Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 84 Bo Xun Buddha Delivery System

Seeing Chi Le walking away in a hurry, one or two of the many people watching had a fierce look in their eyes, quietly retreated from the crowd, and the silent Wang Chi Le chased in the direction he left, and soon disappeared from Chen Ang's eyes .

Although they acted cautiously, they were not ignored by others. After the two chased after them, it caused a small commotion in the crowd. The few nobles who had bid before gave orders to the guards beside them. After a few words, after a while, more people left.

Seeing this, the old Qin people who Chen Ang changed hurriedly said: "Guests, don't worry, this treasure scripture is only the first of the three treasures I want to sell, and there are two treasures that have never shown up. Looking for someone who is destined!"

The eyes of a noble from the Yiqu country flickered, and he suddenly said loudly: "You Qin people are so unreasonable. What is a predestined person? Since you are selling treasures in our Yiqu country, can't I wait for the nobles of Yiqu to buy you?" How can the slaves and untouchables in this city be worthy of these treasures? How can those dubious people from outside take away the treasures from my Yiqu country? If you don’t give me an explanation, you really think we Is the nobleman Yiqu easy to deceive?"

Chen Ang glanced at him, and asked with a smile: "Oh? Why did this nobleman talk about it? Could it be that the noble species from the Quangao Department is not worthy of my treasure?"

The nobleman's eyes darkened, and he snorted coldly: "Why did I ever say such a thing? Don't slander me, you Qin people!"

Chen Ang said calmly: "The predestined person just now is Prince Chile, the sixth son of King Yiqu. I think you are not convinced by his fate to get the precious scripture. But his status is low, so he can't be regarded as my precious scripture? "

The aristocrat who asked the question happened to be from the Yiqu royal family. Hearing Chen Ang's rhetorical question, how dare he admit to offending his backer? Nobles are not afraid of a down-and-out prince. In fact, powerful local dignitaries are not afraid of even King Yiqu, but he, a court dignitary in the royal capital, dare not do such a scandalous thing.

Immediately, he quickly retorted: "The prince has a noble blood, so he is naturally worthy of that treasure!"

Chen Ang said lightly again: "Then he is some kind of dubious person who will take away the treasure from Yiqu country?"

The nobleman was sweating profusely, and said sharply: "Of course the prince is not a dubious person, you can even say what the treasure behind is, why ask so much?"

Chen Ang was reprimanded by him, but he was not annoyed. He just smiled and said: "This second treasure, called the retribution of the present world, is made by the gods and Buddhas in the sky. According to the report, there was a slave who saw an ant nest that was about to fall in the heavy rain one day, and he weaved a bamboo bridge to save him. He was reincarnated in a western country as a prince in his next life. It is the goodness of one thought that saves thousands of lives.”

Chen Ang's tongue was full of lotus flowers, and he talked about several strange stories that happened in the jurisdiction of the Western Lingshan. He could hear the poor people, slaves and poor people in the market, and they gradually gathered around, even some old nobles. Fascinated, Chen Ang also specifically told the story of two high-ranking and powerful people who acted mischievously. Relatives, toss their plot.

These are all based on the karma of reincarnation in hundreds of countries in Tianzhu under the jurisdiction of Lingshan in the West.

It's just that those young and powerful nobles couldn't bear to hear it. After enduring him for a while, they couldn't help interrupting: "Men Qin, we have heard what you said a long time ago. I said it once, and it was better than what you said, and then there was an old man from the west, who told people in the city every day, and we were tired of hearing it."

"The second treasure, what's the use of it, don't hold your breath!"

Chen Ang said with a chuckle: "The second treasure is that only those who have accumulated virtue in this life will receive blessings in the next life when gods and Buddhas see them.

Suffering after death and suffering in the next life, it is a pity that you will be punished if you don't teach! If you cultivate virtue and accumulate good deeds, you will see retribution immediately. Presumably, all living beings in this world will devote their hearts to the Buddha and actively cultivate virtue and do good deeds. "

"In this way, you can get the heart of gods and Buddhas to save all living beings, so that this world is a pure land everywhere, and you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering, and you don't have to go to the world of ultimate bliss!"

Hearing his words, those slaves and poor people couldn't help being greatly shocked, even those few old nobles were also a little shocked, and asked in a daze: "Qin people, is the current world report as amazing as you said?"

"Of course!" Chen Ang ignored the restlessness of the strange bird on his shoulder, and said indifferently: "This treasure can give you good fortune in future lives, and fulfill it in this life. It can prolong your life and add blessings, and make everything go well. Nothing is impossible.”

Seeing those people's surprised and uncertain looks, Chen Ang smiled and said: "This treasure is not just one person. As long as you follow the great vows of the gods and Buddhas, you will be destined. It is a treasure that everyone has. If you are unlucky, you might as well go with me Let me read the last sentence...Nan Wubo Xun Wang Buddha of the Last Dharma."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an old dog Rong nobleman who could hardly walk, he put his hands together and said, "Nan Wubo Xun Mo Dharma Zizai Wang Buddha!"

As if hallucinating, an infinitely majestic voice sounded in the old nobleman's mind: "At the end of the Dharma, there is my Buddha, who saves all living beings and repays the present world! Om... Well... Well... Ba... Me... Hum, do you want to activate the merit retribution system?"

"What's that sound?" The old nobleman was startled and shouted in horror.

"Do you want to activate the merit retribution system?" The voice repeated indifferently without any explanation.

The old nobleman of Yiqu is the uncle of the chief of the Penglu tribe, named Yizhizi, who has a high prestige in the tribe. If not for this, he would not have lived to this age, but even so, he feels that the limit is approaching day by day. Even the wizard shaman of the tribe can't continue his life! The great terror between life and death made him believe in ghosts and gods day by day, which was one of the pillars of the nobles supporting the wizards.

Yi Zhizi was a little excited, and tremblingly said: "Yes... activate!"

The people around couldn't hear the voice. Seeing Yi Zhizi lost his composure, they felt surprised, but saw that Yi Zhizi's eyes suddenly widened and his body trembled like a sieve, which made the Yiqu nobles startled and said angrily: "This Qin man What kind of conspiracy is there to kill the boss!"

"Don't, don't!" Yi Zhizi waved his hands tremblingly to stop those impulsive nobles, staring at the void in front of him, almost reluctant to move his eyes, he was panting, as if he was about to take his breath away, and said to his subordinates: "I'm fine, you must not embarrass this gentleman of Qin!"

Yi Zhizi looked at the four options on the light screen in front of him, including 'merit', 'sin', 'blessing' and 'karma', among which merit was two small golden characters, followed by the number 238, and sin was two blood red characters. The small characters behind it are 157286. Although Yi Zhizi has never learned that kind of strange characters, this does not prevent him from easily understanding the meaning contained in the characters.

He unskillfully clicked on an option with his mind. Out of instinctive fear of the blood-red 'karma', he first clicked on the 'blessing' option, only to see 'Yang Shou', 'Yin De', 'Official Salary', 'Fortune' ''Luck'''Treasure'''Cultivation'' 'Attribute'''Wish'' and other major items.

There are many small items under the big item, for example, under the yin and virtue, there are - rebirth, reincarnation, hell, reincarnation, etc., and under the luck, there are peach blossom luck, wealth luck, disaster luck, current situation luck, Children and grandchildren luck and so on.

But Yi Zhizi almost couldn't wait to click on the Yangshou item. Under the Yangshou option, it was unexpectedly simple, and there was only one option of life extension - one year Yangshou (100 merits).

Without hesitation, Yi Zhizi chose the option of Yangshou that year. His merit value disappeared by 100 in an instant, leaving only the number 138. Almost at the moment when the merit value jumped, Yi Zhizi felt a wave of The heat radiated to the limbs and bones, and in the dark, the feeling as if his life was hanging by a thread gradually faded away!

Yi Zhizi opened his eyes, but saw everyone looking at him in shock.

He stretched out his hands, and saw that there was a trace of flesh and blood on the bony and bony hands, and a burst of energy gushed out from his withered body.

The slave next to him said tremblingly, "My... my lord, your hair!"

Yi Zhizi grabbed a handful of hair, which was no longer withered and dead white, but silvery white with a glimmer of light. What he couldn't see was that the roots of his hair were miraculously black. Yizhizi laughed as if going crazy, and shouted: "Yangshou! It can really increase Yangshou!"

After all, he was shocked, ignored the nobles who anxiously asked him, and chose Yangshou again, but this time the option of Yangshou in that year was grayed out, and the number behind (1000) seemed to be mocking him Same.

Yi Zhizi rushed towards Chen Ang crazily, and screamed: "Where is my Yangshou? Where is my merit? Why did it suddenly increase! Why?"

The old Qin man looked at him strangely, and said with a sneer, "Don't you think that if you have a hundred merits a year, you can live forever! People have a limit, and after one year of that limit, the merits needed will be multiplied by ten times." , or do you still want to live forever? Ten or eight years is enough!"

"And this retribution in this world is not only a blessing. Your merits and sins in this life will be liquidated. If you say it is a free gift from the gods and Buddhas, it will not work!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a blood-red "karma" flashing on the light screen in front of Yi Zhizi's eyes. Yi Zhizi clicked on it and saw that there was only one option among the karma - the first robbery sword Rob (100 sins).

Among the options, there is only one countdown - 00:14:14, and the last number is still getting smaller.

The latter option of redemption (200 merits) is grayed out.

Yi Zhizi felt bad instinctively. Looking at his 157286 sins, his body trembled slightly, and he asked dryly, "Master Qin, what does this mean?"

Chen Ang glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Your blessings in the next life can be enjoyed in this world, and the sins that have to be paid after death will naturally have to be paid in this world, but Bo Xun is merciful and allows you to regret the past. , an opportunity to make amends, so pay off all the sins in installments, and one installment is one calamity."

"What kind of calamity is that for you?"

Yizhizi replied tremblingly, "I was robbed by swordsmen!"

"As I expected, the first kalpa is generally only one hundred sin kalpas, and the retribution is the lightest. There are only small kalpas such as swords, five elements, tongue, and right and wrong. Half a moment later, you have to respond to the kalpa. Be careful, it's not difficult. However, after one kalpa, one kalpa will be longer, and the next kalpa will be the kalpa of two hundred sins. At that time, it will be a kalpa of swords and soldiers, and there is danger of death!"

"There will be thunder calamity, wind calamity, luck calamity and other intermediate calamities in the future. Ten deaths and no life."

"Even if you are lucky enough to survive those middle calamities, when the great calamity with sins exceeding ten thousand comes, you will suffer hell calamity, Rakshasa calamity, Shura world, heaven calamity, and calamity calamity. At that time, your soul will suffer, and you can't live or die!"

When Yi Zhizi heard this, all the dead souls trembled, grabbed Chen Ang's thigh and said, "Gentleman, save me!"

Seeing his miserable state, the other agitated nobles backed away in horror, but Chen Ang sneered at them: "Do you think you can escape? There is still a chance to pay for his sins, if you wait until you die Reckoning, among the 18 hells, is it better than this worldly retribution?"

"The retribution of this world is hell robbery. It is arrested by ghost messengers and dragged into hell together with the body."

"If you don't want to repent, that will be your fate after death!"

Looking at Yi Zhizi who was collapsed on the ground, Chen Ang said indifferently: "You escape the catastrophe half a moment later, the more severe the calamity later, the longer the onset time will be. I calculate, you escaped This time, it is estimated that there will be six hours to accumulate merits, repay sins, and eliminate disasters."

"But you have to think about it. Merits must be doubled to pay for sins. If the same merit or even less merit is exchanged for blessings, you may be able to survive the catastrophe. You have to think carefully about the mystery."

Yi Zhizi still had time to think about it. He was reminded by Chen Ang, and quickly spent a hundred merits to buy a half-hour of luck, and then watched the countdown to zero. Yizhizi's palms were sweating nervously, but after a few breaths, nothing happened.

Someone from the noble next to him laughed and said, "Yizhizi, you are as cowardly as a mouse..."

Just halfway through the speech, a spear was shot like lightning. Yi Zhizi was so blessed that he slipped and escaped the deadly spear. It pierced through the mouth, and the tip of the spear came out from the back of the head, apparently dead.

Where the spear came from, there was a sneer from Yisheng: "What you gave me, I will return it to you!"

It was the voice of Chi Le who had just escaped!

Yi Zhizi was sweating profusely, drenched his whole body, and was terrified. Looking at the 'karma', the countdown after the second kalpa of poison barrier (200 sins) was reset to 11:59:12. Only then did Yi Zhizi breathe out a sigh of relief, still holding onto Chen Ang's legs tightly, he said, "Sir, save me!"

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