Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 12 Armored Mech Mummy

Hong Fan thought about it for a while, and then asked a question that seemed nonsense: "Then you lied to him by saying that you are a doctor of Chinese burial culture? I'll just say it! What else do you know if you study biology?" Burial culture..."

"I didn't lie to him!" Chen Ang replied.

Immediately, Hong and Fan looked sideways, and said in amazement: "You said you didn't lie to him?"

"Yes! I am indeed a doctor of Chinese burial culture, and also a doctor of Chinese literature, theoretical mathematics, organic chemistry, machinery, automation, botany, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, applied physics and other related degrees. There are 16 doctoral degrees in China and five doctoral degrees in the United States, and they are both engineering and philosophy doctors.”

"Otherwise, how could I have become the main researcher of the national project and led several research groups at such a young age?"

Hong Fan and Zhang Ziqiang stared at him for a while, and finally left in silence. Chen Ang adjusted his glasses, and saw a white light reflected from their lenses, which Li Ming who was next to him saw, and sighed softly: "This is The scumbag is facing the psychological shadow of the Xueshen!" Zhao Yingqi reminded in a low voice behind him: "Stop talking, quickly sort out the report in your hand."

Generally speaking, the biggest role of newcomers in plot tasks is to drag the veterans back, but now they are completely mobilized here in Chen Ang. In Chen Ang's view, these highly educated A newcomer, not only is not a drag, but a wealth of extremely high value.

So those white-collar students who were ready to fight at any time, who were still trying their best to prepare themselves for fighting at any time, like soldiers, were thrown back by Chen Ang to do their own jobs. Now they have good grades in school. Li Mingyi, who had received preliminary research training, became Chen Ang's experimental assistant, while Zhao Yingqi was in charge of managing the prison and strengthening control.

Shaw was ordered to set up an intelligence department, and now he is collecting and sorting out relevant information that has been coming in from every corner of Cairo.

As for Lin Gang and Qian Cunhou, they also assumed important positions in the organization initially. The newcomers began to sort out documents and formulate relevant systems with a face of confusion. , but none of them have been opened.

In the city of Cairo, an invisible picture of King Waro gradually fell down with the passage of time. No one noticed that there were more prisoners released from prison in this city. They were very adaptable to integrate into this city. In every dark corner, corresponding news came from Chen Ang, the children passing through the crowd in the slums, the nodding waiters in high-end clubs, and the car boys.

They became Chen Ang's eyes and ears. In just a few days, Chen Ang's eyes and ears in this city were already everywhere.

Hong Fan was dismissed again,

Installed remote monitors at key points, while Zhang Ziqiang continued to strengthen his control over the city, kidnapped dignitaries one after another, and infiltrated the Suez Canal Company and the colonial government. Chen Ang found a group of indigenous chemical talents from nowhere. Let them learn conch yin under the guidance of Li Mingyi.

The whereabouts of Evelyn and her younger brother Jonathan were closely monitored. When they visited the warden, they were routinely made difficult by Chen Ang for not speaking. They would never see O'Connor.

Fortunately, they seemed to be used to such delays, and did not suspect that there was anything wrong with it.

And Chen Ang himself is currently in the museum where Evelyn works, and with the help of Dr. Terence, he is transforming a stone statue. Curator Terrance shook his head again and again: "Chen, I know you are very capable. You can understand Egyptian spells and incantations in just a few hours, but you still don't understand enough about them."

"We can't control all the stone statues, you can't install machines on them!" Dr. Terence pointed to the 23-2K machine guns on the two hands of the kobold figure and the ammunition box half embedded in the stone statue on the back .

He pointedly explained: "The selection of stone statues is conditional. Its shape, specifications, and even materials have strict requirements, and it can only be used as a carrier of spells after people's devout offerings and the initiation of sacrificial ceremonies. .You don't want them to learn to drive and aim...they are Anubis' fighters, not soldiers and warlords armed."

Chen Ang's answer was wrong: "The research and programming of the human brain mechanism is my old profession, doctor, don't worry, I can handle a mere virtual intelligence in minutes, and I have already kidnapped one of the most elite armed forces among the Cairo warlords." Squad, when it comes to the magic ceremony, with the spell I changed, I can use their souls instead of Anubis to endow these stone statues with virtual intelligence."

"At that time, they drove faster than anyone else!"

Dr. Terrance was about to collapse, and he yelled: "My God! The spells and runes you messed up are invalid!"

"I am proficient in the divine characters of sixteen ancient civilizations, and I know twenty-eight ancient languages. I am also a great arcanist who is proficient in all eight fields of summoning, transformation, casting, and necromancy. As a Daluo fruit recognized by the heavens My Jinxian, I am at least at the multiverse level in the field of mysticism, I don’t understand, who else understands?” Chen Ang responded domineeringly.

"Don't install armor on the jackal head stone statue, my God! This is a divine stone, and it cannot be modified casually!" Dr. Terence begged: "Leave my collection alone! They have been modified by you like this, hurry up!" Turned into trash!"

"My mummy! It's made of sinners and ashes and linen soaked in precious spices! They have the best fighters in front of them, and they won't use them if you put them in?"

"Quicksand can't be replaced with sulfuric acid! And scarabs can't be semi-mechanized... oh my! Are you putting lasers in them? Strong acid won't work either. Isn't it strong acid? Then what is it? Liquid!!!"

"Don't modify that scepter and altar, are you writing runic letters? Juni runes? What is that? I made an oracle bone inscription!"

At dusk, Zhang Ziqiang, who hurried back from the Suez Canal Company, saw a scene he could never have imagined in the prison that served as the headquarters of the team. A statue of a steel jackal head covered in armor was holding two cannons. On the left and right, there is a huge shield behind him, and Chen Ang stood in front of it and explained: "This is my latest work, defender!"

"Its two-handed cannon is a 23-2K cannon designed by our country. After I modified and adjusted the structure, it is very suitable for street fighting and frontal combat. The firepower of 16 rounds per second is enough to suppress the hostile Samsara team from the front. The internal ammunition With two bases, it can only output ammunition for 10 minutes at full strength."

"Furthermore, the ammunition prepared by the captain and the others is not sufficient. They can only be replaced three times, and the cumulative fire support is only half an hour. When they are used up, they can only be replaced by British machine guns. Therefore, they should be used at the most critical moment. As a hole card."

Zhang Ziqiang looked at the modified jackal head that his mother didn't recognize, and said dumbly: "It looks like this. Does Anubis still recognize it? Are you sure it can move?"

Chen Ang nodded and said: "I changed the ritual and runes to deceive Anubis, making him think that this is still his warrior. Look, isn't it still the head of a jackal? I just modified its material, for It's just the newest weapon."

"Fuck!" Everyone snorted, "Except for the head portrait, it has nothing to do with Anubis, the capital has been changed to this."

"The divine power of Anubis serves as the source of spellcasting, activating the material of the defender, and I replaced the virtual intelligence with the soul of an elite soldier, reprogrammed it, endowed it with corresponding judgment and combat capabilities, and modified its structure, because the built-in Because of the steel cover, its weight is heavier than before, while offsetting the recoil of the two cannons, it also slows down its agility."

"However, even if you fight in close quarters, the defenders with infinite strength and more power than excavators are not at all afraid of reincarnation fighters below six stars. And..." Chen Ang controlled the defenders to open the jets on both shoulders, and explained : "I also built a flamethrower, because special additives are added to the oil, and the temperature and adhesion have been greatly improved."

"Don't look at it as inconspicuous, but the formula of the combustion accelerant is on the same level as the aviation rocket."

"There is also this bombing mummy, which can carry up to twenty-five. If we use the good stuff we carry in the logistics, the lethality is not bad. Even with the current backward equipment, it also has good support capabilities."

"There are also strong acid mummies, poisonous gas mummies, plague mummies and many other varieties. Unfortunately, due to the raw materials, there are only two of each. Currently, Dr. Terence is fully cooperating with us in collecting materials. I can upgrade the product within a week at most. By the third generation, the numbers expanded to a standard squad of eighteen."

"This is a strong acid scarab, and this is a flame scarab. They are all the results of adding strong acid and flame retardant to the scarab puppets. There is also a **** plague scarab. Because I have bred several viruses, it is not easy to get it. For now, but you can trust the lethality, killing most of the people in Cairo is definitely not a problem, it is a weapon of mass destruction specially modified by me."

"In addition to this, there are some other products, but none of them can form large-scale combat effectiveness. They can only be used as reserve technical equipment, some of which are experimental... At the same time, I am still researching other weapons. Although there is no industrial support at present, it is difficult to Large-scale poisonous gas, but I have been inspired by the curses in witchcraft and divine art, and I am transforming the magic science double version of poisonous gas, and there are also several mutant biological weapons in the process."

Chen Ang closed the experimental records in his hand, and finally came to a conclusion: "The military power and weapons in our hands are developing at a high speed. When I finish researching the cursed virus and the cursed mutant scarab, we will have the opportunity to turn against the British." The power has been able to carry out large-scale attacks and fatal strikes on Cairo and surrounding areas."

"We are trying to prepare for a genocide attack on the British mainland, but it is too difficult, and there is not enough time and material preparations. Please continue to work hard."

Chen Ang finally said: "For our main enemy, the reincarnated people who are expected to come, we have prepared material weapons to fight them for several months, we have prepared intelligence, surveillance and control, and we have prepared raid troops, which can be remotely controlled at any time. Defenders and mummies, attack..."

"Wait!" Hong Fan suddenly reacted: "Remote control attack? Then we don't have to do anything?"

Chen Ang explained: "Our task is very heavy. Everyone must be prepared to organize the work overnight and take on a lot of work. At the same time, we must also be responsible for the adjustment and maneuver of the plan at any time, including the leadership and monitoring of the scene. Auxiliary mummy and defender team Attack."

He moved away from a quaint altar behind him, and said solemnly: "This is the core of the remote control command system. I want to be here to command the defenders and mummies to fight. The location of the temporary headquarters will be an absolute secret. Only two The seniors and I can come and go as we please. The prison will then be the supply point and Second Command."

"Now we can arrange for Evelyn and O'Connor to meet!" he said to Zhao Yingqi.

Only then did Zhao Yingqi come back to her senses, nodded and replied: "Yes!" Then he asked with some hesitation: "Aren't you going to take a look?"

Chen Ang waved his hand: "What's so interesting about this, I'm now at the busiest and most important stage of work, so I don't have so much free time to watch them. Just take care of yourself and follow the plan! When we eliminate the hostile reincarnation, Just go and install the remote control for them, and remember to change the dressing on O'Connor's knee so that he can withstand strenuous exercise and fighting before setting off."


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