Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 42 The Force of Life

The original force is the beginning of the universe, the power of all things. The original force is the creation of nothing, the existence of nothing, the unity of existence and nothingness, the original force peanut light and darkness, light peanuts all things, dark peanuts existence, so Cycle is for eternity!

Believe it or not, it's all about evolution, birth and death, the ultimate game!

When Kui Gang Jin met Chen Ang for the first time, he was amazed by the vast vitality in him. Kui Gang Jin always believed that the original force is the embodiment of life, but in Chen Ang, he discovered Another manifestation of vitality is as vast and broad as the original force, but more vigorous.

It is a kind of peaceful and warm energy, which is different from the original force. This kind of power is pure and pure, and its nature is more mellow and single. It does not even have any destructive power. It is not as fierce as the original force, but it is closely related to the origin of life. . It can even be described as life.

It seems that this kind of power is the embodiment of vitality.

Kuigang Jin even noticed that the joyous force of life in Chen Ang's body surrounded him with brilliance. With his breathing, it nourished and penetrated into his body. The force of life and that mysterious power , as the exterior and interior of each other, expressing the nature of a certain aspect of life.

On the other side, Chen Ang, who saw Kui Gang Jin, also found his difference. The aura that is one with the world gave this gentle middle-aged man an extraordinarily peaceful aura. His every move seems to pull the will of the world.

The vast mysterious atmosphere between heaven and earth is so strong that it is almost visible to the naked eye. In Chen Ang's perception, they converge on Kui Gang Jin's body one by one, endowing him with great vitality.

Two pursuers in the field of life, one is like a clear spring, surging with fresh vitality, and the other is like a growing old tree, glowing with the brilliance of life growth. This kind of breath communication is even more powerful than words , causing the two of them to immediately put down their defenses.

"We are in a crisis and need your help! The dark forces in the universe are inevitably awakened again, the power of the Jedi Knights is also at a low ebb, peace is facing threats, and the peace of the Force is about to be broken." Qui Gang Sitting cross-legged in front of Chen Ang, Jin said slowly.

Obi-Wan beside him couldn't help being startled, he never thought that his teacher would pour out his intention and crisis in the first time, even though the feeling transmitted to him by the Force was closeness and trust, but the young Obi-Wan Biwan still couldn't do it, trusting a stranger for the first time.

"But the crisis is inevitable. It is only a manifestation of the will of reality. It is not caused by one or two dark forces with ulterior motives, but the hatred and misunderstandings, barriers and defenses accumulated in the universe for thousands of years. The weakness of the Republic is not due to darkness The destruction of the power comes from its own disease." Chen Ang reminded him aloud.

"Sir, this is not the reason for us to escape. All problems and conflicts need to be resolved. This time our planet is facing this disaster, and we need to work together to get through it." Naboo Queen's 'Handmaiden' , or the queen herself couldn't help but retort.

"What if you are working in the opposite direction? Your actions will only cause the conflicts in the Republic to erupt faster. You should know that war and division are inevitable." Chen Ang reminded everyone meaningfully.

Although Chen Ang could immediately lift the veil of hypocrisy of Senator Palpatine of the Republic, it was of no use to the overall situation. His power and strength did not come from deception, but from the support of many forces.

The peaceful republic has suppressed the development of too many forces,

A powerful opposition force has been accumulated, and these forces are growing day by day, giving Darth Palpatine strong support. The Galactic Empire is not the hope of Darth alone, but tens of millions of powerful people. desire.

The enemies facing the Jedi Order are not only the Sith lords, but also those "peace-loving" big business groups, military industry companies, and even the well-dressed republic councilors, "the enemy is among us!", is not a joke.

"Even in the face of these, we are enough to leave hope!" Qui-Gon Jin's face was calm, and there was a light of wisdom of enlightenment and relief on his face. We should keep the tinder of hope and look forward to the dawn."

Chen Ang took a deep look at him, and confirmed in his heart that the Jedi could indeed predict the future through the force. The sacrifices of the Jedi Knights were not blind and ignorant, on the contrary, they were preserving the fire for the New Republic.

Chen Ang even speculated maliciously that perhaps the Jedi hoped to cleanse the dirt and dirt in the universe through this war. Anyway, Sith would kill themselves at any time because of the climax of the force, and fall into the desperate darkness of the force. noodle.

The exchange of breaths allowed the two parties to communicate more smoothly, and Chen Ang didn't have to shy away from anything, "Your situation is very dangerous. The pursuers of the Trade Alliance have already obtained your position, and a mortal enemy of the Jedi is approaching. And if you want to get My help will also face a **** trouble."

"What?" The queen of Naboo couldn't care less about concealing her identity. She stood up in a panic and hurriedly asked, "How do you know our identity? What about the trade alliance's pursuers?"

Chen Ang ignored her questioning, and looked at Kui Gang Jin calmly.

He shot a ray from his hand, which was the communication screen in Naboo's spaceship, which made everyone cautious, "I can intercept your communication, and so can the Trade Alliance, not to mention the mortal enemy of the Jedi, they will soon catch up with you." Here, there is not much time left for you.”

"I'm asking for your help again. This time, it's very urgent." Qui-Gon Jin stood up and stared at Chen Ang sincerely. The original force on his body emitted gentle fluctuations.

Chen Ang was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "As you wish, master."

Qui-Gon Jin got the Pl4 engine from Chen Ang very smoothly, and Her Majesty the Queen of Naboo took the R2 and D2 robots to the spaceship for emergency repairs, while Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan were in Chen Ang's place. Stay here and bide your time.

"The original force is a mysterious energy field scattered in the Milky Way. All life forms will produce the original force. Everything in the universe is permeated with the will of the original force. Mitoplasma is a tiny life form that co-exists with life and blood. It is It is the medium through which organic life forms are connected with the force." Kui Gang Jin stood in front of Chen Ang.

Chen Ang raised his hand, swung his sword horizontally, and made an inviting gesture to Kui Gang Jin. The two stood together on the energy platform, holding each other intently. Chen Ang slowly raised the light blade in his hand, flat Hold it in front of you.

"Qi is the life energy derived from breathing. It mobilizes the potential of the body through proper breathing methods to achieve a harmonious and unified state. In the human body, qi is the basic energy of life activities, and also the umbilical cord between man and the universe.”

The root of original force and internal force lies in their foundation. Breathing and meditation, one is the potential developed from breathing, which is the source of life; Dali field, touch the source of life. Although the two come from different cultures, they trace the origin of life to the same goal.

The astonishing affinity between underwear and the original force made Chen Ang quickly feel the majestic force of the original force between heaven and earth, but there was always a thin layer of barrier, as if looking at flowers in a fog, he could feel it clearly, but he couldn't mobilize it a cent. Chen Ang took a deep breath, knowing that he lacked a vital link in the cultivation of the original force.


And Qui-Gon Jin over there also fell into a dilemma when it came to his inner strength. But the breath mobilization system does exist.

Soon, Chen Ang will be able to show the nature of the life of the original force. After all, the original force of life is just another form or expression of life force for him, but for the unification of the original force, whether it is light or darkness, he cannot To feel, he can feel the vast power surging outside his body, and he can also feel the homogeneous power in his body.

But there is no communication bridge between the two. Tiny creatures like midiplasms exist in any creature in this universe, but they are a mystery to outsiders like Chen Ang. If there is no way to solve the problem of the midiplasm, then the power of the original force cannot be opened to Chen Ang.

Although the original force of life has brought great surprises to Chen Ang, unifying the original force is the real essence of the original force.

Kui Gang Jin raised his head and looked at Chen Ang. The two smiled at the same time, raised the light blade in their hands, and concentrated their spirits outside the body to breathe and communicate with the world. The two equally deep breaths blended and tested each other.

The next moment, the light blades intersected.

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