Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 120 Brahma Demon Destroys the World Nether Transformation, Infernal Ghosts 80,000 Li

At any rate, among the traversers, they are all practitioners, and they travel extremely fast. In less than a month, they have already reached the foot of Kunlun Mountain. The majestic Kunlun ancestral line spans Nanzhan Buzhou and Xiniu Hezhou. The natural state boundary of the state, the long yellow sand Gobi in Xiniu Hezhou, here, there is a touch of softness brought by the melting snow and water on the Kunlun Mountains.

The meandering river creates many oases on the Gobi Desert, and they form a string along the river, like green pearls strung with silver threads in the yellow sand of the Gobi Desert.

This is an uninhabited land of thousands of miles of wilderness. The traversers have been walking along the river for three days on the Gobi, because the speed of climbing the wind and clouds is slow. Apart from crossing mountains and rivers, passing through those wind-eroded rocks and river valleys has long been difficult. When the terrain is rough, it is necessary to set up the wind and clouds. At other times, it is necessary to use supernatural powers (Buddhist Bhikkhu) or stick a yellow talisman on a horse or horse, or use escape methods.

"Most of the rivers here originate from the snow peaks of Tanggula and Kunlun. Along this dry river, you should reach the Kunlun Mountains in a short distance!" Chen Ang pointed out the way for them.

Some people doubted: "The topography and landforms of the ancient times are so different from those of later generations! How can you be sure?"

"It's terrible here!" The old pedant murmured, "The Yuan Magnetic Divine Light I cultivated can no longer distinguish the direction after entering the Great Gobi! The wind that blew the day before yesterday was as strong as a steel knife. The sand is like cold iron, mixed in the evil spirit, not to mention the flesh and blood, even the golden magic weapon can't stand it!"

"Also, you idiot!" The old Taoist priest Qingchen said angrily: "Dare to use the magnetic and divine light to protect the body in the black wind, and the result is that the high-altitude wind and the black storm intersect. The quality of fine iron is also attracted by you. The sky and the earth are intersected and turned into a god thunder Xuansha, and with the help of the black sand of gold and iron quality, it is transformed into a ninety-nine heavy gold wind mixed with evil god thunder... Tribulations are not that terrible! The old man lived to be more than three hundred and fifty years old. Fortunately, he was about to meet Dao Patriarch, and he almost killed you!"

"And last time!" The strong butcher also yelled angrily, "You flew across the river valley with Yuan Magnetic Divine Light, and you ran fast by yourself. I was frightened when I ran into the river valley behind you, and the mixed poisonous water erupted upwards. Within hundreds of miles, the plants, trees, birds, and beasts are all dead. If I hadn’t given up a pair of life-saving talismans and disappeared, the poisonous water of chaos, I would have turned into pus if I touched it!"

"Also last time you alarmed the big monster in the valley, swallowed miasma, almost made me swallowed alive!"

"I was almost killed by you too! The voice called our names, and you ran fast without turning your head, and didn't remind me a word, which caused me to accidentally die. When I looked back, I almost died in the hands of that demon .If Senior Chen Ang didn't rescue me...Senior even gave me a supernatural power and a secret method that can call people's souls, why don't you give me an explanation. Don't blame me for calling your name."

The old pedant has already provoked the wrath of the heavens and the people, and committed the anger of the public. Now someone is taking the lead in denouncing it. Seeing that many of the traversers are eager to give him a good look, he has to carefully admit his mistakes, make amends everywhere, and promise many benefits. He is also knowledgeable. Talented, there are still many places that can be used among the traversers, so they are not besieged by the crowd.

Moreover! The old pedant is proficient in escaping methods, the best thing is escaping, and he is also cowardly and alert. He has always adhered to the principle that if you don't run away, you will be in danger. Can I not escape you? He has an attitude of fleeing for his life. Although he has repeatedly caused troubles, every time an incident occurs, he can escape before others. That's why many people were cheated. There are so many people here, if Chen Ang and several other recognized masters do not make a move, it is really impossible to take him down.

The old pedant wanted to change the subject, he was very sensitive to the surrounding environment, and sensed that something was wrong in front of him, he quickly pointed forward and exclaimed: "You look at that oasis, it seems to be different?"

Everyone used their magical powers to peek ahead, and sure enough, a hundred miles away, there seemed to be human presence in an oasis by the river, but at this time it was meal time, but there was no one.

Several people with high mana set up the escape light, and in less than a moment, they landed in the oasis,

The middle-aged demon had just landed, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and the faces of the others were also solemn. In the oasis, there were skeletons scattered all over the place. Some dried corpses seemed to be still struggling, with grim expressions, as if they were dying in great pain.

The old Taoist priest Qingchen looked around and said solemnly: 'These should be nomadic ghost Fangrong people. For some reason, the whole tribe is extinct! I looked around and found that there was a very strong and fierce yin here, with a hint of fierceness. It should be plague or filth killing people. But the people here did not die suddenly. I looked at the back, and there are many newly piled tombs. The entire tribe must have struggled for a month and buried nearly half of the population before they were suddenly massacred! "

Standing in front of the two skeletons, the strong butcher looked a bit puzzled. As the travelers felt one after another, they had a judgment on the situation. Everyone thought that this place should not be far from the Kunlun Hundred Kingdoms. If you come to Kunlun Mountain, you will be a ghost. Where the nomads are located, in Guogui Fang, you will probably reach the Hetao Plain where Yiqu is located.

After walking a few steps in the tribal ruins, someone smelled an extremely strange smell, a bit like the stench of wild animals, with a strong rotten smell. Several people came together to see that it was a row of pottery. The cans were neatly arranged in a row and placed under the earthen wall. Someone curiously looked over and couldn't help but exclaim.

"These jars contain human heads!"

The old pedant leaned over and saw the belly of the jar. There was a tightly packed black ball. He smashed one and saw the round head rolled out. It was a human head, or a ghost. Fang Quanrong's head, with wide-open eyes, has an extremely ferocious face.

Someone among the traversers said tremblingly: "The mouth of this jar should not be able to fit a human head in!"

Everyone saw that the opening of the jar was only the size of a fist, not to mention a human head, and even the radius of the neck was larger than it. It can be done with a simple technique." He lifted an empty jar next to him, put it on his head, and really easily stuck his head in.

His voice buzzed from inside the jar: "Look, I just stuffed it in!"

"Boring!" Everyone shook their heads and laughed, everyone is a cultivator, who would scare this little trick? After a hasty inspection, they didn't mean to avenge the people of this tribe. They just used a magic spell to find out the traces of people ahead from the breath of some valuables in the tribe. After confirming the direction, they were about to rush over.

At this time, someone saw that the previous traveler was still wearing the jar, and couldn't help laughing: "Are you going to wear it all the time?"

The old Taoist priests, monks, strong men and others who were walking in front heard the words and hurriedly turned their heads to see a man with a pot on his head standing behind them and didn't answer. Said: "Don't get close! He is no longer human!"

The Buddha disciple bhikkhu looked frightened and angry, and kept chanting the Buddha's name in his mouth while holding the Buddha beads.

"The yin energy is so heavy, this is probably the filth that caused the massacre of this tribe! I told you not to die... relying on a little magical power, you dare to move around, do you really think this is still our world? In ancient times, ghosts know how many dangerous ghosts there are, don't forget...the hell is still there!" The old Taoist scolded.

However, Chen Ang reminded: "The underworld is still there, how could there be such ghosts coming out in broad daylight? Could it be that something happened to the underworld?"

"Senior thinks too much!" The brawny man could still laugh and said, "We don't know what's going on in this ancient underworld, so why don't you miss two ghosts occasionally?"

Someone couldn't help but slashed out a lightning strike in the palm of his hand, the thunder light easily smashed the clay pot, revealing the head of the person inside, it turned out that the head of the person had disappeared, and now the person wearing it around his neck was the one just now. The human head contained in the smashed clay pot.

Everyone looked at where the head was. Where is the broken pot? But there was a complete pottery pot, and everyone knew without looking at whose head was inside.

The old Taoist roared angrily: "The sky and the earth are boundless, and the universe uses the law!" The roots of the iron whisk in his hand soared, and the silver threads swept away, hitting the ghost, and countless thunders and lights intertwined into thousands of tiny silver snakes. fly ash. The human head flew up and turned into a ferocious and terrifying strange bird with two ears as wings, allowing the body to be refined by the thunder.

The old Taoist cursed loudly: "Jini is a bastard! If you hadn't caused Lao Tzu's treasure, Fuchen, to be mixed in the golden wind, killing God and Lei, and greatly hurting his vitality. How did Lao Tzu fall to this point?"

Chen Ang reminded loudly: "Be careful, it's a Gu carving!"

The fierce bird Gu Diao whose head turned into screamed, and all the traversers covered their ears to resist the sharp cry. After the sound passed, everyone was unharmed. The strong man sneered: "Just you three-legged cat It’s okay to harm mortals, but you still want to harm us..."

Before he finished speaking, his face turned pale, because he saw that the row of more than 30 clay pots had all started to crack due to the cries of the Gu carvings, and the things inside were about to move. The traversers watched The ghost aura is deep, I just killed one of the Gu sculptures among them, after weighing it for a while, I found that even if the old Taoist priest Qingchen, who was the top three in mana among them, made a move, the Gu sculptures would be nothing more than a tie.

If we join forces with that Buddhist monk, we may be able to eliminate the gu carvings after a hard battle. There are definitely no more than ten people who can help here, but there are thirty Multiple.

Everyone could use primary school mathematics to calculate a general idea, so the old pedant was the first to react, and fled for his life, and everyone else followed, even Chen Ang was no exception.

Someone flew into the air and looked back, only to see countless strange birds and monsters transformed into human heads have chased into the air. In the tribe, a few dead Populus euphratica pulled out their roots, and a few dry corpses were struggling in the root wrapping. , There are ghosts flying by the river, and white dogs running with corpses on the ground. In the blink of an eye, this small tribe by the river has instantly turned into ghosts.

In the shadow of ghosts and creatures, the gaze of an indescribable existence remained in his last memory.


The old Taoist heard a terrified cry from behind him. He turned his head and saw a traveler fleeing against the wind, turning into a hideous ghost alive in mid-air!

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