Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 86 Bo Xun Buddha Upholds Justice


As a qualified behind-the-scenes villain, how can he not study how to control a person with the system.

As early as the beginning of time travel, when Chen Ang obtained his first doctorate, he discovered from the general behavior of human beings that the carbon-based upright apes on the earth always thought that their behavior habits and thinking patterns were out of the ordinary. As a result of their 'free will', they always feel that their social behavior may be controlled by the system and system, but their spirit must be free.

The extreme manifestation of this kind of stupidity is those MLM personnel who endure difficult conditions in small rented houses, go to class every day, play games, and more generally, study various scriptures, pray every day, and do activities in religious places religious believers.

If you add up the two numbers, you will be surprised to find that the number of upright apes who are controlled by people but still think that their spirit is free and their belief is noble occupies 7% of the entire planet ten.

This makes this stupid extreme performance look not so stupid!

After all, as a social animal, human genetic instincts and social requirements tell themselves that conformity is safe and that being in the crowd is the safest—this is also a way of mentally manipulating them—telling them that they are gregarious Yes, they have to be in groups, and those foolish people will spontaneously and consciously alienate themselves and try to blend in with the crowd.

Therefore, whether pyramid schemes or preaching, the basic requirement is a relatively closed small society where behaviors are alienated and converged.

For example, the closed trial lectures of pyramid schemes, the missionary places and ritualization of religions...the brainwashing essence of the two is manifested in the relative characteristics. So if Chen Ang needs to create a new religion in modern society, then MLM personnel are undoubtedly a focus for development.

To generalize this general psychological law, let a person's behavior and psychology be manipulated by the system, so that they think they are free, but they don't know that their every move is under the control of the black hand behind the scenes, just like a Marionettes are average, not difficult at all, to be precise - very easy.

The merit retribution system created by Chen Ang is a model of it.

"A merit is a merit, a sin is a sin!" On the surface, Chen Ang couldn't be more honest, he said bluntly: "Your understanding is too wrong! If you think that you are doing meritorious deeds by removing those who have committed the most serious crimes!"

Yi Zhizi asked in surprise, "Isn't it right?"

"Of course not..." Chen Ang said eloquently: "Let me ask you, if one of your subordinates corrupted your money and committed a serious crime, and your other subordinate killed him, would you be happy?"

Yi Zhizi suddenly realized: "Such a self-assertive person..."

"That's right!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "You won't be happy either, and you won't think that the murderer has meritorious service. The rewards and punishments come from above, not from below. Those who have sinned deeply will have their own gods and Buddhas to give retribution. It is the authority of gods and Buddhas, cause and effect, how can you be allowed to act on your behalf? Can you meddle in major events such as running reincarnation and judging good and evil?"

"Could it be that you still feel that you are innocent and meritorious?" Chen Ang sarcastically said.

"Then why is there merit?" Yi Zhizi asked puzzled.

Chen Ang said with a smile: "It is God and Buddha who used your hands to complete retribution, and told him that evil will be rewarded with evil. You see, he has committed a lot of crimes. Next, you are a ring of retribution, so you should be rewarded. Just like the murderer, if he asked you for instructions and followed your order to kill people, he will naturally have merit."

"This is the difference between being ordered and not being ordered. For example, if you kill a sinner for justice, you will naturally suffer in hell and punish your crime of killing. It is a heinous crime. But if you follow the doctrine, you will kill God. In Buddhist teachings, such as coffee, enemies of the Buddha, etc., will naturally ascend to the pure land of heaven, and they will have great merit!"

"Although that sinner is not an enemy of the Buddha, but you have the retribution system in your body, the evil person you killed must be Bo Xun, the Buddha at the end of the Dharma, who brought down the retribution in this world through your hands.

Let those evil people get their karmic retribution, you see, the merit of rewarding the good and punishing the evil, making the good and the evil in the world have their rewards, shouldn’t it be attributed to Buddha Pochon? "

Yi Zhizi understood a little bit, and said clearly: "Although I am guilty of murder, I can also receive a little merit from Buddha Boxun through the kindness of Buddha Boxun. This merit is not because I killed the guilty person, but because I Complying with the retribution, Debo Xun Buddha is willing to save me with super strength, and redeem me with a little merit besides the crime of killing."

"You do have some understanding!" Chen Ang said with a smile: "You are guilty of killing people. Buddha Boxun sent down retribution and recorded good and evil karma in the nether world. It is an immeasurable merit. I have sent down retribution, so I will give you a little merit to redeem your karma, but you guys don’t know the grace of the Buddha’s salvation, it’s sad and lamentable, and sooner or later you will fall into hell!”

Yizhizi murmured: "What kind of understanding is this? Don't the tribal chiefs and wizards all do things like this? I heard that when the Eastern Qin people have a law, the murderer will die, and the murderer will naturally be punished." To be put to death, only those who executed the murderer according to the law under the order of the King of Qin would not only be innocent, but also meritorious."

"That's why this Bodhisattva King Buddha, like the King of Qin in the Eastern Land, established a law that good and evil will be rewarded. But the right to do good and evil is in the hands of this Buddha."

"Of course." Chen Ang said with a serious face: "Buddha Boxun upholds justice for all living beings. Naturally, only Buddha Boxun himself can uphold justice. The justice presided over by others is not justice, because Buddha Boxun said who is justice , who is the justice. If you want to go beyond Buddha Boxun to uphold justice, first experience the iron fist of justice of Buddha Boxun!"

"The secret lies in the system. The maintenance of the system lies in violence!"

"And violence means gods, Buddhas, demons, and those who are not gods, Buddhas, and demons, trying to violate the system..." Chen Ang gently squeezed a nut with his right hand, put the nut into his mouth, and chewed it carefully. Zhizi shuddered fiercely.

Chen Ang ate a nut before continuing: "If there is only violence and no system has been established, then it is a monster, and there is no way to uphold justice."

"So..." Chen Ang asked: "Does the old nobleman know what merit is?"

Yi Zhizi said reverently and solemnly: "Buddha Bo Xun's merit in saving all living beings, and the virtue of surpassing all living beings is merit!" He buried his old head deeply to show his obedience.

"Nan Wubo Xun Dharma Freedom King Buddha!" ​​Chen Ang recited the Buddha's name.

Na Yizhizi followed suit and said, "Nan Wubo Xun Mo Dharma Freedom King Buddha!" ​​As soon as the words fell, a golden number jumped out of the merit value - merit +0.01.

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