Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 80 The Pure Land Mandala

Simply keep this matter in mind, Zhu Qishu is able to sit where he is today because he does not let go of any point, even trivial information, and is keenly aware of opportunities, but he still has another advantage, It is always able to focus on more important things.

For example, go to see King Yiqu to discuss things!

When he saw King Yiqu, in addition to the guards in the palace, there was also the Hu monk brought by Dashizhi. When Zhu Qishu saw him, the Hu monk was talking to Yiqu in unprofessional Hu language. Wang talked about the various hells and evil ways in the six realms of reincarnation, and also mentioned good rewards and karma, the three blessings of pure karma, and so on.

Seeing Zhu Dahao, Monk Hu's dark skin turned suspiciously pink, Zhu Qishu smiled coldly in his heart—this Monk Hu is still too young!

He actually felt embarrassed when he was 'borrowing' the teachings of his competitors! A real magic stick and preacher, not to mention plagiarism without changing his face, even if he plagiarizes in person, he can also make up something even more outrageous on the spot. Blow a bigger cowhide.

Don't have such a thick skin, but also have the nerve to preach?

"If I were to talk about the Dharma, I would first denounce the theory of pure land blessings that Dr. Chen said earlier. It is false to say such blessings in the pure land. It falls into the lower vehicle. The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is just a small pure land. The pure land is the great pure land, and the blessings of cultivation are the true blessings, and there are all kinds of benefits, far better than him!"

The various supernatural powers created by Chen Ang have not yet spread, what Zhu Dahaoshang thought in his heart, the monk Hu didn't know, otherwise, when those monks cultivated his mental powers that can steal other people's consciousness, he would definitely yell Qu: "Doctrinal." Reference, how can it be called plagiarism? Doctrine... something in religion, can it be counted as plagiarism? That is called revelation, the sunnah of the prophet, the enlightenment of the gods and Buddhas..."

A series of incomprehensible words, such as "revelation from gods and Buddhas" and "inspired", must be said. Others are dizzy and can only kneel down, otherwise some saints will shout "Allahu...

"When the Jews borrowed from Egyptian mythology, when Noah built the great ark like in the Epic of Gilgamesh, when Jesus referred to the Old Testament of the Jews, when Mamaiti plagiarized the second set of the New Testament written by Jesus, the Catholic "Bible" When I wrote about me, when the Orthodox Church taught me, when I wrote the "Bible" when the Protestants taught me, when Hong Xiuquan claimed to be the second brother of Jesus, when Shakyamuni enlightened the thoughts of Samana, when the Catholics recited the Rosary and counted the beads, When Jehovah God falsely used the name of Haotian God, when Taoism emphasized reincarnation and hell... which one paid attention to copyright issues?"

"Not only are they not ashamed of their references, but they also shout and clamor to kill the objects they borrow from."

Fortunately, Zhu Dahao is not a pious believer, and he doesn't care about plagiarism. Otherwise, if he insists on exposing him in front of King Yiqu, then this old Hu monk will blush to argue with him even though he is ashamed. Using the most powerful skills in my life to blow an unparalleled cowhide, I will surely blow up the Lingshan teachings without any upper limit, and severely defeat Chen Ang's theory of the Pure Land Pseudo-Sect. home skills.

If the argumentation is not as good as human beings, then the old Hu monk has no choice but to pick up the saber, be merciful, and send those who slander the Buddha to be reborn in Avici Hell, and they will never be reborn forever!

When King Yiqu saw Zhu Dahao, he greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Zhu, sit down quickly, I have something to ask Brother Zhu. This master of poison has invited me to see this king, and told me about the depth of poison. The Buddhist teachings are actually similar to those of the two immortals in the middle land, they are poisoned and have the pure land of reincarnation, and they cultivate blessings and purify karma."

The old monk bit his head and said: "There, there, it's not uncommon for me to say something like this. I also have a little insight. It must be that the two immortals of Central Earth have seen a lot. let's go!"

It's still a city like Zhu Dahao, and he couldn't help but show a look of shock and anger when he heard the words--I didn't expect this old Hu Sao to blush, but the level of shamelessness is not lower than him!

Zhu Dahao deserves a light cough,

He smiled and said: "You have lost your wisdom! There is no pure land, how can there be the meaning of pure land, and I also know some of the six ways of reincarnation. , The one who transcends to help the world save people and lead the world of bliss is the body of the two middle-earth immortals, Amitayus Buddha and Amitabha Buddha. The blessings and karma are also blessed by the two Buddhas, and the reincarnation is realized. "

Zhu Dahao said to King Yiqu: "Your Majesty has also seen the picture of the Paradise of Paradise in the hands of the two immortals. If the two Buddhas who opened up the Paradise of Paradise were not born, where did such a picture of heaven come from? Your Majesty has set out a mantra here, his own belief in gods and Buddhas is not enough, without such great wisdom and human power, just blowing out these words, Your Majesty must never believe it."

Then he turned his head and said to the old Hu monk: "First there was the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and then there was the mantra of the Pure Land. Now you fabricate the mantra, where is your Pure Land?"

The old Hu monk held a vase and said with a smile: "Your Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is just a small piece of pure land. I showed the king a picture. It may not have any real materials. I just asked the king to pass me Aquarius, I went to my Buddha's Great Thousand Pure Land and his party. There are only three realms in that Great Thousand Pure Land, divided into Maitreya Pure Land, Posa Pure Land, and Lapis Pure Land. In this Jambudvipa world, only these three pure lands are eternal and indestructible. , Your Majesty entered the Maitreya Pure Land and saw it. Although the Jambudvipa world only lasted for a moment, he stayed in the Maitreya Pure Land for three days and three nights, and realized the true meaning of my Buddha."

Zhu Dahao looked at the vase, and said with a sneer: "So it's this illusion bottle! There are immeasurable joys in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the immeasurable life, the immeasurable light, and the immeasurable Brahma, named Amitabha, which means the immeasurable Buddha. The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, if you think about it, you don’t know about it, and you haven’t copied it, but I can give this volume of the Great Vow Sutra of the Infinite Buddha to the King for a look.”

"But since you are talking about the Pure Land of the Three Realms, you might as well talk about your Buddha's great vow to open up the Pure Land of the Three Realms. lest someone go back and think hard after I pass down the scriptures, and make up a plagiarized one to change the soup and not the medicine!"

Zhu Dahao said pressingly: "Since you said that the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is only a small piece of pure land, then the great wish of the Great Thousand Pure Land must be far superior. If you can't win, it must be because you deceived the king. May I ask the king, what should I do?" disposal?"

King Yiqu had just entered the Vase of Great Strength, how can ordinary people be able to see through the Bodhisattva's magic weapon, so King Yiqu had already convinced ninety percent of the infinite illusions in it, but now Zhu Dahao was pressing him to ask him, but he turned around again Some doubts, but he still has to rely on the Hu monk to balance Chen Ang and his party. It is really Wukong's understatement, and killing the master of one frightened him.

So he hesitated: "This, this..."

The monk Hu hurriedly interrupted, pretending to be angry and said: "I am just an ordinary monk who is poisoned. What I have learned is only one of the ten thousand wisdom of the Bodhisattva of the West Heaven and the Buddha's Prajna. How can I compare with the immortals of the Middle Earth. But I, Lingshan The wisdom of the Buddha is boundless, if the king wants to ask questions, he only needs to put down the Dharma altar and invite the Buddha and Bodhisattva to preach the Dharma."

"It's just Western countries, so don't take it lightly. The ruler of the country needs to use the seven treasures to worship, fast for three days, and there will be gods and Buddhas responding!"

He turned to Zhu Dahao and said: "The theory of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is just a few pictures, you are just flattering yourself! Actually, it's hard to say, I invite Your Majesty to see the three pure lands, all the sacred things in Maitreya Pure Land, Your Majesty knows that you can’t deceive anyone. Instead, it’s your Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, so there’s no other way to say what it is!”

Zhu Dahao was overjoyed, and he came up with many vicious schemes in a blink of an eye. He said with a sneer: "There are all kinds of inconceivable things in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Those who do not have such blessings are far from being seen." The Hu monk retorted: "The Lord He is a man of great fortune, why can't he see him?"

As expected, King Yiqu's face was downcast, but Zhu Dahao ignored his business theory.

He said indifferently: "An ordinary ear! How can I see so many inconceivable things?"

Zhu Dahao said again: "Although the lord of the country has no great rewards, he can enter the heaven and man into the pure land, and can only be reincarnated, but he can also be the lord of a country for one life, so he will have the chance of reincarnation in the pure land if he accumulates ten lives like this! "

The Hu monk made many provocative words, but Zhu Dahao just said: "The lord did not believe in Amitabha Buddha in his previous life, and he did not have the power of countless Buddhas to guide him, so the blessings are not enough. Only ten lives of devout faith in my Buddha can be done. I can have immeasurable retribution like the pure land of reincarnation." He knew that if he couldn't lower his figure, he might as well hang up his dignity. Being close to the people is important, but he can't lose his dignity. The more awed King Yiqu is to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the better.

Zhu Dahao added: "Although the ruler cannot see the inconceivable things in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, he may not be able to see the beauty of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The Lord must know that there is something in the kingdom that flows out of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Lord, I can see a corner of the pure land."

"Oh?" King Yiqu asked curiously, "What is this?"

Zhu Dahao said with a big smile: "Could it be that the lord of the country has forgotten who planted the Lutai mandala flower? Let the lord of the country know that the two incarnations of the Buddha enlightened the lord of the country and bloomed the flowers in this garden. Extraordinary... This flower is a mandala flower that always blooms in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. There are mandala flowers that rain from time to time in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It is incredible and wonderful. It is one of the infinite wonders of the Pure Land. It will never stop blooming in the Yiqu country, and let the smallpox in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss come down to the mortal world."

King Yiqu frowned and said, "But this mandala flower has long existed in our country?"

Zhu Dahao said: "This flower is not that flower. The mandala is the flower of the pure land. Its color is incredible, so it can only be born in the appearance of an ordinary flower, but its existence is different. If the king does not believe it, you can take a piece of mandala. Give it a try?"

Zhu Dahao is extremely confident, because Chen Ang told him that this datura flower was modified by Chen Ang, and it can naturally synthesize various amine compounds such as diacetate and lysergic acid diethylyl, which can be called the most Strong hallucinogenic plants are infinitely mysterious, not to mention a mere mortal, even Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva ate them himself, and if he was not careful, he would find Chen Ang's advice!

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