Fantasy World Transmigration

Chapter 126 Xieyang Mountain Beside the Dapeng Bone, the Immortal Infant and the Bird

"Why are there two mountains here?" The butcher said in surprise:

"That beautiful mountain should be Mount Jieyang." The old Taoist priest Qingchen said in a deep voice: "The barren mountain next to me gives me a bad feeling, it seems to be a dead place in Fengshui..."

"Death?" The middle-aged Yaodao looked up, but was horrified by the death aura on the mountain and took a few steps back, yelling in fear: "The evil aura is continuous, and the death aura is like a canopy rolling back. The living beings, even the mountains, rocks and springs are dead, all over the mountain, even if a ray of wind blows in, they will be suffocated! This is not a dead place, it is simply a desperate place, a forbidden place, a ghostly place..."

"A Taoist priest, I have been admiring Fengshui and geography for eighty years, and I have never seen a more fierce place than this place!"

After the middle-aged Yaodao finished speaking, he said with some regret: "It's a pity that I didn't bring my Warring States bronze armored corpse. Otherwise, if I was buried on that mountain, I would most likely transform into a flying Yaksha!"

The old Taoist Qingchen sneered when he heard the words: "Flying Yaksha? In this place, the green dragon severed its head on the left, the white tiger held the corpse on the right, the red bird weeping blood in front, the Xuanwu corpse in the back, and the thousand miles of Lingshan, all Fengshui was killed by it! Just one Flying Yasha still wants to take away its evil spirit? Even if Hanba comes, he will be buried here."

"Such a Jedi can't even raise zombies!"

"This place can't even cultivate evil things, and evil things and fierce things can't be bred. Of course, once a fierce thing is born, it will be a peerless monster!"

Chen Ang took out a compass from nowhere, fiddled with it, and said in a low voice: "You don't need to go to Jieyang Mountain in front! The Feng Shui here is broken by this fierce mountain. Luotai Spring can have such a miraculous effect , it must be transformed by the spirit of Xieyang Mountain, now that the spirit mountain has been destroyed, and the spirit has turned into a ghost, then the spring water may have turned into something!"

"According to my experience, such an auspicious turn of events is bound to be accompanied by an ominous creature."

"In the Book of Mountains and Seas, many of the vicious beasts such as Shengyu, Chongyi, etc., which were seen as fierce in the world and severe drought in the world, were formed after the destruction of Lingshan, and the spiritual creatures bred by a beautiful mountain were alienated. It might turn into some kind of ferocious beast."

"Such a naturally ferocious beast transforms itself by seizing the beauty of a mountain, inheriting the grievances of the Lingshan Mountain, and possesses the magic power of immortals as soon as it is born. This Xieyang Mountain gave birth to Nvnuhe, which is the place under the Kunlun Mountains where the earth's qi is lingering for thousands of miles. Inheriting the Kunlun ancestral line. Zhongling is beautiful, rare in the world, once a fierce beast is born, I am afraid it will be extraordinary."

"Why is there a fierce mountain suddenly here?" Someone wondered: "This mountain is so conspicuous, how can the people of Daughter Country not know it? We should have heard of it a long time ago."

"Unless the daughter of the country doesn't know about it."

The old Taoist added: "Since those weird things happened, Luotai Spring is the most evil because of the heavy killing, and the people of Daughter's country are gradually afraid to come here. There are many clouds and mists on this mountain. If you don't look closely, it's true. If this mountain suddenly appeared after those things happened, of course the people in Daughter Country would not know about it!"

"There seems to be someone in front!" Someone noticed with sharp eyes that there was a vague figure looking at the fierce mountain not far away on Jieyang Mountain.

At this time, a gust of wind blew from nowhere, and the clouds and mist between the two mountains were pushed away, so that the figure was clearly exposed to everyone's eyes.

"It's the Bull Demon King!" The old Taoist sucked in a breath of air, and tried every means to evade, but unexpectedly bumped into those strongest people in ancient times, who were called the Great Sage among the monsters, and they were already faint monsters The second person among them is the Bull Demon King. At this time, the old Taoist priest couldn't help wondering whether the time travel of himself and others was also a big conspiracy that spanned countless years!

But the Bull Demon King didn't have time to pay attention to the ants in his eyes. He stared at the fierce mountain next to Jieyang Mountain. The roc falling into the dust, the 'roc' raised its head and roared loudly, and the stagnant mountain shape seemed to be its unwilling struggle before death.

It is angry, it is sad, it wants to flap its wings and fly to the nine heavens again!

The Bull Demon King said in a daze, "Third brother!"

This turned out to be the dead corpse of Peng Demon King!

"Gu Huo! Gu Huo!" Behind him on Mount Xieyang,

There was a crying sound like a baby, monk Huishan, old Taoist priest Qingchen, middle-aged demon, and that strong man who looked like a butcher all changed their faces.

In the blink of an eye, a body was round like a dustpan, clustered with ten rings, nine necks and eight heads. A unique strange bird flew out from the direction of the Poer Cave in Jieyang Mountain, screaming loudly, and the blood dripped from the severed head and neck. It falls, falls on the ground, within ten miles, the grass and trees lift up the dry ashes, each of which has two wings, and the eighteen wings rush forward.

The cry of the strange bird was extremely ear-piercing, and to the ears of all the travelers, it actually made people drowsy, dizzy and weak.

Just by shouting, ninety-nine out of ten traversers can hardly fight back.

"It turned out to be Guhuo Bird!" Qingchenzi said in horror: "How many children have been melted away in Poer Cave, and their grievances have been suppressed by Lingshan on weekdays. With the help of resentment, the fierceness of a beautiful mountain will turn into hostility, and a fierce beast will be born to bring disaster to the earth!"

"This bird is the land of this Lingshan Mountain. It is given to those who go to Nvnuhe to beg for a son, but refuse to bear children, and are aborted. After Nvguo gives birth to a child, within a hundred days, Guhuo Bird will take it away." Son! This is a natural fierce beast like Xiangliu, Wu Zhiqi, and Jiuying in the era of ancient sage kings. Only the ancient Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and even Yao, Shun and Yu Tang can get rid of the great evil."

In contrast, Chen Ang's words were more concise: "No match, run away!"

As he was talking, the old pedant who was running the fastest in front suddenly hugged his stomach and cried out in pain, and fell to the ground. Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone, his stomach grew visibly bigger with the naked eye!

The old pedant rubbed his stomach and grumbled bitterly, "I ran away all my life, but I didn't expect that when I was old, I still couldn't escape! No matter how fast you run, you can't beat your fate!"

Qing Chenzi had already fled to his side, and the old scholar floated up, took out a dose of elixir from his bosom, and was about to feed him.

Unexpectedly, the old scholar pushed his hand away, and sighed: "It's useless, leave me alone, let's go! What is conceived in my womb is a ghost. This Queen Mother of the West who has fallen from Xieyang Mountain for thousands of years There are countless fetuses in the country, and these children were killed by their biological mothers before they were born, and the deep resentment is deeply moving."

"That's why this aunt was born!"

"Unlike other ghost birds, the Guhuo bird, which is transformed from a beautiful mountain in Xieyang Mountain, is a collection of resentment from hundreds of millions of ghost fetuses, so it can give birth. The ghost is sent into the abdomen, and it is almost impossible to resist. The ghost enters the abdomen, and I want to vent my grievances. After a while, it will come out from my ribs. Take my blood and soul, and turn into another girl bird!"

"This Xieyang Mountain Guhuo Bird can also be called Guhuo Ghost Mother!"

"Originally, they satisfy the source of resentment. After they are reborn, they should fulfill their vows and reincarnate. However, something has changed in this area, and they have become like ghosts and monsters. They cannot be reincarnated. I am pregnant with it now. I can feel the ignorant consciousness and rooted resentment in its heart."

The old pedant sat down and sighed, "I would like to influence it with love and let it understand the love of parents, selfless and pure, make up for its regret and grief, and resolve its injustice and resentment. Brother Qingchenzi, people who are about to die have good words, can you promise me one thing."

Qingchenzi heard the words, but was shocked by the pure kindness of the old scholar when he was dying, so he supported him and said, "Taoist friend, please tell me!"

"Please influence these ghosts with kind thoughts and love. Don't ask the reason and kill them!" The old pedant gasped for a while, and was almost speechless. His belly was already as big as a bucket, and his thin belly was almost transparent. Seeing the ghost fetus in his belly, he opened his eyes in confusion and looked at his 'mother'.

The old pedant rubbed his belly, with a kind and peaceful face, and said with the last bit of strength: "Brother is the greatest mercy to find a way to reincarnate these ghosts. It is the greatest mercy. My life is hanging by a thread now, and I understand the future." The great love of Tu Niangniang in the past is boundless, I already feel that the place where the soul goes, the nether world, has disappeared. The souls of all living beings have nowhere to go, pitiful and pathetic!"

"Brother Dao, please go to the Houtu Temple to pray for me, and ask the empress to show mercy and re-establish reincarnation, so that the souls of all living beings have a home!"

The old pedant tried his last slack of strength. After explaining this sentence, he screamed. Qingchenzi touched his waist, and his clothes were soaked in blood. Qingchenzi pulled off his shirt for him, and saw the old pedant There was a palm-wide opening in his left rib, and the baby ghost inside was poking around cautiously.

Although the ghost baby almost killed the old scholar, the baby's soul is weak after all, it is only possible because of the ghost mother's aunt, now it is just a weak ghost, Qingchen old Taoist priest can kill it with a single hand.

Seeing the old scholar's soul and flesh gradually decaying and decaying, the old Taoist priest Qingchen got angry from his heart, and he controlled the five thunders, and was about to send out a palm thunder to get rid of the evil fetus, but the old scholar held his right hand tightly, and then Seeing the ghost baby's pure and innocent eyes without any impurities, he finally put down his hand.

Qing Chenzi mourned and said: "Fellow Daoist, fellow Daoist! I lost another friend today!"

The old pedant was sucked clean by the ghost baby in front of his eyes, leaving only a piece of human skin, the ghost baby babbled twice, saw the old Taoist priest Qingchen sitting aside, didn't respond, so he put on the human skin, It turned into a strange bird with two heads and colorful feathers, calling: "Xia Huo, Xia Huo!" and flew into the distance.

Only then did the old Taoist priest Qingchen raise his head, realizing that his fellow Taoist wish had come true after all!

It turns out that ghosts and ghosts can also be influenced by people!

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