Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 4 Prehistoric Orthodoxy, Da Luo Dao Ends, Swindled and Abducted

After Styx left, Yuanshi Tianzun had a small talk with Taishang Daojun: "Why did you promise Pangu to him? Styx has no good intentions. He has only been in the prehistoric world for a long time, and countless incidents have occurred. It's a famous shit-stirring stick. And don't forget the last time he manipulated a monkey to commit murder, I've already seen it, this guy is a troublemaker. If he was born in Pangu, he would have to be lawless!"

The Taishang lowered his eyebrows and sighed: "We appointed him as the leader of the Demon Cult and forced Luo Hu to give him the karma of the Demonic Dao, isn't it just to make him make trouble?"

"Rahu's Demonic Dao pays too much attention to destruction and self-indulgence! When I set up the Xuanmen, I had to face the Demonic Dao in order to conform to the principle of the coexistence of Yin and Yang. We haven't deduced it before. If there is no Demonic Dao, Xuanmen is just one." stagnant water."

"One fades and one grows, and the Tao survives! The continuation of Xuanmen is also in the rise and fall."

"On the contrary, the movement of the Tao, the weak, the use of the Tao... How can there be a long-lasting Taoism, when it is prosperous, it will flourish, and when it is weak, it will keep the weak and hidden opportunities, but it will leave room for growth. It seems to be weak. In fact, it is full of vitality, but after being strong, it tends to become rigid and weak. Keeping weak can maintain vigorous vitality. It seems weak, but it is actually closer to the Tao.”

The battle between Taoism and demons lies in the words of the Supreme Master.

The opposite is the movement of Tao.

There is no magic way opposite to Xuanmen, no opposite, no cycle between Taoism and demons, and the use of yin and yang, then Xuanmen can only continue to develop. It seems to be prosperous, but in fact without the opposite, it will not move. Without movement, it will become rigid, rotten, and lose its initiative. Taishang advocates the virtue of water, flow, inaction, change, and change. Of course, he would not see his Taoism develop into this.

The reason is the same, and Buddhism is the same. It needs the temptation, nuisance, and test of demons to gradually realize the truth.

I have never heard of a Buddhist disciple who is free from calamity and calamity, without the interference of heavenly demons, and without the hindrance of demonic ways... Taoism needs to be guarded against the weak, and it needs to be moved by the Tao. And Buddhism needs the magic way as an opponent, and needs continuous experience to polish a Zen mind to attain enlightenment. Even more than Xuanmen, it needs the way of magic.

In the deeper truth of Buddhism,

The Buddha and the devil are one, and only the three poisons and eight sufferings can reflect the true enlightenment. If there is no greed, ignorance and hatred, how can we realize the enlightenment?

So Luo Hu put down the pick and quit! The Daoist and the Buddha are in a hurry... Although there are some talents in the Demonic Dao, none of them can be the opposite of the Buddha and the Taoist. In the space of change, the vitality of their orthodoxy will fail.

Several great supernatural powers, but anxiously grayed their hair because of the evil ways.

On the contrary, it is the other demon kings, Da Luo of the demon way doesn't care at all... They all have status in Taoism and Buddhism... Who is called Xuanmen, and Buddhism likes to subdue foreign demons, and then they are regarded as Dharma protectors or salvations, Promise to become enlightened in a certain month in a certain year? The way of the devil pays attention to the three caves of cunning rabbits. In the past few prehistoric periods, the Taoist priests and demons have disappeared, and the Dharma is boundless. They have subdued all the demons, and they can't get along with each other.

The weakening of the magic way has already affected the birth of the new Daluo of Buddhism and Taoism.

No, it is only because Taishang Daojun tried every means to find a potential stock from the outside world, Chen Wuliang, who is super capable of making troubles, the avatar of the leader Chen, the creator of the ancestors of all living beings, who pitted the entire Buddhist sect in the world of Shushan to cut off the power of thought The patriarch Styx, who was born in the Dao, came to the prehistoric world to create a mountain and set up a pole to develop the Dao of Demons.

Looking at it now, the ancestor of Styx really understood the true meaning of the movement of Tao, and he always had a strong desire for research and destructiveness, full of evil vitality.

With him around, although the entire magic way will grow crookedly, the Taoist and Buddhist gates will definitely move.

The appearance of Styx's Innate Immortal Aura is a vigorous young man, completely different from the gloomy, long-bearded middle-aged Taoist in black robe that Luo Hu transformed into Styx's leader.

Luo Hu's demon way, just like his dharma body, is gloomy, and it can even be said to be gloomy, with a sharp and murderous aura.

Although this doesn't mean anything, it can reveal something to some extent - Luo Hu's magic way, entering middle age, has turned from prosperity to decline, with a sinister and cunning temperament, infinite resentment and evil spirit, while Styx's magic way is full of vigor and vitality. The resentment and paranoia of following the traditional way of magic, but deviant, changeable and deceitful, and more inclined to evil.

One evil, one evil.

This is the biggest difference between the two.

When the energetic Styx came out from Sanqing, he saw Mengxin Duobao again... His family's adult, Lingbao Tianzun, went offline temporarily, and gave his account to senior brother Taishang to run. The current Sanqing is Yuanshi Tianzun , Taishang Daojun and Taishang Laojun, the Dao body of Taishang acting as Lingbao...

Generally speaking, because he is the most idle among the three Qings, Taoist Lingbao likes to use the name Tongtian Jiaozhu.

His Dao body of the Supreme Master of the Three Purities is often left there as a clay idol, which has no sense of existence, but his trumpet is very active. Leaving aside the famous Master Tongtian, the account of Yuyu Daojun is also more active, Yuchen Daojun is generally more active in the later stage, and sometimes uses the trumpet Yuchen Daojun.

He also used trumpets such as Qidu, Dongxuan Jiaozhu, Taiwei Tiandi, Tianzhen Huangren, Jiuxiao Emperor, Wujie Daoist, etc.

Lingbao Datianzun is more active during the Five Tribulations period, that is, the Yankang, Longhan, Chiming, Kaihuang, and Shanghuang Five Tribulations periods when the world was first opened.

This is a big Tianzun with a quiet trumpet and a more active trumpet, with a total of thirty-six transformations and seventy-two transformations.

"What a treasure!" Minghe saw Duobao, who was younger than him, and immediately bluffed him with a stern face: "Uncle Master! Now I am also the real person of Pangu Minghe, we are a generation behind!"

Duobao said honestly: "Uncle Minghe!"

Styx snapped his fingers, trying to intercept a bit of aura from Duobao through the interaction of the corresponding air mechanism, but Duobao's innate immortal aura was like clear, invisible and qualityless water, and it was clear from Styx's fingers. The tip slid past, but nothing was left behind, Styx looked up at this seemingly innocent, but in fact slippery human spirit. Sighing: "Uncle sees that you are really talented, why don't you go to the Sea of ​​Blood Avenue with me, uncle will promise you a future in the future."

Duobao smiled innocently, opened his big watery eyes and said, "Really? Uncle Minghe?"

"Your teacher has really delayed you... Now that the prehistoric people have reached Da Luo, there is no way out. It is said that a few prehistoric eras ago, the real Pan Gu at that time created Hunyuan karma above Da Luo..."

Duobao nodded and said: "The teacher created nine Hunyuan sages. The original intention is that there are three thousand saints in Da Luo. Their own thoughts lead to chaos in the way of heaven, so they set up nine saints in Da Luo to act on behalf of heaven."

Styx sneered: "What acts on behalf of God's will... Honghuang was created by Daluo, and Pangu is the god of creation, so Daluo is God's will. It’s the meaning of the Dao of Heaven. It’s just that your three teachers think that 3,000 Da Luo is too much, and it’s too confusing for everyone to have voting rights, so they created nine Heavenly Dao positions representing Da Luo to hold the Dao for Da Luo .”

"Poor three thousand Daluo, who was represented like this."

Styx asked again: "Then why was it cancelled?"

Duobao said: "Later in the Pangu period, the three teachers discovered that after the establishment of Hunyuan, Da Luo only stared at Hunyuan one by one, wanting to be promoted, because there is a way ahead, so he no longer guards the weak way Every one of them maintained the most powerful state, causing too many disputes between the prehistoric and the wild, and at the same time, there were nearly 3,000 great Luos, all staring at those positions."

"Although this Great Desolation is huge, it cannot accommodate three thousand Da Luo who are immortal, eternally at ease, and want to be promoted."

"That's when the teacher regretted it! There shouldn't be a road above Daluo..."

Styx thinks the same way, once there is a way to rise, Da Luo has a goal, and if he has a goal, he wants to upgrade, and if he wants to upgrade, he will go up one level and the next level will be endless, and he will lose the weakness of defense and lose the game In his heart, Da Luo wouldn't know how to play the trumpet, and if he didn't play the trumpet and only wanted to upgrade the big one, 3,000 big ones would force the trumpet to have no room.

Think about the terrifying scene when the Three Thousand Great Luos were in their heyday, is there still room for people to live?

The large size of 3,000 big Luos is enough to squeeze the entire server without space. The scenery party is involved in pk, and the plot flow has to be downloaded. The Scoia'tael will hit many large pk when collecting props. It's like the old server suddenly raised the level limit. Is it a way for newcomers?

Then this server will have no fresh blood, and it will become an old server with only old players...

Although the server is large, it cannot accommodate 3,000 large and active players.

On the contrary, it is like this now... There is no road above Da Luo. There are no more heavenly saints, Hunyuan Avenue provides upgrades, everyone is a big Luo, and under equality, they cannot follow the path of their predecessors. There is indeed still room ahead, but that is the path taken by others. Is there anything above Daluo? There is... above Daluo, there is Yuanshi, morality, Lingbao, Shakyamuni, and Emperor Wahuangxi. , there is the Empress Dowager Heaven, there is the Taiyi Sudden, and there is the Emperor Hong Chaos...

These people can be said to be Da Luo, or they are all above Da Luo, but they only represent themselves.

There is Yuanshi above Daluo, but is it possible to take the road of Yuanshi to prove Yuanshi? That's just the way of Yuanshi Tianzun, follow his way, prove him, and regard him as the "Tao". This can indeed go a step further... But what is the difference from Yuanshi Tianzun having an extra incarnation?

If a road is established on Da Luo, everyone will go to prove Yuanshi and go up along the inherent road. For mediocre people, it seems to have a direction... But it is a bad thing for this kind of person to give him a direction. They will only focus on upgrading, they want to jump out of the prehistoric, upgrade the universe, increase the level to go online, the whole prehistoric will enter the heyday, after the heyday?

In this world, is there any direction for the development of things that will last forever?

It's not as good as Da Luo, the way to the end, everything after that everyone proves their own, there is no way ahead, live out yourself.

The prehistoric world is so big, why should everyone upgrade according to a template? The prehistoric is so small, and Da Luo is weak, which can give other people room to develop and even survive.

Styx drew a curve of monasticism in the air with spiritual light: "Before Daluo, it was going upwards. It became stronger and stronger, and kept growing. It was squeezed in all directions and developed. After reaching a certain point , No matter how unrestricted the development is, it will squeeze the space of other creatures in the whole prehistoric world, and it will bring rigidity and decay. One by one retreats one by one, thinking about upgrading, accumulating the power of upgrading, everyone is expanding, doing addition , This will bring more and more pressure to the entire universe, not in terms of resources, but in terms of space, space for development, and space for survival.”

Styx deduced what would happen once Da Luo's promotion space was opened up and the template for the upgrade was found.

"There will be a group of big Luos who are always thinking, searching, and pursuing upgrades. Once someone succeeds, everyone will step up to a higher level, and then squeeze each other's development space. Finally, they find that there is not enough space, and they will lower each other. Killer... This has nothing to do with resources, but a question of dominance. As long as there are more than five people in a world with dominance power, there will be friction between them. In this case, the level is the right to dominate, and the high level dominates the low level. There is no doubt that this natural dominance and status will explode after the low-level people desperately rise to the high level."

"So, it's better to be equal to everyone."

"Top powers do not seek to upgrade, do not pursue expansion and prosperity, but rise and fall, follow the cycle of life, they are not without development, but do not develop in a way of expansion and upgrading... This is definitely Laojun The concept of defending the weak, the stronger the stronger, the more he must learn to retreat. The retreat of strength is for the space for further development, for the sake of being more flexible and vital, and for the continuous maintenance of vitality and development. There is no regret in the road, and Da Luo must learn to be strong and have regrets in the future, keep variables for himself, and learn to take a big step back."

This is the Tao of Laojun.

"Before Da Luo, seek the Tao without regret! After Da Luo, you will be eternally free!" Styx praised: "The way of morality is indeed sublime."

"That's why there is no fixed realm for the great supernatural powers in Da Luo. If there is a symbol, it should be Pangu. The proof is Pangu. Generally speaking, it is a great supernatural power that is higher than ordinary Da Luo, but there are also many. Shakyamuni, a powerful figure who has never experienced Pangu, Pangu changes nine times a day, and has eighty-one appearances."

"That is to say, there are eighty-one places to prove Pangu's dharma, but not every position has someone. Generally speaking, the seniors who have done Pangu will keep a fixed Pangu's dharma, which represents their Pangu position. The dharma form that no one occupies will be made by that generation of Pangu as his incarnation dharma form."

"Sanqing definitely retains more than ten Pangu Dharma Aspects. After all, they represent Shiyuanxuan's Sanyuanzu Qi. It is definitely not difficult to transform the Ten Aspects."

"Sanqing promised me a Pangu Dharma, which means that my body of chaotic gods and demons will be transformed into ancestral qi, forming a part of Pangu, and then changing nine times a day when Pangu supports the sky, turning into a representative statue. The Dharma image of my Dao indicates that I am also part of the Pangu Taoism and the orthodoxy of heaven and earth."

"In the end, when Pangu becomes Daoized, the ancestral energy of Styx Dharma will participate in the creation of the world. At present, it will turn into a river running through heaven, earth and underworld, as well as a filthy boundless sea of ​​blood."

"Pangu has eighty-one Dharma appearances, so there are only eighty-one Taoist qi that created the world."

"Among them, the Sanqing who proved the Dao of Pangu are naturally orthodox. Their three patriarchal qi are the foundation. According to experience, they should be the three qi of the beginning of Xuanyuan. That is, Hundong Taiwuyuan qi, Chihun Taiwuyuan qi, and Mingji Xuan Tong Yuan Qi."

"For the chaotic gods and demons who are not within the eighty-one phases of Pangu, their ancestral qi will be transformed by Sanqing's Xuanyuanshi three qi, and Sanqing will use Xuanyuanshi three qi to accommodate their paths, and then evolve other ancestral qi, and at the same time The primordial energy of other Pan Gu great supernatural beings will create the world together." When Ming He thought of Buddhism, he couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for Sakyamuni.

This is naked exclusion!

There is no ancestral qi creation that represents Buddhism, that is, the root of all acquired vitality cannot be traced back to the Buddhist avenue. If Buddhism wants to rely on vitality to practice, it can only rely on the vitality that is pure and bright, which is inclined to the attributes of Buddhist power, which represents heaven and earth. The orthodox forces in China do not support Buddhism.

If you can't seek vitality from outside, you can only cultivate your life from within!

No wonder Buddhism has always focused on cultivating...

In the Taiyi period, Da Luo can only exist in the state of indestructible aura. In the beginning, when we first see the qi, everyone will evolve the innate qi, and use the state of the ancestral qi to breed the future chaotic god and demon avatar. He now has to think about what kind of ancestral qi should be bred on his avenue... This ancestral qi will be used to create the water cycle and blood sea Styx in the future prehistoric world.

Undoubtedly, this will be the ancestral energy that derived the seven innate true waters.

It happened to be accommodated by Master Chen's Narcissus Avenue.

However, Styx is still the future master of the magic way. The ancestral energy that created the world needs to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth and belong to nature. However, Styx must also integrate his own way of magic way into it to create a chaotic god magic body that represents negative forces and water elements. , the future Great Demon Body of Pangu, a Pangu Dharma Aspect representing the Dao of the Demon God and the Dao of Shuiyuan.

"Pangu's Dharma statue was corrupted from Sanqing, so the future magic will also be the orthodox power of Pangu. Pangu's god was originally the pioneering god of the Nanman clan, and it naturally has traces of witchcraft, and witchcraft and magic fit very well. In the future, maybe the Demon Dao can really enshrine the Dharma Body of Pan Gu Demon Venerable!"

"This time Houtu formed an alliance of eleven great supernatural beings to establish the Ancestral Witch Alliance, rooted in humanism, witchcraft, orthodoxy, and proved Pangu's orthodoxy. Although I promised Sanqing not to join in... But I didn't say that I would not join! Witchcraft and witchcraft My magic way is very complementary, if the twelve ancestor witches succeed in fighting for the orthodoxy of Pangu, then the witch religion will be one of the most orthodox forces in Pangu. The heavenly family can compete with the Sanqing Xuanmen."

"Although the witch religion can control the human way, after ancient times, with the enlightenment of the human way, the witch religion will definitely be replaced by a hundred schools of Taoism and Buddhism... At that time, only the orthodox and unified veins of the three emperors and five emperors will enter the human way, and the rest will be scattered. Go, just be able to be swallowed by my magic way. Witches are divided into three ways, and demons occupy one corner!"

"Three fellow daoists!" Minghe sighed hypocritically: "I only promised you not to join the Zuwu, but I didn't promise not to join hands. For the prosperity of my magic way, I have to secretly support Empress Houtu. A fellow daoist will definitely understand me! After all, I am also for our demon way!"

"Don't worry, I absolutely support Emperor Wa's creation of human beings. But I also support the Twelve Ancestral Witches fighting for Pan Gu's orthodoxy. This is the duality and complexity of interests... The three fellow Taoists must understand."

"I won't participate in this round, but it must be in my interests..."

Minghe chuckled, looking at Duobao who was hairy all over, not knowing what went wrong.

Patriarch Styx grabbed Duobao's small face, and said with a weird smile like a classic villain: "This son has a destiny with my demon way, and he will come to save him in the future..."

Duobao tremblingly said, "No fate...we have no fate."

"You can be the Duobao Tathagata, but you can't be the Duobaotian Demon King of my demonic way? Don't forget, it was your three teachers who personally allowed me to go to the sect of Taoism... Whether you want it today or not , hand over an avatar and I'll let you go...otherwise...hehehe!"

"How do you force people?" Duobao said aggrievedly, "I want to invite three teachers to judge!"

Styx laughed even more wildly: "We are standing at the door of your three teachers. If they didn't allow it, they would have come out to maintain it. Now they pretend not to see, are they acquiescing? Your Lingbao teacher is not online. You are not their adopted... Adopted child, it's useless to be wronged."

"Give me an avatar, or I'll be strong!"

Duobao let out a bit of aura with a mournful face, and Styghe held it in his hand, and ran away with a strange smile: "I know you are a clever little ghost, play stupid with me. If I am so tough, you can't pretend! Haha Ha ha……"

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