Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 124 Infernal ghosts and monsters have a demon country, the shrew Liuhe Dong who protects the

A group of traversers didn't notice the eyes in the dark, and walked straight to a nearby small village. In order to avoid shocking the world, they restrained themselves and walked towards the small village on foot. Today is the ancient times, and it is not like the later generations. Practitioners like them can be allowed to go up and down. In such a populated place, there are city gods' land everywhere.

Those monks who have little cultivation base dare to fly over the heads of these gods, and they must be stumbled by the divine light that soars into the sky, and they will also provoke these gods to question their sins.

This is just an ordinary land city god. If you accidentally collide with Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun Temple, Laojun Temple, and Nezha Third Prince Temple, these great gods and righteous masters certainly don't have time to trouble them small pawns, but they There is no shortage of people who want to flatter them. Maybe there will be a righteous god of Leibu who will bring down ninety-nine catastrophes and kill anyone who dares to offend.

There are probably only forty or fifty families in that small village, a cottage facing the main road, with two straw handles on the top of the tree, indicating that this is a family that sells wine and tea. Fortunately, there is never a shortage of monks. Old Antique, Qingchenzi was overjoyed when he saw it, and said with a smile: "There is a resting place in the front, let's go and ask about the situation first. This Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West sounds like it has something to do with the Queen Mother of the West, so don't be careless. It's so weird, I must be able to ask some reasons here!"

The traveler and his group consisted of monks and daoists, a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and some monks who were mostly modern monks, which looked quite eye-catching.

Qing Chenzi asked everyone to dress up as a Taoist. It was inconvenient to travel in ancient times. Many places have never been visited by outsiders in their lives. Except for business travelers, only monks and Taoists can travel conveniently. Fortunately, monks are generally used to this, except for Huishan who refused and only wore the tattered cassock, the others all changed into Taoist attire and went to knock on the door of that farmer's house.

After knocking for a long time, someone inside asked extremely vigilantly: "Who are you?"

Qing Chenzi flicked the whisk, and put on a familiar posture of immortality, pretending to be profound: "We are Taoist priests from Hezhou, Xiniu. We go to the middle land to find immortals and Taoism, and trace the source! Passing through our country, Because of the long journey, come and rest!"

The person behind the door looked at him carefully for a while, and then choked out a sentence: "Why don't you go to Dongsheng Shenzhou, but go to Zhongtu to trace the origin, there are no Taoists in Zhongtu!"

"There are no Taoist priests in Zhongtu?" Qing Chenzi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to show his secrets in this kind of place, but after all he traveled all over the world, he didn't know how many stupid men and women like this fooled him, and he didn't justify himself at the moment, but just shouted loudly Unpredictably smiled and said: "What can I visit in Dongsheng Shenzhou? Taoist ancestor Taishang Laojun has long been reincarnated in Zhongtu, and now he is out of Hangu in the west. Everyone knows that we are going to visit his old man!"

"So that's how it is!" The door was pulled open with a squeak, and an old woman poked her head out cautiously, and said to them: "The place is not peaceful recently, and there are evil spirits here. That's why the old woman dare not open the door to entertain people." Distinguished guest. Since you are a high-ranking person from Hezhou, Xiniu, please come in quickly!"

Qing Chenzi didn't refuse, and squeezed into the small cottage with a group of people, pretending to ask casually: "The master said that there are evil spirits here, so I'm not talking big, ordinary evil spirits, seeing us There is truth in the truth, and it is too late to avoid it. If the master tells the past, I will get rid of the evil spirit for you, and it will be considered as a reward for your hospitality!"

Hearing what he said, the old woman waved her hands in fright and said, "No, absolutely no! Taoist priest, this evil spirit is unusual! The local area is protected by the Queen Mother of the West, there are gods in the mountains, dragons in the water, land in the village, and land in the city. There is a city god, the mountain gods are in trouble, the land is in trouble, these gods can't get rid of the evil spirits, although you are Taoists, you are only mortals, how can you do it? Going is just a waste of life!"

"Oh?" Qing Chenzi is proficient in the basic skills of fooling fools and fools. He didn't argue when he saw this, but said leisurely: "It's okay if you say it. If we can't, when we go east to visit the Supreme Lord, I will replace you It may be useful to mention it?"

When the old woman heard the name of Taishang Laojun,

She hesitated a little, she knew that the Taishang Laojun was an old god who was on par with the Queen Mother, if he had a hand, he would be able to lift them out of this misfortune.

Then tell what you know one by one.

It turned out that this place was originally blessed by the Queen Mother of the West. It was a country of daughters. There were no men in the country. People went to check, but after the envoys fled back, they died mysteriously one by one.

Then some strange phenomena began to appear in the middle school. Many people disappeared inexplicably. Occasionally, corpses were found, and their deaths were horrific.

Until the day before yesterday, a warrior from the Daughter Kingdom, whose boudoir name was Liuhe Dong's shrew, was found to have been disembowelled and died at home. The queen dreamed of Liuhe East's lonely soul falling into a dream at night, saying that she was murdered to death by a ghost in her dream. , Immediately after death, he turned into a wronged soul, only then did he realize that the ghost that killed him was a man from the Guifang clan.

Liuhe Dong immediately shouted: "How dare a man bully a tigress!"

Tear up that ghost! She ate it alive... Then she toured her daughter's country, and found that there were many ghosts in the country, and the God's Domain of the City God's Land was inexplicably strange, which made her afraid and dare not approach. Liuhe East then toured Xiwangmu's country at night, and when he saw ghosts, he would eat them alive. Those ghosts were not as ruthless as her, and they were all scared away.

Only then did the peace of Daughter Country be preserved!

The king of Daughter Kingdom knew the inside story after hearing Liuhe Dong's report, and asked in horror: "Now the city god's land is not suitable, the queen mother doesn't notice, and there are evil spirits making trouble, what should I do?"

Liuhe Dong immediately laughed and said, "The ghost has no guts!"

"Humans cannot control ghosts, but ghosts can control ghosts. Now that there are no immortals and gods, if there are ghosts making trouble, they will have to die. However, there are those who are as timid as chickens, and there are heroic heroes. If you are timid, you will be weak, and if you are weak, your soul will not be solid. If you are not solid, you will be a little ghost in death, the spirit will be scattered and the soul will be empty, and the evil ghost will have no fear! If you die generously, you will be a hero in life, and you will be a ghost in death. Ghosts are also afraid of people and dare not harm them!"

"Secondly, there are virtuous and unworthy people, and ghosts also have vicious and heroic spirits. A strong man should protect his neighbors when he dies. The queen can order people to find generous people in the country, and invite them to travel around and fight against evil spirits. Such a heroic evil spirit. If you dare not commit crimes before, you will become a ghost hero after death, and you can defend our country with me!"

After hearing Liuhe Dong's remonstrance, the queen felt that it was reasonable, so she announced the truth to the whole country, and named Liuhe Dong the ghost king of protecting the country. He admired her character very much, and called her Tianshi Liu, also known as Tianshi Liu, the shrew who protects the country. From then on, everyone in the Queen Mother of the West knew the truth that you should not be cowardly when fighting with ghosts, and the evil ghosts harming people gradually came under control.

The evil ghost was worried that after killing the person, he would be retaliated by the ghost of the person, and wanted to harm the person very much, so he tried every means to use all kinds of tricks to scare the person out of his mind before he would kill him decisively. Over the past few days, the old woman has seen many strange things caused by evil spirits, such as carrying coffins around at night, and the water in the water tank suddenly turned red, because people have no power to fight back in front of evil spirits. Relying on a breath of courage, people are still killed by evil spirits from time to time.

When I heard them knocking on the door today, I was worried that it was evil spirits again, so I tried every means.

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