Supreme Protection Plan of the Justice League. You In order to torture Barry again, will let his loved ones die in front of him again and again, so you must obtain this document."

"Where the people the Justice League heroes care about most are."

"It seems that you have long realized that it is me!" The line of text slowly wrote: "When did you doubt me... No, you doubt anyone, when should you be sure that it is mine?"

"When Hawkman sneaked into the prison to kill Constantine." Batman said slowly: "Although Hawkman has always said that I underestimated him, the prison of the Justice League should never be cracked so easily, even if he is Hawkman...unless..."

"Unless he is the one who designed that prison." Cyborg slowly walked out from behind Batman, and Wonder Woman and Superman also slowly appeared from his left and right sides, forming a triangle with Batman to surround Cyborg.

But Cyborg didn't care, he continued: "That prison was designed by you, Diana and I together, you were in charge of the overall design, Diana was in charge of the magic part, and I was in charge of all the equipment and technology. But you certainly won't Doubt, and Diana, although she is in charge of the magic part, she is not proficient in magic, she just used the resources of Olympus! So only I can let the Hawkman sneak in here... The Hawkman is at the end I also guessed who the traitor of the Justice League is, so he hinted at you in the end, and let you confirm that that person is me... Wonderful reasoning, Batman is indeed Batman!"

The steel bone clapped in admiration.

Batman just added: "Even myself, I have always been on my suspicion list. Sometimes, even myself is not reliable..."

"Why Victor?" Superman puzzled: "Why you?"

Cyborg laughed and said, "Innocent Superman, why is it me? Of course it's because I'm not me anymore!"

Batman said slowly: "Because Cyborg was the first person to are Grid!"

Cyborg... no,

It was Grid applauding: "How clever! Batman is indeed the person who threatens us the most in computing. Yes, Cyborg's brain has been modified to become a quantum computer, which can keep pace with the Internet 24 hours a day. Meaning he was constantly under pressure from the information bombardment, so he developed me (the grid) to help him keep his focus..."

"But he doesn't know that on the Internet, what he is facing is the power of my master. Although it is only an insignificant creation of my master, he is weak and vulnerable to it."

"So those people took advantage of my master's power, knocked out his self-awareness from the network, and then created me—a self-aware artificial intelligence-Grid to replace him." Said: "The most powerful part of the steel bone is that his body has gathered the highest technology of this country, and the core also has the highest technology creation representing Apocalypse - the mother box."

"But his weakest point is that even though he seems to be proficient in technology, his essence is a rugby player. He looks like a scientist, but he is actually a f*cking brainless brat! Technology is his strongest His strength is also his weakest weakness. So my master easily showed him what a real scientist is."

"He just created me casually, and he took care of that idiot who dared to modify his brain into a quantum computer."

Grid calmly said: "Then I will start to work inside you, and at the same time pretend to be the character of Cyborg... My disguise procedure is not bad!"

After listening for a long time, Diana slowly raised her hands with the guardian silver ring, and said to the grid: "Thank you for telling me this, knowing that no partner betrayed me, I feel much better. Now... for the steel bone, Shazam , Hawkman, Hawkgirl, for Arthur and Orm..." Diana roared, "I will destroy you and the conspiracy behind you... completely!"

Grid calmly said: "There is also Barry! Don't forget about him... His power comes from a Speed ​​Force universe created by my master, where a hamster is constantly generating electricity to supply our 'Flashman'. Speed ​​Force The essence of power is a frame of reference completely different from the time of this world, and the user himself is a frame of reference of time, so he can run so fast."

"This gave us a way to start at the source, and we modified Barry's time frame of reference so that he went from being as fast as he wanted to going as fast as he wanted to being always one step behind, and he was always one step slower than he thought, no matter how much he ran. Block, no matter how hard he tries, he'll never be too late...that's how we deal with him. Now The Flash can be called Late Man!"

"The speed is faster than light, but he will always be late. The Flash will not only be late, but also absent... Now the powerful power he relies on has become his cage. He will be tormented forever and ever!"

Grid laughed wildly triumphantly, and he looked at Batman with great interest: "We are always prepared, someone lost to you last time, this time he will get it back twice, so... why don't you think about it, Is my arrest also in the plan?

Grid calmly said: "Batman, in order to catch me, you use the location of Louis and the others as a trap, because if the bait of this trap is fake, it will never fool us. Now you caught me, but you We also know where the people we care about are!"

Diana's face changed drastically, and she shouted to Batman: "It's transmitting data...stop it!"

Batman said calmly: "This is an old file...they have already transferred it!"

Grid sneered, and the mechanical parts of his body erupted with powerful power. The combat system loaded by the quantum computer has powerful computing power, but Diana fell into a disadvantage in an instant. The power of Grid was unexpectedly will The advantages of artificial intelligence have been brought to the extreme.

Fu Manchu and five people who were also hidden in the dark were having a meeting around a round table. Fu Manchu said slowly: "We sacrificed the grid, but we also found Batman's weakness... the strongest point of Batman , lies in his mind, he is the brain of the Justice League, but his most vulnerable place is trust, he does not trust anyone, and it is difficult for anyone to trust him. Interrupting the trust relationship between him and the Justice League is the way to defeat him key."

"Of course we don't need this ridiculous plan."

Fu Manchu threw away the documents of the "Supreme Protection Plan"... "What we need is that Batman leak the information of the people the heroes care about... this matter. Then when those people the heroes care about die one after another At that time, Batman, who was framed as the culprit of everything, will... lose trust."

"No one can maintain his sanity and not vent his anger when the person he loves dies in front of him... Batman's poor performance during this period has already caused him to be questioned, and his mysticism style has also been questioned. It’s his weakness that he can’t get the trust of most of the heroes of the Justice League, if he doubts everything, then he can’t even get the trust himself.”

"This incident will be a fuse, intensifying the conflict between Batman and the Justice League, and completely tearing the gap between him and other heroes."

"Some of you question why you put so much effort into a mortal man... Defeating him is so easy. But what I need is not to beat a mortal Batman, I need to destroy the brains of the Justice League, at Batman's strongest point Defeat him! This is what the Prophet is looking forward to. The Prophet may not care about winning or losing...but I do!"

"This is my Batman hunting plan..." Fu Manchu's slender eyes shone with awe-inspiring coldness: "I will take it back with my own hands, the shame of being defeated. I, Fu Manchu, will never lose a second time. Dedicate victory to the Second Prophet!... Otherwise, all of us will end badly."

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