Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 99 The Prologue of the Garden of Eden

The blood bloomed on the rock drop by drop, like a gorgeous and cruel flower.

Lava surged out from the ground, dark red heat transpired the air, and flowed on the ground along the traces of destruction. Toxic sulfur smoke and volcanic gas permeated the battlefield. Dark red lava and bright red blood together, Like a beautiful and vicious sea of ​​flowers blooming on the earth, it interprets the tragedy of life.

Falcon was crouching not far away with Hawkeye in his arms. He was dragging an injured arm, and the white stubble was exposed to the air, making him pale and almost fainted, but Hawkeye held in his arms was even more Tragic.

He lost one of his eyes and most of his body. He dragged two legs showing broken bones and nerves, holding down the burnt and scorched right arm section, expressionless.$新闻(www).(zhu)() .(com) On the ground, the two of them crawled forward together. Every time they struggled to move forward, the muscles in the corners of their eyes twitched reflexively. Fragments of bone fragments had already penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood. It is very unbearable.

Loki lay beside him and looked at them gloatingly, completely ignoring the huge wound on his chest that was about to split him in two, panting and laughing, Falcon glanced at him, said nothing, continued to front crawl.

Loki's laughter touched the wound on his body, and the tail of the spear that nailed him to the rock quivered, bringing him more pain.

Ha ha ha ha!

Shrill and frenzied laughter echoed across the battlefield, startling two disheveled crows, which hovered over the corpse of another of their kind, wailing endlessly.

Leaning on the sword, Chen Ang half leaned against a wall, looking at them wearily.

The corpse of Cyclops fell at his feet, and a little farther away was a strange Asgardian warrior, there were dwarves, elves, and even some dark elves who were dying. On the stone pillar, there is only a slightly undulating chest, which proves that he still has the breath of life.

The crow flew over Loki's face, which made him laugh even more crazily, until a strong chest hugged his shoulders, "Take a good rest! My brother..." Thor was weak from the bottom of his bones, as if falling He might fall down in a second, but he still stood tenaciously and helped his younger brother up.

He squatted halfway in front of Chen Ang, less than eighty meters away from him.

"The Rainbow Bridge was interrupted, and my father was shot in the left eye... Asgard's warriors can't come to Earth for a short time, now it's my turn to protect you..."

"Protect me...hahaha..." Loki laughed out of breath and almost fainted: "If it wasn't for me,

Your shit is going to be punched out! Remember Thor! You owe me your life..."

"I remember...but I owe too much..." Thor looked back, the corpses of Asgard's warriors were lined up from Chen Ang's feet to the huge lava lake caused by the battle in the distance, the corpses could be seen by light There are more than 400 of them, and the only ones who are still alive in this direction are them and the four scarred warriors of Asgard.

Chen Ang stood exhaustedly in the center of the battlefield, Thor blocked his front in the east, Thor stood up with tenacious fighting spirit, and stood at the front facing him with Thor's hammer; Storm was behind him , half-kneeling in front of Scott's body, holding Qin in mourning; Iron Man was on his left side, Tony was in a daze from the intense nuclear radiation, but he was trying to keep his instincts from collapsing; The huge spear firmly blocked Chen Ang's right side.

Looking around at the people surrounding him, Chen Ang moved his eyes to the top of his head. The twilight at dusk was more vivid than he remembered. Seeing the sunset, Chen Ang was moved to tears.

"Seizing every wonderful moment in life makes me feel alive."

"Actually, what I like is just the feeling of this kind of life, to be touched, to appreciate, to love, to explore, to pursue all the beauty and splendor in the world, to explore the unknown and the truth, my life should be so fulfilling... I should It is a traveler who shares the wonderfulness of your life, a passer-by... When did he forget?"

Chen Ang stared at the sky, as if looking into his own eyes.

Once, there was severe pain from his body that was on the verge of collapse. Every inch of his bones and muscles had reached their limits. Outside the body that contained endless energy and strength, there was a body that was about to break.

The time for breathing has passed, and everyone around turned their eyes on Chen Ang. The powerful and menacing eyes touched the instinct of this body, and once again, a tenacious force erupted from the depths of Chen Ang's will , the broken body was barely glued together again, and what drove this body to fight was not so much Chen Ang's current personality, but the power from the other side of the mirror of his personality.

"Time always changes people into another look..." I feel that countless memories and knowledge have filled this body with a strong will that has gone through the test of time. With will... Feeling that his soul was connected with a certain gaze in the sky, Chen Ang sighed.


The faint spark of will in the soul suddenly bloomed, and endless brilliant brilliance fell into his soul from the depths of the universe, and his body instinctively changed its shape, moving towards a powerful, perfect, and terrifying posture. The empty body and will are full like air, and the polished will is strong and powerful.

Firm, fearless, indifferent, wise, calm...

Chen Ang opened his eyes again, the weakness and wounds on his body recovered quickly, and the loneliness and exhaustion on his face slowly disappeared, replaced by a kind of calmness and composure from the bone marrow, like the deep universe.

Taking a deep breath, Thor, who barely stood up, had a shocked and distorted expression.

At this moment, everyone who surrounded Chen Ang or was watching from a distance was shocked beyond measure, and a deep sense of powerlessness enveloped them, making them unable to raise the will to continue fighting.

"Uh..." Loki stared at this scene as if being strangled by the neck.

A kind of coldness and fear from the depths of his soul enveloped him, causing him to cough up some dark red blood clots. The tense knuckles of his right hand holding Thor's clothes protruded, showing a bloodless pale.


Chen Ang, who opened his eyes, looked at the world calmly. A blood-red vine grew out of the blood dripping on the rock. The branches penetrated into the magma and surrounded the earth with dark red flowers. A knight came from Walking out from the depths of the vines, the whole body is entwined with branches and vines of oak trees, roses, and roses. He holds a long sword and stands on the right rear side of Chen Ang.

Another knight came from the corpse. He was wearing bone and leather battle armor. His face was covered under the fully enclosed helmet. There were only a pair of eyes burning with green flames behind the visor.

He stood on Chen Ang's left rear side.

The last two knights came out of the magma of fire and steel, and from the atmosphere of viruses and bacteria. They were dressed in armor of steel and blood, with a hot and poisonous breath, and stopped at Chen Ang's left and right hands.

No one dared to breathe loudly. Their bodies were dominated by the instinct of fear. Their bodies were stiff and their minds went blank. They could only watch as Chen Ang's body slowly faded and merged into the void, disappearing into the void mixed with sulfur, hot, In the breath of poison and death.

(To be continued.)

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