Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 103 The Peacock King

Several demon kings thought it was a solution, so they asked the Bull Demon King to go to the Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West, find the Ruyi True Immortal, and capture the Falling Taiquan in Jieyang Mountain. The fetal gas in the abdomen, and because of this matter, I am very anxious. Judging from the current state of the Peng Demon King, it will not take half a day to give birth.

And among all the demon kings, the one with the fastest footsteps is the unlucky Peng Demon King. If the others are too slow, they will be in trouble.

It’s about thousands of miles away from the Queen Mother’s Country of the West, and it’s really too late for Wukong and Dapeng, who have amazing escape methods. When all the demon kings were worried, a little demon came from outside the cave to report: “Xitian Lingshan, Peacock Daming King! arrive!"

Then an unaware demon king said in horror: "Why do people from Lingshan come here, but have people from Lingshan called here?" Seeing the discussion among the demon kings, the bull demon king quickly explained: "Everyone doesn't know, this peacock King Daming is a hero among us monsters. All things are born in nature, birds and beasts, beasts are made of unicorns, and birds are made of phoenixes."

"This Peacock Daming King is a descendant of Phoenix. He was the most handsome when he was born in the past. He eats people and eats up people in a forty-five miles. He is a famous demon king among our demons. Later that Tathagata Buddha practiced Taoism in the snow-capped mountains, and he was also eaten by him."

"Hahaha, the hero doesn't mention how brave he was back then!" Suddenly, someone outside the cave laughed loudly, and walked into the cave, and saw him wearing a emerald feather cloak, dotted with dozens of gemstones, with a very high stature, The humanoid incarnation is extremely handsome, and it is the Peacock Daming King. Although the Peacock Ming King is titled the Buddha's mother, he is a male monster. It seems to be a coincidence with the current Peng Demon King.

When the Peacock Daming King saw the Bull Demon King, he cupped his fists and smiled, "I didn't know how high the sky was and the earth was thick. I swallowed the Tathagata Buddha, and it was because of his noble hand that I escaped my life. Now it's an honor to be enshrined and driven by people in Lingshan. Now the demons in the world, who knows me, and who doesn't know you Pingtian Great Sage Bull Demon King?"

"If you want to say that the hero among the monsters is you, the Bull Demon King!"

Everyone carried people on the flower sedan chair. Although the Peacock Daming King was a bit embarrassed, he was still from the Lingshan Mountain, but it was okay for the monsters to praise each other. When it comes to the gods and Buddhas of the Tianting Lingshan Mountain, they are very honorable. Today's monster gatherings, Just like a group of bandits and hooligans, when talking about the happiness of being an official, of course they belittle them in their mouths, but they are jealous and hateful in their hearts.

Now there is really a fellow who has mixed up with the gods and returned home. If he is a little more arrogant, he may be able to make these soil turtles have a heart of common hatred and hatred, and make his face ugly. But this Peacock Daming King is really a man, he is an outlier, he can get ahead in the Lingshan system, naturally he has already been slick, and after some flattery, he not only made the Bull Demon King have face, but also grew up. Envious of the face of the jealous demon king.

Naturally, it's like a Chai official among the heroes, and everyone wants to give some face.

So here is a Buddhist mother Daming King, and there is a phoenix Peacock King, with beautiful flowers and a harmonious atmosphere. On the one hand, this Peacock King is a Qinggui who has been mixed into the Lingshan system and has the title of Buddha Mother, and on the other side is a descendant of Phoenix. , among the demon kings, he can be considered an orthodox and extremely noble character.

At least among those monster kings who have become monsters, every one of them can't help being three points shorter when they see him, just like seeing half of the master, they are naturally short of breath.

The Peacock Daming King frowned immediately after seeing Peng Demon King, and thought for a long time before saying: "Brother Peng Xian is my best friend. Among them, I am the fastest at escaping. Logically speaking, I should take care of this matter But I can't bear it... My mother has twins all her life, one is my peacock, and the other is my brother Dapeng. Therefore, I feel close after seeing Brother Peng. Although it is wrong now, it is after all It's my bloodline..."

Peng Demon King almost shed tears when he heard this, he shouted: "Brother, if you let this evil child be born, how do you tell me to behave in the future?"

Peacock Daming King hesitated and said, "Why don't you accept my name and be a godbrother?"

Peng Demon King was about to cry, and shouted: "Brother, just follow me this time! Quickly fall into this evil child,

Don't let it dishonor my reputation! "

King Peacock Daming held the hand of Demon King Peng, and sighed, "I know the pain of my virtuous brother the most! In the past, when the Tathagata Buddha cut my back and sealed my Buddha mother, how could I be better than my virtuous brother? You evil child You can lay down that evil fetus of mine, and even kill my mother! When I was traveling in Lingshan, I saw that enemy sitting on a lotus platform, saying that she was the mother of Buddha, but she was no different from a servant, how could I feel so wronged?"

"If my virtuous brother still insists on going his own way, then I will fetch the birth-falling spring for my virtuous brother."

Demon King Peng fell to the ground and said, "Thank you brother for that!"

The peacock was ready to leave immediately, and said before leaving: "I have come to see you heroes, not only to join in the grand event, but also to inform you of a major event that happened in the Three Realms."

The Bull Demon King looked around and said solemnly: "Please speak, Peacock King!"

"Everyone knows that the Taishang Laojun entrusted his birth to the mortal world, transformed himself into Lao Tzu, and traveled westward in the form of Hu, but he provoked the pagan leader from outside the sky and walked with him. The pagan leader Wuliang Tianzun accepted the arrogant monkey, Sun Wukong As a disciple, on the way to the west, the monkey made a big disturbance in the Taishan Temple and the Lingxiao Palace. The Jade Emperor named him the Demon Emperor of Qitian in order to calm things down. The reason." The Peacock King slowly explained the reason for this demon meeting.

The Bull Demon King nodded and said: "The Peacock King knows nothing wrong, and we raised our troops because of the lack of morality of Sun Wukong."

The Peacock King said again: "Do you know that the foreign leader had a sacrificial body that day, and he was a demon among demons, an unheard-of devil in the three worlds? This demon is separated from the infinite leader, good and evil, because the Tao is one foot tall, and the devil is one foot tall." , How great is the supernatural power of that Wuliang Tianzun, and he is a hundred times more powerful than him."

The Bull Demon King and other monsters were all shocked, and they looked at each other and said, "What happened? The Wuliang Tianzun taught a Monkey King, and he was already lawless. There is even a Heavenly Demon Retribution who is more powerful than him? Isn't that the same as... There are tens of thousands of Monkey Kings?" Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King couldn't help shivering, one Monkey King is already great, but if another Monkey King's ancestors come, will this cause chaos in the Three Realms?

Peacock Daming King said solemnly: "A few days ago, the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan Manjusri, Puxian, and Ksitigarbha gambled with the Immeasurable Celestial Venerable, but they did not attract the attention of the Immeasurable Celestial Venerable. , turning into Brahma, almost subverting the three realms, turning the universe upside down, turning everything in this world into a dream of Brahman."

"Such horrific things naturally provoked the Tathagata Buddha to take action. A few days ago, the World Honored One had been reincarnated as the poisonous prince Gautama Siddhartha. All the arhats in Lingshan, and the ancient Buddhas also followed the reincarnation. Only the great Bodhisattvas and Buddhas are sitting here. Lingshan. After the Brahma Demon came into the world, even the reincarnation of the Buddha, Gautama had to sit down and die, go there to fight against the Brahma Demon.”

"Just the day before yesterday, the leader of the ancient Buddha, Kinnara Bodhisattva, violated the Buddha's last words and warnings. God, led the ancient Pacceek Buddha lineage to rebel, attack Lingshan, and kill all Buddhas. That's why I was exiled outside Lingshan, and I dare not go back to that place."

"The Tathagata Buddha has actually disappeared?"

"This Wutian is a man!"

"Helping Wutian and attacking Lingshan, we can become Buddhas one by one!"

The news came down suddenly, like a violent storm, and shocked all the demon kings. In the scene of killing, only a few monster kings who are still relatively sober, such as the Bull Demon King, can deeply consider such earth-shattering news and the turmoil in the Three Realms that will be triggered.

Before they sorted out the three nines, there were demon soldiers reporting: "Report to the kings, there is news from the heavenly court, the Lingshan Buddha came to ask the Jade Emperor to issue an order, and seconded the Qitian Demon Emperor to calm the Lingshan Kinnaruo demon The king is making trouble! The Jade Emperor has agreed, and the decree will be issued immediately!"

Hearing this, the Bull Demon King laughed loudly and said, "That Lingshan bald donkey has today!"

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