Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 138 The Treasure Hunting Squad

"Do you want infinite gems?" Chen Ang looked at these people, and asked in front of Yongdu.

"It just so happens that I am also a little interested in these gems. I know where they are? I have to say that the Asgardians really hid them in a good place. Even I find it a bit tricky... The most helpless thing is that I don't know where they are. Know how far they have been developed. The Rubik’s Cube is at best an infinite source of energy in your hands.”

"Or a portkey."

Chen Ang gave an example: "But it is very troublesome in the hands of Thanos, because he can use the power of gems more efficiently."

"The power of gems no longer comes entirely from themselves. They have become a carrier, a special material, which is used by people. A piece of steel can hit people, and it can also forge sharp cold weapons, or create heat. Weapons and even nuclear bombs, now the jewel is that piece of steel, you never know what kind of pervert they're going to turn into."

"Who owns the gem?" Yondu swallowed and asked in a low voice.

Chen Ang looked indifferent: "They are all primitive civilizations on this planet, but the civilization history of thousands of years is not worth mentioning! Not worth mentioning! As far as I know, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube carrying the space gem In the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Mind Stone has become the core of thinking of an intelligent life called Vision, which belongs to a national association called Human Revolutionary Alliance."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is a secret service organization of a country called America on this planet, and China, the country to which Vision belongs, owns the remaining four gems, but unfortunately, except for the one on Vision's head, I The whereabouts of the other three are not known."

Nebula shrinks his head, fights a cold war, and whispers: "You want us to steal gems for you? But for you, isn't it easy for you to obtain infinite gems on this primitive planet Terra?"

"No, no, no..." Chen Ang stiffened his neck, refusing to admit that he couldn't beat the Republic, even the Vision, but emphasized: "This is a deal, you invaded my spaceship Captured by me, if you want me to release you now, you have to make a deal with me."

Xing Yun was dumbfounded: "But this is our spaceship!"

"That is to say, you are with the group of Cree who invaded my planet?" Chen Ang showed murderous aura, and his hand had already touched Ronan's scepter.

"We took the liberty to break into your spaceship!" Yondu admitted his mistake decisively.

"Very good..." Chen Ang tapped lightly, and a ray of silver light penetrated under the skin of Yondu and others, and the most part penetrated into the Yaka arrow suspended in mid-air,

Bringing this copper-colored arrow only drastically changed the structure. The vibrating metal combined with the sound-activated metal, reconstructed the Yaka arrow with a very complex metal crystallization.

Dense metal structure, infinite lethality.

Vibration gold’s sensitivity to vibrations, coupled with the magical alloy that can be controlled by sound, doubles the lethality of this arrow geometrically. Originally, Yondu needed to use sound to control the rhythm and action of Yaka’s arrow. Now this The arrow has been able to sensitively lock on the infrasound waves emitted by Yondu's heart and body organs.

"Now it has memorized the fluctuations of your body, and it will automatically follow you!" Chen Ang said to Yongdu: "You can command it as usual, and the lethality will only be more terrifying. Now it only needs a small call, It will explode with great power!"

Following Chen Ang's quiet words, the Yaka Arrow shot out tremblingly. It pierced through the gap in the spaceship and pierced back and forth in the sky, killing a person every time it pierced. The Kree people tried to escape in the necromancer spaceship, and the escaping spaceship fell from the sky like dumplings, making everyone present shudder.

"It is sensitive, it can touch the most subtle vibrations of the universe, and can perceive the fluctuations of the entire galaxy. I shouted at the third cantilever, and it can perceive it in the center of the galaxy. Because its perception of fluctuations is in a superposition state! It's also strong, made of one of the strongest materials in the universe, and virtually indestructible!"

"Now it has remembered your fluctuations. If you try your best to complete the transaction, it will be your best assistant. If not, it will be your killer."

Following Chen Ang's reminder, Yaka's arrow circled around the necks of Yondu, Xingyun and others, feeling the sharp icy cold, Yondu nodded in agreement like Xingyun's answering bug.

Chen Ang smiled with satisfaction: "Now, it is your captain! Come on, I have met your captain Yaka..."

Yondu honestly 'saw' the Yaka Arrow floating in mid-air, nana said: "I know someone who might help us get the gems, and he happens to owe me something. Maybe we can go to him first ..."

"Xingjue can indeed touch a gem..." Chen Ang sighed, "This may be the only Infinity Gem that you can get your hands on."

"Yaka, it's up to you!"

Yaka's arrow in mid-air clicked the arrow, and trembled solemnly twice.

"Take your mount to meet Xingjue, they will find out where the Rubik's Cube is!" Chen Ang ordered patiently, but his words made Yondu next to him roll his eyes, and said in his heart: "He is with Who spoke? Why do I feel like it's not me!"

Then Yondu saw Yaka's arrow turning his head and getting into his strap, and finally understood who was the 'mount'!

Although Chen Ang was standing in the spaceship, on the shell of the spaceship invisible to Yondu and Xingyun, countless black liquid metals were rolling, repairing the wounds of the spaceship. A large amount of simple metal was pulled out from the bottom of the sea and filled into the spaceship.

At the same time, Chen Ang has been paying attention to the changes of the giant ship under his feet.

Originally, he could feel the powerful spiritual power enveloping the giant wheel. It was the professor's spiritual power, which almost distorted the space and created a sandwich world between fantasy and reality. There was a huge chaotic atmosphere inside. Ang knew that it should be the breath of Sargeras.

But this aura had been weakening before, until he called the professor to combine, it had been firmly suppressing Sargeras' aura, but at a certain moment before the combination, Sargeras' aura suddenly increased, and it had already begun When the carrying limit of the professor was exceeded, Chen Ang knew at that time that Sargeras was about to come out.

Unexpectedly, the professor distorted the time in the imaginary world, abruptly delaying the short moment in the imaginary world to a relatively long period of time in the real world.

Feeling that the aura in the giant wheel was getting more and more violent, Chen Ang waved his hands at Yongdu: "You better start quickly, slow down, I'm worried that you will all die here!"

(To be continued.)

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