Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 141 Emperor Hongtian, Master Tongtian, World-Honored Tathagata

Fan Wujie was puzzled when he heard the words: "Mazu, why do you say that the situation of the universe after the shattering of the prehistoric world is determined by this catastrophe? Didn't the shattering of the prehistoric future generations form the sea of ​​heavens and realms? Since it has become a definite number, Ziyang, the demon What is the clan planning?"

Ming He smiled and said: "Since you know the situation of the future generations, let me ask you, what is the sea of ​​heavens and realms like?"

Fan Wujie just wanted to answer, but suddenly the words reached his throat but he couldn't spit out. What is the sea of ​​heavens and realms? It’s not even a drop in the bucket. In this way, although they come from later generations, do they really know what the universe is like?

Just like what Master Ziyang said in Guixu in the past; perhaps the heavens they saw were just a drop in the ocean. , Eternal and immortal, all the great powers reside in it, and the area where Fan Wujie and others are located is just a remote village that has not touched that world?

"Perhaps it's not that the Heavenly Court has collapsed! It's that the place where they are is too remote to reach the Heavenly Court at all?"

Fan Wujie's expression gradually became dignified, and he asked: "The devil ancestor knows what the future universe looks like? Who won this battle?"

Styx shook his head and said: "Standing at this moment, when I look at the future generations, the universe is a piece of light with no determinism and no order. The more ordinary beings are, the clearer they can see it. It’s hard to see. I want to see what it looks like, and that’s what it looks like. If I want to see heaven, it’s easy.”

"Later, I will assist Emperor Zhuanxu to wipe out a group of unpredictable people. In the future, I will naturally see the heaven."

Ming He picked up a chess piece on the table in front of him, and said softly, "What will the future look like? Even if we are great supernatural beings, it's hard to tell, because for us, the future is nothing but something that can be changed at will. Believe it or not, you come from a later age and heard that the Heavenly Court has collapsed, but today I will turn to support Zhuanxu. When you return to the age of the heavens, there will be a supreme being who controls the will of heaven, but it is unpredictable. The heaven in the dark is running the way of heaven high above."

"Jedi Tiantong is not as simple as cutting off the foundations of all parties who do not obey the heavens, and accepting the world's gods into the heavens."

"It is a move by the Heavenly Court to contain its own existence. Zhuanxu believes that the best Heavenly Court should be like the way of heaven, ruling the universe but making it impossible for all living beings to know its existence. Therefore, if Zhuanxu's idea succeeds, the heavenly court will rule high above, as unpredictable as God's will, Even if you come in a later life, with a heavenly court hanging above your head, there is a world above the heavens, how can you know?"

Fan Wujie was silent and unable to answer.

Ming He smiled and said, "Now do you still think that there must not be a Heavenly Court in future generations?"

"Unless you kill Zhuanxu with your own hands, slaughter the gods, wash the heavenly court with blood, dump the heavenly palace, and literally destroy the heavenly court in your own hands, otherwise even if you come across time, you will not be able to see clearly the fog. There is a big Luo in the world , then let him arrange and manipulate this game of chess, if there are two big Luos in the world, then the future will be played by them."

"But there are three thousand great Luos in the world, and there are more than ten fingers of great supernatural beings."

"Everyone in these three thousand Da Luo can make a move on the chessboard, so if Hong Huang reaches the level of a great supernatural power, the conspiracy and calculations are actually useless, because everyone in Da Luo can regret the game. The so-called future and general trend are all It is the balance of power formed by the absolute strength of the great supernatural powers. Carrying out one's intentions with absolute strength and firm will is the general trend."

"Among the prehistoric times, the core interests of great supernatural beings, such as Nuwa's creation of human beings,

It is a definite number for Houtu to open up reincarnation, and the establishment of Taoist sects in the Sanqing, because these great supernatural beings have set the number of days with their own extremely strong strength. If you want to rebel against the number of days and the will of heaven, first ask yourself if you can beat the big fists of Emperor Wa, Empress Houtu, and Daoist Sanqing. "

"Before the creation of the world, it involved the structure of the universe. After the creation of the world, the various interests after the creation of the world were discussed by the great supernatural beings in Zixiao Palace. After the creation of the world, those involving the interests of all parties must rely on real swords and guns. It's gone! This is the catastrophe of the gods, the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

"The current general trend of the prehistoric world, such as the rise of the human race and the establishment of the heavenly court, was all determined by the previous Pangu period, which was like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The number of days is overwhelming."

"The shattering of the prehistoric world is to determine the catastrophe of heaven and earth that will dominate the protagonist of the next era."

After talking for a while, Ming He suddenly shook his head and said, "The breaking of the wilderness is not the core interest of the Demon Dao, so I will not make a move. During this calamity, Daoist Sanqing, Emperor Wa and Xihuang, and the Buddha of Houtu should not make a move. The protagonists of the calamity are the Heavenly Court and the Primordial Divine Court, the Heavenly Emperor joins the Dao, and the Supreme One God Emperor confronts in the chaos before the creation of the world, and both will return at that time."

"The bell of chaos, the ancient demon court, and the last calamity of the lich will coincide with this era. The ancient era will return, and at the moment before the prehistoric world is broken, the two eras will overlap. I have already calculated that the ancient era that returns will be the witches. In the last battle of the demons, at the end of the catastrophe, Gonggong angrily touched Buzhou Mountain, so Gonggong smashed Buzhou Mountain during the ancient lich battle."

"It was also when Emperor Zhuanxu smashed Buzhou Mountain, and the two time points will coincide."

"The Chaos Clock will pull the Buzhou Mountain, the root of heaven and earth, to this moment, and then smash it, causing the foundation of the Great Desolation to be destroyed, and the two heavenly courts will fight, and then shatter the Great Desolation!"

Fan Wujie frowned and said, "But wouldn't the Primordial Divine Court have to face the two powerful enemies of the Wu Clan in the heyday of the Lich War in the ancient times and the current Heavenly Court at the same time?"

Ming He shook his head and said: "But the ancient gods can also face the enemies of the past and the future at the same time in their full glory. And even if they only face the present heaven, don't they have to fight against the ancestors of the ancient witches? Gonggong, Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming, Yan Zi... aren't they still in the Heavenly Court?" 33 novels first published

"The Emperor of Heaven is unfathomable, and he is the one who has made Sanqing suffer. The Taiyi God also has the Chaos Bell to help, and Ziyang is a pawn of the Haotian God. Maybe you will also make a move during the catastrophe. None of these three people can be provoked by you. Even the ancestor, I am a little tricky."

"Maybe you can fight against one of them, but it's a bit difficult to fight against two."

"If the three of them attack me at the same time, I can only leave you behind and flee back to the sea of ​​blood. I will be blocked for immeasurable calamities, and I dare not stand out."

Ming He sighed: "So this bloody disaster is really not my fault! If my ancestors don't obey the rules, maybe this bloody disaster will befall me. So I can only give Lingbao , to protect you through this catastrophe. Once the catastrophe breaks out, I must not act at will, lest I be punished by the three heavenly emperors." 33 Novels

Minghe turned his head to Fan Wujie and said: "And... the Haotian Mirror that fell into your hands, the congenital spirit treasure is absolutely hard to surrender, it all depends on fate, this Haotian Mirror is the companion spirit treasure of the Haotian God, quite The avatar of the Heavenly Emperor is especially dangerous during this calamity, and you can easily be tricked by it if you carry it with you, and become ashes of a pawn calamity!"

"Bring the precious mirror!" Fan Wujie offered the Haotian Mirror, Minghe raised his hand and carved a magic talisman on the glass-colored mirror.

He instructed: "If you see any changes in the magic talisman, throw down the Haotian mirror and flee quickly... My magic talisman can hold it back for a while, and with your master's face at that time, the God of Haotian will not be able to force it."

Fan Wujie carefully held the precious mirror in his hand, turned his head to look at Yuan Yu, Yuan Yu sighed, and threw the golden bridge out, a ray of spiritual light escaped from the void across the golden bridge, drilled into it, and immediately Yuan Yu The golden bridge turned into an eyeless Taiji diagram, wrapping the Haotian mirror. Several people consulted Styx, and followed Styx in this hall to wait for the banquet.

After about sixty years in the human world, Styx, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, was creating and adjusting a monster, and suddenly put away the Thousand Soul Demon Head in his hand. , that ferocious aura even made Yuan Yu a little vigilant.

This monster has thousands of heads, each of which has a different head, including dragons, dogs, cranes, toads... It seems to have gathered all the different species in the wild, and each head has its own ability, which looks very difficult. Entangled.

Minghe put the monster in his sleeve, and said: "The time has come! Daoist Sanqing has arrived, and if I go in now, I will not lose my identity as the patriarch of the demonic way. It's not because I want to save face, but if I appear on the stage, after all, it represents The face of demonic ways... Xuanmen and demonic ways have always been compared, if I were to sit here and wait for their Sanqing, what would that sound like?"

Yuan Yu, Xue Tu, Fan Wujie and others followed behind Minghe, and as soon as they went out, they saw three Taoists coming hand in hand, colorful flowers in the reed shed, and nine out of ten monks and immortals in Donghua Palace came to greet them.

Among the three Taoists, one had white hair and white beard, and his face was like an old man, one was like a middle-aged Taoist, graceful and luxurious, and the last one was a young Taoist with awe-inspiring sword spirit.

When Fan Wujie saw the Taoist in Tsing Yi, he walked over involuntarily and paid homage.

Master Tongtian helped him up and smiled, "You're here too! Do you want to follow me in?"

Duobao shook his head and said: "Master is above, this disciple has become a demon, but he is not filial. You have no face to follow Master!"

Master Tongtian sighed: "In order to save your juniors and sisters, you threw yourself into the gate of Minghe, trying to understand the secrets of people's hearts through the way of magic, so as to escape the calamity of losing oneself. Among the three religions, only the way of Buddhism and magic works on the hearts of people. You On the one hand, he became the Buddha of Many Treasures, and on the other hand, he promised Styx to be his deputy leader of the demonic way. It was so hard, just for the mistakes that my master made in the past, how could I blame you."

Duobao bowed again: "Master!" He looked up with tears in his eyes.

Master Tongtian supported him and said, "Get up... Brother, you may not have no intention of leading the Styx River into the wilderness. Since you have such a great wish, I will help you as a teacher... During this catastrophe, if you need to help your teacher Just exit the place. Don’t carry it alone...don’t think that this is dragging the teacher into the water.”

"I have colluded with Styx for a long time... Being used by him is also secretly acquiescing. There is no need to scruple!"

Duobao wiped his eyes, not hiding his emotion, Master Tongtian wiped away the tears for him and said: "Okay! Don't be childish... Wudang is behind, I won't be able to make a move later, ask her to help you !"

After all, Master Tongtian gave a sly smile and said: "Although my teacher and the two senior brothers have said beforehand that they will not interfere in the dispute between the three emperors, but now my teacher is Master Tongtian, not Lingbao Tianzun. If they bully the small and attack you, Don’t blame me for not obeying the rules! You go, the teacher will watch you!”

Duobao bid farewell to Tongtian with tears in his eyes, and returned to the back of Styx.

Yuan Yu looked embarrassed, standing in the demon way, standing with Wukong Boxun, his whole body was not right, the corpse demon master followed behind, glanced at him coldly, and said: "Why, you still want to abandon the darkness and turn to the light?"

Minghe and Sanqing greeted each other, and walked into the Qinghua Palace together... On the way, they met a dusty monk with a weathered face. Minghe smiled and saluted the monk: "World Honored One, come to the banquet too." Is it? It's a rare visitor!"

Sakyamuni replied: "I have no choice but to come at the invitation of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven can even invite the Demon Ancestor. How can I not show face when I invite an outsider? Last time I invited the Demon Ancestor to give a lecture in my garden, but Call the Demon Ancestor to take over my garden!"

Ming He laughed and said, "Why does the World Honored One care about things outside of him. At worst, he will pay you!"

The World-Honored One nodded and said: "The Demon Ancestor keeps his word, I will send someone to transform you into a dark place in the future..."

Ming He shook his head and said: "Tricking me again... Even if I drive Ksitigarbha away, can I still prevent him from coming back? Even if he can't come back today, can I still stop him for a measurable calamity, or an immeasurable calamity? The Buddhist family The great cause is great, and it can be driven away for a while, but it cannot be driven away for a lifetime."

The World-Honored One said: "Makogala is the lord of hell, without his permission, it is really difficult for Ksitigarbha to gain a foothold!"

Styx smiled and said nothing, Mokogalo is just the lord of hell, but Empress Houtu is the lord of reincarnation, the World Honored One can persuade Styx with affection, but not Houtu, Styx should accept this favor, but if he passes Without the barrier of Houtu, it is still difficult for Ksitigarbha to return to Netherworld. But Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a ruthless person!

In the beginning, in order to enter the underworld, she was able to transform into a female body and join the Asura clan under the command of Styx as a princess.

After several kalpas of practice, he obtained the acquiescence of Styx and Houtu, and became enlightened in hell.

Later, the underworld changed, Houtu was forced to hand over the power of reincarnation, Styx faded out of the nether affairs, and Ksitigarbha tacitly obeyed the new order of the underworld, and even took advantage of the power of Buddhism to intervene in reincarnation. When it comes to cleaning.

Based on Ksitigarbha being able to transform into a female body, Styx is optimistic that she can pass the hurdle of Houtu.

After all, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did not show any disrespect to Empress Houtu in the past. Unlike Yama of the Ten Halls, who offended Houtu so ruthlessly, Houtu plotted against Emperor Yama, divided them into ten, and did not understand the hatred. Later, he directly cleaned it up. How many people were there.


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