Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 16 The Vampire

Chen Ang continued: "These holy water is a kind of positive energy material that has been processed by divine magic. It can directly disperse negative energy, and can also be used as a material for other magic rituals. I can use it to conduct some research and make this A blessed bullet against undead, evil creatures."

Chen Ang twisted a blessing bullet and showed it to everyone.

This is a silver-white bullet with two mysterious runes engraved on the bullet. Li Ming only feels that this is a very beautiful handicraft. Only when Zhang Ziqiang holds it in his hand can he feel a sense of sacredness. The radiant power should be the positive energy that Chen Ang said, Zhang Ziqiang grinned and said: "Oh! High-end goods!"

He shook the blessing bullets in his hand, looked at nearly a hundred rounds of the same bullets in front of him, and sighed: "The Prayer team must have inquired about the information of the next mission in advance, otherwise they would not have prepared so many blessing bullets." , This type of blessing bullet costs 20 reward points in the space, and there are nearly a hundred rounds here. Considering that this is only carried by one person, they spent at least nearly 10,000 reward points."

"If the next mission is not in the supernatural or magical world, they will be at a loss!"

Chen Ang picked up a blessing bullet and said with a smile: "The inscription on this bullet is a rune rune, and the material is mixed with a part of silver. After a special magic ceremony, it can carry positive energy. That special magic ceremony , should be the so-called 'blessing' of the church, and the church in this world probably also holds this kind of power."

"Because I don't have direct information, I can't decipher the secrets of the church and make this kind of blessing bullet. But Terence has a magical material of the church. If the pre-processed holy water can be used as the magic material, it should be It's not hard to make. So, if you need it, we'll have an extra powerful weapon soon."

Zhang Ziqiang asked curiously: "About how much holy water can make a bullet like this. If the price-performance ratio is too low, then we don't need it."

Chen Ang replied: "I can use the ancient Egyptian blessing ceremony to add part of the ancient Egyptian magic blessing to this bullet, making it more powerful against evil creatures. For ancient Egyptian evil creatures such as mummies, it can at least inflict damage. The original damage is twice as much. But the holy water cannot be replaced, a bottle of holy water can make at least a hundred blessing bullets, and what we have now should be enough!"

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Ziqiang heard it, instead of being delighted, he was a little stunned. He muttered to himself: "The Lord God is really the money of Hei Laozi! A bottle of holy water only sells for 500 points, and a hundred blessing bullets. I want 2000 from me!"

Zhang Ziqiang, who came back to his senses, roared angrily: "Buy, buy, buy! We can make as many as we have! I still have two bottles of holy water here, and with the four bottles here, we have 600 rounds of blessed bullets. Sweeping him to death, I will make as many as I have..."

When he felt Li Mingyi's cautiousness,

He suddenly woke up, and seeing Chen Ang's calm and indifferent expression, Zhang Ziqiang whispered flatteringly, "I mean, please 'you' help us make some!"

"It's impossible for me to use all of them to make blessing bullets. At least two bottles should be reserved for my experiments." Chen Ang said lightly.

Zhang Ziqiang nodded and bowed: "That's it, that's it! Please use it first, we'll use the rest."

Chen Ang left him as the same, and continued: "These talismans used to provide the effect of defending against firearms, but now they are damaged and can only be used for experiments and research. And these evil talismans are also finished products, and I can't crack the talismans drawn by Taoist priests." Moreover, among the materials provided by Terence, there are very few spell materials from the East, so it is very difficult to transform them, so let them distribute them to the newcomers for self-defense!"

"This gasification body talisman is very interesting. I have to study it before I can give an answer. The remaining magnetic bomb is quite powerful, so I will keep it as a reserve. In the end, it will be the most valuable harvest!" Chen Ang smiled. Looking at the statue of the leader of the Prayer Team, he smiled and said, "We captured a reincarnator completely. Leaving aside his equipment, his own existence is even more attractive!"

Chen Ang said happily: "This is a vampire! An experimental body that is extremely valuable in magic and science, and it is also one of my biggest gains in this world. I can finally return to my old profession! In the next few days, I will devote myself to his research, Terrence and Li Mingyi will join as assistants."

He turned around and said to Zhang Ziqiang: "The current situation is mainly about stability. Temporarily stop the erosion and expansion of Cairo City. Many of our problems may be solved from it. Put explosives in people's bodies, It’s too low-level! I think I’ve controlled countless experimental mutants, and the simplest thing is to inject liquid blood-friendly nano-bombs. How can I use this crude product one day.”

"With this vampire test subject, I have some ideas about several biological weapons and technological products that I imagined. Now I can use spells to temporarily overcome the current crude experimental conditions, and think about the problems he raised from the perspectives of mysticism and science. .”

It was rare for Chen Ang to show an out-of-control expression. Zhang Ziqiang and Li Mingyi watched him frantically and excitedly by the side. Chen Ang almost couldn't wait to drive them out. During the preparatory work, at dawn the next day, Li Mingyi and Dr. Terence, who had slept for a while, were summoned by Chen Ang to the museum and the underground laboratory.

Chen Ang casually opened a small drawer beside him, took out six dangerous-looking blue injections and handed them to them, and explained casually: "This is my newly modified refreshing medicine, which can stimulate the functioning of your brain and improve your mental health. Intellect and mental acuity, resistance to fatigue, improved blood circulation and experience and recovery."

"One can let you work continuously for three days. Now there are no three of you here, 24 hours a day. Give me full attention in research. At the same time, I have also transformed a kind of blood-burning magic. Every hour there are three men offering blood to Anubis to provide you with energy."

After Chen Ang finished speaking, he was ready to work, while Li Mingyi was a little shocked.

"This kind of thing? Does it have no side effects?" He looked at the blue injection and asked with some fear.

Professor Terrence next to him has ordered the injection of medicine into his own vein, and said with a wry smile: "Of course, but you have no choice, right? You see, I am so old and I have to accompany you to toss, you just Appoint it!"

In the end, Li Mingyi couldn't help throwing this question to Chen Ang. While preparing surgical equipment and spell materials, Chen Ang casually replied: "Of course there are sequelae, but you don't need to know, right?" Li Mingyi asked back with a calm face.

Li Ming looked at the madness and indifference deep in Chen Ang's eyes, trembled all over, and replied tremblingly: "Yes! I will inject now!"

Hong Fan sat across the desk of an Egyptian officer with a tired face, propped his face and asked in a low voice: "Then, Captain, do you want to cooperate with us? Or do you have other requirements?"

The bearded captain said greedily: "Sir, I didn't mean to offend you, but my brothers also need pocket money! As long as you can share 20% with me, I will treat your people well." Actions that turn a blind eye..."

Hong Fan sighed numbly: "But this is the second time we have talked, and we have already fulfilled your request last time."

The bearded captain smiled and said: "The pressure on me from the higher ups has been increasing these days. They want me to report some small movements in the city immediately. I am also taking risks...My request is completely reasonable."

Hong Fan sighed, "Your request is too much, Your Excellency!" He stood up and walked towards the door. The bearded captain looked at him calmly. Chengzhu smiled, but what he was waiting for was a series of bullets, and Hong Fan calmly shot all six bullets in his chest.

Looking at the bearded man who was dying, he saved the last bit of strength and said: "Your subordinate is more contented than you, he only wants to die with you 10%!"

Instead of talking to the bearded confidant who came up with a flattering smile, Hong Fan dragged his tired body into the car, called Zhang Ziqiang and said, "Brother, this is my ninth goal today! I haven't had a date for forty-eight hours. It's been too long. Please let me take a break, okay? In the future, this little guy, you can solve the KO by yourself?"

Zhang Ziqiang explained over there: "Ah Hong, you have to work hard! If we arrange someone to get rid of him and make a mission plan, Xiao Bolang can't even speak. I just went into shock yesterday, so I need to recuperate for a day." , Zhao Yingqi is here to help, and she looks like she is dying, she is a girl, you are a bit of a gentleman, okay?"

"Wait until the cultivated natives are developed. You will be relaxed!"

Hong Fan looked at the body that was almost out of place in his trunk and sighed. These are all experimental materials and supplies. In order to maintain the energy of the defenders and mummies, more than 50 hypnotized fanatics are needed day and night. Pray endlessly, and blood sacrifices are required from time to time, killing priests to maintain the altar that Chen Ang left to deceive Anubis.

So in order to save money, the corpses killed by Hong Fan must be carefully packed. By the way, he drives a truck.

During Zhang Ziqiang's mission, Hong Fan put his forehead on the steering wheel and began to recall how he fell from a cold-blooded assassin to this point.

It was a brutal memory.

"Dr. Chen, please hurry up and get out of the customs! I really can't hold on anymore! Lord God! Just let me die!"

In the underground laboratory of the museum, after nearly a week of hard work, Chen Ang finally completed all the experimental plans and announced his exit. As soon as Li Ming lay on the experimental table, his face was pale. Only the slightly heaving chest covered with a white cloth proved that he was still alive. Dr. Terence's face was so pale that there was no blood, but he hid in the darkness energetically.

He smiled slightly, revealing two fangs.

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