
Chen Ang first calculated a basic consciousness brainwashing technique. This kind of consciousness brainwashing technique, specific to the use of personal thought power, is a supernatural power named "Duhua" by Chen Ang. At the same time, based on this supernatural power, Chen Ang has carried out large-scale development in specific applications, mainly combining the information channels of other five senses to reprogram the consciousness brainwashing technology through other channels.

To put it bluntly, it is a simple and easy-to-use magical tool for those who cannot directly use their own consciousness and sense organs, and practitioners who cannot directly interfere with the objective world with their thoughts. After all, not everyone can control their consciousness as easily as Chen Ang and Da Shizhi. They are like those truly superb programmers, who can directly analyze the code of consciousness information, and most practitioners, more than 100% The vast majority of ninety-nine are far from that level.

So even though Chen Ang has developed the underlying protocol that bypasses formal channels, bypasses the authorization of the brain, and controls human body information through consciousness—including the transmission protocol of the nervous system, the conscious program that controls behavior, and the subconscious program that drives organ functions, directly intervenes and Control consciousness and obtain the brainwashing technology with the highest authority.

Obviously, the loopholes and codes of the human consciousness communication protocol have been open sourced.

Those second-rate hackers can only rely on the program tools developed by top hackers like Chen Ang and Da Shizhi to invade and control other people's consciousness. Those open source loopholes and codes, the method of obtaining the highest authority of the system through protocol loopholes, is to scale this fundamental magical power. But Chen Ang must develop a running program that utilizes this fundamental supernatural power, that is, the supernatural power of mind that contains supernatural powers of supernatural powers, so that those idiots who can only practice supernatural powers can realize the function he developed — supernatural powers, which is brainwashing , the other exists.

In this process, he also needs to take care of those novices who can't even use the programming language of Nianli well and can't understand it, and create an operation interface so that they can click the buttons with instructions with the mouse to come Use the program.

In fact, there are many such people. Among the monsters locked by Chen Ang in the Good Fortune Golden Boat, except for a few monster kings who are no bigger than the index finger, no one knows how to use the Buddhist magic power of mind power. Of course, apart from IQ and In addition to knowledge problems, it is also related to the mana system that monsters are used to using demon power.

The reason is that the development does not require the power of mind, but only needs to be formed through the cooperation of the mouth, eyes, and even the body. The means of the five senses and five consciousnesses, such as Buddha's light and illusion, use the supernatural power of mind power to speed up. It is best to use this principle , Directly written into the bottom layer of the future Pure Land sect's magical power system, every move will be brainwashed.

This was Chen Ang's inspiration when he saw Cihang Jingzhai disciple's bone-penetrating charm in the world of Tang Dynasty.

As for sound, light, color, etc., other human body’s conventional five senses absorb information from the outside world, as well as the underlying communication protocols of neural transmission pathways, neural electrical signals and brain quantum signals, which have long been deciphered by Chen Ang. For Wukong, the brain still only explores A silhouetted black box.

But to Chen Ang, the way people's nervous system and brain work is really clear.

So it doesn't take much effort, with the help of information from the five senses, to interfere with the brain's consciousness, and to control the personality, Chen Ang can easily calculate the technology. These can be said to be a combination of hypnosis, mental induction, hormone interference, brain wave interference, mind control, etc. And other strange practical experiences derived from the development of spiritual power, psychic powers, psychology, etc., can be called the masters of human brainwashing practical activities. ,

Combining sound hypnosis, Buddhist sound mantra, mantra, human auditory nerve signal analysis, spiritual induction (sound wave), personality analysis, auditory signal function representation in the brain quantum system and other auditory mind control technologies, Chen Ang will newly develop Combining the consciousness brainwashing technology with these auditory mind control technologies, it has become the first supernatural power that is simple and easy to use, easy to learn but difficult to master, and has a simple foundation, but has great development potential-chanting mantra.

Om, well, what, bah, mi, hum!

This supernatural power specializes in hearing and ear consciousness,

Brainwashing is invisible, it can not only transform (brainwash) others, but also transform (brainwash) yourself. The six-character mantra uses the same brainwashing technology, but the brainwashing information is different, and it is aimed at the various selves of all conscious people. , the self is generally related to emotions and desires, and its performance in the objective world is pain.

The real self is painful, the realization of the biological nature of all beings in the objective world is passion, the realization of the consciousness of all beings in the objective world is emotion, but any feedback of desire and emotion in the objective world will show pain, So pain is the source of all reality.

The real is all pain, but the unreal expresses happiness.

Brainwashing... no, the main method of degreeization is to use the pain and aversion to pain of the biological and conscious feedback of all beings, so that they will not recognize the objective world actively, pursue illusion, and then be brainwashed... no, degreeization.

Therefore, Chen Ang wrote on the six-character mantra, which is supreme and magnanimous, can overcome all hardships!

"The world is a great sea of ​​suffering!" Chen Ang said with emotion: "As long as you are brainwashed, you can come to the other shore and escape all suffering. The other shore that Sakyamuni said is too complicated, pure and quiet... This is what people can reach. Is it better to come to the other shore that I opened up for all beings—the Land of Ultimate Bliss, which is more real! Let people like us bear the pain in this world!"

"All the pain of confusion, fear, hesitation, and self-transformation, the cruelty of killing the past self, and the despair of nowhere to go should be attributed to me. The self is reality, the reality is painful, and the self is the source of pain. Leave it to me, and you will be free from all pain and live in the blissful world I created for you!"

"May all sufferings and sufferings in the whirling world belong to me!" Chen Ang sighed, "I am the Buddha of Infinite Life!"

Chen Ang fell down and sat down, clasped his hands together, with a bitter expression on his face, he saw countless voices of Zen mantras, countless colors of celestial flowers, countless beautiful goddesses, countless peaceful and pure lights, and countless subtle and subtle emotions. Taste, only the body can be seen, the light of immeasurable wisdom is emitted from the back of the head, and there are thirty-two appearances, which are indescribable.

The bergamot bergamot knotted the nine seals and made a vow: "If I become a Buddha, the state-owned hells, hungry ghosts and animals will not attain enlightenment."

"If I attain Buddhahood, after the death of the gods and humans in the country, those who return to the three evil ways will not attain enlightenment."


"If I attain Buddhahood, all the Bodhisattvas in immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha worlds in the ten directions, after hearing my name, will practice the Brahma life constantly until they attain Buddhahood. If they don't, they will not attain true enlightenment."

"Suppose that when I attain Buddhahood, from the ground up, to the sky, palaces, towers, ponds, streams, flowers and trees, and all things in the country, all are composed of immeasurable miscellaneous treasures and hundreds of thousands of fragrances. The decoration is marvelous, surpassing all Heaven and man. Its fragrance permeates the world in all ten directions. Bodhisattvas who hear it will all practice Buddhist practices. If they don’t, they won’t attain enlightenment.”


"If I attain Buddhahood, the Bodhisattvas in other lands, if they hear my name, will not immediately attain the first, second, and third dharma endurance, and those who cannot immediately attain non-regression in all Buddhadharma will not attain correct enlightenment."

"May all sentient beings be able to escape from all sufferings and gain my enlightenment!" Chen Ang's golden body held a picture scroll, and there was a world on the picture scroll, which was exactly the forty-eight vows of the Buddha of Infinite Light and Buddha of Infinite Life. The world of the Buddha Kingdom - the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

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