Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 171 Styx Buzi Kills 1 Temple

The majestic Zamlingi Holy Land is quiet. Among the numerous palaces, countless lights are burning in the dark small halls. The novice monks are walking carefully in the dark corners. A huge and magnificent palace, at this time, unexpectedly It is silent, and thousands of lamas and novice monks live again, and it can be even quieter than the wilderness.

This is really not an easy task.

The rules in the Tantric sect are very strict, the more the emphasis is placed on the dignity, the more the rules are paid attention to, without these rules, the dignity and lowness of the status cannot be reflected, and the solemnity and holiness of the Living Buddha can hardly be maintained.

Therefore, here you are not allowed to point fingers at the Living Buddha, and you are not allowed to lie in front of the Living Buddha. The monks are not allowed to look at the Living Buddha, and you are not allowed to talk about the Living Buddha in your mouth. ! Even if the officials of the Ming Dynasty came, as long as they offended the authority of the living Buddha, they would be severely punished in the name of "heavy sins in previous lives, questioning and slandering Buddhism".

Tibet has never been afraid of killing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people to protect the dignity of the Living Buddha.

Under such circumstances, the Ming court, which did not dare to start provocative frontiers, would certainly not take the risk of border instability and fall out with the masters of the Zamlingji Holy Land for a few officials.

Every day, the living Buddhas here will produce hundreds of catties of popular big and small incense, nectar, red and white Bodhi for the monks to take and enlighten. Only Tibetan nobles and slave owners with wisdom roots and Buddha nature will receive Bestowed by the holy land of Zam Lingji, happily taking the gift of the master.

The lamas who put these holy things in gold bottles and letters, with solemn faces, took these things away from the place where the Living Buddha lived with pious gestures. A strong and strong Dharma protector lama held a golden plate covered with black cloth , brought eight lamas hurriedly from outside the holy place, carefully avoiding those novice monks who were holding holy objects and moving meticulously, and went in the direction they came from.

The structure of the palace is not suitable for lighting, and the lighting conditions on the plateau are not good. Under the dim light of the butter lamp, several people stepped on the thick woven blanket under their feet, smelling the fragrance of the mellow spices in the palace, and felt exhausted for a while. Going away, the spirit was shaken, and he tightly tightened the gold plate in his hand more carefully. The decorations around it were gorgeous, inlaid with agate, crystal, coral, pearl and glazed jade.

Of course, gold is the most. The cornices of the palace are overhanging, the corners are raised, the copper tiles are gilded, and the gilt scriptures, vases, scorpions and golden-winged crows are used as ridge decorations. The walls under the eaves are decorated with gilt copper. The images of the decorations are all the eight treasures of Buddhist instruments, and the columns and beams are covered with bright colored paintings and gorgeous carvings.

The inner corridors of the palace in Zamlingji Holy Land are criss-crossed, the halls are mixed, and the space is unpredictable. Even a middle-aged guardian lama who is familiar with the layout is in it, with a trace of solemnity and piety.

Along the way, the Gabala bone ornaments, spiritual pagodas, treasure buildings and prayer flags are becoming more and more mysterious.

Powerful fluctuations of thoughts are intertwined in the void, and countless gold-plated scriptures circulate on the surrounding instruments from time to time, emitting a trace of glazed Buddha light. An old lama wearing a Vairocana hat sits on the lotus pier. Rugged, with deeply sunken facial features, but in the flesh and blood, a little diamond-like divine brilliance blooms.

Seeing the middle-aged Dharma protector lama come in, he just recited the Buddha's name silently, and then asked, "But because of the murder of the two great lamas, Yundan Hungbu and Sangbuza? Two great lamas with the same status were killed on the same day. This department is shocked! Such a heinous murderer who shed the blood of the Buddha must not bypass him. This department has ordered all the guardian lamas to find out the whereabouts of this person, and will definitely seek justice for the two great lamas!"

The guardian lama replied: "King Saroja Daqin, I ordered the local nobles to search carefully, and finally found a trace left by the murderer at the place where he committed the crime!" Then he offered the gold plate in his hand.

Dharma King Saroja Daqin took the gold plate, and instead of looking at it immediately, he put his hand on the black cloth covered by the gold plate, and praised: "Well done!" The middle-aged guardian lama, or the eight lamas behind him, all showed expressions of awe.

Dharma King Saroja Daqin opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted: "What a thief!"

The primordial spirit has already fought dozens of battles with the Styx primordial spirit left on the golden plate. Although Styx is not in front of him, his supreme supernatural power of transforming himself into a demon is already above the essence of this person, so with A little bit of first-class weak thought power can be a tie, and it was not until several other old lamas who looked like dead people opened their eyes at the same time that this little thought power was barely expelled.

Minghe stood thousands of miles away on the Tibetan plateau, surrounded by vast grasslands, he suddenly raised his head, looked in the direction of Lhasa, the center of secret religion, and said with a soft smile: "The things of the ancestors are not so easy to get. If you want my things, then trade your life for it! I hid them all in the map of gods and demons..."

Dharma King Saroja Daqin opened the black handkerchief covered on the gold plate, revealing an ice-carved locust underneath. At this time, the thought power of the river Styx above had been expelled by them, leaving only an obscure and mysterious power, and A greedy thought that frightened King Saroja Dachen.

"I'm afraid this is the reason why the two great lamas, Yundan Hungbu and Sangbuza, were murdered? Such an ancient and strange insect, even if there are only sloughs left, can have such evil roots. If it is really a murderous creature, it must be rescued by the deity." Melt it!"

The two old lamas beside him who were already withered smiled and echoed: "It is my Buddha's supreme supernatural power to subdue heretics. If Dharma King Sarakadaqin can subdue such ancient evils, he will surely add a statue to the orthodoxy." Dharma protector with immeasurable supernatural powers, Dharma practice has improved. Be the number one dharma king of the sect!"

Even though Dharma King Saroja Daqin's body had been polished like a diamond, he couldn't help showing a smile. He picked up the jade worms on the gold plate, and opened his mouth to recite the obscure Sanskrit. The jade worms in his hand condensed.

Styx, who is thousands of miles away, sensed an exquisite thought force, wanting to infect the essence of the cold moth, but the cold moth is originally a heterogeneous demon that has degenerated from the endless yin devil in the map of gods and demons. If it has essence, it is also the demon of the desire realm The essence of the head, after receiving that kind of thought power, was about to clamor immediately, but it was Styx who suppressed it, mobilizing dozens of demons in the map of gods and demons, and infecting them with supreme thought power.

In the Holy Land of Zamlingi, the Dharma King Saloga Daqin smiled and chanted even more. He already felt that his Buddhist thoughts had invaded the essence of the cold locust, and he seemed to be able to control the slough of this strange insect. Seeing that he was about to succeed with most of his strength, he couldn't help but look happy, but in an instant, the cold locust in his hand suddenly changed.

He woke up in an instant, and like lightning, he penetrated into the mouth of Dharma King Saroja Dachen, and turned into a cold current along the trachea, which was about to enter the viscera of Dharma King Sarogadachen.

Dharma King Saroja Daqin's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly suppressed it with his thoughts, but how could he suppress it?

His physical body suddenly swelled up, his dry muscles and bones recovered quickly, and became full and swollen. The glass-like Buddha's light flowed in the flesh, and a diamond-like body was restored in front of everyone. He shouted: "Everyone, invite the Bodhisattva to come quickly..."

The skinny old lama next to him stood up suddenly. At this time, Dharma King Saluojiadaqin couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and jumped off the bed. As soon as he took a step, a thin layer of ice appeared on his chest, and he moved extremely quickly. Two steps later, Dharma King Saroja Daqin was frozen into a statue, and a thumb-sized cold borer drilled out of his chest, and suddenly swelled to the size of a water tank.

This giant cold moth fluttered its wings and flew up, and exploded into tens of thousands of cold stars in the hall. Immediately afterwards, countless cold stars gathered in one place, and penetrated into the bodies of the remaining people in the hall, instantly devouring their blood and turning them into mummies. .

These cold moths re-drilled into those dry corpses, and the primordial spirit of King Saroja Daqin was still frozen in his body. At this time, he could feel that countless cold moth-like alien monsters were attached to his primordial soul. Above the gods, he devoured greedily.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The tragic howling of King Saroja Daqin was frozen in the body forever. more and more crazy. In the solemn and solemn small hall in Zamlingi Holy Land, the cold light of the dots slowly flew away, and a dozen withered bodies opened their eyes indifferently...

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