"This second treasure, I've made it clear enough!" Chen Ang said: "Everyone is destined for this treasure, if you want to fight for this good fortune, you only need to recite Nan Wubo Xun Mo Dharma King Buddha!"

"All the rewards of merit and virtue will be reaped by you."

Yi Zhizi's face was cloudy and gloomy, but for a moment the onlookers couldn't make up their minds, not knowing whether this opportunity was a blessing or a curse, like a hot potato.

Chen Ang didn't wait for them to make up his mind, he said calmly: "The first two treasures already have their owners. Now this last treasure is left, just waiting for fate. This treasure is a hundred thousand miles west, Xiniu Hezhou In dozens of countries, there is a sacred mountain named Vajra Wheel Mountain, and there is a kind of divine bird on the mountain named Jialuluo."

"The Garuda Luo bird has a golden body and colorful feathers, with a wish-fulfilling pearl on its head, and a mournful cry. It eclipses a poisonous dragon king and five hundred poisonous dragons. The poisonous gas is condensed all over the body, and only a wish-fulfilling pearl on the top can ward off it. Often Hunters, in King Konglun Mountain, lured and killed Garuda birds, and cut off the wish-fulfilling pearls, which can ward off evil spirits and transform evil spirits, and prevent all poisons from invading, thinking of them as rare treasures."

Hearing what Chen Ang said, everyone looked at the strange bird on Chen Ang's shoulder, with a golden body and colorful feathers, and a pure green tumor on its head. Isn't it just like the Garuda Luo bird described by Chen Ang? ?

Seeing everyone's eyes, Chen Ang smiled slightly, looked at the calm Garuda bird on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Yes, this third treasure is the Garuda bird on my shoulder. The wish-fulfilling bead on the top of it has infinite magical effects. Don’t look at it as a sarcoma. When it’s cut off, taking it can prolong your life. If you don’t want to take it, just moisten it with warm water. Become a jade-like jade pearl, which can ward off all kinds of poisons, and prevent all evils from invading."

The Great Strength Bodhisattva on Chen Ang's shoulder cursed secretly in his heart: "What a celestial being, he wanted to sell me a long time ago, no wonder he made me look better." The strange bird that the Great Strength Bodhisattva changes is naturally not ordinary. The object is exactly what Chen Ang said about the Garuda bird.

Because the bird is one of the eight guardians of the Buddha, and the momentum is so great that it turns into a dharma body, it naturally chooses this image, but Chen Ang took the opportunity to sell it.

The sarcoma on its head is really a wishful pearl, and it is a Buddha treasure.

The Jialouluo bird feeds on poisonous dragons, and when it dies, the dragons vomit poison and cannot eat any more, so it flies up and down seven times, and flies to the top of Vajra Wheel Mountain to die. Because it feeds on dragons all its life, it accumulates a lot of poisonous gas in its body. When it is dying, it burns itself with poison, leaving only a pure green glazed heart.

This heart is wish-fulfilling pearl.

It is hard for ordinary people to imagine that the heart of Garuda is different from all birds, it is not in the chest, but on the top of the head.

What makes Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva helpless is that the Garuda bird it transforms is a Garuda king named Daweide Garuda King, and the big body, the big body, and the big body transformed by Avalokitesvara, Ksitigarbha, and Samantabhadra. Man and Ruyi are the incarnations of the four great Garuda kings, leading one of the eight protectors, the Garuda tribe.

So the wish-fulfilling bead on his head is even more extraordinary. It is a Buddha treasure that can bring the dead back to life and increase mana. It is loved by all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and gods.

If so, that's all! As one of the most powerful Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva will not be reluctant to part with a wish-fulfilling pearl.

However, the Garuda bird is a Buddha bird, which is different from ordinary beasts that hatch from wet eggs. The heart is pecked down and put into the abdomen to conceive, and then the baby bird can be born. When Jialou Luoniao loses his heart, he has a spouse to share his heart, but within seven days, a new heart will grow.

Garuda's body is highly poisonous, and for seven days when he loses his mind, his spouse will help suppress it with his wish-fulfilling beads. At this time, the two divine birds are in danger of having poisonous gas, so it is extremely difficult for this divine bird to give birth to offspring.

Now in Chen Ang's words, he said that the precious jewel on the head of King Garuda, which was transformed by the great power, really contained evil intentions.

The general situation is self-contained, if the crown on the head is cut off by someone and put into the water to condense into a wishful bead, that's all! In case there are people who have lost their minds,

Believed in the nonsense fabricated by Wuliang Tianzun, he swallowed the crown of the heart while the flesh and blood were still in the flesh.

This... Isn't this calling Dashizhi a cheap son?

Those who covet the essence and blood of the divine bird and prolong their lives are mostly old and ugly nobles of Yiqu Saohu. A dull old man gave birth to a baby bird... This can make those heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, ​​and gandharvas on the Lingshan Mountain laugh until immeasurable calamities.

Dashi thought of this terrible possibility, and was about to flap his wings and escape immediately.

Unexpectedly, just as it was about to flap its wings, Chen Ang pinched it with one hand and said with a smile, "Bodhisattva, why are you running away? I won't eat you. What about saving all sentient beings together?"

Chen Ang held the strange bird transformed by the trend, and yelled loudly: "Garuda, the strange bird of the Western Regions, is sold cheap! It's cheap, it's cheap! Is there a jewel on the head, prolonging life, immortality!" In desperation, he had no choice but to escape from the relic and fly to Lingshan with a glimmer of light.

Chen Ang forgot the distant light, just smiled, very mysterious.

The scenic spot of the Lingshan Mountain in the Western Heaven is infinitely beautiful, the temple of the Great Thunder Sound, the auspicious mist pervades Tianzhu, and the rainbow light embraces the World Honored One. It is common for apes to offer fruits, and deer to hold flowers; green luan dances, colorful phoenixes sing; Enjoy the pure land and garden, and enjoy the Dragon Palace Dharma Realm. Flowers bloom every day, fruits ripen all the time, practice tranquility and return to trueness, practice Zen and fruit is righteous. It is neither dead nor born, neither increasing nor decreasing. Misty haze comes and goes, and the cold and heat never invade and don't remember the year.

On this day, the four Bodhisattvas Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, Manjusri and Ksitigarbha visited the Bodhi Garden in the Pure Land Garden, observing the world situation in the three worlds. It fell on my Luojia mountain, turned into a pawn island, and crushed my bottle."

"Now that the Demon Emperor Qi Tian has returned to his throne, and the matter of the Lingxiao Palace is settled, the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable will not let me out."

Manjusri Bodhisattva also smiled and said: "It was so noisy that day. My Buddha ordered the eighteen arhats to take five hundred arhats to the east and south to Zhan Buzhou. Here, when I went to the rescue, I was held down and beaten violently by that guy, so poor that the vase on my head was almost knocked off, and my bun was crooked after I escaped."

"That Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable has trapped us for five hundred years. If the World Honored One hadn't taken action to bring us back after five hundred years, then today would be the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

The four Bodhisattvas laughed together, but they heard Earth Store Bodhisattva say, "I don't know where Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva has gone? I can't see anyone today!"

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva laughed and said, "You have been in the nether world for a long time, but you don't know that he was decreed by the World Honored One to fight with the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, the Supreme Old Monarch in the territory of Nanzhan Buzhou Yiqu Country? They will fight three times. The field was used as the first three catastrophes, and now it should be the first catastrophe, to save the nobles in the city of Yiqu country."

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