Even in such a prison with extreme corruption, there is still a sound management mechanism. The prison guards who have received military training may not have such a strong will. After all, all their loyalty is dedicated to gold, but they are definitely disciplined and organized. , which is perhaps the only difference between all militarized organizations and rogues.

It is also the reason why Chen Ang did not use so many human resources in the prison, and took pains to subdue them. After this method, the current prison guards may not have much loyalty, but they already have fear and obedience. Chen Ang believes that his own words are definitely better than In the past, the orders of the warden were more efficient in them.

The embryonic form of a small military organization emerged from this.

Chen Ang took the reincarnated people out, asked the prison guards to clean up the scene afterwards, and then said to Hong Fan: "Please give them a preliminary training first, we must effectively run-in the power of our initial control, and at the same time make their abilities relatively Step up a bit, in training, gradually deepen our control and organization."

Hong Fan asked suspiciously: "Do you really expect these people to play a big role? In the face of reincarnation, let alone these mobs, even the arrival of the Delta Force will not play a key role."

Chen Ang smiled and said, "Do you know how many people the U.S. military will use to capture Magneto?"

Hong Fan was taken aback and said, "The U.S. military has also captured Magneto?"

Chen Ang shrugged: "Colonel Stryker not only captured Magneto, but also captured Wolverine, Professor X, Storm, Mystique, White Queen, Shock, Blue Devil, Red Tank and countless other mutants! He used It's just a team of delta special forces..."

Chen Ang patted Hong Fan's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile: "Remember, it is human beings who control themselves not to harm mutants, not mutants who control themselves not to exterminate human beings. You think they are honest because Self-discipline?" Chen Ang said with a bright smile: "They are out of fear! Fear us, fear the human government. We exterminate them, just like playing."

"Sentinel Project, Extermination Project, Genetic Virus, Mutant Weapon, Great Cleansing Plan, Special Bacterial Weapon against Mutants, Mutant Cloning, Biological Weapons Project, Kuafu Project, Ability Inhibitor, Mutant Ability to Suppress Magnetic Field, Infrasonic Ability Disruption Weapon... ...It is said that the U.S. military has also cloned thousands of professor clones, and can use the brainwave enhancement device to mentally control all mutants at any time."

"The mutant control and defense plans I'm in charge of have six sets, each of which can crush them to death."

"Dropping inhibitors in food, spreading genetic viruses in the air, and even planting genetically modified corn, so that the corn produces toxins that inhibit the X gene of mutants, we biological researchers have been fighting on the front line of defense against mutants... and you are right Science and power know nothing!"

Hong Fan looked at Chen Ang in shock,

Some clumsily asked: "Then why in the plot..."

Chen Ang smiled and said, "That's just the plot after all. The plot is a part of the world, but it's never the whole. Do you know? In my laboratory, there is a mutant with powerful healing ability who can completely control the muscles of the whole body , do you know how he was arrested? After we figured out his information, we asked a policeman to knock on the door of his house, and when he opened the door, we used an infrasound generator to make him limp on the ground, to be slaughtered..."

Chen Ang looked at Hong Fan and said with a smile, "Look, a film policeman defeated him."

"The reason why you have such an illusion is because every time, remember every time you face an organized enemy, intelligence is at a disadvantage, they don't know your capabilities, they don't know your actions, they don't know You don’t know anything, and the Lord God will provide you with information and logistics.”

"Imagine, if there is no plot, you don't know anything about the enemy and the plot, and accept the mission, do you think your chances of survival are high?"

Hong Fan was silent!

"So, you are only relying on your intelligence superiority to bully the enemy from the beginning to the end, and the main god is the biggest reliance for you to bully those organizations and those plot characters. Now we can change the way of playing, for your enemies, the other people who are coming The reincarnated people use 'potential' to create a favorable situation, and they are in a comprehensive advantage in the use of intelligence, organization, and other more complicated factors."

Chen Ang said indifferently: "This is the war I'm used to. Pulling the enemy to the battlefield I'm used to and defeating them with the advantages I've created is my way of thinking. Fight like a gladiator with blood and explosive seeds. Sorry that's not my thing."

"I don't think my approach is superior to those eleven-star powerhouses you say, but everyone has their own advantages and personalities. I fight with my mind and wisdom, and arm myself with knowledge and research, so I said, You don't necessarily get used to what I do."

Hong Fan looked at Chen Ang's calm eyes and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a commotion behind him. Someone was crying loudly. He put his hand on the knife and wanted to turn around to have a look. Chen Ang Hold him down, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, they just found out that someone died again. Count the time, the time for the poison of the experimental body I left inside is up."

Only now did Hong Fan think of the two prisoners brought by Chen Ang, and asked in surprise, "Isn't the other a control group?"

Chen Ang nodded: "Yes! The control group of multi-molecule delayed-release capsules!"

Hong Fan took a serious look at Chen Ang, and then sighed: "I used to think that I was cold-blooded, ruthless, and cruel. When I saw him today, I knew that I was arrogant and watching the sky from a well!"

Zhang Ziqiang also came out from behind, and said with a cigarette in his mouth: "Someone inside suddenly convulsed and vomited blood, just died..." He put down the cigarette, turned to Chen Ang and said, "You just made three more remote-controlled bombs, Are you going to install one for O'Connor?"

Hong Fan was taken aback when he heard that: "Three? It won't even kill Evelyn!"

Chen Ang calmly said: "Why don't you do it? Controlling these three key characters in the plot is very helpful to us!"

Hong Fan drew a curve and said, "That's the heroine, a big beauty!"

When Qian Cunhou heard Hong Fan's words behind him, he suddenly trembled all over. The look in Chen Ang's eyes was even more frightening. Zhao Yingqi and Li Mingyi also asked whether you have "psychological problems" and "are you taking revenge on the society?" ’ Looking at Chen Ang, Zhao Yingqi trembled, and said cautiously: "At least talk about gentlemanly demeanor!"

Chen Ang said indifferently: "I am a scientist, not a gentleman, nor an aristocrat. Scientists are the most equal, and biological scientists are the most equal among scientists. In my eyes, regardless of beauty or ugliness, regardless of gender, and regardless of rank Like bloodlines, there is no distinction between high and low in human body structure, everyone is the same on the test bench, and will not be treated differently because of beauty or ugliness."

"Is the White Queen beautiful? Mystique can become the most beautiful woman in the world, and their bodies will still be cut open under our knives."

"And your aesthetics are too superficial and superficial. Are her internal organs healthy and regular in shape? Are her bones and muscles dense and beautifully structured? Are her nerves and blood vessels well distributed, scientific?"

"You haven't even dissected her body, how dare you call her a beauty?"

The newcomers endured fear and left in front of Chen Ang. Zhao Yingqi, who had looked at him with admiration and admiration, was now pale as snow. Disagree with you bombing O'Connor."

Chen Ang adjusted his glasses and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because I never put my life in the hands of others, not anyone else. O'Connor is the main mission, if you blow him up, I'm dead! Don't say put the controller on me... ...Your technical level is far beyond ours, I can't tell if you can do something or not!"

Chen Ang nodded and said: "I respect your habits. But the control of O'Connor and Evelyn's siblings is a very important key. In the original plot, they are not the kind of people who are easy to control. If you don't control They still have to entrust their lives to them, what will happen if the characters lose control at a critical moment? You haven’t seen it before, have you?”

Zhang Ziqiang nodded and said, "You're right, but it's not that easy to convince me."

Chen Ang explained: "I will put the bomb into the kneecaps of O'Connor and Evelyn, take out a small bone, hollow it out, and put a remote-controlled bomb inside. Even if it is detonated, it will only blow them apart. legs."

Half an hour later, O'Connor saw the two terrifying yellow men in the medical room, among them he was convinced that the one turned from a devil walked up to him and said to him: "You may be wondering, our purpose of controlling this place What is it? Now I can tell you, O'Connor, we are here for you!"

O'Connor looked up in shock, and Chen Ang continued: "To be precise, I came here for the information you know about the City of the Dead. We know that you and your troops have been there and were attacked by a group of men in black , only two people escaped. Now, I need you to take me there, of course you don’t want to and I won’t force you, I will just look for another person you are familiar with, Johnny.”

"We know he's working for an American right now!"

O'Connor raised his head and said, "Then why don't you go directly to him?"

"Because I need one more thing, the key you brought back from the capital of the dead." Chen Ang smiled and said, "It's nothing to do with one thing!"

O'Connor said blankly: "But it's not in my hands, I lost it."

"I know, but it will come back..." Chen Ang pretended to be mysterious and said, counting the time, Evelyn should have got the key to the black puzzle box, and she should come back to find O'Connor soon . That was the key to sealing Imerton's coffin and opening the two scriptures. Hong Fan had approached Evelyn secretly to make sure nothing happened.

O'Connor had no choice but to give in and said, "I'm willing to help you, but can you untie me and set me free afterwards? If you don't mind, can you give me a small reward." He pretended to be greedy.

Chen Ang watched him perform with a smile, and agreed: "Of course. But I will do a small operation first to make sure you are obedient. And you don't have to put on that appearance, we will investigate you to make sure we know everything about you , your character, your hobbies, did you just want to confuse us with this greedy appearance, and then wait for the opportunity to act?"

Chen Ang lowered his voice and said: "Please rest assured, we have big stomachs, and we believe in fate very much. You are a person who is destined to be destined to relics. This will not be the last time we cooperate. And gold...we don't care."

"Now we are going to take out a bone in your knee, empty out the contents, and put a gadget in it." Chen Ang took out a metal ball that looked very sci-fi, and O'Connor knew it at a glance , this valued him much more than the warden, and he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, and at the same time, he also believed what Chen Ang said about fate.

"They might really let me go afterwards. Otherwise, they wouldn't have invested so much."

Facing such a terrifying, devil-like enemy, O'Connor had no choice but to comfort himself.

While checking his kneecap, Chen Ang explained: "The power of this bomb can break your leg at most. In the desert, there is no way to escape with a broken leg. If such an unfortunate incident happens, please Ask us for help as soon as possible, don’t worry, we will never embarrass you afterwards. I will send you a first aid kit, and you’d better learn how to bandage yourself in the next few days.”

"Remember, your life is very valuable."

O'Connor didn't know how to smile wryly, so he made a funny face, which made Zhang Ziqiang next to him burst into a weird laugh.

Chen Ang looked back at him, and said in his heart, "What a man with a low smile!"

Then he explained to O'Connor: "In order to control your moving distance, I will temporarily set up a distance signal. If you are away from him..." Pointing back to Zhang Ziqiang, he said: "The bomb will detonate automatically if it exceeds 300 meters. I hired a few local people to carry medicine and surgical equipment, and they can also carry you forward if necessary."

The reason for this setting is that Zhang Ziqiang told him that the main god will require a fixed distance from the plot characters in the next stage of the mission, and if it exceeds, he will be obliterated, so as to prevent the reincarnated people from being too free and indulgent and separated from O'Connor and others. .

This distance is generally 500 meters.

Chen Ang has never had the habit of following others closely, so he simply added this function to let O'Connor and others follow him. Looking at O'Connor's pale face, Zhang Ziqiang thought of how aggrieved he was when he watched those plot characters running around, and he tremblingly followed behind, and suddenly felt a burst of joy in his heart.

He said viciously: "You guys have today too!"

It was Chen Ang who comforted O'Connor: "This is already a relatively simple task. At least I didn't install the same signal transmitter on myself, otherwise you would have to calculate the crossing distance. Considering the actual terrain, it may take more It would be too difficult for you to learn solid geometry and complex solid geometry calculations. By the way! How is your geometry?"

O'Connor quickly shook his head and said, "It's a mess!"

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